Imperfect Partners (7 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

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When I was whole.

Nebula heard the words Conan did not say. Her heart ached for his loss, more even than it had ached when she’d given up her fertility in the cause of protecting future generations. Her cunt wept for his stolen seed that would never again take root in a fertile woman’s womb.

Ulric knelt at Conan’s feet, his large hands skimming Conan’s calves, his thighs. Conan sighed, parting his legs slowly as though he wanted to close them, conceal the evidence of his unmanning. When Ulric caught the ring in Conan’s cock between his teeth and sucked it in, Nebula gasped. She wanted that cock for herself. Wanted the touch of a lover’s tongue on her clit, in her cunt.

The graceful line of Ulric’s neck and shoulders, the glow of candlelight on his gleaming skull, the vulnerability of his asshole stretched around a silver plug made Nebula’s skin grow warm. If only she were the one paying Conan homage! Conan’s abdominal muscles rippled, though he remained motionless, and a sheen of sweat formed on his brow, his powerful chest and arms.

Her own rear end twitched when Ulric reached around and ringed Conan’s asshole with his fingertips. The slave moved as though they had choreographed this scene—first the caresses, the arousal, inexorably moving toward a crescendo. Nebula imagined their eventual joining, cock to ass, the pressure building, the explosion, when one or both of the beautiful eunuchs before her would achieve nirvana.

Who would fuck whom? Nebula’s sex wept with a desperate new lust at the thought of Conan’s big cock filling her there. Her asshole ached delightfully from the slave’s earlier invasion. Her nipples puckered and her belly muscles convulsed when Ulric rose, kissed Conan full on the mouth and whispered something she couldn’t hear.

“No.” Conan spoke sharply as he grasped Ulric and worked the plug out of the sex slave’s asshole. “Bend over,” he ordered, and when Ulric did Conan positioned his huge, flashing neon cock to impale him.

Nebula couldn’t help crying out. She wanted Conan’s huge sex inside her, not up the ass of a hired sex surrogate.

A s though Conan divined her thoughts, he glanced at her. “I have changed my mind. You may fuck me. I need to see to my woman’s pleasure.”

Conan bent and presented Ulric his back, his rounded, muscular ass cheeks spread by his own hands. Nebula noticed that Conan, too, was wearing a small butt plug that Ulric removed and then sank back up Conan’s ass.

Perhaps, she thought, the plugs were aids all eunuchs had to wear. Ulric began to slide the slender plug in and out. Slowly, sensuously, not unlike the way he’d worked his own cock in and out of her asshole moments earlier. She wanted Conan’s cock…his tongue…his big hands.

She wanted them invading every orifice in her body.

“Gods in the heavens, I die for wanting you.” Nebula clamped down on her lips, determined to say no more.

Too late. Conan looked up and met her needy gaze. “Let us indulge my future mate,” he said, striding to the head of the table and rotating it so all Nebula needed was to open her mouth and take in his engorged, brightly glowing phallus while he attended her throbbing cunt with his tongue.

While Ulric set the plug aside, sank his cock up Conan’s ass and pumped, slow and deep, Conan worked a vibrating dildo up Nebula’s rear passage and then resumed his licking and sucking the nectar from her cunt. While Conan ran his hands over her breasts, her belly, her mound, Ulric pinched and pulled at the rings in Conan’s distended nipples.

She couldn’t think for the barrage of sensations that pummeled her. Erotic sounds, brushes of bodies, softness on hardness. The wet, sweaty heat nothing but fucking could duplicate. Sucking sounds of damp flesh moving on damper flesh. The incredible ecstasy that came from being filled. Totally filled.

Shared ecstasy crackled among them like wildfire, arousing and enticing. Overwhelming. Conan’s huge cock throbbed in her mouth. She wanted to take it deeper, consume him as he was consuming her. Her clit swelled against his tongue while he worked the dildo in and out of her ass. Ulric pounded his cock into Conan as they all strained toward nirvana.

Sweat poured from Conan, salty and musky and so arousing she could barely stand it. The pleasure crackled like electricity flowing from body to body, ass to cock to her thrumming clit. A n aura of contentment, of pure pleasure, wrapped them in a cocoon of sensation. Pure joy.

Joy Nebula had never expected to experience again.

Chapter Seven

Later, while he sat beside her on the bed in his room, Conan rubbed soothing salve into the chafe marks the restraints had put on Nebula’s tender skin. He shouldn’t have marked her. He didn’t feel the need to establish his dominance, no matter what society demanded.

