Immortal Blood (10 page)

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Authors: Magen McMinimy,Cynthia Shepp Editing

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Angels, #Psychics, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Immortal Blood
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Chapter Twenty



Izzy snuck past Bain’s door, fighting the urge to fling it open and give him an
earful. She’d spent the past couple hours fantasizing about where their grassy romp could have led and steaming over why he had left her, with Niles to escort her back to her room.

Who the hell was Meriah?

Had she been throwing herself on a man who belonged to someone else? Talk about a bastard if that was the case. She didn’t believe in falling into these kinds of situations with someone else’s man. Cheating was unacceptable, no matter the circumstances, and if the Fae had an open policy when it came to lovers, she definitely couldn’t get on board with that.

She had thought she heard someone at her door about an hour ago, but when she peeked out into the
hall, there was no one there.

Wishful thinking maybe.

Izzy remembered how to get back to the living room. At least there, she could put in a movie or something. There was little to entertain her in her opulent room, other than a giant bed.

Izzy sighed.

It seemed relatively quiet as she made her way down the hall, so she didn’t think she’d be disturbing anyone. Bain had said Uriah and Kale were gone, which meant there was only Bain and Lothar who might possibly be using the living room. She smiled as Garcia followed behind her. He’d stayed close, but was still the curious cat she’d always known. He had explored, only returning to her room about an hour before she and Bain had left for dinner. Garcia had made himself comfortable on the raised bed Darnell had brought in for him. The sweet man had even brought in beautiful, carved crystal bowls for Garcia’s food and water dishes.

“Here we
go, Garcia. This is their living room, behave yourself.”

Garcia sat at her
feet, his green eyes shrewd as he meowed at her.

Izzy smiled and opened the door to the cracking of a hard break on the billiards table. She stopped in the
doorway, contemplating turning around, but Uriah’s gentle eyes caught sight of her before she could change her mind and turn away.

“Isabelle, come in.”

Izzy inched into the room, closing the door behind her, Garcia watched the men briefly before making his way to a fluffy rug that sat in front of the fireplace.

“You wanna join us? You can play winner
. It won’t take me long to beat Uriah.” Kale grinned, allowing his fangs to peak out.

He wagged his brows at her as he slammed the cue ball, hitting the purple and yellow ball, sending them slamming into opposite corner pockets.

Izzy laughed. “I don’t think so. It will take you mere seconds to beat me, but if it’s all right, I wouldn’t mind hanging out.”

Uriah dipped his chin
. “Of course, make yourself comfortable. There is a fully stocked bar and plenty of books and movies.”

“Sounds good
, thanks.”

“Are you having trouble sleeping?” Kale asked as he took his next shot.

Izzy shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

Uriah was up
. Kale made a quick trip to the bar, pouring two shot glasses full of a clear liquid. He set one next to Izzy where she had perched herself on a bar stool next to a tall table, where she could watch them battle it out.

She eyed the liquid
, and then lifted her narrowed gaze to Kale. “What is it?”

Kale smiled
. “Patron, it might help make you sleepy.”

She grabbed the shot
glass, taking the smooth tequila like a champ. “Or get me drunk.” She smiled.

Kale laughed
. “You like tequila?”

“I think it runs in my veins
. I have family from Mexico.”

Kale laughed and lifted his shot glass to take his drink, before retrieving the bottle of Patron and a tumbler with ice
, and what Izzy guessed was brandy for Uriah.

“So I thought you guys were in Los Angeles tonight?”
she asked as the two sat with her, their game forgotten.

“We were
; the problem has been neutralized,” Uriah explained.

, that sounds like a very political way of saying something like we ‘killed the issue’.”

Uriah smiled at her
. “We did not kill them, but they are back in Darion’s land.”

“So what kind of Fae was it you were after tonight? More luck eaters?” she joked.

Kale snickered. “No and you will either enjoy this or hate it, but we were after vampires tonight.”

Izzy’s eyes went to the
side, catching Uriah’s sheepish grin, and she couldn’t help but push his shoulder. “Vampires

Uriah laughed
. “Yes, they are, and that is why Bain hates being confused with them. He despises the creatures.”

