IBM and the Holocaust (92 page)

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Authors: Edwin Black

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  1. Telegram, Cordell Hull to Thomas J. Watson, November 6, 1935, NA RG59 600.001171/361A.
  2. Program, Eighth General Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, June 24-29, 1935, NA RG59 600.00171/337.
  3. Program, Eighth General Congress of the International Chamber of Congress, Paris, June 24-29, 1935, NA RG59 600.00171/337; "Business Is Divided on 2-Nation Pacts,"
    , June 28, 1935; "World Chamber Lays Trade Ills to Government Rule of Industry,"
    June 30, 1935.
  4. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1936, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT 1960 Box 8.
  5. "NRA Called a Help to Business Ethics,"
    June 9, 1935; "Watson Appeals for World Trade,"
    January 27, 1935; "Business Is Divided on 2-Nation Pacts,"
    , June 28, 1935; "France Is Cautious in New Tariff Policy,"
    November 17, 1935; "World Now Seeks New Trade System,"
    May 22, 1936; "T.J. Watson Returns,"
    August 11, 1936.
  6. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1937, p. 500, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT1960 Box 8.
  7. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1937, p. 501, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT1960 Box 8.
  8. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1937, p. 505, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT1960 Box 8.
  9. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1937, p. 505, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT1960 Box 8.
  10. ICC Meeting transcripts, American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, April 26, 1937, p. 500, American Chamber of Commerce, Hagley ACCT1960 Box 8.
  11. "Watson for Freer Trade,"
    April 25, 1937.
  12. "Watson Defends 6-Figure Income,"
    April 8, 1936; Watson, Jr., and Petre, p. 55; Belden and Belden, pp. 192, 195; William Rodgers,
    Think: A Biography of the Watsons and
    (New York: Stein and Day, 1969), p. 121.
  13. Draft Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, circa November 1937, IBM Files.
  14. "Report to the Associates of the Dehomag Company," October 6, 1936, pp. 4-5, 9, IBM Files.
  15. "Report to the Associates of the Dehomag Company," October 6, 1936, pp. 4-5, 9, IBM Files; Letter, J.E. Holt to J.G. Johnston, June 2, 1938, NA RG60.
  16. "Thomas J. Watson Is Decorated by Hitler for Work in Bettering Economic Relations,"
    July 2, 1937.
  17. Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Cordell Hull, February 12, 1937, NA RG59 600.00171/369; Louis P. Lochner, ed. and transl.,
    The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943
    (New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc, 1948); also see "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937; "Hitler Meets International Chamber Delegates,"
    July 13, 1937.
  18. Press Release, ICC, October 22, 1937, NA RG59; Letter, Decker to Taylor, May 26, 1939, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; see Letter, Chevalerie to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1939, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  19. Telegram, White House to Thomas J. Watson, June 27, 1937, NA RG59.
  20. Internationale Wirtschaft
    7/8 (July-August 1937): 6;
    Volkischer Beobachter,
    June 28, 1937.
  21. "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  22. "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  23. "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  24. "Germans Plead for Colonies at World C. of C.,"
    New York Herald Tribune
    , June 29, 1937.
  25. "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  26. "Germans Plead For Colonies at World C. of C.,"
    New York Herald Tribune
    , June 29, 1937; "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  27. "Salute for Hitler at Trade Congress,"
    June 29, 1937.
  28. Internationale Wirtschaft
    7/8 (July-August 1937): 6-8.
  29. The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943
    , pp. 20-21; Belden and Belden, p. 196.
  30. The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943,
    pp. 20-21.
  31. "Thomas J. Watson Is Decorated by Hitler for Work in Bettering Economic Relations,"
    July 2, 1937; "Watson Sends Hitler Notes of Gratitude,"
    July 6, 1937; see also Watson, Jr., and Petre, p. 55;
    Internationale Wirtschaft
    7/8 (July-August 1937): 7.
  32. Rodgers, p. 114.


  1. "Watson Sends Hitler Notes of Gratitude,"
    July 6, 1937.
  2. Letter, Ilse Meyer to Thomas J. Watson, July 4, 1938, IBM Files.
  3. "Reich Orders Jews to Hold No Meetings,"
    April 14, 1937; "Jewish Cafes Closed in Reich,"
    , August 27, 1937; "Ghetto Zones for Jews Decreed in Berlin Parks,"
    August 18, 1937; "Special Seats for Jews,"
    September 16, 1937; "Germans to Raze Synagogue,"
    , September 28, 1938; "Munich's Main Synagogue Being Wrecked by Nazis,"
    , June 13, 1938.