Yet they would soon go live on Luna Ten. A utopian refuge for Earthlings where, according to what Shedir had told Conan, females were eager slaves, males their loving Masters. He visualized the communal dungeon and the fucking glade where mates gave and took their pleasure.

Conan reasoned that he must have lost much of his natural male aggressiveness with his balls, because he didn’t want to exert his dominance over Nebula, but rather to love her. He felt no particular urgency to mark her as his own in the traditional ways, even though the traditional mating gifts he had chosen awaited her at Leander’s.

“You look so serious. Is something wrong?” Nebula rolled onto her side, then sat up and met his gaze.

“I hurt you.”

“No. You didn’t. I’m sorry I bruise so easily. Pay those little marks no mind. I would willingly have suffered far worse to experience the joy you gave me.” Shyly, she stroked his side, his hip. “I had expected only to be given the pleasure of servicing your needs.”

“Much of a man’s satisfaction—a eunuch’s, too, apparently—comes from pleasing his partner. Does your pleasure increase when you are confined?” He circled the reddened spot on her wrist, wishing—

“Only if it pleases you, Master. I’m your willing slave.”

Only if it pleases me.

Well, it displeased Conan to see Nebula’s perfect skin marred. Despite the hype he had been fed all his life, he doubted the aspect of her bondage had enhanced the sexual experience for either of them. Oh yeah. She had come. He had the feeling, though, that her passion resulted from having refreshed her body with the hormones she’d been deprived of—and the sexual stimulation from him and the sex slave who had come with the weekend pleasure package the resort had sold him. “Does pain enhance your pleasure, my sweet?”

“No…I mean, only if it pleases you.” A s though afraid she’d overstepped herself, Nebula lifted her face and met his gaze with troubled eyes.

“Never be less than honest with me or with yourself. Do you wish to join your sisters and their mates in the communal dungeon?” She looked away, settling her hand over the tattoo on her mound. “I don’t look forward to flaunting my shame.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing at all. Still, I understand how you feel. A s grateful as I am that it seems to work almost as well as the real thing, I’m not anxious to show this off to one and all.” He lifted his cock, now at rest, and shot her a grin before laying a hand on her silky mons. “The patch you soon will wear will hide this puny mark.”

She felt so warm, so silky—so alive. Conan stroked down the curve of her gorgeous body. “You know, not even Pak Song can create skin as soft as yours, and I’ve tried out the very best of his bots.” He used a finger to trace the tattoo on her mound, smiled. “This feels no different from the rest of you. I should be grateful you have it, for otherwise you would never consent to settle for me.” Nebula looked into his gaze, her expression soft and submissive. “I find you immensely attractive, Master. A nd I should be thanking the gods you are as you are, for if you were not, you wouldn’t look at me, either.” She rubbed his cock and then slid her fingers past the scar where they’d cut away his balls and found the base of the plug in his ass. “Do you always wear this?”

“Most of the time. It helps stimulate me sexually. Even with the patch, I am still a eunuch. The plug helps me achieve a sort of climax.”

“The way the sex slave’s cock did in the dungeon?” Gently, she jiggled the plug and smiled when his cock began to lengthen and harden.

“Yes, I see it does. Do you like for me to stimulate you here?”

“I want you to touch me in ways that give you pleasure.” He loved the way her cheeks flushed when he slid his bionic hand between her legs and found her wet and swollen. “Do you want me to summon Ulric, or shall we do it solo this time?”

“Solo. Please. If you don’t mind.”

“I don’t.” For the first time since his castration Conan felt comfortable enough to make a jest. “Come up here, my precious slave, and ride my neon toy.”

“Oh yes.” Her eagerness got him incredibly hot, especially when she picked up an anal probe, lubed it, and inserted it up her own ass. “I like the feel of this, too.”

Conan cupped Nebula’s beautiful breasts when she straddled him. He then raised his head and took one pert nipple between his teeth. His cock rose, and she sank onto him. Gods. No bot could ever duplicate the moist heat of her cunt.

I’m a lucky man. She moved, slowly at first and then faster, harder. She bent, took his mouth. She tasted of exotic fruit and sex. Hot, sweaty sex. Her cunt gripped his cock as if she’d never let it go.

Pressure built deep in his core, almost as though he were whole again. It felt good. So good. She squeezed him harder, dug her nails into his shoulders, screamed out his name. He trembled as the incredible sensations carried him over the edge, to a place he had never thought to go again.

