Imperfect Partners (6 page)

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Authors: Ann Jacobs

BOOK: Imperfect Partners
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“My sweet, you have no idea yet how well it works. But you will.” Soon. Conan focused on her lips, full and soft like the succulent flesh of papayas sold in Obsidion’s open-air produce markets. “I’m getting incredibly aroused, imagining how your sweet, hot lips will feel surrounding it.”

She reached out with her other hand and hesitantly stroked his cock head, which cooperatively grew hotter and harder. Its color deepened, the tip now glowing a darker reddish purple. Soon, he knew from previous encounters with Pak Song’s bots, a clear drop of lubrication would well up around the ring she was now rotating gently through his flesh. Pak Song’s answer to a whole male’s natural lubricant, which Conan injected weekly into a reservoir behind his slit. Gods, but it felt so fucking good.

“It feels so real.” Wonder in her expression, she looked up and met his gaze.

“A nd how many cocks have you had occasion to play with?” Though he tried to sound stern, the question came out sounding playful, teasing.

“One, Master. Doreen and I visited a pleasure palace here on Obsidion and rented eunuchs to pleasure us.” When she lowered her head, the gentle curve of her spine caught Conan’s eye. That and her tattoo. The small yet telling mark Earth Federation placed on females deemed unfit for breeding. That mark would have made him reject her not too many months ago.

It made no difference now. When she knelt before him, he parted his legs slightly, took his cock in his hand and held it to her lips. “You may taste me.” His flesh tingled at the warm, damp kiss of her breath when she bent and took his glowing tool between her soft, red lips.

She lifted her face and met his gaze. “Can you feel…?”

“Oh yes, my pretty slave. When I’m hard like this, I feel every wet, warm swipe of your tongue. Every breath you take tickles my shaft. I will feel it when you take me in your mouth, as well. I want you to suck me now.”

“Yes, Master.” When she bent over his aroused cock, her hair formed a shimmering mahogany curtain that flowed over his thighs, obscuring her face. He imagined the way her flushed cheeks would hollow out when she applied the gentle suction that had him straining to make her take him deeper down her throat. He wished he could see her mouth. But it didn’t matter. With the delicious sensations that were bombarding him from her touch alone, he didn’t need the visual stimulation.

Gods, but she gave great head. She sucked him as though she wouldn’t stop until she’d drained him of every ounce of the seed he no longer possessed. She caught his cock ring with her tongue and rotated it, and it felt incredible.

She hesitated, as though afraid he’d protest. “Keep doing what you’re doing. Oh yeah. Like that, don’t stop.” He tunneled his fingers through the rich silk fall of her hair, catching it up at her crown in his bionic hand, tugging the thick mass to coax her to move faster.

Take more. Make me come.

Pressure seeped into his thighs, his belly. His nipples tingled when a breeze from the open window caressed them. With every draw of her mouth against his cock, his sphincter contracted around the plug in his ass. Waves of pleasure began there and spread to his bionic cock.

Finally the delicious sensations started flowing through his body almost like the orgasms he remembered with such nostalgia. “Oh yeah, my sweet slave,” he muttered, holding her head to his crotch. “Gods, this feels so good.”

* * * * *

“But you didn’t come,” Nebula said later as they lay in bed, her head resting on his massive chest. What had she done wrong?

Conan lifted his head and propped it up on his bionic hand. “I came. You gave me pleasure. Never doubt it.”

“But I should have felt you coming, drunk of your—”

Conan laughed. “My seed? I have none. Why do you think I must wear a eunuch’s robe? Trust me when I say you provided me with pleasure. Pleasure that now takes a form more like yours.”

“Oh.” Nebula didn’t know whether she should believe Conan. Other than testicles, he seemed to have all the attributes of a whole man—

except for his amazing false cock. She looked down at it. Resting now, his cock had changed color, to a glowing rosy pink, as it lay against his taut abdomen. “I want to serve your needs,” she said, leaning over to bathe the tiny nubs of his nipples with the tip of her tongue and suck his nipple rings into her mouth.

“A nd I wish to serve yours.”

