Incineration (Heart of Stone) (13 page)

BOOK: Incineration (Heart of Stone)
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We spent the next few days, sight-seeing, nightclubbing and
just relaxing on the beach and I returned back to the UK on Monday, refreshed
and relaxed. George had taken it on himself to make sure we had a good time and
true to his word Me and Courtney had loved every minute but duty called and I
needed to find a new job.

I visited Brenda as soon as soon we returned and hugged her
tightly “Brenda, how are you?” I asked, full of concern. She waved me off “I’m
fine, it’s just a sprain dear. More importantly how are you?” I smiled warmly
“I’m fine Brenda. I’m made of steel” I winked but I had the feeling she could
see straight through me but she didn’t ask again and we chatted for a while
“The party is rescheduled for this Saturday and don’t give me any excuses, you
are like family and I want you there” she informed me firmly and I smiled and
nodded. I would go through the pain of seeing Mason for Brenda, her friendship
meant a lot to me.


I left a short while after and returned to my little cottage
and as soon as I entered I sighed, as I smelt the familiarity of my home. I
quickly got to work, opening the windows and putting on some laundry and went

As I was stood at the checkout somebody whispered my name
into the nape of my neck and I flinched, spinning around quickly. Dane was
stood behind me in the queue “Well hello Miss Stone” he smirked and I shuddered
“Dane” I faked a smile and coughed when he perused me slowly, his gaze hovering
on my breasts “I take it you had a good holiday” he stated but didn’t ask “It
was wonderful, it was lovely to see George”

I turned back round to the cashier who was watching us
intently and she flicked her gaze to me, her lipped curled in a silent
understanding that he crept her out as well. Danes hand grabbed my arm “Now
that you and Mason aren’t fucking any more I wondered if you wanted to get
together?” I gasped at his directness “Erm no thank you Dane” I tried to turn
again but his grip tightened and he leant into my ear “You do know he’s back
with Rebecca”

I was already simmering but his latest words cut through the
rage. I gritted my teeth “Well that’s up to Mason. It has nothing to do with me
Dane” he sneered and licked my cheek “I really want to fuck you hard and fast, Ava”
he growled in my ear and I shot out and slapped him, a harsh crack across his
cheek. His head spun to the side as the cashier gasped and quickly pressed her
buzzer for the manager. Dane snarled and drew his fist back but a tall muscled
man who was stood behind him grabbed his arm “I wouldn’t do that pal if I were
you” he warned and Dane dropped his arm “This isn’t over Ava” he hissed, pushed
past me and stormed out.

Exhaling loudly I turned to my saviour “Thank you” I said
and he grinned “No problem sweetheart. I have good hearing and I heard what he
said to you. What a Twat!” I laughed and nodded “Yeah he is a twat” he helped
me bag my shopping as I was still trembling with the adrenaline “Wait and I’ll
walk you to your car, just in case that knob’s out there” I smiled warmly and
helped him with his shopping and we both walked out to the car park.

He lifted my bags into my boot and I thanked him again “Your
very welcome Ava” he smiled softly “Erm…I don’t suppose you fancy meeting for a
drink?” he asked before I could climb in my car.

Before I knew it I was promising to meet him in a restaurant
tonight, and I was stunned at my quick agreement. He smiled and tucked a lock
of hair behind my ear “You really are stunning” he breathed and I smiled
awkwardly at his boldness. “Thank you” I stammered and climbed in my car “I’ll
see you tonight” he winked and left, leaving me dumbfounded.

I shook myself and made my way home, already nervous about
my date tonight and wishing I had refused. “Oh why not Ava?” I scolded myself
and then wondered what Mason was doing, until his and Rebecca’s’ writhing,
joined bodies burnt an image behind my eyes. I gritted my teeth and refused to
think about him again.




I decided to wear trousers and my soft pink cashmere sweater
for my date with Tony, not wanting to give him any encouragement towards the
bedroom I made sure I was dressed attractively but not sexily.

I walked into the restaurant a little after 8 O’clock and he
was stood at the bar waiting for me and a grin erupted on his face as he saw me
“Ava, you look gorgeous” he said and kissed my cheek “Drink?” I smiled and
thanked him “Vodka and cranberry please” he nodded and after purchasing our
drinks the waiter led us over to a table in the corner.

