Indulging in Irene (12 page)

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Authors: D.L. Raver

BOOK: Indulging in Irene
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I drove down the road about a mile before pulling the Viper over. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead on the steering wheel and let myself come down. My emotions whirled between reveling in finally being with Irelyn, and feeling like a spineless jellyfish of a man for giving in.

How could I not? The look on her face as she stood naked before me, telling me how much she wanted me, and how she needed me to give her the strength to leave him, there was no way I could deny her. Not when we both wanted it.

The images of Irelyn under me bombarded my mind, and my body reacted. All I could think about was the way she tasted and the way her tits were the perfect handful. Shit, we were just perfect. Even though it had been hard and fast, it had also been emotional in a way I’d never experienced.

I was in trouble—knee-deep in the weeds. If she didn’t leave Marcus, what the fuck would I do? I had stayed away from her for this very reason. Leaving her last night at Suede had been tortuous. That held nothing to how hard leaving tonight had been. Knowing she’d have to deal with
made me want to go crazy.

“I’m yours, Zolt. Since that day, I’ve been yours.”

God, I couldn’t believe she said that to me and the effect those words had.

I was in uncharted territory. Since Candace, my girlfriend at the time of the injury, I’d made a point to keep sex and emotions separate. Not just separate, but on two different hemispheres. The way I felt for Irelyn scared the shit out of me. I needed clarity, and I needed something more to bring me down.

I pulled the Viper on the road and went home, driving at speeds that would probably have me thrown into jail if caught.

I didn’t care. The Viper, I could control. The V10 engine roaring to life gave me a sense of power I was lacking everywhere else. It felt freeing to drive her the way she was meant to be driven.

When I arrived at home, I grabbed my bong and headed for the pool. I put the bong by the hot tub and stripped off my clothes, and dove into the pool. For over an hour, I swam lap after lap until my muscles and my leg ached to the point of exhaustion. Then, I moved to the hot tub, smoked a few bowls, and tried to push the events of the night out of my head. Well, most of the events. Being inside of Irelyn wasn’t something I’d soon forget.

Nothing quieted my mind. All I could see was the way Marcus looked at Irelyn, touched her, and basically treated her like a possession and not the beautiful woman she was. Why her parents couldn’t see it, pissed me off. But I saw it clear as day, and I would do everything in my power to get her away from him.

With the pot calming me, I methodically thought about Marcus—what he’d said, and what he hadn’t said. The way he’d looked at my leg just before closing the door to Jacob’s study flashed in my mind, and I sat up straight. That meant something. My sixth sense confirmed it. I wondered if T-bone had information that would confirm my instincts.

I got out of the hot tub and went into the bedroom. I was exhausted—emotionally and physically spent.

I climbed into bed and was about to turn off the light when my phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Irelyn: Hi. Did you get home okay?

I smiled at Irelyn’s message and responded.

Me: I did. Everything all right?

Irelyn: Um, Marcus left after talking to Daddy so I didn’t have to see him. Did I tell you how amazing being with you was?

Me: No, but I kind of figured that out by the way your eyes rolled back in your head as you came.

Irelyn: :) I’m blushing.

Me: Why? Watching you come is hot. Seriously, Irelyn, are you still planning to tell him tomorrow?

Irelyn: Yes. I’ve arranged for lunch at his favorite restaurant. Daddy and Mom will be on their way to Quebec and won’t be able to interfere. Marcus won’t make a scene in the restaurant. Sloan will drive me and wait until I’m done. I honestly don’t expect it to take more than fifteen minutes.

I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. Irelyn had thought this out. She had a plan. A nervous excitement shot through me. Tomorrow would be our beginning. I couldn’t fucking wait.

Me: I’m planning to work from home tomorrow. If you need me, call. When you’re done, please come to my house.

Irelyn: Okay. Going to sleep now. You wore me out. :) Sweet dreams, Zolt.

Me: Night, Irelyn.

Irelyn: XOXO

I quickly tapped out a message to Hannah telling her to buy groceries for the weekend, listing what few things I knew Irelyn liked. It may be premature on my part to think we’d be spending the weekend together, but I wanted to be prepared. I had a good feeling about tomorrow.

Again, I set the phone on the night table and reached for the light, when my phone rang. I picked it up, surprised and nervous that T-bone would call so late.

