IGMS Issue 2 (27 page)

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Authors: IGMS

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"Yes, atmosphere is Okay. It feels cold, though." He retrieved some sensor data. "Seven degrees. At least it's above freezing. Better grab your coats." He opened his own hatch. "And don't forget flashlights."

Anne marveled at the ease with which Dee performed the docking procedure. The ship was a concert of coordinated movement when controlled by Dee. On one level she couldn't help but to be proud to see the psyship work so successfully. On another level she felt ... jealousy. Though she hated to admit it, she knew that was the right word. Jealous, of the machine that took her husband. Jealous, of the place he'd rather be.

The last six days had been agony for her. Dee, she knew, could watch her every minute if he wanted to. She didn't know if he wanted to watch, and wasn't even sure she'd be offended if he did. Either way, she was happy to be leaving Dee's ship.

She zipped up her coat and met Rob at the hatchway. They pulled themselves into the tunnel and moments later were in Thomas's ship.

"Are you there, Dee?" said Rob into a radio.

"Yeah, I hear you fine. Keep me posted," said Dee.

"Follow me," said Rob, heading aft. His flashlight beam bounced as he went.

Anne followed. Aft was toward the engines, where the pilot's compartment was also located, just like on Dee's ship.

"Anne, you've taken to space travel just fine, you know that?" said Rob.

She smiled at his attempt to ease the tension. But he was right. "Yeah, I'm an old pro. Being out here, six days away from Earth, in a dark spaceship ... yeah. This is my kind of stuff."

Rob laughed. They reached the engine compartment. He was flitting his flashlight over the room, taking it in. "Everything looks normal. I'm going to try the lights."

Anne moved her own flashlight to Thomas's cubicle. She walked over to it and put her hand on it. Cold.

The lights flickered, then turned on.

"I'm turning on the heaters, too," Rob said. "They're working."

Anne knelt down and raised the manual door panel to the cubicle. "Let's open this," she said, pressing the button. The door swung down, and Anne gasped.

"What do you see?" said Dee through the radio.

Thomas was most definitely dead. His body was stiff, his face a contorted mask of terror.

"He's dead, Dee," said Anne. "Thomas is dead."

After Dee listened to Anne and Rob describe the scene, he asked, "How's the core?"

"The core is running, but I can't access the engines," said Rob. "I'm going to need to reset the system to gain access."

"It was still running when you got there?" said Dee.

"Yeah, it was," said Rob.

"So it was running the whole time ..." said Anne.

"Thomas could have recorded something," said Dee.

"Other than telemetry data?" asked Rob.

"I don't normally go around recording everything, but I could," said Dee. "I used to send Anne stuff all the time."

"Well, let's get the ship back to Earth," said Anne. "I'm sure we can figure a way to get that data out of the core once we're there."

"There's a problem with that," said Rob.

"Yeah," said Dee. "If we reset the core, that data will be lost."

"And I have to reset the core to gain access to the engines," said Rob. "We can't maneuver without them. Dee's ship isn't carrying enough fuel to get us and Thomas's ship back."

Dee felt dread. He knew what was coming next, but also knew it was the obvious answer. "How's Thomas's implant?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" said Anne.

"I mean, does Thomas have burns or something? Does the implant look Okay?" said Dee.

"I don't see anything wrong there, Dee," said Rob.

"Wait a minute," said Anne. "You want to jack in over here?"

"I don't see any other way, Anne," said Dee. "I think we need to know what happened. If I jack in over there, I can see if Thomas left a recording, and possibly get the engines going without a reset."

"But, what if whatever happened to him ... you should see his face, Dee," said Anne. "What if the system itself did it? What if the core did that to him?"

Rob snorted. "No way. The system didn't suddenly become dangerous. It's sound. Ten years and nothing like this has happened. I'm convinced it was external."

"You don't know," said Anne.

"I think he's right," said Dee. "I've never experienced anything dangerous here. It's the only way. We've got no clues, and we better find out what happened here."

"I'll get Thomas out of the way," said Rob.

"Wait a minute," said Anne. "Before we do this, let's look at the rest of the ship, okay? Maybe there's something somewhere that will tell us what happened. And don't you have a gadget that you can test the umbilical with? Something to make sure that you don't electrocute Dee when he connects?"

"The system is sound," said Rob.

Dee heard a few moments of silence.

"Okay," said Rob. "I can run a few tests, but anything extensive will require a core reset. I'll check everything I can without going that far."

