IBM and the Holocaust (91 page)

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  1. RMBliV (1940): 2121; also see A. Schultze-Naumburg, "Die Tatigkeit der Reichsstelle fur Sippenforschung,"
    Zeitschrift fur Standesamtwesen
    17 (1937): 283 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 70 and n35. Also see "
    Anleitung zur Ausfuellung der standesamtlichen Zaehlkarten
    ueber Eheschliessungen, Geburten und Sterbefaelle,
    November 1938," BA Berlin, NS 48/6, pp. 1-4, Appendix; "
    Vom Statistischen Landesamt an die bayerischen Standesaemter,
    1934," BA Berlin, NS 48/6, no page numbers; "
    Handbuch fuer das Deutsche Reich,
    1936," NA College Park, RG 242, A3345-B-172, frames 7-253; "
    Vorschlag zur Erfassung des im RuS-Hauptamt ruhenden erbwissen
    schaftlichen und bevoelkerungspolitischen Materials,
    November 11, 1941," BA Berlin, NS 48/6.
  2. ZSTAP/M, Rep.77, 343, 1:107 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 37.
  3. Hannah Arendt,
    Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
    (New York: Viking Penguin, Inc., 1963; Penguin Books, 1965), p. 42; Aly and Roth, p. 71; Nuremberg Trial Judgment, Part 7, paragraph 61,
  4. Edgar Schultze, "Die verfeinerte Auswertung statistischer Zusammenhange mit Hilfe des Hollerith-Lochkartenverfahrens,"
    40 (August 1934): 505-517.
  5. Aly and Roth, p. 100;
    45 (January 1935): 586-7; CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 17, NA RG226.
  6. Aly and Roth, 98; also see Henry Friedlander,
    The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution
    (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995), p. 27.
  7. F. Zahn, "Vom Wirtschaftswert des Menschen als Gegenstand der Statistik,"
    24 (1934/35): 461-464 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 99.
  8. F. Zahn, "Vom Wirtschaftswert des Menschen als Gegenstand der Statistik,"
    24 (1934/35) cited in Aly and Roth, p. 99.
  9. Siegfried Koller, "Die Auslesevorgange im Kampf gegen die Erbkrankheiten,"
    fur menschliche Vererbungs- und Konstitutionslehre
    19 (1935/1936): 257ff cited in Aly and Roth, pp. 99-100, n86.
  10. Aly and Roth, p. 107; also see H. Friedlander, p. 17.
  11. Hermann Kruger, "Das Hollerith-Lochkarten-Verfahren im Fuhrsorgewesen,"
    47 (March 1935): 614; CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 17, NA RG226.
  12. HN
    47 (March 1935): 615, 618.
  13. HN
    47 (March 1935): 615; see illustration
    47:2 ub.
  14. HN
    47 (March 1935): 615.
  15. HN
    45 (January 1935): 588.
  16. HN
    45 (January 1935): 588.
  17. HN
    45 (January 1935): 586.
  18. HN
    45 (January 1935): 620.
  19. Kurt Holm, "Vereinfachung des arztlichen Untersuchungsverfahren und Sammlung der Ergebnisse,"
    Deutsches Arzteblatt
    65 (1935): 113 cited in Aly and Roth, pp. 103-104.
  20. Friedrich Zahn, "Fortbildung der deutschen Bevolkerungsstatistik durch erbbiologische Bestandsaufnahmen
    27 (1937/38), 194-195.
  21. Ludwig Hummer, "Die Aufbereitung der Volks- und Berufszahlung 1933 im Hollerith-Lochkartenverfahren,"
    28 (August 1933): 345; see Schultz, p. 507; see Rudolf Gunzert, "Die Erfassung der personlichen Verhaltnisse und des Berufsschicksals der Arbeitslosen,"
    42 (October 1934); 555; see "Die Bearbeitung der Arbeitsunfahigkeit einzelner Krankenkassen im Hollerith-Lochkartenverfahren,"
    45 (January 1935): 588, see Kruger, pp. 614, 616; "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; see Aly and Roth, pp. 23-24, 26, 27, 107-108, 118-119; also see H. Friedlander, pp. 25-27.