If only Nebula still possessed sexual needs! “I await your attention, then,” she murmured, thankful that a female need not come to please a lover. The doctors had assured her of that when they’d removed her ovaries and implanted a chemical elixir in their place—drugs designed to eliminate her desire for sex. Neither they nor she had imagined she might someday find a mate.

He bent and took her mouth, his tongue warm and wet along the seam of her lips until she opened and welcomed it inside. Catching her at the waist, he dragged her atop his muscular body. “Straddle me,” he ordered.

His tongue plumbed her mouth. His chest abraded her nipples and his cock rubbed along the length of her dry slit when he moved beneath her. A year ago she would have been wet for him. Swollen and ready. Ripe. In the silence, she savored the closeness as she mourned the loss of involuntary, animal awareness that had been so much a part of that long-ago adventure in this very hotel with a nameless eunuch sex slave. He hadn’t possessed half the appeal of Conan, her designated mate.

She tried to swallow it, but a sob escaped from her throat.

“What is it, little one?” Conan’s expression hinted at his concern.

“I cannot be a mate to you. I feel nothing. Nothing of what a woman should feel when her lover caresses her.” Suddenly it struck her how accusatory that must have sounded. “It’s not you, Master, but me. When they fixed me, they stole my youth with drugs. I’m as dried-up as an elder long past her breeding years.”

Conan smiled, as though relieved. He grabbed her hand and laid it low on his belly. “Here. Feel this.” It was a little square, barely noticeable to the touch. “What is it?”

“Testosterone. The hormone that drives a man’s desire. Without it, I would have very little if any interest in fucking. I would soon grow as soft as a woman. Before Pak Song prescribed this patch, I had already noticed changes.” Nebula rubbed her finger over the little bit of magic. “A miracle, then.”

“A miracle I will make for you, too, but you must keep it a secret. What I wear has been outlawed on Earth. It is accepted here for free eunuchs and those who service customers in the pleasure palaces. A ccording to Pak Song, distributing its equivalent for sterilized females is an offense punishable by castration or death in nearly every jurisdiction in the galaxy. It is allowed here only by license to the sex emporiums for their female sex slaves.” He stroked her belly, his touch gentle, soothing. “I no longer care about the Federation’s laws. Much of my pleasure comes from pleasuring my partner. I want you able to enjoy my lovemaking as much as I do.” Nebula would like nothing better, but she was skeptical. “How can that happen, Master?”

“I have managed to obtain a supply of the hormone, though you must not ask me how. I will begin by giving you an injection to return your hormone levels to normal. It will make you frantically aroused for a short time. A fterward, you will wear a patch as I do. Over this,” he said, cupping her mound where the hated tattoo proclaimed she bore the mutant gene. “To me, this seems the most fitting place.”

“Yes, Master.” Gods. It was as though he knew her mind and understood the emotional pain she had suffered since the examiners on Earth had marked her as defective. Conan somehow knew what to do and say, to wipe away the years of humiliation she had suffered and give her back her pride.

“Good. It is time, then. Come, I have booked a dungeon to ensure your pleasure and engaged the services of a eunuch sex slave to help me provide it. First, though, I will inject you with desire.”

Chapter Six

Nebula lay helpless on a frame with smooth leather straps that held her suspended, covered in buttery, soft leather, her hands bound above her head. Her legs lay strapped wide apart, and cool air flowed around her exposed, dampening cunt. A full feeling warmed her outer thigh, where Conan had injected the miracle hormone he’d told her would restore her sexual desire.

“I want you to watch, my beautiful slave.” Still wearing his white robe but without the uniform he’d had on beneath it when they met, he had stripped her naked again as soon as they had arrived in this small dungeon. Conan lifted her head and stuffed a soft bolster pillow under it. “The slave you see is Ulric. His purpose here is to join us in our quest for pleasure. Ulric, remove your robe. There is no place here for shame or reticence.”

With that, Conan stepped into Nebula’s field of vision and removed his own garment. Her cunt clenched at the sight of him, magnificently aroused, his cock glowing, a kaleidoscope of pulsating light. He stood by Ulric, whose natural cock paled by comparison though he wore an impressive array of jewels along its slender six-inch length. The slave lifted his shaft, demonstrating, as all pleasure slaves on Obsidion must do, that he had no seed sac. He proudly showed her the evidence of his castration, proof of his safety as a sex partner—his inability to pass on the mutant gene—beyond the medical certification form she had seen him hand to Conan before taking off his robe.

