Three's a Crowd

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Authors: Ella Jade

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Three’s A Crowd


By Ella Jade




Kindle Edition




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Ruby Lioness Press
Houston, Texas




Three’s a Crowd
Copyright ©2012, Ella Jade
ISBN: 978-1-938397-13-4


Edited by Megan Harris
Cover by Marissa Dobson




All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.





Three’s a Crowd



Connor Hughes sat in the corner of the dimly-lit bedroom, stroking his cock and watching two amazingly beautiful goddesses touch, lick and suck one another. He considered himself a lucky bastard. For the past month, the two girls who lived downstairs in his apartment building had been inviting him over to watch them get it on. It was live porn, and he was reaping the benefits in more ways than one. It was his private peep show.


Sierra and Janine were two of the hottest women he'd ever seen. They were a stark contrast to one another. Janine was tall, leggy, and blond. The shade of her eyes reminded him of the Caribbean waters. Connor wanted to touch her pale full breasts and make her come from the sensation of his tongue on her nipples. Sierra was an exotic beauty. She looked as if she'd descended from Greece. Her long, dark hair fell over her tanned shoulders as she glanced over at him from the bed. Her wide, brown eyes looked as if she was inviting him to join them. The things he wanted to do that woman should have been illegal. Janine was beautiful, but there was something about Sierra that called to Connor. When she looked at him, all rational thoughts disappeared. It was as if he'd known her his entire life. She was a Siren in every sense of the word. Connor had more than one fantasy about her. It was as if she called to him and only him.


When he first joined them in their bedroom, he'd sit there, too mesmerized to even move. Lately, though, he'd been taking matters into his own hand, so to speak, and making sure he came just as hard as his new friends. Some nights he came more than once. He'd never been so exhausted, and he didn’t do anything more than watch. They didn’t seem to mind when he took his clothes off. They'd peek in his direction and smile at him, but they always kept up their steady stream of pleasing one another.


Sierra and Janine sat facing each other on the bed; long, luscious legs all tangled together, hands interlocked as they licked and kissed one another. Connor ached to taste their soft, smooth skin. He wondered if touching would ever be allowed.


Sierra leaned against Janine and whispered something into her ear. Janine nodded as she smiled and stared at him. She was clearly the aggressor in the relationship. She initiated most of what they did, but Sierra didn't seem to mind, especially when she was screaming out in ecstasy. Sierra's moans made Connor lose his load on more than one occasion.


 Sierra got up off the bed and walked over to him. God, she was beautiful. He knew she swung the other way, but a guy could dream. He dreamed about her often. What he wouldn't give to have her for one night.


“Connor,” she whispered. “Do you want to play with us?” She ran her fingers through his hair.


“What?” His voice came off weak, but she'd shocked him with her question. He never thought he'd be anything more than a spectator.


Janine hopped off the bed, sexy tits jiggling as she walked over to him and extended her hand.


“Sierra has a request,” she said. “And what my girl wants, my girl gets.”


"I don't understand." Connor shook his head. "What does she want?"


Sierra giggled. The sound was familiar to Connor, but he wasn't sure why. He'd never heard her laugh before. But then, there was something very comforting about her.


Connor got up from the chair he'd been sitting in and faced Sierra as Janine stood behind him, pressing those perfect tits against his back. He could feel her pert nipples rubbing against his shoulder blades. Sierra ran her hand down his stomach, stopping just above his cock.


She grinned just before speaking." Have you thought about touching us?" Sierra traced small circles just below his belly button, causing his cock to twitch. "Do you want to touch me?"


He nodded because he wasn't sure he could find his voice. He placed his arm around her waist and pulled her a little closer to him, running his stubble along her jaw. She closed her eyes and leaned against him. She was a perfect fit.


“Tell him, baby.” Janine encouraged Sierra. "Tell him what you want."


Tell me what? Connor's breath hitched in his throat and he felt his heart rate increase with each passing second.


Connor had never been so aroused before. His stomach muscles were coiled tight and he could already feel the sensation building in his balls. They hadn't even done anything to him yet, and they weren't going to if he lost it before the party started.


“Connor,” Sierra breathed out as she hitched her leg over his hip, brushing her pussy against his dick. “I’ve been with Janine since I was eighteen, but I’ve never been with a guy.”


“Really,” he whispered as he moved his mouth closer to hers. "That's fascinating."