  22. H. Friedlander, p. 35; also see BA R22/1933 cited in Aly and Roth, pp. 100-101 and n21.
  23. Zahn, "Fortbildung der deutschen Bevolkerungsstatistik durch erbbiologische Bestandsaufnahmen,"
    27 (1937/38): 181.
  24. Connally, p. 7.
  25. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 4, item 7 fn, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  26. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 3, item 6, Appendix A, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  27. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 3, item 6, Appendix A, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  28. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," pp. 3, 4, item 6, Appendix A, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  29. Saul Engelbourg,
    International Business Machines: A Business History
    (Arno Press, 1976), p. 127, plus author's typescript.
  30. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 10, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; also see Letter, W. Heidinger to Associates of Dehomag, October 6, 1936, p. 3, IBM Files.
  31. Dispatch from British Embassy Berlin to Sir John Simon, May 17, 1934, PRO 581; see also Attachment,
    Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preussischer Staatsanzeiger
    No. 111, May 15, 1934, PRO FO371/17753.
  32. Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin, September 6, 1934, IBM Files; Black, pp. 104-5; Letter and Cablegram, Thomas J. Watson to H. Rottke, January 16, 1934, IBM Files; Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin, April 14, 1934, IBM Files.
  33. Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin, September 6, 1934; see handwritten notation at top of Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin, April 14, 1935, IBM Files; also see Memorandum, J.C. Milner to W.F. Battin, August 30, 1934, IBM Files; Letter, J.C. Milner to H.K. Chauncey, December 13, 1935, IBM Files.
  34. Letter, W.D. Jones to Thomas J. Watson, September 25, 1933, IBM Files; Letter, F.C. Elstob to W.D. Jones, October 10, 1933, IBM Files.
  35. Letter, F.C. Elstob to W.D. Jones, October 10, 1933, IBM Files.
  36. Letter, W. Heidinger to M.G. Connally, November 14, 1933, IBM Files.
  37. Letter, M.G. Connally to W.F. Battin, May 7, 1934, IBM Files.
  38. Letter, J.T. Wilson to J.E. Holt, November 21, 1934, IBM Files.
  39. Board Meeting Deleted Minutes, June 10, 1934, IBM Files.
  40. Memorandum, W. Heidinger to Associates, October 6, 1936, IBM Files.
  41. Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Otto Kiep, April 24, 1934, IBM Files; Letter, Thomas J. Watson to K. Hummel, December 7, 1934, IBM Files; Letter, K. Hummel to Thomas J. Watson, December 14, 1934, IBM Files; Notarized Contract, IBM and W. Heidinger, June 23, 1934, IBM Files.
  42. Emerson W. Pugh,
    Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology
    (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1995), pp. 249-250.
  43. Connally, pp. 30-32.
  44. Abstract from Final Decision and Injunction 9th Chamber for Commercial Affairs, Provincial Court, Ref No. 409.0.18.34, April 18, 1934, IBM Files.
  45. Abstract from Final Decision and Injunction 9th Chamber for Commercial Affairs, Provincial Court, Ref No. 409.0.18.34, April 18, 1934, IBM Files.
  46. Reports, Dehomag to IBM, November 16, 1934, IBM Files.
  47. BA R43II/720a cited in Aly and Roth, p. 101; Aly and Roth, pp. 10, 98.
  48. FAAK materials, circa 1936-37, Rheinisch-Westfalisches Wirtschaftsinstitut, RWWA, 130-4001483/0.
  49. ASA
    24 (1934/35): 138 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 70.
  50. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; also see Aly and Roth, p. 70.
  51. See covers of
    42 (October 1935)


  1. "The Party: Marching Through Nuremberg During the Great Review,"
    September 15, 1935; see photos, NA RG242, Items 242-HB-15046, 242-HB-15039a36, 242-HB-15039a56, 242-HB-15039a77; also see photo, RG242, Item 242-HB-15039a65, 242-HB-15026a11, 242-HB-15046, 242-HB-15037; "Hitler Hails the Spade,"
    September 13, 1935.
