Indulging in Irene (20 page)

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Authors: D.L. Raver

BOOK: Indulging in Irene
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I reluctantly handed Chris’s laptop to T-bone. I had spent hours trying to figure out his password. No matter what I tried, nothing worked, and now the damn thing had locked me out completely. Though I knew giving it to him was right, I couldn’t help but feel as if I’d betrayed my brother.

“Don’t worry, Irelyn. My boys will take good care of it. As soon as we figure out the password, I’ll bring it back and let you go through his files.”

I let out a long sigh. “All right.”

I blinked my stinging eyes rapidly to thwart the tears.

Don’t cry! Don’t cry! Don’t cry!

Before this was over, I’d learn more about my brother than I wanted to know. I’d already resigned myself that Chris was probably in over his head and that Daddy was too.

I twirled a strand of hair around my finger, let go, and then started the process over.

“Irelyn,” Zolt grabbed my hand, halting my nervous hair twirling and pulling me from my thoughts.

“What?” I looked at my hand holding my hair. “Oh. Sorry. Nervous habit.”

Zolt kissed my knuckles, and then let go of my hand.

“Z man, did you and Irelyn decide on your safety words?”

“Safety words?” I sat up straighter on the black leather couch in Zolt’s office.

Zolt shifted, crossing his bad leg over the other so he could rub his knee.

I frowned at him. We’d been having a lot of sex, and even though he’d never admit it, I knew it was hurting his leg. The problem was we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Just thinking about it made me want to straddle him and have my way with him.

“Are you all right?” I asked him, setting my hand on his knee.

“Fine,” he answered gruffly and removed my hand.

“Okay.” I put my hands in my lap and stared down at my fingers.

Zolt had been up and down today, his mercurial moods were tough to take, and I was finding it hard not to be offended by it. On the other hand, he’d warned me he’d have days like this. Though after last night, after he’d been so sweet with me when we made love, I thought he’d be in a better mood. But perhaps the situation with Marcus affected him more than I thought.

“So safety words,” T-bone repeated as he glanced down at his phone. “What are they?”

“I don’t know. Zolt didn’t tell me about them.” I glanced at him and cocked my head.

“Right. Sorry, it slipped my mind.” He grimaced as he uncrossed his leg. “We need to have two status words that when asked a question will illicit either of the answers. Say you find yourself in another situation like last night where Marcus has his hands all over you. Say I call because you’re missing or some shit. I’d ask you a question the answer of which would let me know whether you’re okay or not.”

“Okay. What question?” I glanced at Zolt with my eyes narrowed. His explanation had been a little snarky. It wasn’t like I wanted Marcus to touch me.

“I suggest you ask a question where the answer is either red or green. If the answer is red, then you know something is going on. If the answer is green, then everything is cool,” T-bone added, still not looking up from his phone. I had to wonder if he felt the tension between Zolt and me, as well.

“What do you want the question to be?” Zolt asked me. His voice was all business. It felt like the longer we talked with T-bone the further his mood deteriorated.

“I guess what color is your shirt? Or something to that effect.”

“Fine,” Zolt answered.

“Fine,” I agreed. “If you don’t need me anymore, I’m going to go check on dinner.”

I kissed Zolt on the head and left the room, praying when he and T-bone were done, his mood wouldn’t be worse.



“Z man, what’s up your ass? You’re being a dick to her.” T-bone said, putting his phone on the coffee table.

“Fuck!” I ran my hands through my hair. T was right. I’d been in a foul mood all day.

“Well?” T-bone rubbed his bald head and gave me a ‘what the fuck’ look.

“I told her I loved her last night, but she didn’t hear me.”

“Why didn’t she hear you?”

“She was asleep.”

“Let me get this straight. You’re upset because she didn’t hear you, or because you didn’t have the balls to say it to her while she’s awake?”

“Both. Yes. I don’t fucking know. I should tell her, but I can’t. I have a feeling, deep within my bones, that something major is about to go down, and I can’t shake it. I thought it would go away after the shit with Marcus, but now it’s worse. Every time I open my mouth to tell her, nothing comes out.”