Conan stepped away a moment and then returned with a vial of something fragrant. It smelled exotic, its aroma surprisingly arousing. He dribbled a small amount of the slick, oily substance onto Nebula’s nipples, her belly, her mound. A s though the two had orchestrated this sensual dance ahead of time, Ulric began to rub the oil into her skin, heating her. A rousing her as she hadn’t been aroused in what seemed like forever.

Conan used his tongue to wet her slit and then slid it deep into her cunt. It felt slick, wet and ever so arousing. Nebula squirmed against her bonds, needing more of his expert stimulation. A s if he knew what she wanted, Conan ringed her asshole briefly and then made his way to her throbbing clit. He took it between his teeth and sucked it as though it were a tiny cock. With big, calloused hands, he warmed her inner thighs as he used his thumbs to spread her outer lips.

“Come for me, my beautiful slave,” Conan growled against her flesh.

Ulric used his fingers to pluck her nipples into tight, hard points. He kneaded her breasts and belly and claimed her mouth with his tongue. Gods, but she wanted to do as her Master ordered and experience the joys again that until now had lived only in her fading memories.

She lay there, wanting, on the brink. That moment of release still wouldn’t happen for her, though, no matter how hard she tried. “I can’t,” she cried when the sex slave released her mouth.

Conan blew on her clit, sending small waves of sensation through her. It was as though her cells remembered but couldn’t replicate the overwhelming need, the pressure she remembered from the times before her surgery. So close, yet she felt nothing more than a twinge of remembered ecstasy. “Perhaps the hormone will not work for me. It doesn’t matter, as long as I can give you pleasure.” Conan groaned, but he lifted his head and smeared some glistening lubricant first on his cock and then on Ulric’s. A t Conan’s command, Ulric raised the platform where Nebula lay until it held her upright. Then he moved behind her and positioned his cock at the entrance to her anus. Conan moved close to her body, his massive chest flush against her tingling nipples. The heat from his glowing cock seared her where it nestled, poised to fill her cunt. Ulric slid his arms around her and began to tug at her nipples rhythmically, while Conan slid his hands down to cup her ass.

Between them they executed an assault on her slowly awakening senses.

“Open to us.” Conan sank his oiled cock into her cunt until his pelvis rested against her slit. Then he spread her ass cheeks and inserted first one lubricated finger, then two, into her resistant rear hole. A sensation of heat, of excitement began slowly, grew stronger with each gentle probing. “You can take a cock here, too.”

Nebula fought the urge to tighten up when she felt Conan pressing the blunt head of Ulric’s shaft against her, demanding she let him in.

Conan’s cock throbbed in her cunt. Ulric’s stretched her ass. Conan kneaded her ass cheeks, his touch firm yet gentle, an arousing reminder that only her mouth stayed free. Empty. She licked her lips, whether in invitation or to ease a sudden dryness she couldn’t say.

Her lovers thrust and withdrew in tandem, setting up a delicious friction. Her skin burned. Sensations assailed her as though suddenly a dam had burst inside her, setting all those suppressed desires free. “Oh gods, please fuck me harder.” Tears ran down her cheeks as the first wave of ecstasy attacked her.

She wanted to swallow up the pulsating flesh within her. She wanted to grasp Conan’s well-muscled ass, invade his tight hole and feel his anal sphincter constrict around her fingers. She wanted—oh gods and goddesses of the universe, she was coming. Coming. Coming as she’d not done since before her alteration. A s she’d never dared to dream she might ever do again.

When her trembling slowed and she lay against the straps, drained for the moment, Conan withdrew, his huge cock still glowing. Still purplish red. “You haven’t come,” she said when he came up beside her and adjusted the bench so she reclined.

“I will. Soon you will want this again, so I will keep it in readiness. You may watch while Ulric eases his desire in me. I’ve heard it said that it arouses women to watch males fuck one another. Of course,” he said, a slightly embarrassed look on his handsome face, “I would never have done such a thing back on Earth.”

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