  2. Photo, NA RG242, Item 242-HB-15014M; Item 242-HB-15046; Item 242-HB-15012; "The Party: Marching Through Nuremberg During the Great Review,"
    September 15, 1935.
  3. "Reich's New Army Shows Its Power to Nazi Leaders,"
    September 17, 1935; "Text of Hitler's Speech to Reichstag at Nuremberg,"
    September 16, 1935.
  4. Raul Hilberg,
    The Destruction of the European Jews
    (New York: Quadrangle Books; Harper Colophon, 1979), p. 58.
  5. BA R22/1933 cited in Gotz Aly and Karl Heinz Roth,
    Die restlose Erfassung: Volkszahlen,
    Identifizieren, Aussondern im Nationalsozialismus
    (Berlin: Rotbuch Verlag, 1984), p. 153.
  6. Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews,
    p. 20; "Hope of Reich Jews Is Dimmed by Events,"
    September 22, 1935; "New Drive Aimed at Jews in Reich,"
    March 21, 1934.
  7. "Hope of Reich Jews Is Dimmed by Events,"
    September 22, 1935; also see Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews,
    pp. 12, 21; "New Drive Aimed at Jews,"
    March 21, 1934; "Large Jewish Store in Berlin Liquidated,"
    August 20, 1937.
  8. Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews,
    pp. 46-47.
  9. Burgdorfer, "Die Juden in Deutschland und in der Welt, Ein Statistischer Beitrag zur biologischen, beruflichen und sozialen Struktur des Judentums in Deutschland,"
    Forschungen zur Judenfrage
    , Volume 3, Hamburg 1938, cited in Aly and Roth, p. 60, n32; Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews
    , pp. 34, 37; also see Dispatch, British Embassy to Foreign Dept., June 14, 1935, FO 371/18861; "Text of Hitler's Speech to Reichstag at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  10. "Big Nazi Conclave Will Start Today,"
    September 10, 1935.
  11. "Hitler Gets Sword As Congress Opens,"
    September 11, 1935; photo, NA RG242 Item 242-HB-15014M.
  12. "Reich Adopts Swastika As Nation's Official Flag,"
    , September 16, 1934; Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews,
    pp. 21-22.
  13. Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews
    , pp. 43-53.
  14. Dispatch No. 135, British Consulate General, Munich to Eric Phipps, British Embassy, Berlin, September 27, 1934, PRO FO 371/18881; "Bautzen County Summary for June 1, 1935 to December 31, 1937," Race Political Office, Main Office III to Reich Family Research Office, August 9, 1938, BA R1509/812.
  15. Letter, Chief of the Security Police to the Chief of the Order Police, October 12, 1936, ZSTAP/M, Rep 77, Tit. 343 cited in Aly and Roth, p. 69.
  16. Dispatch, British Embassy to Foreign Dept., June 14, 1935, FO C 4760; Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews
    , pp. 34, 37, 43.
  17. Burgdorfer, "Die Juden in Deutschland und in der Welt, Ein Statistischer Beitrag zur biologischen, beruflichen und sozialen Struktur des Judentums in Deutschland,"
    Forschungen zur Judenfrage
    , Volume 3, Hamburg 1938, cited in Aly and Roth, p. 60; Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews
    , p. 46.
  18. "Text of Hitler's Speech to Reichstag at Nuremberg,"
    September 16, 1935; photos, NA RG242 Items 242-HB-15014a, 242-HB-15012, and 242-HB-15022a45.
  19. "Text of Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935; "Reich Adopts Swastika As National Flag,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  20. "Text of Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  21. "Text of Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  22. "Text of Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  23. "Reich Adopts Swastika As National Flag,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  24. "Text of Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg,"
    , September 16, 1935.
  25. Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald to Secretary General of the League of Nations, Annex, p. 1, December 27, 1935, FO 371/19918.
  26. Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews
    , p. 60.
  27. Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald to Secretary General of the League of - Nations, December 27, 1935, FO 371/19918.