“Hey, T. What’s up?”

“Are you sitting, Z man?”

“Uh, I’m in bed, so I’m basically lying down. Why?”

This wasn’t good.

“I have some news about Marcus Xavier that, well, is fucking insane,” T-bone said gruffly.


“The dude is running a sex club, a BDSM club to be exact. I’m fairly certain he has the parties at the O’Shea ranch property.”

I sat up in bed and almost dropped the phone. “O’Shea? That’s Irelyn’s mother’s maiden name. Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Nope. Dead serious,” T-bone said.

“BDSM? Are you sure?” My mouth dropped open, and I stared ahead disbelieving what T-bone had said.

“As sure as I am that you’re going to owe me a shitload of Benjamin Franklin’s when all is said and done.”

An image of the necklace that Irelyn had worn since Marcus returned flashed in my head.

A collar. He fucking collared her!

“Zolt, you there man?” T-bone said impatiently.

“Yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking about something. T-bone, I think he collared Irelyn.”

Though BDSM wasn’t my scene—other than the occasionally dabbling in a little bondage—I knew a collar when I saw one, and I knew what it meant to be collared. Xavier wasn’t playing by the rules. Irelyn hadn’t consented to this.

“Didn’t you tell me they didn’t have that kind of sexual relationship?” T-bone asked, confused.

“That’s what I don’t get. Irelyn said Marcus barely touches her, and they have perfunctory sex once a week, in the dark, and he always wears a condom. Before you ask, yes, I believe her. So why would he collar her if they weren’t engaging in a consensual BDSM relationship? I guarantee Irelyn doesn’t know that’s what the necklace means. It’s a hideous thick gold monstrosity with a fancy X hanging from it.”

Zolt heard T-bone draw in a sharp breath.

“Shit. That explains it,” T-bone grunted out.

“Explains what?” I was starting to get the sense that something big and bad was heading in mine and Irelyn’s direction.

My phone beeped with an incoming email.

“I just sent you an email I received from Xavier’s club. Look closely at it. It’s a notice for a special event being planned that includes an auction—a master’s auction. Dude, I’m not in that scene, I don’t have a fucking clue what it means. But the one thing it said was X marks the prize, and there was an image of a gold necklace with an X hanging from it.”

I opened the email and felt all the color drained from my face. Irelyn’s necklace was pictured on the bottom of the flyer.

“Oh, fuck, T. He plans to auction Irelyn. I’ll fucking kill him.”

“No, you won’t, Z man. If there’s any dirty work to be done, my boys and I will do it. Understand?”

I grunted a response that was neither yes or no.

“Like the old days, Zolt. Let me protect you. I won’t fail you this time.”

“You didn’t fail me before.” I hated that he felt that way, but I also recognized that physically I didn’t have the abilities I once had. “Yes. I’ll let you take care of it.”

“Is she still with him?”

“Yeah. She’s breaking it off with him tomorrow at lunch.” I drew my knees up and rested my arms on them. “Can you arrange for security for her? She said she was bringing Sloan, but I don’t think a chauffeur is enough.”

“Dude, Sloan Sullivan isn’t any chauffeur. The man is ex-mercenary. He worked in Africa and Northern Ireland. The guy has a major rep as a bad-ass.”

“How bad-ass?” I asked, now terrified for Irelyn.

“He can snap your neck one-handed. Is that bad-ass enough? And, he’s an expert marksman. If it will make you feel better, I’ll contact him tomorrow through channels and give him the 411.”

“Yeah, do that,” I said, shaking my head. I was glad, and not really surprised, that Wilkes had hired a man like Sloan Sullivan to watch over his family. “Hey, do you think Jacob Wilkes knows?”

T-bone laughed mirthlessly. “I’m almost positive he knows about the sex club. Whether he knows about the auction, I don’t know. As a soon to be father myself, I fucking hope not. Didn’t you say Wilkes is suddenly leaving the country for over a month? A convenient trip, I’d say.”

“What have you found out about Chris Wilkes’s death? I’m starting to wonder if Irelyn is right.”

“That’s another story entirely. The investigation is buried as deeply as I’ve ever seen. I feel certain there’s more to the story. I’ll keep digging. In the meantime, the best thing to do is have Irelyn stay with you, especially if she does dump the bastard. There’s no telling what the fucktard will do.”