I got up, walked to the window, and stared out. The dogs were playing with each other, romping this way and that, and they looked so happy. Right now, I kind of wished life could be that easy.

The door opened, and I turned to see Brody come in and shut the door behind him. My pulse raced. Nonchalantly, I leaned against the sill, pretending like I had control. “Why did you call in Brody, T?”

“Come sit, Zolt,” Brody said.

I shook my head. “Don’t handle me, Brody. Fucking tell me already.”

T-bone sucked in a breath and rubbed the back of his neck. He was nervous—T didn’t get nervous.

My gaze darted from Brody to T-bone. “Say it!”

“One of the first things I did after creating my security agency was to start looking into who bankrolled the bounty program that took out your leg. Every time I got close, I’d hit a wall. Two weeks ago, the wall started to crumble when you asked me to investigate Marcus Xavier.”

“Joe Franklin sends his best wishes.”
Marcus’s words slammed into my head, and I grabbed my leg. “That fucking bastard!”

Marcus was behind the bounty program! Marcus Xavier was responsible for the end of my NFL career!

I took a seat, and sat there stunned, holding my throbbing leg. Suddenly, I understood his snide comments and the way he’d looked at my leg. My shadow-self roared to life, demanding to be freed.

I stood and headed for the door. I needed her right now. Only she could make this go away, and bring me back to center, back to Zolt.

“Stop!” Brody yelled. “Don’t, Zolt. Stay here. You’re in no condition to go out there. Stay away from her.”

“I need her.”

“Not like this you don’t. Irelyn isn’t one of your one-night stands that you can fuck every which way to Sunday. You care about her.”

Brody’s words filtered into my head, but I was having a hard time processing them. My brain buzzed with too many emotions, many of them I didn’t even recognize. I was seeing fucking red, and it wouldn’t be long until I lost it all together.

“You need to calm yourself, Z man,” T-bone said and put his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t let her see you like this.”

I jumped at the sudden contact. For such a big man, he sure could sneak up on people.

Sighing, I shook off his hand and played with the hem of my shorts. They were both right. Even so, neither of them understood the power she had over me. I knew Irelyn didn’t either. One word from her, one kiss, even the softest glance in my direction undid me.

T-bone pulled out three beers from the small fridge and brought them to the table. He opened his and downed it in one gulp.

“Once I had the name Xot International, all the pieces fell into place. Apparently Marcus and Joe Franklin went to school together at Penn State. From what I’ve been able to discover, he and Joe started the program while Joe played college ball. I’m guessing Marcus paid Franklin a large sum to take the fall. All those years ago, I remembered hearing rumblings about a bounty program, but I ignored it, thinking it was small time. By the time it happened to you, I knew I’d made a huge mistake in writing it off.”

“It’s not your fault, T.” I glanced up at my friend and saw guilt in his brown eyes. Though I carried the ugly red scar on my leg, T carried his own scar from that day. What killed me most was knowing that Marcus had left deep scars on Irelyn, as well. That alone put a death warrant on his head.

“I’m going to fucking kill Marcus,” I growled.

“Believe me, Zolt, nothing would make me happier, but we have to be patient and take Xavier down in the right way. The shit he’s into now is much worse than what he did to you.”

“Irelyn,” I whispered.

“Yeah, Irelyn,” T agreed. “He thinks he’s unstoppable, and we can use that to our advantage. Listen, Zolt, you’re going to have to keep your shit together for her. There is no way her brother didn’t know what was going on, and I suspect the same will be true for her father. My gut tells me this laptop is the key. I’m pretty sure it’s why he’s dead now.”

I stared at the computer and groaned. There was no way to protect Irelyn from what we’d find out. Again, T was right; I had to keep my shit together for her. I couldn’t add to this by losing it. The playing field and its players were coming into focus. Time to fall back on my strengths and not give into my weaknesses.

“We’re going to take him down. I promise. But we can’t underestimate him. The fact he found it acceptable to approach Irelyn and you in a restaurant tells me his balls are big. Let me do my job, Zolt. I promise you, I’ll keep you and Irelyn safe this time. Marcus Xavier is going down.”

