Holly's Intuition

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Authors: Saskia Walker

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Hol y’s Intuition

ISBN # 978-0-85715-477-4

©Copyright Saskia Walker 2011

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2011

Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Al characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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The author and il ustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and il ustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank,

Ruston Way

, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom

This book contains sexual y explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated

Erogenous Zones


Saskia Walker



For my editor, Claire Siemaszkiewicz, who has encouraged me throughout the writing of this series, and who teaches me new things whenever we work together.

Thank you!


Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the fol owing wordmark mentioned in this work of fiction: iPod: Apple

Chapter One

They walked down the corridor—two lovers about to be united as one—but before they reached the bedroom door Stewart latched his hand over
Joshua’s shoulder and stopped him, as if he was unable to wait a moment longer. Backing his lover up against the wall, Stewart kissed him. It was
open-mouthed and demanding, and brought about a rush of visceral, raw need—the kind of need that Stewart always inspired. Stewart, the more
dominant man of the two, ran his hands over his lover’s body, rapidly stimulating him. When Stewart embraced Joshua’s cock through his jeans,
desire surged between them and their bodies rocked together in unison. Joshua moaned into his lover’s mouth, his lust gathering like a tropical storm.

“Why is this happening to me?” Hol y Evans threw back her quilt and sat on the edge of her bed, plucking at her pyjamas restlessly as she attempted to resist the intense barrage of intimate psychic information she received.

She stared across the darkened room in the direction of their flat. Several wal s separated her and the two men who lived next door, yet even in the darkness she had a vital connection with Joshua’s experiences. Joshua and Stewart were her neighbours, and over the past couple of weeks they’d also become her most intimate companions in an erotic psychic experience that she could not understand nor stop. It meant that when Joshua and Stewart were together she could feel every stimulation, every physical interaction and subsequent lusty fulfilment.

Psychic since childhood, Hol y Evans had never experienced anything this vivid and intense before. Her gift had previously been about sensing moods and forthcoming events, and instinctively knowing someone’s character when she met them. Never before had she had this kind of deep connection with anyone. Recently though, she had felt Joshua’s highs and lows of emotion, his pain, pleasure and desire. That meant that when he was with his lover it was like an X-rated movie rol ing in her head, and more, for she experienced each touch, act and sensation that Joshua felt, as it happened.

Every nerve ending in her body was stimulated, and yet she felt horribly guilty for having this window into their private moments. It was wrong, it was intrusive, but she couldn’t stop it. To make matters worse, she couldn’t help herself—she’d quickly discovered that she wanted to see, know and feel it al .

Like a secret voyeur who was aroused but could not turn away, because the two men making love was the hottest thing Hol y Evans had ever known.

Together they looked right, and it startled her, because she hadn’t even realised they were lovers before her bond with Joshua developed. When Joshua had moved in with Stewart, she’d assumed they were flatmates. After her psychic connection with Joshua began al that changed, and with it came Hol y’s initiation into the delicious experience of man-on-man sex.

Gorgeous men they were too.

Joshua was tal and lean, with the ultra-fit body of a fanatical cyclist. Stewart was a gym manager, and his body was large, muscular and hard. Both of them were beautiful, and the experience of them intertwined this way made Hol y’s arousal levels soar, her body wired by every incoming stimulus and tingling with anticipation. Her core ached to be fil ed and her clit throbbed as she felt every touch, saw every action.

At that moment Stewart had his hands underneath Joshua’s T-shirt and was roughly caressing his chest. The touch of the larger man’s fingers on his nipples made Joshua’s bal s shift higher, his arousal growing acute. When Stewart lifted his T-shirt by the hem and pul ed it off, manhandling him, Joshua thril ed at his touch. It made him widen his stance for balance, his spine straightening as he offered himself to the other man’s scrutiny. Stewart ran one large hand around the back of Joshua’s neck, making Josh’s body keen under his touch. That hand moved on, down his breastbone and over his flat abs, until it met the buckle on Josh’s belt. Stewart toyed with the buckle, tugging on it, until Josh groaned with apparent longing and rested his head back against the wal . As Stewart grasped the bulge of his erection through Josh’s jeans, he bent to kiss Joshua’s mouth. Need shot through Joshua’s veins, making him arch and reach.

Hol y clasped her hands over her eyes but it didn’t help, because it was inside her head and running along her every nerve ending. No matter what she did she could stil see it al , she could stil feel it al . The stimulation made her whole body prickle with arousal, her groin heavy with longing and her pussy hot and damp.