  28. "All Jews Quit Hersbruck,"
    May 28, 1935; "German Town to Bar Jews,"
    July 17, 1934.
  29. Thomas J. Watson, Jr., and Peter Petre,
    Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond
    (New York: Bantam Books, 1990), p. 54.
  30. "Nazi Plan to Buy Out All Jewish Firms; Stress Bargains Resulting from the Boycott,"
    September 24, 1935.
  31. "Munich Seizes Passports to Curb Flight of Jews,"
    January 20, 1936; Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald to Secretary General of the League of Nations, 34, December 27, 1935, FO 371/19918.
  32. Westphalen, "Die Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft im Dienste der Sparkassen-Statistik,"
    Hollerith Nachrichten (HN)
    54 (October 1935): 726.
  33. James Connally,
    History of Computing in Europe
    (IBM World Trade Corporation, circa 1967), p. E-9;
    55 (November 35); also see "EAM Accounts and Revenue by Industry Class," January 1, 1937, pp. 1, 2, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 9, NA RG226;
    54 (October 1935).
  34. CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 9, NA RG226.
  35. Aly and Roth, p. 68.
  36. Hilberg,
    Destruction of the European Jews,
    p. 82; N. Henderson, "Registration of Jewish Businesses in Germany," PRO FO 371/21635.
  37. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," Appendix A, p. 4, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60; CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 9, NA RG226.; Dispatch, British Embassy, Berlin to Foreign Office, No. 236E, February 24, 1936, PRO FO 871/19941; Walther Lauersen, "Organisation und Aufgaben des Maschinellen Berichtwesens des Reichministers fur Rustung und Kriegsproduktion," December 5, 1945, pp. 3-4, BA R3/17a.
  38. CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p. 9, NA RG226; Dispatch, British Embassy, Berlin to Foreign Office, No. 236E, February 24, 1936, PRO FO 871/19941; NA RG242, T-73, Reel 12, RMfRuK/320.
  39. Connally, p. E-10, also see p. E-7; Banquet Guests List, November 26, 1935, IBM Files.
  40. "Goebbels Utters Threats to Jews,"
    May 12, 1934; "Nazis Warn Jews to Stay at Home,"
    June 2, 1934.
  41. Joint Boycott Council Box 22-E, NYPL; Connally, p. E-10; Dehomag Stationery, IBM Files.
  42. Letter, Dehomag to J.T. Wilson, November 16, 1935, IBM Files; see Letter, Dr. Edgar Schulz to Thomas J. Watson, November 27, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. B. Fels, December 23, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, Dr. B. Fels to Thomas J. Watson, February 4, 1936, IBM Files; Letter, Thomas J. Watson to Dr. Edgar Schulz, December 19, 1935, IBM Files.
  43. Connally, pp. E-11, 36; "Sales School Is Opened,"
    , July 15, 1936; Letter, H. Rottke to O. Gubelman, October 2, 1935, IBM Files.
  44. Connally E-11; see Patent Agreement Between IBM and Gustav Tauschek, September 1, 1930, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  45. Connally, pp. 33, E-11.
  46. Connally, p. E-11.
  47. "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 10, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  48. Connally, pp. E-11, E-12; CSDIC, "Secret Report: PW Intelligence Bulletin No. 2/57," April 25, 1945, p 4, NA RG226; "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," p. 8, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  49. "Workers, Wages, Sales Increased,"
    , March 17, 1934; "Business Machines Corporation Reports Steady Rise in Sales,"
    , April 4, 1934; "Business Machines Gains,"
    April 11, 1934.
  50. "Earnings Reports by Corporation,"
    July 31, 1934; "Large Industrial Increases Income,"
    October 27, 1934; "Dividend News,"
    November 28, 1934.
  51. "Business Leaders See Gain Continue,"
    , January 2, 1935; "Business Machines Increases Income,"
    March 7, 1936.