I nodded and rubbed my leg again. Keeping her safe was the number one priority and that meant keeping her safe from me, as well. All I could do was pray for control, because at the moment, I teetered on the razor’s edge. Any moment, I would fall. Hopefully, I wouldn’t take Irelyn with me.



Zolt came out of his office with a hungry and desperate look in his eyes.

I took two steps back into the short hallway that led from the kitchen into the pantry. With a slam and lock of the door, I found myself alone with Zolt in the pantry. He prowled after me until he had me trapped against the wall. His needful eyes never left mine.

I gasped, wondering what the hell he had in mind. “Zolt? What are you doing? We have guests out there.”

“I don’t care. I’ve been a dick to you all day, and I need to make up for it.” His lips curved into a wicked grin.

“An apology will suffice,” I said and swallowed.

“Oh, I’m going to apologize all right, and I’m not going to stop apologizing until you scream my name.” He took my wrists and pinned them behind me as he kissed me, stroking my tongue with his.

I couldn’t help but react, kissing him back. We couldn’t get enough of each other—we were insatiable.

He left my mouth, releasing my wrists and began a slow path down my body, stopping at the crook of my neck where he sucked hard. I knew he’d marked me, and I didn’t care.

“Take off your shirt and shorts, Irelyn. Now.”

I didn’t hesitate. I pulled my T-shirt over my head and undid my shorts, stripping them off, revealing my black lacy thong.

“Mmm,” he cooed and nipped at my breast through my bra. “Raise your hands and grasp the shelf above you. Don’t let go.”

Oh, fuck!
I did what he commanded, wondering what the hell he had planned. But my body didn’t care. My panties were already soaked through.

“You are so fucking hot, Irelyn. You have no idea.”

Zolt dropped to his knees, and grasped my hips, pulling me to him. My legs shook as he kissed me between my legs.

“Oh, you naughty girl, you’ve soaked your pretty panties. I guess we’ll have to get rid of them.” With one yank, he ripped them from me and dropped the lacy material to the ground. “Spread your legs for me.”

My legs moved without hesitation. I knew what he had in mind, and I couldn’t wait.

“God, I love the way you smell. And oh, the way you taste…” He pulled his head back and raked his lustful gaze over me.

Fuck, I wanted him. Wanted him to put his head between my legs, use his lips, and tongue on my aching clit.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to begin. His lips kissed my waist and worked his way down my stomach. At my bellybutton, his tongue dipped inside, gently licking. When he nipped my hipbone, I let out a yelp and squirmed.

“Remember, don’t let go. Oh, and no more sounds. We don’t want our guests to hear us, do we? If you make one sound, even a moan, I’ll stop and leave you wanting. Do you understand, Irelyn?” He took another nibble on my hip again, and I bit my lip, and then nodded, not wanting him to stop.

“Good.” Zolt continued his explorations to my thighs, licking, kissing, and sucking his way to where I needed him most.

“Take both of your legs and put them over my shoulders.”

I looked down at him, my eyes wide and questioning. I didn’t say a word though. Not one fucking word.

“Between the two of us, your weight will be supported.”

My concerned gaze darted to his leg.

“Fuck my leg. I can’t even feel it. Do as I said, Irelyn. Now!”

Quickly, I complied, and held firmly to the edge of the shelf above me, praying that the damn thing held.

“Not a sound,” he reminded me as he parted me with his fingers. With the tip of his tongue, he licked slow circles around my clit.

I bit down on my cheek to stop from groaning. To see Zolt with my legs over his shoulders and his face between my legs was so fucking erotic. This man knew how to love a woman, and I knew he had tricks he hadn’t even showed me yet.

Zolt squeezed my ass as he continued his oral assault on me. My hips bucked against his mouth with each lick of his devilish tongue.

When he sucked at my clit, I exploded into a million pieces. My jaw clenched painfully, and my eyes watered as I kept my promise not to make a sound. My arms were starting to feel like jelly from the strain of partially bearing my weight.