  4. "Jewish Clothiers Gain,"
    , October 9, 1937; "Warns Jews Owning Boarding Houses,"
    September 2, 1938; "Jews to Lose Permits,"
    , September 21, 1938; " 'Business Ghetto' Is Berlin's Aim,"
    June 27, 1938; "Anti-Jewish Drive Covers All Reich; Arrests Mounting,"
    , June 19, 1938; "Anti-Jewish Raids Continue in Berlin,"
    June 18, 1938.
  5. James Connally,
    History of Computing in Europe
    (IBM World Trade Corporation, circa 1967), p. E-12.
  6. Gotz Aly and Karl Heinz Roth,
    Die restlose Erfassung: Volkszahlen, Identifizieren, Aussondern
    im Nationalsozialismus
    (Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 1984), p. 25.
  7. Connally, p. E-12; Memorandum, J.G. Johnston to J.E. Holt, March 25, 1938, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Letter, J.E. Holt to J.G. Johnston, June 2, 1938, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  8. Volkischer Beobachter,
    Ausg. Koln, 30 (December 1937) cited in Aly and Roth, p. 24.
  9. ZSTAP/M, Rep.77, Title 343, Volume 1, No.107 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 76.
  10. "Austria Absorbed in German Reich: The Austrian Situation," "Vienna Jews Beaten; Stores Plundered," "Nazi Purge in Linz Now in Full Swing,"
    , March 14, 1938; "Austrian Shake-Up Is Pressed by Nazis," "Schuschnigg Under Arrest," "Hitler Enters a Cheering Vienna,"
    March 15, 1938; "Jews Humiliated by Vienna Crowds,"
    March 16, 1938; "Jews Scrub Streets in Vienna Inner City,"
    March 24, 1938.
  11. "Vienna Nazis Widen Drive on Jews; Every Family Reported Suffering,"
    June 20, 1938.
  12. "Vienna Prisoners Sent to Camp or to Hard Labor on Projects,"
    , June 3, 1938; "Arrests Continue,"
    June 9, 1938; "Non-Jews Hard Hit by Drive in Berlin,"
    , June 23, 1938.
  13. "Austrian Province Ousts 3,000 Jews,"
    April 24, 1938.
  14. "Employer in Vienna Dismisses 30,000 Jews,"
    July 1, 1938.
  15. "Freud Leaves Vienna for London Refuge, Declaring He Plans to Come Here Later,"
    , June 5, 1938.
  16. "Jews Scrub Streets in Vienna Inner City,"
    March 24, 1938, "New Suicide Wave Breaks Out in Vienna,"
    May 7, 1938; "Wave of Suicides Renewed in Vienna,"
    June 28, 1938.
  17. "Hitler Enters a Cheering Vienna,"
    , March 15, 1938.
  18. Connally, pp. E-9, E-10, E-12,19, 24; "German Nazis Point for Austrian Jews,"
    March 13, 1938; Handwritten Notes, circa 1945, IBM Files; see H.B. Fellinger, Enclosure 6, July 19, 1945, p. 15, IBM Files.
  19. Jochen von Lang, ed.,
    Eichmann Interrogated: Transcripts from the Archives of the Israeli
    transl. Ralph Manheim (New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1983), pp. 46-47.
  20. von Lang, pp. 46-47.
  21. Letter J.G. Johnston to J.E. Holt, June 14, 1938, p. 2, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Bruno Blau, "The Jewish Population of Germany 1939-1945,"
    Jewish Social Studies,
  22. "Goering Starts Final Liquidation of Jewish Property in Germany,"
    April 28, 1938.
  23. "Youth Beheaded by Reich,"
    December 22, 1938; "Treatment of Prisoners in Concentration Camp at Buchenwald," B.L. Bracey to Lord Halifax, December 28, 1938, PRO FO 371/21757; "Nazi Tortures Detailed by Britain; Concentration Camp Horrors Told,"
    , October 31, 1939; "Anti-Jewish Drive Covers All Reich; Arrests Mounting,"
    , June 19, 1938; "Memorandum of the Concentration Camp at Sachsenhausen," PRO FO 371/230006; "1,410,000 Nazis' Captives,"
    October 31, 1939.
  24. "25 More Lose Citizenship,"
    March 4, 1936; "Reich Bars Jews in Trade, Fines Them Billion Marks; Cardinal's Palace Stoned,"
    November 13, 1938; "Half of the Persecuted in Reich Are Christians,"
    , November 18, 1938; "Viennese Unhappy Under Nazi Rule,"
    December 28, 1938.
