Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) (14 page)

Read Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1) Online

Authors: Ian Dalton

Tags: #sex, #sexy, #divorce, #younger man, #older woman, #contemporary fiction, #tennis, #friends with benefits

BOOK: Inappropriate Thoughts (Victoria Wilde #1)
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Victoria, Brian, and Rob each floated lazily
in the large pool on separate rafts. She lay face down, completely
nude, her pussy pressed gently against the cool vinyl, while the
guys were face up, their half-hard cocks straining against the
confines of their swim trunks.

Victoria’s hands were paddling over the
sides of her raft as she neared Brian. When their floats bumped,
she placed her hand on Brian’s raft to keep them together. Her hand
wandered up until it reached his stomach. His cock swelled as her
delicate fingers roamed over his belly button. Rob looked on
jealously with his own cock hardening.

Rob used his arms to move to Victoria. When
he reached her, he placed his hand on her ass cheek and cupped it
tentatively. Victoria’s eyes slammed shut as she reached back and
put her other hand on Rob’s thigh. Gasping, Rob moved his hand to
her pussy. He slid two fingers inside and found her soaked and hot.
Victoria guided her hands to both hard cocks and began massaging
them through the thin material of their swimsuits.

Brian gazed at her gorgeous ass while
breathing heavily and wanting desperately to taste her. Victoria
attempted to pull Brian’s cock free with one hand, while she
continued to rub Rob’s quickly stiffening manhood through his
trunks. Helping her by slipping his suit down his legs, Brian
dropped it into the pool. His cock swelled once released from his
trunks, and Victoria gazed at it with her lips parted. Taking her
hand from Rob, she slid around on her float so her head was hanging
off one side while her legs dandled in the water, and her ass stuck
up deliciously toward Rob.

Rob slipped into the water and went to her.
He grasped her float with both hands on either side of her
milky-white ass as his lips slowly zoned in on her pussy. He paused
only inches away, gazing at her pink, hair-free pussy lips. Brian
maneuvered back to Victoria, and she held his float as he slipped
his body to the edge with his cock pointed her way. Spreading his
legs, he locked them under her float as she held the edges of his
raft while her head hovered over his super-hard, thick cock. Rob
slipped his tongue deep into her pussy. Gasping, she narrowed her
eyes before devouring Brian with her mouth.

Rob continued licking her wet pussy with his
nose pressed against her ass and the waves of the pool splashing up
occasionally over her. Victoria held completely still for a moment,
enjoying the sensation of Rob’s tongue, then she took more of Brian
into her mouth.

Brian leaned back, completely relaxed, until
his head was partially in the pool. This pushed his cock further up
and into Victoria’s throat. After gagging momentarily, she adjusted
herself and began sucking him harder. Brian was close and tried to
focus on anything other than what they were doing to delay his
climax and extend this spectacular blow job.

Rob pulled away from Victoria and gazed once
again at her beautiful parts. He kissed each of her cheeks and then
moved closer. He pressed his tongue to her ass, and Victoria
groaned with her mouth still locked on Brian’s cock. Closing her
eyes tightly, she pulled—



Kurt arrived and jolted her out of the
fantasy when he tossed a hose over the fence and onto the lawn, but
she didn’t mind. She could return to it later.

Craning her neck, she discovered that he was
shirtless. After exchanging a hello with him, she let her eyes
wander to his muscular chest. When she finally returned to his
face, she caught him staring directly at her string-covered ass.
Grinning, she let him have another moment before turning over and
asking, "Mind if I take a quick dip before you start? It’s so hot

"What?" He mumbled as he drank in her
cleavage while his eyes slowly made their way back to her face.

Wow, he must really like
this suit,
she thought as she repeated the

Looking away, he appeared to struggle to try
to remember what the hell he was supposed to be doing. "Um, sure.
Knock yourself out."

She slowly walked down the steps into the
pool, just enough to wet her see-through top, and then she climbed
back out. When she did, her hard nipples showed right through the
white fabric, along with everything she had down below. She watched
as Kurt leaned into the pool to collect water for a test. At that
moment, he made the mistake of glancing up at her. With his eyes
widened, he lost his balance and fell into the pool.

