Read If The Shoe Fits Online

Authors: Laurie Leclair

Tags: #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #romantic comedy series, #once upon a romance series, #romantic comedy trilogy

If The Shoe Fits (19 page)

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“I can’t be,” Charlie said over and over
again as she paced the small, cramped bathroom, waiting for the
girls to return from their errand.

Dolly watched, smiling brightly. “We’ll just
see about that, missy.”

Much later, while counting the seconds for
the results, Charlie repeated, “I can’t be.”

“It’s time,” Francine announced.

Charlie turned to the stick, and then
swallowed hard.

“Well, go ahead and get it. We wanna see,
too.” Dolly’s hand nudged her back.

Gingerly, she carried it to the well-lit sink
area, avoiding looking directly at the indicator.

As the others crowded close to her, hemming
her in, she muttered, “Well, here goes nothing. Or everything.”

Chapter 21



Charlie hadn’t come home last night. Worry
had plagued Alex. But he had it on good authority that Dolly was
with her. Her friend would comfort her and take good care of her;
that he could guarantee.

“But she shouldn’t have to,” he said under
his breath.


He waved off his friend. “Oh, nothing,
Edward.” For the first time, he realized his driver wasn’t en route
to the airport. “Where are we going?” he asked much too


He frowned, his middle dipping. “And why is

Edward shrugged. “Orders, sir.”

“From who? And I thought you were working for

His grin filled the reflection in the
rearview mirror. “Dolly, that’s who from. And, as far as I know, I
still work for you.”

Alex shook his head. But then a thought came.
“Is it Charlie? Is she all right?”

“Well, it’s not an emergency or anything.”
Edward seemed to debate over his answer.

“You’re keeping a secret from me?”

“Not entirely, sir,” he said. “I don’t know a
lot, just what Dolly wants to tell me. But, from what she says,
it’s for your own good, let me just say that.”

“That is not saying much,” he complained.

He kept silent after that, mulling over the
reason for his delay. For all he knew, Charlie might be just as
much in the dark about this as he was. Charlie. Just the thought of
her had him tied up in knots.

When his grandfather had insisted on Alex
having dinner with the all-female King family, he’d had no idea how
much his life would be turned upside down. But it had and he
welcomed the all too brief time with his wife.

Charlie. The sight of her. Her scent, light
and heavenly. Her smile. Those dark, luminous eyes. Her humor. She
made him laugh more in the last few weeks than he could ever recall
doing in his entire life. He ached for her.

He would never forget her.

“So did you ever ask your grandfather about
creating a West Coast division?” Edward asked.

“Are you just trying to make

“Beats worrying, doesn’t it?”

“Something like that,” Alex countered, using
Charlie’s phrase. He heaved a heavy sigh. “He wasn’t that receptive
to the idea. Expenses, overhead, finding quality staff. No, Dallas
will always be home base. He and Grandmother are already counting
on the sun and fun the next two years.”

“I can’t see them being uprooted from all
they’re familiar with, do you?”

No, he couldn’t either. How could two elderly
people, cut off from all they were familiar with, leave their
hometown after sixty years of marriage and more than forty years of
that living in the same home? They loved their home, their friends,
their longtime doctors, the clubs they belonged to, and especially
the parties his grandmother adored throwing for the people she
cared for the most.

Another thought nudged his conscience. They
would give up everything for him. And they had once before. “Do you
think they’re just saying that? You know, for the business and to
be close to me still?”

“Seems so, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Edward, when have I had a choice in what you
say?” He chuckled, taking the sting out of the question.

“That’s true. Lucky for me.”

Alex leaned forward, patting him on the
shoulder, saying, “No, lucky for me, friend, lucky for me.” He
thanked whoever every day for placing Edward in his life.

Who would have thought an ex-cop with a bum
knee would have dragged him out of a bar that night in college and
saved him from untold scandal? He couldn’t convince his friends and
they’d ended up being arrested. The incident, and the subsequent
discovery of illegal activities at the nightclub, had made the
papers for months. Guilt by association and jail time ensued.