The images and sensations she experienced were going directly into her mind and body. Why? Why had this happened? She stood up and walked to the window, opening the curtains in an effort to fil her mind with something else. Staring down at the midnight streetlights and the row of shops on the opposite side of the London suburban street, she tried to focus on that instead. It didn’t work.

Without even trying to feel it, she knew that Stewart had turned his lover to face the wal . He’d taken off his own shirt and moved closer. The wal of Stewart’s chest against his skin made Joshua press back, his shoulders rol ing as they made contact, two bodies moving together in rhythm. Joshua had his hands flat to the surface, his face turned to one side. Hol y felt the need wel ing in Joshua. They’d been apart, and Joshua had missed being owned by his lover, missed being fil ed and forced to come even when he resisted. His hips arched as Stewart reached around and undid his belt, shoving Joshua’s jeans and jockey shorts down his thighs to gain access. Massaging his erect cock in one hand, Stewart stroked his lover’s bared buttocks with the other.

It was too much. Hol y turned away from the window and threw herself on to her bed face down, moaning into her pil ow, her hand inside her pyjama bottoms. She had to find her own relief. With her fingers thrust between her thighs, she squeezed her pussy in her hand, panting when the stimulated flesh prickled wildly in response, her nerve endings sending a whole host of dizzying charges through her nether region. Passionately aroused as she was, she needed to come. Her clit was swol en and sensitive, her folds coated in her juices. Abandoning herself to base need her hips moved, thrusting against her fingers.

In the flat next door, Stewart stil had Josh up against the wal as if doing a ful body search. Josh revel ed in the way it made him feel both vulnerable and desired, and al of that poured into Hol y. His lover dominated him whol y, stroking Joshua’s cock from behind while he pressed against Joshua’s back. He whispered low against Joshua’s ear, urging him on, his hungry kisses on Joshua's neck making him shudder.

Going to come soon.
The thought was Joshua’s, but it whispered around Hol y’s mind and she rubbed herself faster. It had aroused her so much that she came quickly, rubbing herself and thrusting two fingers inside. The connection was so intense that when his state of extreme pleasure washed over her it doubled her own experience, taking her to new levels of sexual ecstasy. Al the while the men cleaved together—two lovers who were deeply in love

—two lovers who had no idea that the woman next door had become a secret, psychic part of their relationship.


Chapter Two

Stewart grabbed his backpack, threw it over his shoulder and downed the remains of his breakfast smoothie before leaving the kitchen. He walked the length of the hal way as quietly as possible and was about to head out of the front door when Joshua emerged from the bedroom, yawning.

Stewart paused to admire his lover. He was lacking in self-consciousness, barely awake as he was, and completely naked. His cock was at half-mast and it made Stewart want to touch him. There was nothing quite as good as making Joshua come. There was that little bit of resistance in Josh that tripped something in Stewart. Even when his expression begged Stewart to show him how good it could be, Stewart could see it. It made it al the more satisfying when Joshua final y let rip and gave himself over to his more primitive urges.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?” Stewart asked. Joshua stil needed as much rest as he could get, recovering from an injury as he was.

“No, I’m just about to get in the shower. I was trying to catch you before you left.” Joshua scrubbed at his closely shaved black hair. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, have you seen Hol y recently?”

Stewart shook his head.

“I was thinking we should invite her over to dinner. I want to thank her for what she did for me after that loon knocked me off my bike, but I haven’t seen much of her since I got home from the hospital. We used to chat every morning, but now that I have to get the Tube to work I’m leaving earlier and I haven’t coincided with her. If you see her wil you ask her over?”

Stewart nodded. “Sure, I’l cal on her when I get back from my shift.” He winked. “Always happy to invite an attractive woman over for dinner.”

Joshua lifted an eyebrow.

“What? You haven’t noticed the way she looks?” Stewart grinned. Hol y Evans was understated for a woman in her mid twenties, but she had a subtle vibrancy Stewart admired. Intel igent, curious eyes, or something, he couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Aside from that her waist-length dark-blonde hair and tal , curvy figure gave her a statuesque look that had caught his attention the moment she’d moved into the flat next door to his. Sweet-natured she was too.

“Of course I’ve noticed,” Joshua replied, “but that’s not why I’m inviting her over.”

“No, you wouldn’t want to spend too long looking at her, not with you being gay now and al .” Tension gathered in Joshua’s expression and Stewart knew he shouldn’t have teased him before he’d had a chance to wake up properly. Some days he couldn’t tease him about his sexuality at al , but Stewart was trying to edge Joshua towards an easier understanding of it, and that was no easy job since Josh had only admitted his attraction to men six months earlier. “Is Saturday good for you?” he added, in a relaxed tone, moving the conversation on.