Izzy snorted
. Whatever, he could get over himself.

… I can’t believe they’re real. Bain made such a fuss about humans needing to broaden their horizons, but vampires are real.”

Kale filled her shot glass again. “Most people would be frightened by the idea of vampires being real.”

“If I was frightened by everything I didn’t understand, I certainly wouldn’t be sitting here drinking with the two of you. Just because something or someone is different then you, doesn’t mean your first instinct should be to fear them.”

“That is very wise
,” Uriah agreed, setting his glass down and taking aim on the billiards table again.

Izzy spent a couple hours hanging out with Uriah and Kale
. They even convinced her to play a round of pool on Kale’s team. She didn’t do too badly, but he cleared the table for their team. She had slowed down on the Patron. She knew it was a good call when all her thoughts kept straying to one Immortal in particular, who was going to be sleeping in the room next to hers.

She and Garcia padded off
, leaving Kale and Uriah to continue their battle over who was better at slamming balls… She giggled to herself. Okay, maybe she should have declined that last shot.

? What are you doing?”

Izzy turned to see Bain coming up fast behind her.

Izzy raised a brow at him.
What was he doing? Was he just getting back?

“I was visiting with Uriah and Kale
, and now I’m off to bed. What are you doing?”

“I was with Lothar
.” He took a step closer to her. “Damn Kale,” he muttered.

?” she asked, resting her hands on her hips.

Bain lips twitched. “He shared his vice with you.”

“Yeah, I had a few drinks with them. I wasn’t tired, so I went to the living room, and he and Uriah were in there playing pool.”

“I know, I was with Lothar when they returned
. I thought you said you were going to bed?”

Izzy narrowed her eyes at him
. “I did, but I was restless. I thought it was fine if I walked around here.”

“It is fine, but I would have come back if I’d known you weren’t sleeping.” He took another step towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

Izzy wanted to step back, wanted to push him away, wanted to be pissed that he was even touching her, but her traitorous libido flared to life with his proximity.

Bain dropped his lips to hers, but Izzy turned her head before they made contact and whispered
, “Who is Meriah?”

Bain stiffened against her
, and for Izzy, that was answer enough. She pulled out of his embrace.

on, Garcia,” she called, hurrying the last few steps to her sanctuary. Izzy forced herself not to look back as she shut her and Garcia in her room.

“What did you say to her?”
a sarcastic voice asked from behind Bain. He whirled on Kale, a frustrated growl escaping his throat.

“Whoa there
, big guy, calm down.”

“I am calm, but I don’t know what I did
,” Bain said, dragging his hand through his hair.

“She’s upset and confused
,” Lothar said as he rounded the corner.

“No shit
,” Bain said sarcastically.

Lothar grinned
. “What happened?”

Bain shrugged

“You must have some clue.”

“Everything was good…
really good,
until Niles interrupted us.” Bain had that wicked smirk, cocking one side of his mouth up a little higher than the other.

Kale rolled his eyes.

“What did Niles say when he
you?” Lothar asked.

“That Meriah was waiting for me.”

Kale let out a howl of laughter. “You can be so fucking thick sometimes.” He patted Bain’s shoulder and moved on past him and Lothar. “Good night, brothers.”

Bain glared
, and then turned to Lothar.

“Bain, I realize
that actually caring for a female, as I can sense you do for Isabelle, is new to you, but think about it. You two were having a
good time
—as you put it—and you leave because someone tells you another woman is waiting on you. How do you imagine she felt? What if it had been reversed and she left you because another man was waiting on her?”

Bain sighed
, and closed his eye.
Damn it
, Kale was right… he really was thick. He never considered that Izzy had no clue who Meriah was. Damn, he was an idiot.

“Well?” Lothar pushed.

“He’d probably be in the field, searching for his family jewels right about now.”

Lothar chuckled. “Go talk to her, and I do mean talk to her
. This is confusing for her; I sense her wariness in this situation. I don’t know if it’s because you’re not human, or if it is just that she hasn’t cared this much for someone. Regardless, you need to explain to her who Meriah is.”

Chapter Twenty-One



“You really don’t believe in knocking, do you?” Izzy mumbled around her toothbrush as Bain let himself into her room.