“Okay,” I agreed, still in shock. Of all the things I imagined about Marcus Xavier, this never crossed my mind. Blood pounded in my ears, and I suddenly wanted to beat the shit out of him for even thinking of using Irelyn like that.

“Zolt, are you going to tell her?” T-bone asked.

“I think I have to. About the sex club, definitely. Maybe not the auction until we have confirmation. I don’t want to freak her out more than necessary.”

“Agreed. If it is what we think it is, tomorrow will put a kink in his plans. This won’t be pretty.” T-bone laughed manically. “But hey, I’m not pretty. I’ll fuck the dude up in a heartbeat.”

I had to smile at that. He always had my back. “Thanks, T. I know I’m paying you, but I’ll never be able to repay you. You’re invaluable.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet, you big pussy. I’ve got work to do. I’ll jabber at you tomorrow. Call if you need me. Oh, and after you talk to Irelyn, I highly suggest you create a panic word. I don’t mean to scare you, but I also want you prepared. Come up with a question that will inform you of her status.”

“Some kind of like a safety word?”

“Yep. Exactly. Cool?”

“Cool.” I ended the call with my head buzzing.

“Fuck. Just fuck.” There was no way I’d go to sleep tonight. My assessment of Marcus had been spot on, and I was pretty sure we hadn’t learned the worst of it. I needed to take a step back and assess the playing field just as I did when in the pocket holding the football. With T-bone as my offensive line, I had some time to decide on my next move.

Whatever it took, I’d make sure Irelyn was safe.


“Irelyn, wake up.”

Mom’s voice pulled me from the most delicious dream of Zolt. We were in bed, and things were just getting interesting. Not wanting to abandon the dream, I groaned, grabbed a pillow and put it over my head.

“Irelyn. Wake up. I need to speak with you.” The pillow left my head, and a soft hand shook me.

“What, Mom? I’m not working today. Why do I have to get up? I said good-bye last night. What time is it?” I peeled an eyelid open and glanced at the clock. It was God-awful early.


Sitting up, I pushed myself against the headboard and rub my eyes. This morning was turning into a Déjà vu moment. “I’m awake. I hope this is important.”

Mom scowled at me, her lovely red lips curving down. She wasn’t very pretty when she frowned.

“I’m sorry, Mom. Of course, it’s important.” I let out a long exhale. “What’s up?”

“Irelyn,” she paused and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. It kind of freaked me out. My mom hadn’t been touchy feely since Chris died.

“I want to apologize to you. Since Christopher died, well…” she looked past me and sighed.

“Mom?” Okay, now she was totally freaking me out.

“When Marcus first showed interest in you, I should have put my foot down. I didn’t like it from the beginning. He’s far too old for you, and I don’t approve of the way he treats you. And I hate that damn necklace he gave you. It looks like a fancy dog collar. But your father is taken with him. So, I let it go. For that, I’m sorry.”

Okay. Now I’m awake. What the fuck?

When tears filled her eyes, I couldn’t believe it.

“It’s okay, Mom. None of us have been in a right frame of mind. Had I not been grieving for Chris, I’d never have gotten together with him,” I said and blinked away my own stinging tears.

“Last night, I saw you with Zolten. After dinner, I was staring out the window and saw the two of you go into the pool house and emerge almost thirty minutes later. I watched as you kissed him good-bye.”

“Oh.” I swallowed hard, and I could feel my cheeks heat. We’d been busted by my mother. “I—”

“Don’t justify it, Irelyn. I understand.”

“Mom, it’s not like we just met and I’m being a slut. It’s more than that. We kind of met six years ago. Do you remember when Daddy, Chris, and I went to the Cardinals playoff game? The one where the QB was seriously injured?”

“Yes. I remember it well. You cried for over a week. I never understood… Oh, Irelyn, was that Zolt?”

“Yes. We had this weird thing happen.” I explained how I’d gotten within fifteen feet of him on the field, and how we’d formed a weird connection; one that has lasted all these years.

Mom’s eyes grew wide. “Oh, my. Do you realize how romantic and out of this world that is?”

“Yes. We haven’t talked about it in detail, but he’s carried the memory of me all these years, and I’ve certainly never forgotten about him. The connection between us is crazy.” I shrugged and couldn’t help but grin. “Daddy sent me to his house last Friday, and we kind of got together.”