“Friday would be better,” Joshua responded. “Saturday I have to visit my parents. They’re having some sort of a family get-together after the rehearsal for my sister’s wedding.” His expression brightened, as if he was waking up. “Hey, if we have Hol y over on Friday it’l give me a chance to spoil someone who real y appreciates a good meal.”

Stewart gave him a fake punch in the shoulder. “You’re a good cook, but your tastes are too rich for me.” He slapped his bel y, al hard muscle from his hours in the gym. “Protein,” he added in a demanding tone.

“Carbs,” his cyclist lover responded, cheekily.

It was a familiar point of contention. However, it was good to see Joshua feeling social again. He loved to cook for people, but in the days since his accident he’d been a bit withdrawn. This was a good sign, and having Hol y over for dinner would be fun.

Before Stewart left he closed the gap between them and kissed Joshua ful on the mouth, cupping the back of his head in one hand. Joshua responded, his hands on Stewart’s hips making Stewart wish he didn’t have to open up at the gym that morning. He was getting hard, and a morning session would be appreciated. Time was against them, though.

“You’d better hit the shower, and fast,” he said huskily as they drew apart, glancing down at his lover’s naked body, “or neither of us wil get to work on time.”

“Later,” Joshua said with a laugh, and nodded at the door.

“I’l hold you to that.”

“Good.” Joshua stroked his erection provocatively, with humour in his eyes.

“Tease.” Stewart sighed and headed for the door. “I’l take care of that invitation,” he added, “leave it with me.”

* * * *


Hol y took a sip of her vanil a latte and sighed. It was a difficult task, trying to explain to her two sisters what was going on with her at the moment. It was so different to anything she had ever experienced before that she had reluctantly turned to her support network. The three of them had gathered at their fortnightly lunchtime meeting spot, Luigi’s Italian coffee house, to confer about Hol y’s recent psychic experiences. Hol y was doing her best to voice them, but it was proving both embarrassing and chal enging.

Aside from that, it was unusual for her to be the one who had problems because of her psychic ability. Hol y’s problems had paled in significance, but now here she was, and she was desperate for advice. Faye, the youngest of the Evans sisters, often got herself into sticky situations because of her gung-ho attitude to life. Monica, the eldest Evans sister, was ultra-sensitive, and she was the one who had experienced the most traumas throughout her life. Usual y Hol y was the stoic one, the one who kept the others in check. Not this time.

Faye spoke up. “Okay, explain exactly what went on when this psychic connection with your neighbour started and we’l see if we can figure out why it happened.”

“I’ve tried to make sense of it,” Hol y responded. “Honestly, I have.”

Monica interrupted. “You’ve tried on your
. Let’s put our heads together. Go through it slowly and try to recal the details. Take your time.”

Hol y gave a weak smile. They were trying to help, but now that she’d got started, Hol y wondered how they could. Short of moving to the other side of London she couldn’t see a way to break the connection that had formed with her neighbour. Would moving away even make any difference, though?

Thoughts tumbled through her mind as she tried to understand her unusual predicament. Her two sisters had defined psychic skil s. Monica, who experienced psychic memories that were attached to the objects she touched, had mastered her skil thoroughly. Faye, who could communicate with spirits of the deceased, was less bothered by her gift. Hol y’s own psychic powers had—until then—been less definable. It was more about hunches, about knowing what people were like and knowing when something good or bad was about to happen. Her hunches always turned out to be correct, but there had never been anything so direct, so visual y and sensual y real, about her psychic gift. Not until this thing had developed with Joshua.

“As I mentioned last time we met up, Joshua was in an accident. We tend to leave home around the same time in the morning. I’m usual y on my way to the Tube, and he’s cycling into the city, and we usual y chat for a few minutes before we both leave the building and head in different directions.”

“Cycling in the city?” Faye commented. “Yikes.”

“Yes, but Joshua is like a pro, he’s a total cycle fanatic and he’s real y lean and fit.” She paused when her thoughts drifted. Heat rose in her cheeks.

She was stil astonished at how rapidly images of his naked body popped into her mind. Hurrying on, she recounted the details of that fateful day. “The morning of the accident he pul ed out and this taxi shot out of nowhere and knocked him off his bike. I saw it al as I walked down the steps at the front of the flats. By the time I got over there, his jaw was bleeding and it was pretty obvious he had other injuries. Turned out to be a broken rib, a cracked col arbone and a minor concussion.”

“Ouch, I heard broken col arbones are particularly painful.” Faye pushed her half-eaten toasted pannini away. Faye didn’t like any kind of pain and claimed empathising with it made her feel physical y sick.

“Go on,” Monica said. Monica was the most focussed of the three of them—no matter what her psychic ability put her through, and it put her through a lot.