“Fuck that was hot, baby! I love it when you come in my mouth.” He looked up at me with a sloppy, satisfied grin. “Now, I’m going to take you hard and fast.”

He brought down one leg, and then the other. Carefully, he stood. “You can let go, now.”

I dropped my arms and shook them out. Before I had a chance to get my wits about me, Zolt had picked me up and carried me to the butcher-block prep table. He cleared off what few things were on it and laid me back.

I wanted to gasp, but I wasn’t sure I was allowed to, so I bit my lip instead. He took hold of my ankles and pulled me down to the edge. With my knees bent, he placed my feet on the table. I raised myself on my elbows and watched Zolt take off his clothes. His muscles flexed and rippled as he removed his shirt. The man had a way about him. It was that sexy confidence that made me melt every time.

Soon, his clothes joined mine in a pile on the floor. Positioning himself between my legs, he found my mouth with his.

Shit, he tasted like me. It was naughty and sweet and so fucking hot.

“Not a word. I mean it, or I’ll make this all about me.”

I watched as Zolt entered me, and seeing him slide in me, moving in and out, was a major turn on.

“You like watching, don’t you?” he grunted out.

I nodded; then laid my head back onto the table as he began to pound into me. Though my body was over sensitized from my last orgasm, I responded to him, and another release started to build. I held on to the edge of the table as he repeatedly hit that spot deep inside me, sending tingles through my nerves and up my spine. There was no way I’d be able to keep quiet. My impending orgasm was going to be huge.

I opened my eyes, enjoying the sight of Zolt fucking me. His neck muscles corded and stained as he sped toward his own climax. The tension on his sexy face was beyond arousing. Being taken by a man that truly enjoy being with me was so much better than the alternative.

“I love seeing my cock pound that wet pussy of yours. Hurry, baby, I’m close.” He squeezed my thighs as his pace quickened.

I clenched my muscles around him, knowing it would hasten both of us towards release.

“Fuck! Irelyn.” He pinched one of my nipples hard, and I detonated into a million orgasmic pieces as his mouth came down hard on mine, capturing the cry I’d promised not to make.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him, engulfing him with my body.

“Irelyn.” He brushed strands of my hair off my face. “What are you doing to me? Why can’t I get enough of you?”

“I feel the same,” I mumbled as I came down from my Zolt high.

“As much as I’d like to stay like this, the table and this position aren’t conducive to cuddling, and we have guests.”

“Wait, you said you were going to apologize until I screamed your name. How could that happen when I wasn’t allowed to speak?” I arched a brow at him.

“Funny how that worked. I guess I’ll be apologizing later, as well.” He got off me and held out his hand, helping me off the table.

“Funny, indeed!”

After we were dressed, I rushed into Zolt’s bedroom and cleaned up. As I looked in the mirror, my freshly fucked face smiled back at me. My lips were now kiss-swollen thanks to Zolt, and other places on my body were swollen as well. Holy hell, that man was wearing me out, and I loved every minute of it. Thank God, his bad mood seemed to have lifted. I hoped it stayed that way for the rest of the day.

When I came out, Rachel and Cory were seated cozily on the couch with Cory’s sister, Kenna, perched on the couch’s arm. Sloan was holding up the pillar in the middle of the room, looking imposing in a black, fitted tee. His muscular arms were crossed over his chest, and I could see his eyes mentally cataloged the people around him.

T-bone and his wife, Tamara, sat on the adjacent love seat. I had to admit they made a striking pair. He looked like a younger version of Samuel L. Jackson, and she was as beautiful as Rihanna. T-bone obviously loved his heavily pregnant wife if the massive rock on her finger was any indication.

Brody had positioned himself in one of the leather easy chairs, looking like the odd man out. I kind of felt bad for him though everyone else seemed to be having fun, laughing and drinking.

All eyes turned to me, and I could feel my cheeks heat. Though we didn’t look like we’d just fucked in the pantry, I knew it was written all over my face.

Zolt kissed me and handed me a glass of wine. I took a long sip, grateful for the alcohol.