After returning to the surface, he looked at
her, smiling, and then lifted his strong body effortlessly from the

As Victoria watched him, she held back a
laugh. "Are you okay?"

"New suit?" he asked.

"Yes, do you like it?"

"I’d say it’s my new favorite."



Jillian arrived, walked to the pool area
through the gate, and looked at Victoria apologetically.

"I’m not talking to you yet." Frowning,
Victoria folded her arms.

"I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come down on
you like that, especially since I think I did something much worse.
I, uh—" Jillian started to say but stopped when she saw Kurt

Victoria looked at Kurt. "He doesn’t mind a
little girl talk. Do you Kurt?"

"No, I’ve heard some things that would,
uh..." he began, but ended by shaking his head.

Jillian plopped down in a lounger and looked
at the newly-built house behind Victoria’s. The house was large and
about a hundred yards away. The backyard had a clear view into
Victoria’s yard.

Jillian asked, "Did they move in up there


"It’s a shame about your view. Are you still
going to have those tall trees planted to get back your

Victoria grinned then looked over at the
house. "The view is actually a lot better now."

"What are you talking about?"

"There’s a hot guy who moved in there. I’ve
been waiting for him to come over, but it hasn’t happened yet.
We’ve only exchanged waves a couple times."

"Is he married?"

"Not sure. I think I’ll take something over
to welcome him to the neighborhood. Maybe I’ll bake something,"
Victoria said.

Jillian gave her a skeptical look. "You
can’t bake."

"I’ll figure some way to welcome him."

Jillian shook her head disapprovingly.
"Okay, but be sure he’s not married first."

Victoria frowned again. "Did you come over
here to give me crap, or..."

"No, I came to tell you Brian made me this
incredible breakfast in bed."

"Great, so you guys did it then?" Victoria
gave her a broad smile.

"No. Would you let me finish?" Jillian
snapped, making Victoria’s smile fade. "Anyway, after breakfast, we
played tennis together, and he’s great and a good sport, unlike
Giant Pube Boy.

"Who’s Giant Pube Boy?" Victoria asked.

"You remember, from a couple weeks ago?"

Victoria looked at her, confused. Jillian
matter-of-factly pulled out her phone, loaded up the picture, and
handed the phone to Victoria.

"I do remember now. The blind date who ended
up in your pool, naked." Victoria studied the picture, smiling. "I
still can’t see his penis. Where is it again?"

"It’s in there somewhere."

Victoria glanced up at Kurt. "You’ve got to
see this."

He happily walked over, looked at the
picture, and then laughed. "Wow, that’s a lot of hair."

As he walked away, Victoria asked, "You’re
trimmed down there, aren’t you, Kurt?"

"You know it," he said without looking

Jillian shook her head with a smile.
"Anyway… so after we finished playing, he went to take a shower,
and I kinda sorta went to ask him if he needed any towels or

"Towels?" Victoria said, accusatorily.

"Yes, towels. Would anyone buy that?"

"No, but please continue. This is getting

Jillian whispered, "I kind of caught him
jerking off in the shower, and I stood there and watched while he

"Did you do anything... else?"

"Not really," she continued whispering. Then
she looked over at Kurt, who either wasn’t hearing any of this or
listening intently and trying to play it cool.

"You didn’t join him?"

"No, I... uh... thought about it, but Rob
came home and..."

"Oh, you should have played less tennis and
done more fucking!"

Jillian took a moment to processes that
possibility. "I think it would be a mistake. He’s Rob’s best friend
and all, and nearly half my age, but God, is he sexy!"

"Life is short. You’ve got to seize the
opportunities you're given. It’s not like you have a lot of

Jillian glared at her a moment, then nodded
in agreement. "For argument's sake, let’s say I do want to sleep
with him, but I’m so out of practice that I’ve forgotten exactly
how to do everything. What do young guys like?"

"I can give you the perfect plan to blow his
mind and keep him coming back for more. Once you do this, he will
follow you around like a lost puppy just begging for you to do it

Jillian looked at her expectantly.