“Wel , as you know I had my first-aid training at work last year and luckily it kicked in. I made him keep stil in case he had a neck injury and I kept talking to him, basical y trying to keep him conscious until we got help. The taxi driver cal ed an ambulance and when it arrived, the medics asked me to come along with them. There wasn’t anyone else around. His flatmate had already gone to work. Stewart runs a gym and he leaves real y early in the mornings.” An image of Stewart from the night before flashed into her mind, and again she had to push it away to focus on the discussion.

“I stayed with Joshua at the hospital until he’d been moved to a ward. Then his mother got there. Stewart arrived shortly afterwards. I fil ed them in before I left. While I was alone with him I felt deep concern, but afterwards it was as if I was feeling Joshua’s pain. As I walked away, it built up.” She shivered slightly at the memory. “I felt both the pain, and the gratitude to see his loved ones. I figured at the time I was just empathising deeply. I like the guy and he feels like a friend…” More than that now, she reflected. “But when I left the room, when his family arrived, it was as if it intensified. The emotions that he felt when he regained consciousness and saw his loved ones were inside me, as if a deep connection had been formed.”

She planted her hand on her chest and pressed hard, wishing she could make it go away by forcing it out. “I know his emotions, and I feel as if I’m experiencing them, even though I’ve got no control over it.”

Faye’s eyebrows drew together. “Fascinating. This rings a bel with me, you know. Something about being responsible for a person if you saved their life.”

“I didn’t save his life,” Hol y clarified “His injuries were never fatal, although I didn’t know that at the time.”

“There’s got to be a reason for it.” Faye pul ed her phone from her bag and started entering data.

“As if you’re going to find out the answer on the Internet,” Hol y said with a dismissive laugh. “You’re just obsessed with analysing everything.”

Faye flicked back her cherry-dyed bob and pouted. “I’m just inquisitive, and it’s amazing the stuff you can find out on the net.”

Hol y looked at Monica, her older, more sensible sister, for more tangible reassurance. It struck her how much she was going to miss Monica when she went away. In just a few days Monica would start the first leg of an exciting business trip around the world. It was a positive thing for their older sister, whose life had always been kept on a narrow path because of her psychic gift. Recently that had al changed. She was building a relationship with two bisexual men who wil ingly accommodated her psychic aspect and the problems it caused her, and she was going to be travel ing with them in her work.

Monica was sorted. But how would Hol y and Faye cope without her?

“Does the intensity of the connection change when you’re farther away from him?” Monica asked.

Hol y focussed on the issue at hand and shook her head, her lips pursing for a moment as she thought about it. “It doesn’t seem to, but I haven’t real y tested that out by travel ing.” She sat back in her seat, and opened herself to him. His state of being unfurled in her chest, and she drew a deep breath.

“Right now he’s studying figures, because he’s grappling with a complicated report he’s concerned about writing. It’s not a strong feeling, because it’s something he’s in control of. That’s the only thing I’ve been able to make sense of, that I feel the connection most strongly when his experience is high emotion, physical pain, or… stimulation.”

She forced herself to meet her sister’s gaze.

Monica’s eyebrows lifted. Hol y nodded, slowly. She’d hoped Monica would understand that, and she did.

“Believe me, after the first couple of nights of intense connection, after he got back from hospital, I was ready to move to the Outer Hebrides.”

“It’s like you’re living his life too.” Monica frowned.

“Not constantly, but yes.” Once again she sighed loudly. “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I think I should move. I’ve been rattling around in that flat anyway, since Caroline moved out to be with her fiancé. I thought I’d be okay but I’m struggling with the rent. However, I’m not altogether convinced that being farther away from Joshua wil help.”

Monica nodded. “If you think it’s the right thing to do you can move into my place. I’m at Owen’s house most nights at the moment, and I decided against subletting it while I’m away, so you’re welcome to use it.”

Relief washed over Hol y. “Thanks, Sis. I don’t know what we’re going to do without you when you go off on your travels.”

“It’s only for a few months, a year tops, and you can cal me any time.” Concern flitted through Monica’s eyes, but Hol y knew she deserved her promotion and the travel ing that lay ahead.

“I might have to take you up on that. I would stil have to give a month’s notice on the flat but it would be good to have a bolt hole, somewhere that would enable me to put some distance between us.”
The three of us
, she thought, wryly. Being attuned with Joshua’s experiences meant that she was practical y living with him and Stewart. Part of her felt that shouldn’t be a problem. Who wouldn’t want that kind of sexy input from a gorgeous man? But there was no ‘off’ button, and the guilty feeling that accompanied her experiences was a horrible thing to live with.

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