  25. "Berlin Raids Reply to Death of Envoy,"
    , November 10, 1938; "Anti-Jewish Measures and Treatment of Jews in Germany," Dr. Bruno Stern, Beresford to Sir S. Gaselee, January 13, 1939, p. 4, PRO FO 371-19918; "Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt,"
    November 11, 1938.
  26. "Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt,"
    November 11, 1938; "Anti-Jewish Measures and Treatment of Jews in Germany," Dr. Bruno Stern, Beresford to Sir S. Gaselee, January 13, 1939, PRO FO 371-19918.
  27. "Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt,"
    November 11, 1938; "Anti-Jewish Measures and Treatment of Jews in Germany," Dr. Bruno Stern, Beresford to Sir S. Gaselee, January 13, 1939, PRO FO 371-19918.
  28. "Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt,"
    November 11, 1938.
  29. "Nazis Smash, Loot and Burn Jewish Shops and Temples Until Goebbels Calls Halt,"
    November 11, 1938.
  30. "Washington Calls Envoy from Berlin,"
    November 15, 1938; Haskel Lookstein,
    We Our Brothers' Keepers? The Public Response of American Jews to the Holocaust, 1938-1944
    (Toronto: Hartmore House, 1985; New York: Vintage Books, 1988), p. 42; "U.S. and British Voters Found Skeptical on Hitler Pledge to End Demands in Europe,"
    , November 11, 1938; "Hungary Curbing Nazis,"
    July 13, 1938; American History in the 20th Century, "The House on Un-American Activities Committee's Hearings and the People It Affected,"
  31. "Jews Are Ordered to Leave Munich,"
    November 11, 1938; "Reich Jews' Flats Causing Scramble,"
    November 28, 1938; see "Reich Orders Ouster of Stateless Jews,"
    , May 19, 1939.
  32. "Extremists Sway Nazis and Jews Are Menaced with More Drastic Rule,"
    , November 14, 1938; "Jews in Germany Get Extermination Threat,"
    , November 30, 1938.
  33. Letter, J.E. Holt to J.G. Johnston, June 2, 1938, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Cordell Hull, September 23, 1939, NA RG59 600.00171/386.
  34. "Reich in Great Need of Raw Materials,"
    November 17, 1936; "Germans Are Asked to Economize on Fats,"
    January 26, 1936; "Plane Designers Win Nazi Awards,"
    , September 7, 1938; "Germans Anxious Over 1937 Events,"
    January 1, 1937; "Germany Puts Planes in Terrible War Role,"
    , March 19, 1936; "Reich Restricting Passenger Trains,"
    February 4, 1939; "Reports Nazi Mobilization Plan,"
    January 16, 1937.
  35. "U.S. Trade Efforts Lauded by Watson,"
    , January 25, 1938; also see "Hull Sees Danger in Autarky's Rise,"
    , May 26, 1938; "Watson Back from Tour: Manufacturer Finds 'Best Ever' Business in Europe,"
    November 18, 1938; see "World Team Work Asked by Watson,"
    November 23, 1938; "Approves Trade Treaties: Thomas J. Watson at Vassar Hails Pacts As Peace Aid,"
    , April 14, 1938; "Watson for Freer Trade,"
    , April 24, 1937; "Reich in Great Need of Raw Materials,"
    November 17, 1936; "Germans Are Asked to Economize on Fats,"
    January 26, 1936.
  36. "Nazi Prosecution Bars Trade Pacts,"
    April 24, 1937; Transcript, Seventeenth Annual Dinner, American Section, International Chamber of Commerce, May 2, 1938, Hagley Accession 1960, Box 8.
  37. Thomas J. Watson,
    Men, Minutes, Money: A Collection of Excerpts From Talks and Messages
    Delivered and Written at Various Times
    (New York: International Business Machines, 1934), pp. 781, 885.
  38. Draft Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, November 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  39. Draft Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, November 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  40. Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Adolph Hitler, November 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  41. Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Adolph Hitler, November 25, 1938, IBM Files; Secretary's Follow-Up, March 7, 1939, IBM Files; Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and Peter Petre,
    Father, Son
    & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond
    (New York: Bantam Books, 1990), p. 44.
  42. "Watson Back from Tour,"
    November 18, 1938; compare to Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Cordell Hull, September 5, 1938, NA RG59 600.00171/386; "Foreigners Studying in Company School,"
    May 9, 1939.