Janine reached around him and fingered Sierra’s wet pussy for a few seconds. Connor had never seen anything so erotic before. The smell of Sierra swirled between them. Janine moved her wet finger up to his mouth, allowing him to lick the juices from it.


"She tastes so sweet, doesn't she?" Janine swiped her finger along his tongue.


 Connor eagerly sucked the juices from it, never taking his eyes away from Sierra’s. He needed her to know how much he wanted her.


He let out a small moan of pleasure, but that little taste of her tangy nectar wasn’t enough. She tasted delectable and he wanted to bury his head between her thighs and lick the life out of her. Her scent was memorable to him, but he had no idea why. There was something about this dark-haired beauty that drew him in and kept him coming back.


“Sierra wants your dick to be the first to make her come like that,” Janine said. “If you do that for my girl, I’ll let you lick her pussy.”


Ah, fuck!


 Sierra reached down and took his cock in her palm. She pumped him in her warm, small hand as she fiercely kissed his mouth. Her lips were greedy against his. She wanted him. He could feel it in her touch.


"I think about you all the time." She nipped at his bottom lip. "I want to feel you inside me. I want to scream your name. Is that what you want?"


"Yes." He closed his eyes and indulged in the way her hand made him feel. "I want you so bad."


She pushed him toward the bed. Connor opened his eyes and looked around, but Janine had somehow disappeared. One moment she was wrapped around his back and the next she was gone. He couldn't recall her leaving. He hadn't heard the door of the bedroom open, but she wasn't in the room. Where had she gone?




He must have been too wrapped up in Sierra to have noticed anything else. He sank back into the mattress as Sierra straddled him. The sheets smelled of perfume and women. He wanted to rub Sierra all over his body. He wanted her scent to linger on his skin so he'd never forget this time they had together.


"Do you like to watch me and Janine?" She took his cock in her hand again.


"Fuck, yes…" He wasn't sure if he was answering her question or responding to what she was doing to him. He reached up and traced her breasts with his fingertips. He slowly licked his lips and imagined what her nipple would feel like against his tongue. He knew her skin would taste like honey. He had her before, he must have, but when?


"What's your favorite part when you watch us?"


"When she licks you." He thrust his hips upward, allowing her to feel how much he wanted her.


"She says I'm the best she's ever had. Do you want a taste?"


He moved his hands down to her hips and rocked her against his erection. He dripped with pre-cum and feared this encounter was going to be over much faster than he would like.


"Will Janine mind?" He moaned from the friction her bare pussy caused on his sensitive skin as she slid up and down his shaft. "If I taste what's hers?"


"She doesn't exist." Her brown eyes bore into his crystal blue ones. There was an intensity about her he hadn't noticed before. "It's just the two of us. It always has been."


"I don't—"


"Shh." She continued to move her hand up and down his cock, pushing the tip at her entrance. "I'm yours and only yours."


"Sierra, I think I might…"


“Connor,” she called.


She seemed to fade away right before his eyes. One minute he could feel her skin against his, smell her arousal and touch her, and the next she was gone.


What the hell?


"Connor." He heard her voice, but it sounded so far away. It was muddled.


Where am I?


"Wake up, baby."


This has been one fucked up ride.


He opened his eyes to find Sierra straddling him. He blinked a few times, trying to focus and get his bearings. They were in their bedroom. He must have missed the alarm. The sunlight streamed in through the blinds and he could smell the coffee brewing from the kitchen.


"Time to wake up, sleepyhead."




She was naked and stroking his cock. His favorite way to wake up.


“Baby, you were having some dream.” She giggled. “I didn’t even do anything to you yet and you’re rock hard.”


A dream? Of course, that's why she was so familiar to me.


“Oh, babe.” He moaned as she continued to please him with her hand. “You have no idea. It was about that girl Janine who lives downstairs. Ever since I saw her new girlfriend leave her apartment last week, I can’t stop thinking about what it’d be like for you and her to, you know.”


What guy didn't dream about his hot wife playing with another girl while he looked on? It was his deepest fantasy.


“Connor!” She slapped his thigh with her free hand, but then leaned down and licked the pre-cum from his tip, her long brown hair tickling his balls. She swirled her tongue around him before sucking the head into her mouth.


"Hell!" He ran his fingers through her hair. He was so turned on from his dream, anything she did to him right now would be total bliss.


She swiped her tongue up and down his shaft as she cupped his balls in her hand.


“Do you think she’d want to join us?” he whispered.


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