In saving Alex’s neck and the Royale family
reputation, Edward had made a friend for life. So had Alex.

“Maybe it’s time to expand into an uncharted
market for Royale Enterprises. If we coincide this with the new
development, we assure the client undivided attention and spotlight
their build in our publicity campaign. Both companies win, free
advertising for them while we cultivate more projects in the
process. West Coast division needs a West Coast chief,” he mused.
“Chadwick would love the opportunity.”

Edward laughed. “Perfect. Gets him out of
your hair.”

“And gets him the prestige he wants.”

“He’ll be happier.”

“Yes and he will be less likely to defect to
another company, taking all that knowledge and expertise he has
with him. He’d sign that contract without a second thought. His
loyalty to the company all these years should be rewarded. Charlie
would think so, too. And the man deserves a bonus for all his hard
work. An all-expense paid vacation with his family, I think. Royale
Enterprises would benefit greatly by allowing him to head up his
own division.” Alex spoke his thoughts out loud.

“And you get to stay put,” Edward ended with
a hopeful note to his voice.

For the first time, Alex realized Edward
would have to give up Dolly, too. It just wasn’t Alex losing what
he cared about most.

“Family first, Edward, that’s what she

“Miss Charlie? She’s a smart one.”

Edward was just as much family to him as
Dolly was to Charlie. He pictured King’s employees. Their
dedication and devotion were not just to a store, but to the Kings
themselves. Charlie always said the employees were members of
King’s family.

And Charlie was part of

Alex’s heart lurched.

He’d married in order to save his
grandparents. His mission was to keep them and their hope alive.
But, in finding Charlie, she’d been the one to rescue
secret hope of ever having a future filled with love and

He could have everything he ever longed for
with Charlie. He couldn’t lose her now.

“We’re here, sir.”

Alex came out of his reverie with a start.
Without thinking, he got out of the car. He made it a few steps and
then halted, looking at the new window display.

“Sir, you all right?” Edward asked, now at
his elbow.

“How could I have forgotten? I took a vow,
Edward. I gave my word.”
Love, honor, and cherish

“And you always keep your word, sir.”

Moving closer, he felt his friend right by
his side. There, behind the glass, stood the mannequins. Charlie,
with Dolly and the stepsisters by her side, was in a makeshift
bathroom, staring at something Charlie was holding. It was too
small to see.

He read the title under the Charmings.
baby makes three?

“It can’t be.”

“That’s what she said,” Dolly exclaimed,
having come up to him.

He gazed at her in stunned wonder. “Well, is
she or isn’t she?”

The older woman tapped a finger against her
lips. “Mums the word, Mr. R.” She pointed a thumb over her
shoulder, saying, “But you’ll find your answer over there.”

He rushed past her. Finding the window drape
still covering the second display, he turned back to find Dolly
with Edward at her side. She then nodded to the redheaded
stepsister at the entrance to King’s.

“Hit it, Francine,” Priscilla cried out.

The drape moved. He struggled to make out the
images behind the fabric. Slowly, the material parted, revealing
the scene.

Time seemed to slow. Blood rushed to his

Right before his eyes, blue and pink linens
littered the area. With only half his mind working, he noticed the
white wooden crib, rocker, and matching furniture. Resting on top
of a large blue pillow was a miniature jewel-encrusted crown and
beside it, on the matching pink pillow, was a miniature diamond

“Congratulations, Alex, you’re going to be a
daddy.” Charlie’s sweet voice came from his left.

Whirling around, he saw her standing just a
few steps away.

Alex drank in the sight of her. He could
never get enough of seeing her wide smile and sparkling eyes filled
with love.

He found home.

His heart hitched in his chest.

And, he noted, she was carrying those strappy
red shoes again. “What is it with you and the shoes?” he joked,
turning the familiar question around on her.