  43. "Foreigners Studying in Company School,"
    May 9, 1939; Transcript, 18th Annual Dinner, ICC American Section, May 1, 1939, Hagley Accession 1960; William Rodgers,
    Think: A Biography of the Watsons and IBM
    (New York: Stein and Day, 1969), p. 74.
  44. "World Team Work Asked by Watson,"
    November 23, 1938; "T.J. Watson Asks Resources Parley,"
    June 27, 1939; Transcript, 18th Annual Dinner, ICC American Section, May 1, 1939, Hagley Accession 1960.
  45. Letter, J.E. Holt to J.G. Johnston, June 2, 1938, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; Protocol, Decisions Taken During Shareholders Meeting, June 24, 1938, IBM Files.
  46. Shareholders' Meeting Minutes, June 24, 1938, p. 1, IBM Files; Protocol, Decisions Taken During Shareholders Meeting, June 24, 1938, pt. 6, IBM Files.
  47. Joint Letter, H. Rottke and K. Hummel to O.L. Gubelman, July 6, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  48. Joint Letter, H. Rottke and K. Hummel to O.L. Gubelman, July 6, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  49. Joint Letter, H. Rottke and K. Hummel to O.L. Gubelman, July 6, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  50. Joint Letter, H. Rottke and K. Hummel to O.L. Gubelman, July 6, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  51. Joint Letter, H. Rottke and K. Hummel to O.L. Gubelman, July 6, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  52. Letters, Thomas J. Watson to J.E. Holt, August 2, 1938, IBM Files.
  53. Letter, J.C. Milner to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1938, IBM Files.
  54. Letter, J.C. Milner to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1938, IBM Files.
  55. Letter, J.C. Milner to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1938, IBM Files.
  56. Letter, J.T. Wilson to J.E. Holt, August 25, 1938, IBM Files; Memo, J.T. Wilson to H.K. Chauncey, August 25, 1938, IBM Files; Letter, J.E. Holt to J.T. Wilson, September 14, 1938, IBM Files.
  57. Letter, J.E. Holt to J.T. Wilson, September 14, 1938, IBM Files.
  58. Letter, J.E. Holt to J.T. Wilson, September 14, 1938, p. 2, IBM Files.
  59. Draft Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, August 18, 1937, IBM Files; Edwin Black,
    The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich
    & Jewish Palestine
    (New York: Macmillan, 1984; Washington, D.C.: Dialog Press, 1999), pp. 185, 186, 264.
  60. Letter, J.C. Milner to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1938, IBM Files; Memorandum, J.T. Wilson to H.K. Chauncey, August 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  61. Letter, J.C. Milner to J.T. Wilson, August 4, 1938, IBM Files; Memorandum, J.T. Wilson to H.K. Chauncey, August 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  62. State Department Document, American Section of ICC to Secretary of State, January 19, 1934, NA RG G551.2A3A/73; "Double Taxation Convention, United States and France, 1932," March 24, 1938, NA RG 59 512351.
  63. Memorandum, J.T. Wilson to H.K. Chauncey, August 25, 1938, IBM Files.
  64. Walther Lauersen, "Organisation und Aufgaben des Maschinellen Berichtwesens des Reichministers fur Rustung und Kriegsproduktion," December 5, 1945, pp. 3-4, BA R3/17a; H.B. Fellinger, Enclosure 4, July 19, 1945, p. 15, IBM Files.
  65. MB Report, February 23, 1938, NA RG242 T-73 Reel 11.
  66. Draft Letter to Armaments Inspectorate re: Fink Memorandum to Reich Defense Committee, March 31, 1939, NA RG242 T-73 Reel 11.
  67. "Many Jews Quit Berlin,"
    , July 4, 1937; "Christian Churches Hold 92% of Reich Population,"
    , December 25, 1937; "Demands Jewish Names,"
    , August 20, 1938; "Reich Limits Goods for Jewish Concerns,"
    , December 30, 1937. "August 17, 1938,"
  68. "10 Big Reich Cities Lose 40% of Jews,"
    , May 15, 1938.
  69. "Migration Register Is Started in Germany; Plan to Recapture All Emigrants for Race,"
    June 22, 1938; "Nazis Hunting 333,000 Wives for Farmers,"
    May 6, 1935; "Political Divorces Proposed in Reich,"
    January 23, 1936.
  70. Letter, Pastor Stich to
    November 12, 1935, BA R1509/576; see Letter,
    to Pastor Stich, November 25, 1935, BA R1509/576; also see Memorandum to Dusseldorf NSDAP, March 19, 1937, BA R1509/812 and Anweisung fur Sonderfalle, April 1936, BA R1509/576.

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