“Where have you been and why are you blushing, Irelyn?” Rachael asked, her evil blue eyes glittering with mischief.

I narrowed my eyes at her and shook my head, giving her a ‘don’t you fucking dare’ glare.

“Is that a love bite on your neck?” She glanced over at Zolt, who was looking down at his beer, barely containing a laugh.

The bastard could at least have the decency to blush, too, now that everyone was staring at us with knowing looks on their faces.

“So, I hope you all are hungry. We have tons of food.” I desperately needed to change the direction of this conversation. When I looked at Brody, he was openly scowling at Zolt. I didn’t know what had been discussed in Zolt’s office, but I’d seen Brody go in there and heard the raised voices. Whatever had gone down, the two brothers didn’t look happy with each other.

“What happened between you and Brody?” I asked, whispering in Zolt’s ear.

“Nothing for you to worry about.” He kissed the side of my head and put his arm around me.

I glanced over at Kenna, wondering if she and Brody might make a good match. She had that Irish look to her. Her hair was on the reddish side of strawberry blonde, and she had a lovely sprinkling of freckles over her creamy skin. I’d always considered her an innocent beauty. There was no doubting that she’d been raised to be a proper young lady. Her blouse and skirt were impeccable, and her shapely legs were crossed at the ankle as she perched on the arm of the couch. But I also knew that Kenna had a rebellious streak that had gotten her in trouble on more than one occasion. I flashed back to the spring break we’d spent in Cabo San Lucas. Rach and I lost Kenna for an entire day, then she showed back up, happy as you please with no explanation. Not even plying her with alcohol loosened her lips. The only thing she’d say was that she still had possession of her V card and that was all we needed to know.

She smiled up at me, and her green eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

Yeah, she and Brody might make a very sweet couple. But my idea quickly faded away when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sloan practically eye fucking her. I’m not sure anyone else saw it, but Kenna certainly did.

She blushed and stared at the glass of wine in her hand.

“I’m going to go check on things in the kitchen. Make sure the caterer has it under control,” I said to Zolt.

“I’ll go with you. I need another beer,” he said and took my hand, leading me into the kitchen.

Once we were alone, Zolt pounced on me, kissing me as if there was no tomorrow. I wondered if he was going to drag me back into the pantry for round two.

“Zolt?” I broke away from him. “What’s up with you?”

“I can’t keep my hands off you.” He grabbed my ass and pulled me into him.

“Geez, you two, get a room. I thought Cory and I were bad. You have us beat by far.”

I turned around and saw Rach coming into the kitchen with her empty wine glass in hand and an envelope.

“Here’s the invitation you requested.” She handed the fancy cream envelope with the Cardinals’ Charity logo on the front.

“Oh, great, thanks,” I said, taking the envelope.

“What’s that?” Zolt asked.

“I asked Barbi, Rach’s mom, to send over an invite to the Cardinals’ Charity Ball for you so we can go together.”

Zolt took the envelope out of my hand and glared at it. Then, he ripped it in half and tossed it in the trash.

“If I wanted a fucking invite, I would have asked for one,” he spat at me

I took a step back from him, staring at him in disbelief.

“I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?” I couldn’t fathom why he’d be so pissed about this.

“I don’t need you getting me invites to society functions I have no intention of attending. It’s not your job to be my social secretary,” Zolt yelled at me.

“Uh, I’m going to go out there,” Rachael said and backed out of the room.

“I’m sorry, Zolt. I wasn’t trying to handle you. I thought it would be fun for us.”

“Fun? Are you fucking bent? Why would it be fun for me to go to a charity function for a team I no longer play for and a sport I can no longer stomach? A game that haunts my every waking moment. A game your boyfriend took away from me!”

“I-I don’t understand,” I said, my mouth agape with incredulity.

Zolt took both my wrists and held them behind my back with one hand. His murderous eyes glared down at me. His body was suddenly large and imposing, and I couldn’t help but be a little scared.

“Don’t you? The man you let fuck you the first time had already fucked me majorly. He’s the one that ruined my life!”

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