"First, have him lie on his stomach, fresh
from a good, long, hot shower. Then you—" She looked over at Kurt.
"Sorry, Kurt. I don’t want you to hear all my secrets."

She whispered the rest of the procedure into
Jillian’s ear. Jillian listened intently, asked a few questions,
and looked turned on by most of what she heard and a little put off
by the rest.

"And that does it?" Jillian asked.

"Like you wouldn’t believe." Victoria said
confidently. "You really would need to like a guy to do all

Jillian nodded along in complete

"You need a
perfectly-groomed guy, as it were. For example, no one is doing any
to Pube
Boy," Victoria added as they both shared a sickened look. "I once
brought a young guy right to the edge four times before I let him
come. He nearly jumped out of his skin. But when I thought he had
finally had enough, I did that last thing I told you about, and he,
uh... He claimed it was the biggest orgasm of his life."

Jillian looked at her in awe.

"That’s why I think there are so many
divorces today—married couples just don’t have enough really good
sex. I’m not talking about five minutes of 'I’m-exhausted,
we-just-finished-watching-the-local-news, but
do-you-really-feel-like-doing-it?' sex. I mean, the
up-to-bed-early-on-a-weeknight, take-a-good-shower,
slip-on-some-lingerie, and really-go-at-it sex. Your basic
blow-job, oral-for-her, sixty-nine, regular-old-fashioned, and
then-maybe-a-little-backdoor, around-the-world sex."

Jillian watched her,
bleary eyed. "This
just one night we’re talking about, right?"

Ignoring the question, Victoria grinned.
"You go ‘around the world’ with your husband a couple times a
month, and he won’t be straying. You won’t be finding yourself at
an attorney’s office, arguing over who gets custody of the

Jillian looked at Victoria like she was
really making some sense, and Victoria summarized it with this last
gem, "Look, all I know is that it’s really hard for a couple to ask
for a divorce from each other when their genitals are buried in
each other’s faces."

Jillian looked sheepishly at Victoria.
"Brian still seems to be hung up on that college girl. I don’t want
to do anything to screw that up for him."

"You’d actually be doing him a favor. You
give him one good night, and he goes back to school full of
confidence and sweeps that girl off her feet. She won’t know what
hit her."

"Maybe you’re on to—"

"Someone needs to help him out. If you
don’t, maybe I should," Victoria said half- jokingly.

"Okay. I’ll let you know, but keep your paws
off until I figure this out."

"Deal, but if you do sleep with him, please
record it and e-mail it to me."

After rolling her eyes, Jillian smiled at

Just then, a man in his mid-forties exited
the back door of the house behind Victoria’s and approached the
grill. Jillian and Victoria watched as the tall, muscular man in
the polo shirt and shorts bent down to turn on the gas in the tank
and then stood to fire up the grill.

"What’s he, like, forty-five? Isn’t he a
little too old for you?" Jillian kidded.

Smiling, Victoria waved to him as she
growled, "Very funny."

The man looked over, smiled back, and
returned the wave.

"He’s cute," Jillian said.

"Look at those broad shoulders... I should
really learn to bake."

The man walked toward the house. Turning
back, he smiled, waved again, and disappeared inside.

Victoria squirmed in her chair a little.
"Are you hot? I’m hot... I wonder what Austin is doing

Jillian narrowed her eyes at Victoria, who
was clearly in need of some male attention. Little did Jillian know
that it had been quite a few days since Victoria’s last encounter.
She was in desperate need, and after her two recent interrupted
fantasies, Victoria could think of nothing other than a party of

As soon as Jillian left, Victoria called
Austin. She told him she was having a party and that he and his
gorgeous friend, Steve, were invited.


At Jillian’s, Rob slept at home that night. He
and Brian stayed in and watched movies. Finding his mind wandering
during the films, Brian thought mostly about Jillian and how much
fun they had playing tennis. He thought a lot about how freaking
incredible she looked in her short tennis skirt. Natalie also
crossed his mind once or twice. Was she somewhere thinking about
him, or was she with some other guy? He wished he knew.

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