“I see.” Her brow arched, and I wish I could read her mind.

“I’m sure if I could sense the connection, then Marcus did as well,” Mom said. “Irelyn, you must end it with Marcus. You can’t be one of those women who cheats, and then justifies it.”

“I know. I didn’t mean to cheat. I’ve been wanting to break up with Marcus for months. But I couldn’t seem to find the courage. I have it now, and I’m going to do it at lunch with him today. After last night, well…” I knew I was blushing, and I tried to ignore the memories of Zolt and I together.

“Zolt told me we couldn’t be together until I broke it off with Marcus. But I kind of convinced him otherwise.”

Mom laughed. “I’m not surprised. You can be hard to say no to when you want something. I’m glad to hear Zolt at least tried to do the right thing.”

“He did. But, yeah, he gave in. Anyway, I can’t be with Marcus anymore. I hate him, Mom. Really hate him. I don’t understand why he and Daddy are so close. It’s kind of creepy.”

“I know. I’ve tried to broach the subject with him, but he refuses to discuss it.” She wrung her hands together, and her faced creased with worry. She suddenly looked years older.

“Just so you know I haven’t been with Marcus since he’s been back. And before you ask, I’m being safe.”

She nodded. “Good.”

“Since you and Daddy are leaving, I decided today would be perfect. Daddy will be out of pocket and won’t be able to interfere. I’m meeting Marcus at his favorite restaurant so he can’t throw a fit. Then, I’m going to Zolt’s for the weekend.”

“It seems you have things in hand. Have Sloan drive you. You can trust him, Irelyn. Use him while we’re gone. I’ll feel much better knowing he’s watching over you.”

“Mom, why are you and Daddy leaving? I know about the Aspen Holdings/Black Swan file. Is Daddy in over his head with Marcus?”

“Oh, my sweet, intelligent girl. Nothing gets by you, does it?” Mom sniffed and took a tissue from the box by the bed.

“I’m worried for him, Mom. I know he and Marcus got into it last night. Otherwise, Marcus would have searched me out. In fact, I was surprised he didn’t.”

“He didn’t because I told him you went to bed with a headache. I figured you wouldn’t want to see him after being with Zolt.”

“Mom!” I covered my mouth with my hands. “You did? I can’t believe you’d do that for me. For Zolt.”

“Look, Irelyn, do I like knowing that my daughter had sex in my pool house with another man while her boyfriend was talking to my husband? No, I do not. But there was something about you and Zolt. It reminds me of Jacob and me when we were younger, and the passion we had for each other. The last nine months have been hard on our family, and my marriage, which is one of the reasons we’re leaving. I know your father needs to be away from Marcus. We need this. I suppose there’s no way you’ll come with us, is there?”

I shook my head.

“No, Mom. I can’t. I need to end this with Marcus. And, I want to spend time with Zolt to see where it goes. I feel as if he’s important, really important, to my future. I’m afraid of what Daddy will do when he finds out though. Mom, Zolt says he’s prepared to lose his job, and he doesn’t care if Daddy fires him. So, no, I can’t go with you.”

“Oh, Irelyn.” She ran her hands over my hair in a soothing manner. Tears fell down her cheeks, and she reached for another tissue. “Don’t you worry about your father, I’ll handle him.”

“Mom.” My own tears came, and I threw my arms around her neck. I missed these conversations with her. Before Chris, we used to be so close. “I miss you, Mom. It feels like forever since we’ve been able to talk like this.”

She pulled back from me and handed me a tissue. Together, we both dried our eyes.

Kissing my forehead, she stood from my bed, and straightened her black pantsuit. “I love you, Irelyn. Do not ever doubt that.”

“I know, Mom,” I said, sniffing.

“You call me tonight and let me know how it went. I’ve left an airline ticket for you; it's in your desk. You come immediately if anything happens, you understand?”

“Yes, Mom. But nothing will happen. I know Zolt won’t let it. He’s already told me as much, and I trust him.”

“All right. Then, I trust him, too. I better get going. Don’t forget you have a dress fitting in a few days. I’m sure Barbi will remind you. Take lots of pictures and email them to me. Okay?”

“I will. Will you and Barbi be okay?” I cringed at the thought of my mom and Barbi not being friends. They had been friends forever.