She watched his gaze drop to her ass from his reflection in the bathroom mirror
. She couldn’t help but smirk.

Izzy washed her mouth out and turned to face Bain. He stood in the middle of her
room, simply watching her. Izzy popped her hip to rest on the frame of the bathroom door. She wasn’t in her sexiest of pajamas, but he seemed to appreciate the view nonetheless. Her midnight blue, boy-short panties and her white and blue jersey tee with its giant double zeroes stretched tightly across her chest were sexy in their own way.

Bain cocked a grin at her as his gaze slowly devoured her
; she felt like prey to this perfect predator.

“We should talk
,” he finally said as his gaze met her eyes again.

“Your eyes are glowing,” she whispered.

Bain strode towards her. “That happens when I’m hungry,” he murmured in her ear as he pressed up against her. “And you, sweetheart, spark a deep hunger in me.”

He dropped his lips to her
neck, laying gentle kisses between nips and licks of her sensitive skin. Bain wrapped his arms behind her, taking hold of her ass and lifting her up. On reflex and desire, Izzy wrapped her legs around Bain’s waist, a small moan slipping past her lips as she rocked her hips and rubbed against him. She was acting like an animal in heat. Bain’s lips moved up her neck and followed her elegant jawline until their lips met in a dizzying kiss.

Izzy turned her head, only after enjoying his lips for a short while.

“Who is Meriah?” she asked in a much stronger voice then she had before.

Damn it, Bain had gone about this wrong. Lothar would be shaking his head right now. He was supposed to explain all of this to her, before acting like a rutting animal and all but forcing himself on her.

Bain sighed, and let Izzy’s feet touch the ground again. However, he pressed her against the wall because he was not willing to let go of her. Not now… he wasn’t going to be interrupted this time.

“Meriah is one of the Immortal Three. It was time for my feeding.”

Something passed over Izzy’s face, a darkening of her eyes, and then a sexy twist took hold of her lips. “So, not a girlfriend or a former lover?”

It was a statement
, not a question, but Bain nodded. “No, certainly not.”

Izzy’s tongue slipped past her
lips, moistening them before she lifted up onto her toes and led her mouth back to Bain’s.

“Good, I don’t make out or sleep with someone
else’s man.” She pushed her hips forward and nipped his bottom lip. Bain let out a deep, throaty groan as he carried her to the bed.

He laid Izzy on her back, never removing himself from between her thighs.

“Since we’re being honest,” he said as he gathered the hem of her shirt and moved it up her stomach, kissing the flat plane as he pushed it up and over her head to drop it on the floor next to them. A small growl rumbled from deep in his throat as she arched her exposed breast to him. “While normally a little alcohol makes for an exciting night, but not the first time. I will pleasure you all night long, Izzy, but I won’t take advantage. We won’t be having sex tonight.”

She breathed out the word on a heated moan as Bain took one nipple in his mouth and worried the other between his rough fingers.

Bain chuckled against her hardened nipple
. “No sex, Izzy.”

?” She nearly squealed the question as Bain ran his hand lower, running his knuckles along the slit to her core.

“Don’t worry
, sweet Izzy,” he said, slipping one finger past her folds. “I plan to take care of you tonight.”

Izzy didn’t have the
urge to argue. Why would she? She’d let this man do anything to her.

Bain continued to
pleasure her nipples, occasionally nipping at the hardened peaks, as he slipped a finger inside of her. Izzy rocked her hips, and Bain slid another finger deep inside of her.

She was tight and wet, giving Bain pause at his no
-sex statement. He increased her pleasure with his thumb, pressing it hard against the swollen, pink, flesh-covered ball of nerves, following the pressure with a smooth, circular motion. Bain moved his mouth down Izzy’s stomach to her navel, and then dipped lower. Anticipation slammed Izzy as Bain ran his tongue over her inner thigh.

, Bain,” she whispered as her hips jerked. She was near begging, but she didn’t care how it sounded. It had been too long since she’d had a man take the time to sate her needs.

A soft chuckle tickled her skin as Bain pulled his fingers from her
. Izzy was instantly hit with the loss of the pressure, but quickly recovered as a long, steady, moist stroke replaced it. Bain’s tongue teased her and his teeth nibbled her clit, before pushing his fingers inside of her again.

