Incineration (Heart of Stone) (29 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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“Kade?” I asked hesitantly and Mason gave me an inquisitive
look “Yeah, Kerries husband” he glanced at me as we stopped at some lights
“What’s wrong Ava?” he asked slowly obviously aware of my reaction to Kade. I
shook my head rapidly and slapped a smile on my face “Nothing” I looked out of
the window and Mason pulled off.
How could I tell Mason that his
sister’s husband had come onto me in the club last night…the night before his
wife was going to have chemotherapy for breast cancer?

“By the way, we’ve been invited to Nate and Olivia Carters
barbeque this weekend, is that okay?” I asked to change the subject. His
expression changed quickly as though he was aware I was trying to hide
something but he didn’t push it “Sure, I’m sorry about yesterday Ava. I know
you’re not screwing Nate. I was just in a mood because of the damn letter but I
am very proud of you and yes I do believe you got the job through your own
capabilities and hard work” he told me as he pulled into the NSC car park. I
grabbed his hand again “I know, I’m sorry I got slaughtered” I cringed and he
smiled softly as he turned in his seat towards me “Ava, I know this last week
has been horrendous and I don’t blame you for wanting to blot it out” he
grinned suddenly “You know, you’re quite sweet and entertaining when your drunk
Baby” he chuckled and I groaned “I don’t feel bloody sweet this morning, in
fact I feel damn sour” I laughed without humour and he smirked but then his
face grew serious “Ava…” he sighed not sure how to continue and I gave him an
encouraging smile “Ava, you sure you want to try for another baby?” he asked
timidly and I smiled at the sweetness of this big hard man’s embarrassment “Do
you?” I asked seriously and he smiled sheepishly and shrugged “Truth Mason?” I
urged and he nodded slowly, reading my eyes intently “Me too” I whispered
against his lips as I kissed him tenderly. He pulled me close, kissing me with
a new passion, his lips expertly controlling mine and when his tongue slipped
in to join the fun I groaned softly “God, I miss your body Ava” Mason breathed
against my mouth and I moaned again “Me too. Soon” I smiled and exited the car.

“I’ll pick you up at 5:30, don’t come out until I text you
that I’m here” he shouted through the window and I gave him a thumbs up as I
climbed the stairs to the building “Good Morning Miss Stone” Bert, the doorman
greeted and I smiled happily “Good morning Bert” I replied as he held the door
open for me and I entered the building.



After apologising to Grace for being late the day flew and 8
hours later I received Mason’s text and exited the building

“Hi again” I smiled at Mason as though it was only 5 minutes
ago he dropped me off. He leant in for a kiss “We have to hurry Ava, I could
only get a reservation for 7 O’clock, sorry” he grimaced and I smiled “That’s
fine, I could do with an early night anyway” and an hour later we were climbing
into a car that Mason had hired for the night.

“Have you heard from Kerrie?” I asked and he smiled “Kade
rang to say she did well and had climbed straight into bed when she got home. I
told him I’d go and see her tomorrow. He said Kerrie loved the flowers and to
tell you the weekend spa gift was like receiving a little piece of heaven”
Mason glanced at me and took my hand “That was a really sweet gesture Ava,
thank you” he pulled me over to him and kissed me “It was just an idea for her”
I shrugged.

“He’s dying to meet you” Mason said “Who is?” I frowned and
snuggled into the warmth of him “Kade” he said simply and I stiffened.  
I think
he might be in for a shock!
Whoa, wait a minute; he had seen Mason put me
into the car last night, which meant he had to know who I was and he still
given me the come on with the lewd grin that had been on his face in the shop
doorway…Holy Hell!!!

He narrowed his eyes as he saw my reaction to Kade’s name
again. I was really going to have to start hiding my emotions better “That’s
good then. Erm how long have Kerrie and Kade been together? I quizzed carefully
“They were childhood sweethearts from school and got married a couple of years
ago, why?” “Just wondered” I shrugged and forced a smile as Kade’s hot body and
his words came floating back and I squirmed at the image “Ava?” he probed and I
gave him my happy face “Why do you keep freezing every time I mention Kade?” he
narrowed his eyes on me when I shook my head “I don’t, I’m just worried about
Kerrie” I lied. He didn’t seem to accept my excuse but the driver tapped on the
privacy screen as we pulled up outside the restaurant.  