“Barbi and I will be fine. Don’t you worry about that. You know you can go to her if you need anything.”

I nodded and climbed out of bed, and went to my mother and hugged her again. “I love you, Mom. I hope you can help Daddy.”

“Me too, sweetie. Me too.”



I left the protection of the town car and Sloan and headed for the doors of Elements restaurant.

“I’ll be waiting for you, Irelyn. You call me if he gives you any trouble.” Sloan said as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. His gunmetal gray eyes were deadly serious, and I knew he’d come in and beat the shit out of Marcus if I needed him to. I really hoped that wouldn’t be necessary.

With my shoulders squared, I walked into Elements. I’d purposely worn clothes I knew would piss Marcus off, no longer willing to dress according to his dictates. I wore a cute Bailey 44, black V-neck short sleeve crochet back top and a pair of J Brand skinny jeans. These were all clothes he hated, and were the clothes I loved the most. In my hand, I held the box that contained the choker I’d never wear again. I couldn’t wait to give it back to him. Just thinking about it made me giddy.

“Marcus,” I said as I walked up to the table.

He stood and gave me a once over, his thin lips tightening in a straight line.

“Irelyn? What are you wearing? Where’s your choker?”

He pulled out my chair and whispered in my ear, “You displease me with your choice of apparel, Irelyn.”

“Yeah, about that,” I said and settled myself into my chair and slid the box containing the gold choker with the fancy, diamond encrusted X in his direction. “I won’t be needing this anymore.

Marcus arched a questioning brow as he sat down. “Won’t be needing it?”

“No, Marcus. I’m returning it to you. Here’s the thing, I’m done. You and I don’t work, and I’m tired of trying to pretend that we do. I want more.”

“Irelyn,” he said, clenching the edge of the table. “I’m afraid I don’t agree.”

He slid the box back to me, and I returned it across the table, one more time.

“See, that’s the thing, you don’t make decisions for me. I may have forgotten that for a while, but I remember now. Let’s be honest, it’s not as if we’re in love, Marcus. Hell, I don’t even think you like me. We have nothing in common other than Chris and my father. Chris is gone, and Daddy will get over it.”

I took a sip of water. Under the table, I squeezed my leg. I just needed to get this over with.

“This is because of him, isn’t?” Marcus hissed and leaned forward.

“I don’t know whom you’re talking about. But no, Marcus, this is about me and me alone.”

“Don’t lie to me, Irelyn. I saw the way the two of you looked at each other last night. So you really think I’m going to let a washed up football player have you?” He ran his hands angrily through his slicked backed hair.

“I’m pretty sure you don’t get a say in this. You don’t own me. I’m not a fucking pet you command. Chris’s death may have screwed with my sense of self, but not anymore. I’m not happy with you, Marcus. Never have been.”

“You’re a silly little girl if you think Zolt Hamil actually cares about you.”

I sat up straighter in my chair and said through clenched teeth, “Don’t talk about things you have no clue about.”

“I know exactly what I’m talking about. He’s been here less than two weeks, and you’ve already dropped your panties, you little slut.”

“Fuck you, Marcus. You know what, actually, I could have fucked him over a week ago, but I waited in deference to you. But then last night, after you treated me worse than you treat your dog, I said fuck it. And you know what I did, Marcus?”

I licked my lips and leaned in closer, dropping my voice.

“Last night, I took Zolt to our pool house, and I fucked him while you were talking to Daddy.”

Marcus’s eyes narrowed and he growled.

“That’s right, I did him under your nose. It was the best fuck ever. He made me come so hard, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. You’ve never made me feel like that, and I’m fairly certain you’re not even capable of it. Zolt and I have a connection you’ll never understand, Marcus, because all you care about is yourself.”

“Watch your mouth, Irelyn.” Marcus slammed his fist on the table.

“Or what, Marcus? What will you do? Be a man and let me walk away. I’m sure I’m easily replaced. Word of advice, just make sure you warn her you’re not much in bed.”

I stood and turned to walk away, but Marcus grabbed my arm.

“You don’t get to walk away from me, Irelyn. No one walks away from me without regretting it. Sit back down and put your choker on, and I’ll forget this conversation ever happened.” He put a shaking hand on the box with the choker and slid it back in my direction. His face had turned beet red, and I could tell he was about to lose it. Marcus didn’t do public displays.

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