"Thank you," said Anne.

"And you check the rest of the ship," said Rob. "Let us know if you find anything. Come on over, Dee."

"Fine," said Anne.

"Will do," said Dee. "I'm offline."

The channel went silent. Dee felt dread, but not for fear of jacking into Thomas's ship. He felt as good about the system as Rob. His dread was withdrawal from his own ship. The thought of returning to the tiny shell that was his body, even for the brief time it would take to get through the tunnel to Thomas's ship, filled him with unease.

He checked his systems one more time; then, satisfied, he pushed himself through a small hole and opened his eyes. He blinked a few times. The cubicle was lit very dimly, and would gradually get brighter as he became more conscious. He flexed his fingers and toes, then his grappling arms -- wait, not there. He moved his arm toward a red button, then pressed it. The umbilical on top of his head gently disconnected and retracted.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there, pulling his mind together. The process didn't always take very long, but the nagging feeling of missing things never left him, no matter how long he was away from the ship. He settled into the feeling, then pushed another button. The cubicle door opened, and there stood Anne.

A flash of anger overcame him. He was at his weakest right at this moment, and hated for people to see him like this. But this was Anne. She'd seen him like this before. He pushed the anger aside.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Just give me a minute," he said. It was odd that he hadn't known she was there. He tried to look through the cameras in the engine room -- not there.

He swung his feet to the side and sat up.

"Are you sure this is the only way?" asked Anne.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure," said Dee. "Did you find anything in the rest of the ship?"

"No. Everything's fine over there," she said. "Listen, I need you to know something."

Dee looked at her.

"I need you to know that I'm okay," she said. "I expected things from you that you couldn't give --"

"Things that every other husband can," said Dee. "You didn't ask anything of me that you shouldn't have expected. I just couldn't give it."

"You didn't love me?"

"No, that's no it at all," he said. "I do love you. I do to this day. Anne, look at us. We've been in flight for six days. Six dull days during which we could have talked about this. But it's only when I jack out that you can. It's only when I'm in the flesh that I'm me to you, but it's only when I'm jacked in that I'm me to me." He willed his face to disappear from the screen. Not there.

Anne stood in silence.

Dee pushed himself up. "Let's go do this before I change my mind."

Anne watched Dee make his way to Thomas's ship. He was right. She couldn't bring herself to talk to him when he was the ship, but the moment she saw his body, his eyes, his face ... he was real.

They floated into the engine room of Thomas's ship. Rob was zipping a body bag.

"I tested the connector, and the voltages look normal," Rob said. "I'll, uh, get this secured." He went forward.

Dee settled into Thomas's cubicle.

"I don't like this," said Anne.

"I know. But there's no reason to be afraid."

He reached over to close the door.



"Drive safe."

Dee smiled. "Will do." He closed the door.

Anne touched the cubicle. Seeing him had been overwhelming, and losing him to a ship so quickly made her heart ache.

Dee pushed the button to extend the umbilical. It sought and found his implant, then snapped home.

"Okay," he said, and breathed deep.

The connection gave him a gradual feeling that there was someplace he needed to go. When it became strong enough, moving into the core was simply a matter of going to that place. Dee concentrated, then pushed.

Slowly, he became aware of his new body. Sensors came online one by one, and he could now see Anne standing next to the cubicle, from both angles. He also saw that Rob had returned to the engine room.

He checked the engine. It was cold, but besides that, normal. He kicked it on in warmup mode.

"Rob, the engine is warming up now, so I think we're --"

Dee paused. He felt the urge to look behind himself, and he actually tried to do it. He looked through all the cameras at once, and saw no one but Anne and Rob. He felt through all his sensors, but there was nothing.

Who's there?

"Did you guys hear that?" asked Dee.

"What did you hear?" said Rob, moving toward a panel.

Dee paused another moment, and heard nothing.

"No, wait. Everything's fine. I'll run a test of --"

Dee? Is that you, Dee?

"Who is that?" said Dee through every speaker on the ship.

"What's happening, Dee?" asked Anne.

"I'm hearing something. Someone is talking to me."

I'm sorry Dee, but they know everything.

"What's it saying?" asked Anne.

"Thomas? Is that you?" said Dee. "It says 'I'm sorry, but they know everything. It's calling me by name."

"My God, could Thomas still be in the core?" said Anne.

"Impossible!" said Rob.

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