Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) (17 page)

Read Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) Online

Authors: Ian Dalton

Tags: #sex, #sexy, #divorce, #younger man, #older woman, #contemporary fiction, #tennis, #friends with benefits

BOOK: Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1)
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Jillian rushed home to prepare for her date.
When she returned to the house, she didn't see Brian. She went
upstairs, took a shower, and got dressed, and when she came down,
she found him in the great room watching television. She appeared
standing before him, looking a little nervous but breathtakingly
beautiful in her skirt and blouse.

"How do I look?"

With his mouth hanging open, Brian's gaze
traveled up her body, but he failed to reply.

She grinned. "So?"

"Sorry. You look… fantastic. Where are you off

"A date. A blind date that I set up weeks ago
and completely forgot about."

Giving her an apologetic look, he stood and took
a few steps to her. "I’m so sorry about missing dinner. I didn’t
know what Rob had planned."

"Don’t worry about it. Did you eat?"


"Make those steaks for yourself if you

Nervously looking herself over in the mirror,
she frowned. "I look awful."

"You really look amazing." Brian titled his head
as he checked her out from head to toe. His head snapped upright as
she turned to him.

She smiled. "You’re sweet. I really hope this
guy isn’t a lunatic, or anything." As she headed from the room, she
called back, "Have fun tonight, and eat those steaks."

Watching her go, he shared the hope that the guy
wasn't a lunatic, but he did pray that her date was a complete



As Jillian approached the right turn into the
parking garage, a red car came speeding from the other direction
and made a left turn in front of her, cutting her off. Slamming on
the brakes, she avoided a collision. She pulled in behind the red
Mercedes convertible, expecting some sort of apologetic gesture
from the driver, but none came. The driver pushed the button for
his ticket, got it, and when the gate flew up, he took off into the
garage. The garage was full, so she was forced to look for parking
on the roof level. As she drove around looking for a space, she saw
the red Mercedes again. This time, it was parked, and the male
driver was heading her way. She rolled down the window, and as he
passed the car, she said, "You realize you cut me off back

The man didn’t even bother to look at her.
"Sorry, lady, but I’m late."

It had been a few weeks since Jillian had seen
the online photo of her date, and although the man seemed somewhat
familiar, she could not be sure, but she hoped that wasn't her

Making her way to the bar of the restaurant, she
scanned the room and was relieved not to find the guy who drove the
Mercedes waiting for her there. Her date was to meet her at the bar
at seven. Arriving a little early for a nerve-calming cocktail, she
was on her second, fifteen minutes later, when a man approached the
bar. He spotted Jillian, walked to her, and introduced himself as
Matt. She instantly recognized him as the guy who had cut her off
minutes ago, but she chose not to mention it—at least initially.
They agreed to have a drink at the bar, since there was a
thirty-minute wait for a table.

Matt ordered a third drink for her and one for
himself. Since Jillian had not eaten anything in about seven hours,
she was starting to really feel the effects of the alcohol. He was
a self-centered pinhead who gave himself away not only with his
rude driving but by the way he complained about his drink, about
the restaurant, about the wait, and about pretty much everything
else in the place.

While still sitting at the bar, nursing her
third drink, Jillian looked down and noticed the outline of a
familiar object in the pocket of Matt’s trousers. She looked again,
to be sure, but with the way he was sitting and the way his pants
were pulled tight, she could clearly see the unmistakable ring of a
condom showing right through the thin fabric. Holding back a smile,
she took a quick, tiny sip of her drink and decided to have some

She gave him a serious look. "You know, you cut
me off on the way into the parking garage. I was the one who spoke
to you in the parking lot."

"Oh, sorry about that." Glancing at her face, he
put on vaguely apologetic smile. "It’s been a long day, and I
thought I was late so, again, really sorry about that."

She took a sip of her drink and ran her hand
along the side of the glass. "But I saw you out there about twenty
minutes before you made it in here."

"I had to pick something up in the mall."

"What?" Jillian scoffed.

He looked at her like she was a little crazy.
"I, um, just was checking on some contact lenses I ordered."

