Immortal Blood (3 page)

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Authors: Magen McMinimy,Cynthia Shepp Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Angels, #Psychics, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Immortal Blood
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Chapter Five



Isabelle was thankful it was the weekend. She had slept the whole night through, the exhaustion of the evening before weighing heavily on her.

How could so many things have gone wrong?

She probed the back of her head and sure
enough, she had a quarter-sized bump on it, all thanks to a falling showerhead. And to think she used to love the detachable massaging head; now, she was leery of it.

Izzy patted the
bed, searching for Garcia. His heavy tail slapped the bed and a loud purr met her ears as she found him and stroked his side. She only prayed he wasn’t limping today; she had kicked him pretty hard last night.

hungry, Garcia?” she cooed at the twenty-three pound grey and black tabby. Silly question, of course he was hungry.

Izzy slipped from her
covers, grabbed a thin robe that hung from her bathroom door, and headed down the stairs, with Garcia hot on her heels. She held tight to the banister this time, not wanting a repeat in the reverse from last night. At least falling up the stairs merely bruised her knees… falling down would do a lot more damage.

Izzy hated the smell of Garcia’s canned food. She
, as always, held her breath as the can opener broke through the tin seal. Garcia meowed and weaved his way through her legs. Izzy lifted the top and flinched as the sharp edge ran over her finger, slicing it deep and causing the crimson of her blood to pool.

“Jesus,” she huffed under her breath and grabbed a
napkin. Garcia continued to meow as the doorbell rang. Izzy was almost at her wit’s end and seriously considering going back upstairs and crawling under the covers. She plopped the stinky concoction of food into Garcia’s bowl and stomped to the front door, flinging it open when she reached it.

she said fiercely, looking up into the unnatural shade of purple eyes. She started to shut the door in Bain’s face.

Bain was struck then
. He saw that this particular human was attractive last night, but she was beautiful in the light of day. She had a petite, but curvy frame, full, pouty lips, and deep blue eyes. She was definitely Bain’s type. Then again, any beautiful woman was, but this one had a fire in her—she was feisty. It intrigued him. Bain smiled and put his black-booted foot in the doorframe.

Izzy was frustrated
This was not happening
! Her anger flew in the form of the door crashing against the boot in its way. Bain wrapped his long, calloused fingers around the metal of the door and pushed it back open, stepping inside the foyer and closing it gently behind him.

Isabelle’s eyes were heated as she stared at
Bain, and he continued to smile down at her. He wouldn’t mind seeing how that fire translated to the bedroom.

“Go get dressed and pack a bag
; it’s time to go see Rowan,” he said, an assertive set to his muscles, as he moved past her and settled onto her plush, micro-suede couch.

Izzy’s hand rested on her hips and one perfectly manicured brown brow arched at him. “No
,” she said stubbornly.

Now Bain was the one with the raised brow
. “Yes,” he responded.

“Get out
.” Izzy pointed back to the front door.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. Either you come with
me, or I make myself comfortable on your couch. Either way, I’m not allowed to leave your side, not until we get your luck back from Zander.”

“I don’t need a
sitter, and I don’t believe in luck,” she said, opening the front door and expectantly awaiting his removal from her house.

? Do you run out into oncoming traffic often? Do you trip on a regular basis? Does your showerhead come flying off the wall and knock your head? Do you usually fall going up the stairs and cut yourself on canned cat food?”

Uriah had filled him in on the
night’s events, but Izzy looked pissed as he recited her misfortunes. She wasn’t generally a clumsy individual, but it had been a rough twelve hours.

“How do you know any of that?” she asked sharply.

“Uriah spent the night watching over you. He filled me in.”

“He was spying on me?” she yelled at Bain.

Bain lifted a shoulder in response. Izzy was irritated. She wasn’t a hostile person, but this immortal was an accelerant to her anger. Every time he spoke or even looked at her, she felt her temper grow. He was arrogant, demanding, and so hot, it fit him perfectly. He was a languid, sexy creature stretched out on her couch, the cream suede a perfect backdrop to his all-black attire—a black, fitted t-shirt hugged a set of chiseled muscles, and a pair of black cargo pants that hinted to the perfection they hid from her sight. The fact that she noticed these things just added fuel to her irritation.

Izzy slammed the front
door, knowing he wasn’t going anywhere, and headed back to the kitchen. Pulling the first aid kit out from under the sink, she flipped it open. Riffling through its contents, she pulled out some antiseptic and a Band-Aid.

“So sweetheart
, how about I fix up that cut for you, and you get that bag packed so we can go.”

Izzy didn’t lift her head, but still
answered. “I already told you no. Just like I told your friend… Uriah, wasn’t it?”

Bain nodded.