“You have beautiful hair Ava” he said and I squirmed a
little at his comments. A little too much a little too soon. I smiled and
perused the menu, deciding on a simple salad, not sure if my churning stomach
could cope with anything heavier.

I gave the waiter my order and Tony took my menu, brushing
his fingers against mine as he did so; no electricity or jolt. I wasn’t sure if
that disappointed me or pleased me. “So Ava, how do you know that idiot from
the supermarket?” he asked and I chewed on my finger. His gaze dropped to my mouth
and he watched me intently and I quickly removed it, dropping it in my lap “He
used to be friends with my ex-boss” I told him, not wishing to go into any more
details. He nodded slowly “I heard him mention a ‘Mason’ and I don’t want to
step on anybody’s toes Ava” he said openly and I cleared my throat that felt as
though it was closing in “No, I’m single. He was just my boss” I smiled. He
gave me a slow grin “Good”.


We chatted for a while, asking the usual ‘getting to know
you’ questions and I was half way through my salad when a hand settled on my
shoulder. I turned to look and saw Masons’ stern glare at Tony, his hand
tightening on my shoulder. His eyes swung to mine “Ava” he said, his eyes
blazing but other than that no emotion played on his face. I gulped as his
touch shot through me, lighting every single nerve ending in my body “Mason” I
acknowledged and my finger shot to my mouth.

I shifted in my seat as his gaze shot to my mouth and a
slight groan rumbled in his throat “How are you?” he grated, his hand refusing
to leave my shoulder but had softened somewhat “I’m good, you?” he nodded and
his eyes shifted back to Tony “Are you going to introduce us Ava?” he practically
snarled and I swallowed heavily “Erm yes, Mason this is Tony. Tony, This is
Mason, my ex-boss” I explained then stilled when Tony said “Ahh, Knob heads
friend” I closed my eyes and refused to look at the glare that I knew Mason was
giving me “Oh and who is the knob head?” he asked Tony, his tone bordering on
aggression “Some friend of yours apparently, that came on to Ava in the
supermarket. He was really rude to her and she ended up slapping him” he said
bluntly “he was going to punch her until I held him back” I was silently
willing this stupid man to shut up.

Masons grip tightened “Ava?” he growled and I rolled my eyes
“It’s fine Mason, nothing to worry about” he pursed his lips and glared at me
“Dane?” he asked “I said leave it Mason” I snapped but the idiot across from me
decided to fill him in “Yeah, I think that was his name. He told her he ‘wanted
to fuck her hard’ I mean what fucking dickhead says that to a woman?”

My control snapped as Mason face contorted in a white rage,
a snarl ripped from his throat “I’ll fucking kill him” he roared. I glared at
Tony “For god’s sake Tony, shut up” I hissed and his eyes widened at my
outburst “I’m sorry Ava, I was just trying to help” he pouted sulkily.

Mason pulled me out of my chair “A word Ava” he demanded and
pulled me to one side “What the fuck are you doing with that idiot?” he asked
and I bit my lip “It has nothing to do with you Mason, probably the same as
what you are doing with Rebecca” I hissed and shrugged out of his grip. He
sighed heavily “There is nothing going on with me and Rebecca” he said sternly
and I scoffed “Oh don’t treat me like a fool Mason” I snapped and turned back
round to Tony but he grabbed my arm “Ava, what did Dane do?”  I shook my head
“Leave it, Tony came to my rescue” I shrugged and Masons face darkened “Ava…”
he whispered “Please, let’s talk” I shook my head and headed back to my seat,
coughing and picking up my cutlery.

Smiling at Tony and diving into a conversation.

As soon as Mason left I made my excuses to Tony, saying I
had a headache and made my way home, collapsing in bed, my nerves frazzled and
exhaustion engulfing me as I slept until lunchtime the next day.


The next few weeks flew by as I job hunted, and I was
pleased with myself. I had managed to secure an interview at NSC industries, a
top technology business as a temporary PA to cover someone’s maternity leave, and
an interview for a receptionist at the local doctors.

On Friday I went for the NSC interview and it all seemed to
go well, they seemed pleased with me and promised to email a decision soon and
when the offer of the job came through Friday night; me, Courtney, Kim and
Sally decided to party.


We all decided against ‘The loft’ and went to an older club,
across the road. About 2am we had exited the club and were all drunkenly
looking for a taxi when I saw Mason leave ‘The loft’ with Kerrie. I was
relieved to see him with her and not Rebecca and I slinked behind Courtney,
trying to hide but Kerrie saw me “Ava” she shouted and I groaned. Sally shouted
to me, intoxicated “Ava babe, someone’s shouting you Hun” I growled at her, now
I couldn’t feign ignorance of their presence.