After taking another sip, she looked him
directly in the eye and said in a harsh tone, "I’m going to guess
that there were no contact lenses."

He grinned at her as if she might be kidding.
When her facial expression didn't change, he frowned. "What are you
trying to say?"

"Matt, I’m thinking that maybe... you went to
the drugstore." She gave him an evil grin.

He chuckled nervously.

Tilting her head back, she looked down her nose
at him. "Did you possibly buy some condoms, because you assumed
that you might be getting really lucky tonight?"

He gave her an odd look. "Did you follow me? Are
you insane?"

She shook her head no and simply pointed to his

He looked down at his pocket, noticed the
obvious ring, and gave her a smug smile. "I knew I should have kept
them in the box. Would it make any difference if I told you they're

She gave him a sickened look. "Not a bit."

"Look, Jillian, I was running late, and I was
going to bring them to the car but didn’t want to be any later
meeting you than I already was."

"That’s thoughtful of you, Matthew, but I think
I’m just going to go." Then she got up and walked away, a little
woozy from the cocktails.



Jillian left the restaurant and walked into the
mall courtyard area. She bought a pretzel and a Coke hoping to
sober up enough to make the three-block drive home. Spotting Brian
sitting on a bench outside the movie theater, she walked up to

The instant he saw her, he knew she had been
drinking. She fell a little as she tried to slip onto the bench
next to him.

"What kind of guy arrives late for a date and
has condoms showing in his pocket?"

"A giant asshole," Brian said, playing

"Right. And what kind of giant asshole then
tries to diffuse the situation by telling you the condoms are

"A giant asshole with a giant penis."

She smiled. "Right again."

"I take it there won't be a second date."

After rolling her eyes at him, she grinned.
"You've got that right. So, what are you doing here?"

"Rob's meeting me. We’re seeing a movie. Do you
want to join us?"

"No, I think I’ll just go home and boil up those

Brian’s phone rang. He checked the display and
answered. "Hey Rob.... No problem.... Sure, I understand....

After hanging up, he grinned at Jillian.
"Evidently you aren’t the only one with relationship trouble
tonight. Laura found out about our trip last night to the strip
club, and she’s not happy."

"He took you to a strip club last night?" She
shook her head with a smile.

After nodding, he looked her in the eye. "Why
don’t you come to the movie with me? I already bought two tickets,
and you seem like you might be either too drunk or too upset or too
both of those conditions... to drive home."

"I think I will. I haven’t been to the movies
drunk since I was seventeen."

"Let’s get you some dinner first. We’ve got,
like, twenty minutes."

"What are we seeing?"

Battle: Los Angeles
. Rob wanted to
see it. It’s a sci-fi action thing." Brian gave her an apologetic

"I’ve got a better idea. For
science fiction
movie…" She gave him a distasteful look. "…I’m going to
actually need more to drink. Let’s sneak in something. It’ll be
like high school."



Jillian waited on one side of the street as
Brian dodged traffic to cross to the liquor store about a block
away. When he returned, she placed the bottle of rum in her purse,
and they went into the theater.


They took their seats in the nearly-empty, large
theater just as the previews began. Jillian ran to the bathroom but
passed Brian the bottle of rum first. He poured about
four-and-a-half shots' worth of the rum into his Coke and poured
the rest, which amounted to about half a shot, into hers. He mixed
them up a little with the straws. Wanting to catch up with her at
least a little, he sucked down about a quarter of his giant,
super-strong rum and Coke while she was away.

Jillian returned and sat next to him. An older
couple was many rows behind them in the last row, and four rows
ahead of them sat two people. They sat in the very center of the
theater. Brian set the popcorn bucket on his lap, and she held her
drink. Slumping in her seat, a little woozy, she sipped from her
Coke and said softly," Did you already put it in?"

"Yeah," he whispered.

"It tastes like nothing’s in here."

He glanced away shyly. "It’s, um, a really big

Nodding in agreement, she reached into the
bucket for some popcorn.