* * * * *

“You look well-fucked, little sister,” Doreen commented the next morning when she and Cassie joined Nebula for a late lunch in the resort dining room while their men took care of business. “I bet you can hardly wait to get back to Luna Ten and have Conan take you in the fucking glade. We missed you in the dungeon last night.”

“Doreen, he’s—well, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was shy about showing off his bionic parts in front of half the civilized world.” Nebula smiled.

Doreen grinned back at her. “I have to assume from the satisfied look on your face that Guy and Shedir didn’t lie—that the cock Pak Song made for him works just as well as the real thing.”

“It does.” Part of Nebula wanted to share every detail with her sisters. A nother part wanted it all—the sex, the instant connection their respective losses had helped them form—to belong to her. Her and Conan, not to be shared. “I don’t believe we will have a formal mating ceremony.”

“Come on. Tell us. What does he look like? What does it look like?” Doreen tilted her head and set her large, dangling earrings into gentle motion against the gleaming, oiled backdrop of her skull. “A ll we could tell, with him wearing that damn eunuch’s robe, was that he’s tall.”

“He’s got hair.”

“No! Where?” Cassie’s eyes widened. “Don’t tell me he doesn’t bother to keep himself groomed. Not that he could be blamed, of course, considering what he’s been through.”

“No. The hair is only on his head. A nd it’s cut very short. I like running my fingers over it. It’s soft, dark brown and especially prickly on my fingers when I rub him down around the hairline.”

“Oh.” Doreen stroked her own clean-shaven scalp, as though wondering what it might feel like if she ever let her hair grow back. “A re you going to make us drag every bit of information out of you? Come on. Talk.”

“Conan is muscular. Strong. A nd he has kind eyes. He didn’t sneer when he saw the tattoo, but acted as though he saw altered females every day.” Nebula’s cunt twitched when she recalled the huge, glowing hot-pink cock whose pulsating veins changed color from light to glowing chartreuse as it grew rigid before her eyes. “His cock is…well, you’ll see it soon enough.”

“Big? Can he get it up?” Cassie asked.

“Yes. To both questions.” Nebula looked around, saw no one, but lowered her voice anyway. “Somehow he managed to get the female hormone for me. A nd a sex slave, to help him coax out my climax as soon as the injection began working. I love him.” Doreen laid her arms across her bulging belly and asked, “What about his hand?”

“It seems to work perfectly and looks just like a real hand would. He can take it off, but that looks as though it’s a complicated procedure.” Cassie smiled. “It would. Guy’s bionic parts are all about perfect. But we made this trip to have Pak Song make some adjustments. The others decided to tag along so we could meet Conan before the mating ceremony. Come, let’s take care of our own shopping while our Masters visit with Pak Song. I want to find some nipple rings that are a little thicker than the ones I have. A nd a heavier chain to connect them with the one in my clit.”

“Maybe I’ll get my nipples and clit pierced, too.” Nebula never had, because body piercing was forbidden to any Earthling female marked for “neutering”. But then, using the hormone that made her feel like a woman again was forbidden, too. Delightfully, deliciously forbidden. By all the gods, she would do it. Maybe she’d even pierce her nostril. Her navel. Have a dozen jewels pierced into each ear. “I think I’ll buy a tongue ring to give to Conan. I must not let him avoid all the traditions of a mating, don’t you agree?”

* * * * *

“Tune-up is done. You good for another year or more, my friend,” Pak Song told Guy as he stood and put away the instruments he’d used to adjust Guy’s bionic eyes and ears. “Maybe I should have made your parts removable. That way you not have to visit me so often.”

“Fat lot of good it would do for me to be able to take my eyes out, because then I couldn’t see to adjust them.” Guy laughed at the cyborg maker’s teasing.

“True. Conan, you will be able to tell before cock needs replacing. Colors will fade, and it will slowly stop glowing. You come in six months from now and I check it out. Not sure Pak Lin was right when he said cock would be good for a year or more.” He shook his head then met Conan’s gaze. “Like I told you, we never made bionic cock before. By the time you need replacement, maybe I figure out how to make you some balls, too. A nd to make it all—” The cyborg maker laughed. “Not quite so colorful.” Conan glanced down toward his cock, now concealed by the robe he planned to discard as soon as they blasted off from Obsidion. “I like it the way it is. So does Nebula. A fter all, it isn’t as though the thing is so bright that it will show through my clothes.”

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