In Bed with a Highlander (33 page)

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“Let me breathe, lass,” Ewan said with a laugh.

“I love you,” she whispered into his ear. “I love you so much.”

And suddenly he was squeezing her every bit as hard as she squeezed him. To her utter shock, he turned and hauled her out of the hall. He took the stairs two at a time and burst into their chamber just moments later.

After he kicked the door shut with his foot, he stared fiercely down at her, his grip so tight around her that she couldn’t squeeze out a single breath.

“What did you say?” he asked hoarsely.

Her eyes widened in surprise at his vehemence.

“Just a moment ago. In the hall. What did you say into my ear?”

She swallowed nervously and fidgeted in his arms. Then she gathered her courage as tightly around her as he held her. “I love you.”

“ ’Tis about damn time,” he growled.

She blinked in confusion. “ ’Tis about time for what?”

“The words. You finally said them.”

“But I only just realized,” she said in bewilderment.

“I knew it already,” he said with smug satisfaction.

“You did not. I didn’t even know it, so how could you?”

He grinned. “So tell me, lass, how did you plan to spend your afternoon of leisure?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “Perhaps I’ll go find Crispen and play with him and the other children.”

Ewan shook his head.

“Nay?” she questioned.



“Because I’ve decided that an afternoon of leisure sounds extremely appealing.”

Her eyes widened in astonishment. “You have?”

“Mmm-hmm. I wondered if perhaps you were willing to be leisurely with me.”

“ ’Tis a sin to be slothful,” she whispered.

“Aye, but what I have in mind has nothing to do with being a sloth.”

She blushed furiously at the suggestion in his voice. “You’ve never taken the afternoon off from your duties.”

“My most important duty is to see to the needs of my wife.” He cupped the area of her cheek where Heath had struck her, and his gaze darkened.

“Do you really mean to kill him, Ewan?” she whispered.

Ewan scowled. “He struck you. You are wife to the laird, mistress of this keep. I tolerate no disrespect and I damn sure will kill any man who ever touches you.”

Mairin twisted her hands, guilt surging through her. “I provoked him shamelessly. I called him terrible names. I used words no lady should ever use. Mother Serenity would wash my mouth out with soap.”

Ewan sighed. “What would you have me do, Mairin?
He’s been a problem before today. He’d already used up his allotment of chances. Even if he hadn’t struck you, I would not tolerate him raising a hand to another woman in this clan.”

“Can you banish him? I would think that a man with no home and no means would suffer far more than if you offered him a quick and easy death. Maybe he’ll starve to death or a pack of wolves will descend upon him.”

Ewan reared back in surprise and then he laughed, the throaty sound sending prickles of delight down Mairin’s spine.

“You’re a bloodthirsty lass.”

She nodded. “Aye, Alaric said as much.”

“Why is it important that I not do the killing, Mairin? ’Tis my right as laird and as your husband.”

“Because I feel at fault for provoking him so. If he hadn’t struck me, you wouldn’t have ordered his death for striking Christina. Not that you wouldn’t have punished him,” she rushed to say.

“So you’d rather he be ravaged by a pack of wolves.”

She nodded.

He chuckled. “So be it, lass. I’ll have Gannon escort him off our lands with the order never to return.”

She threw her arms around him and squeezed as hard as she could. “I love you.”

He pulled her away and then leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. “Say it again.”

She twisted her lips and scowled up at him. “You’re a demanding man, Laird.”

His lips found hers and he drank deeply, rubbing his tongue over her mouth until she opened to let him in.

“Say it,” he whispered.

“I love you.”

With a low groan, he gathered her in his arms and
walked her back until her legs hit the edge of the bed. He swept her down and then rolled until she was sprawled indelicately atop him. He pushed at her clothing, baring first her shoulders and then her arms. He gripped her upper arms and pulled her down so that he nuzzled her neck. Ah, but his lips were magic.

Determined that he wouldn’t be the only one doing the torturing, she bent and ran her tongue over the thick cords in his neck. Smiling when he flinched and went rigid underneath her, she sank her teeth into his flesh, inhaling his male scent. She savored his taste, rolling her tongue over every line and dip.


She leaned up so she could look down into Ewan’s eyes. “Aye, husband?”

“Do you have a particular fondness for this dress?”

She frowned. “Well nay, ’tis a work gown after all.”


Before she could think on his meaning, he ripped the material from her bodice all the way past her waist. It fell away, baring her breasts to his eager touch.

“ ’Tis not fair,” she grumbled. “I can’t rip your clothing.”

He grinned. “Would you like to, lass?”

“Aye, I would.”

Chuckling, he rolled until he was on top and he began shrugging out of his clothing. As soon as he was naked, he pulled the remaining tatters of her dress from her body and then rolled her back on top of him.

“ ’Tis an odd position, husband. I’m sure you don’t have the way of it.”

He traced a line from her temple over her cheek and to her lips. “Aye, lass, I have the right of it. Today the women are in charge and the men are doing the work. It only seems right that you should be on top. I am your humble servant.”

Her eyes widened. She thought on what he’d said, pursed her lips, and then finally shook her head. “I’m not at all sure such a thing is possible.”

“Oh aye, ’tis possible, lass. Not only is it possible, but ’tis a marvelous experience.”

He gripped her hips, lifting to position her over his groin.

“Put your hand down, lass. Guide me in.”

She trembled with excitement and anticipation. Her legs quivered and jumped against his sides as she reached down and grasped his hardness.

“Oh, aye, lass, just like that. Hold me just right there. Let me fit you to me.”