She giggled. “If the shoe fits, isn’t that
what you said the first time we met? I thought they came with the

“If you remember correctly, you had the shoes


“Of course, how could I forget? You,
Alexander Royale, were the icing on the cake.”

Sobering, he waved a hand to the second
window display. “Charlie, you’re serious, aren’t you?”

“Of course, silly, I would never pull a prank
like this. It’s true.” She bit her lip. “Alex, I don’t want King’s
anymore. I’m going to hand it over to the employees. It’s their
store, really. Their hard work and dedication has made it into what
it is today. They can decide if they want to keep it going or not.
If they sell the place, they’ll have a pretty profit for retirement
or whatever else they wish to do with the money.”

“But, Charlie, this is your life.”

She shook her head. “It’s not. You were
right. I was trying to hold onto my father. It’s not fair to try to
keep a ghost alive. Not to him, and especially not to us. I can’t
live someone else’s dream anymore. I have to live my own. You,
Alex, well, you and the baby,” she touched her flat belly, “you’re
now my life.”

She stole his breath away. “I’m the luckiest
guy in the world,” he said softly, overcome with emotions. “I want
to hold you in my arms forever.”

“I want that, too.”

“That’s a relief.”

“You have to have big arms,” she pointed

“For you?”

She shrugged. “Me, the baby, Dolly, Francine,

“The shoes,” he teased.

“Just the red ones.”

“Your stepmother?” he asked with a hint of

“Not yet.” She sighed. “Eventually though.
Can you handle that?”

He grinned. “Is that all you got?”

“More babies?”

“Definitely. Plus my grandparents and Edward.
That’s a pretty good life, the way I see it.”

“The best. Not too shabby for a King and a

He walked to her then. He brushed back a lock
of her hair and cupped her cheek. “But you love what you do. You
can’t give that up.”

“Oh, I didn’t say I was throwing in the towel
on everything. I think with my dress designs, Dolly’s skills, and
my sisters as my two new assistants, we can get our new company up
and running soon. We can sell the line exclusively at King’s if
it’s still open.”

“A King will still be a part of King’s
Department Store. They’ll be lucky to have you.”

“I thought of a name for the new business:
Charmed, I’m Sure

“You are amazing.”

“Of course I am. Either here or in
California. Bi-coastal or whatever you call it.”

He chuckled. “I don’t think that will be
necessary. The deal is sealed. There’s no backing out now. And as
top dog of Royale Enterprises, I think it’s high time I make an
executive decision to open up a West Coast division. I know the
perfect candidate to fill the chief position.”

“But your grandparents?”

“They’ll be too busy with their new
great-grand—” he stopped himself. “Boy or girl?”

“I betcha it will be one of those two.”

“I thought you never bet on a sure

“Except when it comes to ice cream

“Or cards,” he pointed out with a smile in
his voice, recalling the all-aces, all-hearts deck.

“That, my love, was betting on you, not the
cards,” she whispered huskily.

Warmth spread through him. She was going to
have his baby. Another thought tugged at him. “Does this mean I
still have to court you?”

“For a lifetime, husband.”

“My pleasure, wife.”

She dropped the shoes. Charlie threw her arms
around him and kissed him. Alex held her close, returning her deep,
lingering kiss.

He heard Edward, Dolly, and Charlie’s
stepsisters clap and cheer.

In the back of his mind, Alex realized, the
Charmings would be living happily ever after after all.

Now, if they could just marry off the



The End





This is the first book in the contemporary
romantic comedy trilogy, Once Upon A Romance Series. Keep reading
for an excerpt of Waking Sleeping Beauty, Book 2 in the series.


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About The Author



Laurie LeClair writes contemporary romance.
Laurie’s habit of daydreaming has gotten her into a few scrapes and
launched her to take up her dream of writing. Finally, she can put
all those stories in her head to rest as she brings them to life on
the page. Laurie considers herself a New Texan (New England born
and raised and now living in Texas). Please connect with Laurie
online at

BOOK: If The Shoe Fits
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