As the movie began, another couple entered the
theater and rushed to seats in the same row as Jillian and Brian
but across the aisle. They were about nineteen, giggling, and
obviously dating. Twenty minutes into the movie, Brian looked over
and noticed they were making out pretty heavily.

He nudged Jillian; she took a look, smiled, and
whispered in his ear, "Get a room."

"They’re like animals."

The caffeine in Jillian's barely-spiked, giant
soda was causing her to be both drunk and full of energy. Glancing
over at Brian, she studied his profile as the light gently
reflected off his face. Their bare knees were touching, and she
closed her eyes to enjoy the feel of it. She reached into the
popcorn bucket, grabbed a kernel, and tossed it into her mouth. She
looked over at the amorous couple and saw, as a particularity
bright scene filled the theater with light, that the guy was
rubbing the girl’s chest through her shirt. As they continued to
make out, the girl’s hand disappeared into the guy’s lap. Jillian
nudged Brian to look, and when he did, they shared a smile.

The combination of the rum and Coke, Jillian’s
sexy knee rubbing his for the last hour, her perfume, the couple
practically having sex just twenty feet from him, and Jillian
plunging her hand every fifteen seconds into the popcorn bucket
right over his sensitive groin area had led to quite an
uncomfortable crowding in Brian's shorts. Something had to be
removed from that equation, or he was going to have a real problem.
He decided the popcorn had to go.

He glanced at her. "You want the bucket?"


"You sure you don’t want any more?"

She shook her head with a smile as she stared at
the screen.

After placing the bucket under his seat, Brian
looked at Jillian’s bare knee, which was still touching his. She
seemed to be pushing her knee more and more into him as the movie
progressed. He looked over at the busy couple and saw the guy now
had his hand under the girl’s shirt, and the girl was busy doing
something to the guy’s lap.

Several minutes went by, but the removal of the
popcorn bucket had done nothing to relieve his situation. Looking
over to be sure Jillian was watching the screen, he slid his hand
into his lap to quickly adjust his straining erection. Whatever he
did inadvertently freed his manhood from the confines of his
boxers. That relieved some of the pain, but unfortunately, it also
made the problem worse, since his dick was now free to expand,
which it rapidly did.

Jillian, her eyes glued to the screen, reached
into Brian’s lap, feeling for the popcorn. She didn’t find any, but
her blindly searching hand landed on something hard—really

Instead of quickly pulling her hand away, she
let it remain in his lap as he sat, frozen and unable to breathe.
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and she appeared
unfazed by her find, yet she still made no attempt to move her

Jillian’s initial thought was that she had
touched his cell phone, but as she felt the object a little more,
she quickly realized what she had discovered and exactly what state
she had discover it in. She decided to play it cool and attempt to
not embarrass either of them by casually leaving her hand in his
lap with a plan to remove it when the time seemed right. Looking
down at his hands, she noticed his fingers were spread out and
awkwardly gripping the top of each armrest. She fought back a

Brian picked up the Coke, his hand shaking
slightly, and took a long drink. He glanced at Jillian from the
corner of his eye, and she still seemed unaware of her hand’s
current location.

She was still feeling the effects of the alcohol
as she glanced at Brian and saw the unprecedented look of distress
on his face. Her hand remained still as she grinned, cupping her
mouth to direct her comment only to him. Leaning over so that she
was an inch from his face, she muttered, "Sorry about that. I’m
going to take my hand off your penis now."

"Oh, is it...? I didn’t, uh, notice." He froze
pretending to look at the screen. "You want some popcorn?"

"No," she whispered, and she slowly pulled her
hand away from him. When she did, he exhaled deeply and finally
relaxed in his seat. After quietly trying to adjust his shorts
again, he took another long sip of his Coke, holding it out for
her. "Want some?"

She sampled his drink and choked a little,
because it was incredibly strong—much stronger than hers. She sat
smiling for a minute and knew the only logical explanation was that
he had spiked his drink way more than hers. She figured he was
concerned about the condition she was already in when they met
outside the theater.

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