Izzy cried out as her muscle
tightened, and Bain’s tongue stroked her with a new fervor. When the sweeping fire of her orgasm hit, Bain held her thighs apart so she couldn’t close them and cut him off from his gift of her orgasm.

Izzy was slammed with a heat that she hadn’t felt in years
. The man had barely begun and she was a writhing, moaning mess on the bed beneath him. She tried to close her legs and squirm away. She wasn’t sure her body could handle another touch from him without her heart racing to a dangerous level. She was sure with one more touch from his skilled hands or sinful tongue, Ventricular tachycardia would soon follow. Still, Bain held her thighs open, his fingers lightly biting into her soft flesh. He nuzzled her thigh before returning to her core and starting his sweet assault again.


I can’t… I can’t take anymore

Bain lifted his head, his masculine smile bordering on self-satisfied and arrogant.

“I think you can. You taste
good, sweetheart. I’m not nearly done with you,” he whispered before dropping his head again.

Izzy’s own head fell back on the pillow as her back arched with the next wave of pleasure and a fast coming
, knock-you-down orgasm.


Izzy lay motionless in bed, curled up against Bain’s side. No matter how hard she’d tried, and no matter how many times she tried to convince him she was sober enough to make the decision to have sex, he wouldn’t give in. Even though she could see he wanted to.

He was a talented man. He spent hours pleasuring her, taking nothing for himself.
Well, she wasn’t sure that was entirely true… he seemed to enjoy the effects of her orgasms, but that wasn’t the same, so Izzy promised herself she would rectify that this morning.

“I need a shower
,” she whispered against his chest.

They’d been laying there in silence for the past half hour at least. She pressed small kisses to his muscled chest while he played with a lock of her hair. She got the impression that Bain wasn’t the type to stay the night, but he had with her
. He had even held her tight against him while she fell into the best night of sleep she’d had in a long while.

“I’ll go run the water for you.”

Izzy lifted her head to look at him. “Thank you, then you can get naked and wait for me in there.”

Bain smiled
, a twinkle of heat in his eyes as they started to glow. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

Izzy pulled the sheet to her chest as Bain slipped from bed and started the shower.

Izzy followed not long after Bain, sliding the glass door aside to climb into the tile shower. It was a large square of neutral colors with a high showerhead. Izzy licked her lip as she watched the beads of hot, steamy water slide down Bain’s back and over the hard, perfectly shaped muscles of his ass.

“I can feel your eyes on
me, Izzy. Get over here.” Bain reached back, grabbed her arm, and pulled her to him.

Izzy laughed as the water rained down on them. Bain ran his fingers through her
hair, pushing the soaked locks from her face. She lifted up on tiptoes and placed a light kiss on his lips. He reached out to pull her close, but she pulled back, shaking her head at him, with a wicked smile on her lips.

“What are you up too?” Bain narrowed his eyes at her, though still smiling.

Izzy kept their eyes locked as she slid the length of his body to her knees.

Bain’s brows lifted as a soft sigh parted his lips.

Izzy ran her tongue from the base of his hard length to the tip of his head, before taking him deep and hard into her mouth. It was a bit of a struggle to take him all in, but she used her hand to make up for what her mouth couldn’t handle.

Bain’s head fell
back, resting on the warmed tile of the shower wall. His finger tunneled into Izzy’s hair, gently guiding and moving with the slow, deep, rhythmic pace she had set, running her tongue teasingly over the tip of his hard flesh before taking him deep into her throat again. She let her teeth graze his flesh and felt warmth pool low in her belly as Bain moaned her name.

Izzy kept her rhythm slow
and methodical. She was turned on beyond belief. He filled her mouth in ways she wanted him to fill her sex. She felt his cock twitch and his fingers dug a little deeper into her hair, pushing her to move faster. He was close.

Bain groaned as he came close to spilling himself in her mouth
. He reached down with a preternatural speed and strength, pulling her up from her knees and lifting her to his chest. Izzy wrapped her legs around his waist, settling mere inches from his swollen length as he let his orgasm flow and covered her mouth with his.

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