He moved her, holding her still as the tip of his cock brushed through her damp heat. Then he found the entrance and slid in the tiniest bit. Her eyes flew open and she tensed as he began to breach her opening.

“Relax,” he soothed.

He guided her down and she removed her hand and placed both palms on his chest. She leaned forward as his fingers slid from her hips over her buttocks. He gripped her flesh and spread her wider as he slid deeper.

With one final push, her bottom met the tops of his thighs. It was an unsettling sensation, being speared, so full with no relief. Her body hummed with pleasure. Her nipples tightened into hard points, pouting and begging for his touch.

He obliged her, leaving her hips and feathering his fingers over her belly up until he cupped both breasts in his palms. Little sparks of fire sizzled through her body when he thumbed the taut buds. He teased and coaxed until they were painfully rigid.

“Ride me,” he said huskily.

The image of doing such a thing exploded in her mind. A hot flush worked through her core until she squirmed and gripped him even tighter in her sheath.

Eager to do his bidding, she began to move, tentatively at first. She felt awkward and shy but the look in Ewan’s eyes gave her all the confidence she needed to continue.

Back and forth she rocked, rising up and then easing down. They both made contented sounds that became more desperate and urgent as she picked up her pace.

Delighting in her newfound freedom, she proceeded to drive them both beyond the bounds of reason. She smiled seductively down at her husband when he pleaded with her to stop tormenting him.

With her lips fused to his as tightly as their bodies were joined, they found their release. She swallowed his cry of triumph as he swallowed her cry of ecstasy. His fingers dug into her hips and he pulled her down, holding her there as he emptied himself into her body.

With a sigh, she collapsed on top of him and burrowed into his warmth. His heart pounded frantically against hers until she wasn’t sure whose beat harder. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“I love you, Mairin.”

For a moment she didn’t think she’d heard correctly. Aye, she loved him. More than she’d imagined loving a man. But she hadn’t dreamed that he’d return her feelings. He was affectionate with her. Loving, even. But she hadn’t ever expected that he’d offer her his heart.

Tears filled her eyes as she rose up, her hair falling over his chest while she stared down at him in wonder.

“Say it again,” she said huskily.

He smiled at hearing his own words tossed back at him.

“I love you.”

“Oh, Ewan,” she whispered.

“Don’t cry, lass. I’d do just about anything to keep you from crying.”

“ ’Tis happy tears.” She sniffed. “You’ve made me so happy, Ewan. You’ve given me a home and family. A clan to call my own. And you stood behind me today when I feared you’d denounce me in front of everyone.”

He frowned and shook his head. “I always stand behind you, wife. I may not always agree with you, and there will be times that I may not make a decision you agree with, but I always stand behind you.”

She hugged him again and pressed her face into his neck. “Oh, I do love you so, Ewan.”

He rolled until they were on their sides facing each other. He touched her face, stroking the wispy tendrils of hair from her cheek. “I’ve waited a long time for you to say those words, lass. And now that I have, I’m never going to grow tired of them.”

She smiled. “ ’Tis a good thing, Laird, for I have this problem with saying the least thing that runs through my mind, and ’tis a fact I’ll be thinking of how much I love you often.”

“Perhaps you should show me,” he said in a husky, aroused voice.

Her mouth dropped open. “Again?”

He smiled and kissed her. “Aye, lass, again.”


Mairin slowly dragged herself out of bed and headed straight for the chamber pot where she vomited what little remained in her belly from the night before.

It was a miserable occurrence and had happened like clockwork every morning for the last fortnight. Only it didn’t end there. She vomited promptly after the morning meal, then again after the noon meal, and usually at least once before bed.

She’d hidden her condition from Ewan for as long as possible, but with all the vomiting and the way she eyed food as if she were being poisoned again, it was inevitable that he found out.

She would tell him today of her suspicions. Not that they were actually suspicions because it seemed obvious to her that she was carrying his child, and God knew, Ewan had put enough effort into the task of impregnating her.

The entire clan would greet the news with joy. With her dowry to be delivered at any time, prosperity would finally visit their keep. A pregnancy and safe delivery of a child would seal the McCabe control of Neamh Álainn.

She fairly danced with excitement over the idea of telling Ewan the news.

After washing out her mouth and getting dressed, Mairin headed below stairs where she was met by Gannon. She raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw him because since her poisoning, Ewan had made it a point to have either himself or one of his brothers guarding her every moment of every day. It was a fact she was resigned to and had accepted with good grace.

“Good morning, my lady,” Gannon said cheerfully.

“Good morning, Gannon. Tell me, what have you done to anger your laird?”

Gannon blinked and eyed her with confusion. Then he laughed as he realized she was jesting with him over his duty.

“Nothing, my lady, ’tis the truth I volunteered for the chore of looking after you today. The laird and his brothers have gone out to greet the McDonalds.”

Her eyebrows rose again. Any talk of the McDonalds had been dispensed with after her poisoning. Why, she’d even forgotten the matter of an alliance herself. The McDonalds’ departure was not on pleasant terms, so the idea that they had returned made her very curious.

“Where are they?” she asked.

“Unloading the stores of food from the wagon,” Gannon said with a smile.

Mairin clasped her hands in delight. “So they made good on that ridiculous wager?”

Gannon rolled his eyes. “Of course. ’Tis a peace offering, too. The two clans must soothe over any bad feelings if we are to ally ourselves.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful. Surely this will carry us to the winter months.”

Gannon nodded. “And beyond, if the hunt continues to be successful.”

And if her dowry would come, the clan would have warm clothing for the winter. The children would have
shoes. They would eat instead of worrying about where their next meal would come from.

This was very welcome news.

“Where might I find Ewan?” she asked Gannon.

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