The meal was fantastic and I knew now why this place was so
busy. Mason knew the owner and I realised why Mason had got a reservation so
easily. They greeted each other like old friends, patting each other’s back and

After introductions we were seated at a quiet table at the
best spot in the room and I noticed that my menu didn’t have prices displayed
and I couldn’t understand half of the dishes described. I glanced at Mason
feeling stupid as the waiter waited for our order “Do you want me to order for
you Ava?” he smiled softly and I grinned at him “Yes please do” I replied,
relieved that he had sensed my awkwardness. He ordered in French with a fluent
French accent that made me hot and when the waiter left us to fetch the wine I
grinned at him “Wow, you’re so hot in your French version” I breathed and his
eyes twinkled at me “Je veux faire l'amour vous Ava” he whispered as he traced
my jaw with his fingertip and I shivered and puffed out my lips “Stop!!” I
swallowed but he leaned forward further “Je veux baiser vous jusqu'à ce que
vous criez mon nom de bébé” he gave me a sexy grin and I narrowed my eyes at
him “What did you say?” I asked and his lips twitched as his mouth brushed my
ear “I said I want to fuck you until you scream my name Baby” he rasped and I
groaned loudly, much to the disgust of the snobs on the neighbouring table “
” I shook myself as the waiter reappeared and poured a little of the
wine in Masons glass for a tasting, he nodded and the waiter filled each of our

I had worn my favourite formal dress but I still felt out of
place and as though Mason could sense my nerves he reached across and held my
hand “Ava, you are by far the most beautiful woman in this place so relax” he
smiled softly and I inhaled sharply “I feel like people are staring at me, as
though they know I come from the bottom of the pile” I whispered and Masons
face darkened “You do not come ‘from the bottom of the pile’ Ava” he said
firmly and I shrugged “Mason, all these people probably grew up with a silver
spoon in their mouths;  Me? Well I grew up with a fucking chip fork in mine” I
sighed and Masons lips twitched at my choice of words “Ava, believe me, you are
a much better person than most of the fucking hypocrites in this restaurant” he
said sharply and then looked up at someone over my shoulder “Mason Fox” I heard
a man’s gravelly voice say as a forty something man approached us. He had the
blondest hair I had ever seen and the warmest blue eyes that I had the pleasure
to look at.

Mason stood up to greet the man but I saw his expression soften
and his shoulders relax “William” he nodded in acknowledgement. The man’s eyes
swung to me “Well hello there” he smiled warmly “William, this is my girlfriend
Ava Stone” Mason told him and I could hear the proudness in his voice “Ava,
this is William Jackson”. He gripped my hand and brought it to his lips
“Pleasure to meet you Miss Stone” I gave him a smile as his eyes lit up

“How is business?” Mason asked “William. I asked how
business is.” Mason spoke louder and I was sure I heard a low chuckle in his
tone. William eventually turned to Mason and smiled “I’m very sorry, I can’t
keep my eyes away from your beautiful date” he smiled softly at me and I
blushed furiously but giggled “Good thank you” he dipped his head to Mason and
Mason smiled, a smile I noticed that reached his eyes.

It was obvious he thought a lot about this man “We haven’t
seen you there for a while Mason, you will have to visit again, bring Miss
Stone with you, no charge of course” William said happily and I saw Masons eyes
glisten with humour “I’m not sure it would be to Ava’s taste but thank you for
the invitation” Mason acknowledged and Williams face eyes swung to mine again
“Oh I’m sure she would enjoy the experience. I’m sure we can find something to
cater to Miss Stones…tastes” he winked and I swallowed “Well if you will excuse
us William, our food has arrived” Mason said and he nodded and turned, keeping
his eyes on me “Enjoy your meal Miss Stone. I hope we will meet again soon. You
take care of my man here” he said seriously and I grinned at him, his evident
care for Mason made me like him instantly “I definitely will Sir” he tipped his
head in acknowledgement and departed.

“I like him” I whispered to Mason as he settled back into
his chair “Me too, we’ve known each other years. He’s a good man” he said with
warmth “Where does he want us to visit?” I asked but Mason shook his head and
ignored me “Tell me” I said sternly as I dipped into my garlic and lemon
buttered scallops, they were exquisite and I closed my eyes as I savoured them
“Mmmm” I murmured and when I reopened them Masons eyes had darkened and the
pure desire in them made me gulp. I coughed “I better not do that again” I
whispered sourly. I was extra horny but still bleeding slightly after my miscarriage.