Izzy lifted her gaze to see the smooth nod of Bain’s head, which caused the silky tresses of his blond hair to wisp over his forehead. He pulled off a masculine air while still being way to pretty for anyone’s own good. His hair was a little long and messy, but she guessed he spent hours making it look that way, and with the rising sun streaming into her kitchen, he looked more like a fallen angel than anything else.

, like I told Uriah last night, I’m not going anywhere with you guys.”

Bain studied her; yeah
, she really wasn’t planning on going anywhere. The stubborn set of her jaw proved that. But Bain was sure he’d have her convinced here shortly. A smug smile pulled his lips as he thought of all the things he’d convince this beautiful human to do, but first, he needed to stop the bleeding.

Bain walked over to Izzy and took her hand in his. He lifted it to his mouth, blowing softly on the
cut, as he kept his eyes locked on hers. The skin knitted back together, sealing it and eventually fading, leaving her olive skin unmarred, perfect, and smooth. Izzy pulled her hand back and inspected her flesh. She hadn’t watched it heal. She’d felt it tingle and the pain reside, but she had been too mesmerized by the glowing violet eyes that belonged to the creature that had invaded her space, and life, and had some obviously very cool and useful tricks up his sleeve.

“What are you?”
she breathed.

“Didn’t Uriah tell you?” Bain asked
as he folded his muscled arms across his chest and leaned against the counter.

Izzy took a minute to look over the mass of a man in her kitchen
; he made it feel small. She’d never felt so claustrophobic in her own home, but this man was huge, towering at a good six-foot-three to her five-foot-five and outweighing her by at least ninety-five pounds, probably coming in somewhere around two hundred and thirty.

The all
-black ensemble made him look like he was all business, but the lounging position just added to the confident air that welled around him. His t-shirt was snug and pulled at his biceps. She thought she saw the hint of a tattoo, but she couldn’t be completely sure. She guessed there was some kind of tribal masterpiece decorating his equally masterful muscles and tanned skin.

“I knew you’d come around
,” Bain mused.

“Excuse me?” Izzy
asked, irritated by his smug tone, but she had been totally checking him out.

“You see something you like
, sweetheart. I can tell.” He smirked.

“You are incredibly arrogant
,” she accused.

,” he agreed. “But that’s not the point. The point is you can trust me, and you need to come with me.”

“And the answer is still no
,” she said, stomping from the kitchen and back up the stairs.

Bain groaned and followed her.

“Okay, let’s start over,” he called after her, following her up the stairs and then down the hall to her room.

Izzy swiveled and put a hand up
. “You probably don’t hear this much, but you’re not coming into my room with me.”

You’re right. I don’t hear that often. I’m not sure I like it either, but the truth is, sweetheart, I am done playing with you. You’re in danger, so I really
you to come with me.”

Izzy shook her head
, feeling some exasperation working through her body.
Yeah, because that was going to convince her. “I don’t know who you are. I don’t even know
you are.”

Bain stuck his hand out towards her. “I’m Bain, and I’m an Immortal warrior
, a species of Fae, just like your date from last night, except he was an evil leprechaun who stole your luck. And all these little things that keep happening will continue to happen until we catch him and give it back to you. Now it would help if you would be so kind as to come with me, so I can take you to Rowan.”

Izzy took his hand and shook
it. “I’m Isabelle, my friends call me Izzy, and I still don’t want to leave with you.” She dropped his hand and stepped in her room, smiling at him as she closed the door in his face.

“Does that mean I get to call you Izzy too
?” Bain asked through the door. “If you won’t leave with me, then I have to stay here with you. We might as well be friendly, right?”

Izzy rolled her eyes and headed for her closet. The man was insane if he really thought she was going anywhere with him. His looks probably made most
women drool and comply with his every whim and the truth was, she wasn’t too far from that either, but she was not going to let a pretty face convince her to do anything.

Chapter Six



Izzy slipped silently from her room
. She could hear the television downstairs. It was low, but she could make out Paula Dean’s unmistakable voice flowing from her living room. Paula was making some sort of peanut butter chocolate pudding, and Izzy had to admit it sounded good.

Was there anything better then
peanut butter and chocolate?
She certainly didn’t think so.

, she emerges,” Bain said sarcastically. He bit back the rest of his sarcasm as his eyes drifted over Izzy. Her feminine curves were being caressed by a dark, fitted pair of jeans while the cotton of her white V-neck shirt tugged tightly over her breast. It was a casual outfit, but still sexy in its simplicity. Bain was used to women in short dresses flashing their skin at him, but this… this was better somehow.

ou really aren’t going to leave, are you?” Izzy asked as she walked past him.

Two hours hiding in her room
, and Paula talking about peanut butter and chocolate, had her stomach growling.

Bain didn’t say anything as he followed closely on her heels.