Kerrie walked over to me and hugged me, I was very drunk at
this point “Kerrie, how are you?” I slurred. I saw Mason check me out and his
eyes darkened when he scanned me. I was wearing a tight red silk dress, with a
black lace overlay, It was quite short and I had teamed it with black thigh
high 5 inch boots “I’m great” She grinned and cocked her head “Good night?” she
laughed as I swayed and grabbed hold of Courtney “Yep, we are celebrating my
new job” I grinned, refusing to look at Mason “Oh” she said, looking a little
stunned “where at Sweetie?” I pointed my finger in the air “Erm…Erm oh
somewhere cool” I giggled and Courtney rolled her eyes “NSC Industries” she
told them, a slight smug smirk on her face.

Kerrie nodded “I love your dress Ava” Kerrie confessed and I
smiled happily “Thank you, it makes me feel sexy” I winked, the open air had
strengthened the alcohol levels in me and my inhibitions had completely
bottomed out. “On the pull then are you Ava?” Mason growled from behind her. I
scowled at him and Kerrie glared “Mason” she warned him and he huffed and
shrugged “Just because I feel sexy doesn’t mean I’m ‘on the pull’ Mr Fox. We
aren’t all like the whores’ that entertain you!” I admonished, my eyes hooded.

His eyes locked onto mine, the desire and need in them
slamming into me. He was biting his bottom lip and his fists were clenched as
his chest rose and fell heavily with each harsh breaths. I swallowed and
slightly rubbed my thighs together as arousal pooled in my knickers, the urgent
need to fuck him to extinction surged into me and I gasped, my own breathing
was heavy and I licked my lips.

Mason took a few steps towards me, his eyes refusing to
release mine as the fire in them intensified my need to screw this man. Courtney
pulled me back “Oh no you don’t” she snapped and stepped in front of me “I
won’t let you hurt her anymore” she cautioned and Mason stopped dead, still not
looking away “Ava?” he asked, waiting for my decision.

I took a big breath and Kim and Sally were looking backwards
and forward between the both of us like they were watching a tennis match,
confusion etched on their expressions “I...” I so wanted to go with him but Courtney
squeezed my arm “I…I can’t Mason” I shook my head rapidly “No, don’t do this to
me” I pleaded and he closed his eyes and nodded, turned swiftly and walked back
over to his club.

Kerrie reached over and hugged me “Ava, he misses you” she
whispered in my ear. I nodded “Me too Kerrie but he hurt me too much. I can’t
trust him anymore” she nodded in understanding but she took hold of my hand
“Just so you know though Ava, he isn’t back with Rebecca. He hasn’t been with
anybody else since you left” she told me openly and I nodded “Thank you, your
honesty means a lot Kerrie. Please ring me soon and let me know when your first
session is” she looked a little stunned “He told you?” her eyebrows furrowed
“Oh Kerrie, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise it was a secret” she shook her head “No
it’s not that Ava, it’s just that Mason never discusses his private life with
anyone, not even Dane” I smiled sadly “He was really upset Kerrie, he loves you
very much and his pain was too much to bear so I was the shoulder, you know” I
shrugged and felt awkward as I disclosed Masons secret pain. “He cried with
you?” she seemed astonished, her eyes wide and I shrugged “We all cry Kerrie”
she nodded “But Mason never does” she regarded me as if she was telling me
something important. I sighed and nodded sadly, squeezing her hand again “You
ring me soon” I told her and climbed in the taxi the girls had grabbed.

She was still stood on the curb edge, stunned at Masons willingness
to show his feelings with me and to be honest I was a little stunned at her
revelations as well. The fact that Mason had only ever opened his emotions with
me made the ice crack a little more.



I was sat on the sofa; I couldn’t get Mason out of my head.
The way he had looked at me tonight, the intense longing and craving on his
face had matched my own. Kerrie had informed me that he hadn’t been with anyone
else and I trusted her totally, I think Rebecca had tried to use the
opportunity when I left to her own evil purposes, making it look like she was
with Mason. I was extremely aroused and wound up so highly I couldn’t get our
love-making out of my head, the erotic pictures and images were refusing to
leave my imagination.

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