Mason nodded once “Anyway, tell me. What does William own?”
I asked with a twinkle in my eye, it was obviously something illicit judging by
Mason’s reaction to Williams’s invitation. He sighed and leaned in “An
exclusive sex club” he said quietly and my eyes lit up “Ooh that could be fun”
I grinned and Masons jaw dropped “Really?” his eyes were wide “Yeah” I said
excitedly “I’ve never been to one, what do they do?” I asked excitedly and Mason’s
eyebrows hit his hairline “Ava I’m not really sure…” he started but I waved my
hand at him “Tell me” I said sternly and he cocked his head at me but sighed
“Well, they Erm have acts on” he muttered nervously and I nodded “What kind of
acts?” I asked as I chewed on another scallop and stabbed one with my fork and
offered it to Mason and as his lips closed over the fork he held my eyes, a
fire blazing in them and I puffed as I saw his tongue sneak out to lick the
juice off his lip “Well they kind of have…have sex acts on stage” he told me
and my eyes brightened even more “Cool” I whispered, thinking it could be hot
to watch. Mason choked faintly on his food “Really?” he seemed surprised “Yeah
I bet it’s hot” I shrugged nonchalantly “what else?” I asked, now more
interested in this place “Well they have rooms for you to…you know” Mason gulped
and looked away from me “Rooms for what?” I asked as I placed my cutlery down
and reached for my wine. He gulped again “Rooms where you can…you can interact
with others or act out some Erm… fantasies” he cringed and my eyes widened as I
understand what he meant. “Did you…did you, you know?” I asked inquisitively
even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to know “Ava” Mason scolded at my question
and I didn’t need to ask again, his warning confirmed my thoughts.

I shook my head to clear the images I didn’t want to see and
the waiter came over and cleared our plates away “More wine Sir?” he asked and
Mason nodded. All of a sudden I saw Mason freeze and sort of cower slightly
which I thought was rather odd but then I found out the reason why “Mason” a
small brunette purred as she approached our table.

Mason stood in greeting again and I eyed her suspiciously.
She was quite stunning, a little wisp of a thing but her clothes screamed
wealth and status “Tamara” Mason addressed and her eyes slid to me and after a
swift perusal she turned back to Mason, obviously thinking I wasn’t worth her
attention. I snorted at her dismissal and picked up my wine “How are you Mason
Darling?” she hummed, placing a hand on his forearm and I curled my lip “Very
good Thanks, you?” I could see the nervous stiffness to him and his eyes kept
swinging to me to check for a reaction but I remained silent. I knew
immediately that they had had a sexual relationship and I tried to rein in the
rage that was bubbling away in my stomach

“Oh I’m good. You should give me a ring though” she smiled a
full blown fuck me smile and I coughed vaguely and Mason cringed faintly
“Tamara, let me introduce my girlfriend Ava Stone” he smiled as he gestured to
me and I saw the shock on her face and inwardly smiled. Yes love, it is strange
for Mason to have a girlfriend instead of a ‘fuck whore’ like you.

I stood and gave her a ‘he’s mine’ smile “Pleased to meet
you Tamara” I held out my hand but she just stared at it, her lip curled in
disgust and the rage bubbled a little more.
Shit, calm down Ava!
scolded myself, the last thing Mason needed was me knocking the bitch out in
the middle of the most exclusive restaurant in London.

As though Mason read my thoughts he took a step towards me
as if ready to pull me back when I struck. I growled at her dismissal and Mason
grabbed my hand, squeezing it and I took it he was telling me not to react but
she was really pissing me off the way she was looking at Mason as though she
was going to rip his clothes off in the middle of the restaurant and ravish

I held out my hand again “I said I am pleased to meet you
Tamara” and gave her the death glare. She paled slightly and took my hand “Ava”
she said stiffly and my lips twitched at her discomfort. I felt Masons hand
pinch mine again “If you’ll excuse us Tamara, were in kind of a rush to finish
our meal. Desperate to get home…you know” I winked exaggeratedly as I slipped
my arm around Masons waist and reached up to kiss his cheek but he turned into
me immediately, catching my lips and giving me a chance to show her a ‘he’s
mine’ kiss. Tamara coughed and huffed “Yes, excuse me” she hissed and walked
away stiffly.

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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