Izzy opened the fridge and sighed. She should have known she’d find nothing in it. She ordered in most of the time, occasionally went out to eat, and Sundays she did family dinners with her parents, sisters, and of course, grandmother.

“You have no food in this house
,” Bain said, stating what she already knew.

Izzy narrowed her eyes at him
. “Did you go through my kitchen?”

“Yep, it’s proper to offer a guest a drink at least, and then I got hungry waiting for you to come out of hiding
,” Bain said close to her ear as he leaned over her shoulder to peer into the fridge.

Izzy fought a shiver and
bristled. “You are not a guest. I told you to get out.”

, and I told you I can’t. Rowan won’t let me come home without you. She’s being very persistent about me protecting you.”

. Izzy did not like the sting that flew through her body when Bain said
. It was ridiculous and made no sense. That could not be jealously she felt…

“Who is Rowan?” Izzy
asked, the heat in her voice evident.

“Rowan is our clan’s Mistress.”

Clan Mistress
?” There was a distasteful tone to her voice.

Bain laughed
. “Yes, she is the ruler of the Light Fae and the mistress of the Immortal warriors.” Bain put his right fist to his chest over his heart. “My four brothers, though not biological brothers, and I are the warriors of the Light Fae and protectors of the human race.”

“So you and your brothers protect the human race from what exactly?”
She hadn’t forgotten the Mistress part, but her curiosity was peaked.

“From Darion, the leader of the Dark Fae
, and his minions.”

“Like Zander the evil

“Exactly.” Bain smiled a wicked, sexy smirk at her.

“So tell me more about your brothers.” Izzy sat at the table, grabbing her iPad as she did.

Bain raised a brow at her
. “Why? Are you going to try to look them up?”

,” she said impatiently. “I’m going to order some food while
—the intruder in my house—answers all of my questions.”

Bain sighed and took a seat at the table across from her. “Fine, but what are you ordering?”

Izzy scowled at him. Was he really going to question her food choices? At least she planned to order enough for him to have some too. “
. Is that to your liking?”

Bain nodded “Pizza
is good, but I like extra cheese.”

“Any other requests?” Izzy asked sharply.

“Yep, mushrooms, olives, Canadian bacon, and pineapple.”

Izzy shook her head
. Man, he was pushy and domineering, pretty much all around forceful. Not to mention he was big. He stifled the moderate space in her kitchen with his overwhelming presence, but she didn’t mind this kind of stifling. Izzy smiled; she was entertaining dangerous thoughts. She shook it off and started building their pizza.

ay, tell me about your brothers.”

Bain sighed
. “Fine, Uriah, who you met, is the middle brother—biologically—between Lothar, who is the oldest, and Kale, who is the youngest. Then there’s Cree, who is our leader.”

“So your
army consists of five? That doesn’t sound like a very impressive army.”

Bain grunted.
Was she trying to insult him? “Well, not all Fae can move between worlds. There really aren’t very many in your world. We are more than enough to keep your race safe. In the Middle World, where the Fae live, we have an army that protects Rowan and the Light Fae. My brothers and I are simply the elite.”

… every word out of his mouth was arrogant.

“Can your brothers heal people like you did me?”

Bain smiled and sat forward in his seat, folding his muscled arms across the table in front of him. “No, that’s reserved for me.”

“So what can they do?” Izzy asked as she continued placing their food order. “Chicken wings?”

Bain furrowed his brow. “Excuse me?”

“Do you want chicken wings too?”
She lifted her gaze to meet his expectantly.

He smiled
, his violet eyes holding her gaze. She had finally looked him in the eyes again, and he drank them in. They were beautiful… big, round, and blue like water at night. Deep, endless orbs of midnight. “Sure,

Izzy nodded and waved her
hand, encouraging him to answer her question.

“Uriah is telekinetic, Lothar is an empath, Kale is pyrokinetic, and Cree is omniscient. He’s also my leader and brother-in-law.”

Izzy smiled; he had a sister. Two of her favorite people in the world were her sisters. Marie being her baby sister, and Eppie being the middle sister. She was the oldest of the three of them, and they’d been her best friends since the day they were born twenty-seven and twenty-three years ago.

“You have a sister?”

“Yep… Rowan

Izzy couldn’t or didn’t try to hide her shock. “The leader of the
Light Fae is your sister?”

Bain nodded
. “Makes me royalty.”

Izzy smirked and sent in their order. “Um hmm, that explains a

“Really?” Bain raised a brow at her.

“Yes, you’re arrogant enough to be royal, and I’d certainly say you’re a royal pain in the ass.” She smiled wide and winked at him.

Bain smirked at her, but said nothing. He was enj
oying this feisty little female. Perhaps Rowan had done him a favor by forcing him to relieve Uriah and protect her.

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