  52. Connally, p. 37.
  53. "International Business Machines Corporation to Expand Near 32nd St.,"
    February 20, 1934; "Insures 6,900 Employees,"
    , September 25, 1934; "Thousands Get Pay Raises and Bonuses As Industries' Gift at Yule Season,"
    December 22, 1934; Watson, Jr., and Petre, p. 46, and also see "T.J. Watson an Optimist on $1,000-a-day-Income,"
    April 30, 1934; "Watson Defends 6-Figure Income,"
    , April 8, 1936; "Business Unit Seeks Madison Ave. Site,"
    June 28, 1936.
  54. "Story of IBM: The Early Years 1890-1938,"
    ; Oral History, Jack S. Futterman, January 23, 1974,
  55. Oral History, Jack S. Futterman, January 23, 1974,
  56. Oral History, Jack S. Futterman, January 23, 1974,
  57. Oral History, Jack S. Futterman, January 23, 1974,
  58. Thomas Graham Belden and Marva Robins Belden,
    The Lengthening Shadow: The Life of
    Thomas J. Watson
    (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1962), p. 163; Connally, p. E-13, and see Oral History, Jack S. Futterman, January 23, 1974,
    ; "Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen GmbH: Confidential Report 242," fn pp. 1-3, submitted by Harold J. Carter, December 8, 1943, Department of Justice, War Division, Economic Warfare Section, NA RG60.
  59. Saul Engelbourg,
    International Business Machines: A Business History
    (Arno Press, 1976), p. 372.
  60. Letter, Dehomag to F.C. Elstob, March 8, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, M.G. Connally to F.C. Elstob, February 21, 1935, IBM Files; Application for Relief, Konrad Matzdorf to The Central Revenue Board, February 27, 1935, IBM Files.
  61. Letter, O.E. Braitmayer to J.E. Holt, February 21, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, O.E. Braitmayer to W. Heidinger, February 21, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, W. Heidinger to O.E. Braitmayer, March 8, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, W. Heidinger to J.E. Holt, January 20, 1938, IBM Files; Letter, F.C. Elstob to F.W. Nichol, March 20, 1935, IBM Files.
  62. Letter, F.C. Elstob to F.W. Nichol, March 20, 1935, IBM Files; see Letter, W. Heidinger to J.E. Holt, January 20, 1938.
  63. Letter, W. Heidinger to O.E. Braitmayer, March 3, 1935, IBM Files.
  64. Letter, F.C. Elstob to F.W. Nichol, March 20, 1935, IBM Files.
  65. Letter, J.C. Milner to H.K. Chauncey, December 13, 1935, IBM Files.
  66. H.K. Chauncey, Draft IBM Memorandum, March 27, 1935, IBM Files.
  67. Resolutions, Dehomag Board of Directors, April 20, 1936, IBM Files.
  68. Report to Dehomag Board of Directors, July 25, 1935, IBM Files.
  69. Report to Dehomag Board of Directors, July 25, 1935, IBM Files; Letter, H. Rottke to O.L. Gubelman, October 2, 1935, IBM Files.
  70. Letter, H. Rottke to O.L. Gubelman, October 2, 1935, IBM Files.
  71. Letter, J.C. Milner to Thomas J. Watson, March 23, 1937, IBM Files.
  72. Letter, J.C. Milner to Thomas J. Watson, March 23, 1937, IBM Files.
  73. Letter, J.T. Wilson to Dept. of State, May 18, 1945, NA RG59 362.115/5-1845.
  74. Private and Confidential Report, Price Waterhouse to IBM Geneva, April 24, 1937, IBM Files; Connally, p. E-10.
  75. Memorandum, Proposal for Change of the Contract, J.C. Milner to H.K. Chauncey, December 13, 1935, IBM Files.
  76. Memorandum, Heidinger-Watson Agreement, circa May 1936, IBM Files; see also Radiogram, J.E. Holt to Thomas J. Watson, March 20, 1936, IBM Files.
  77. Letter, O.E. Braitmayer to J.E. Holt, May 12, 1935, IBM Files.
  78. Notarized Agreement, circa 1938, and attached Affidavit of J.G. Phillips, January 26, 1937, IBM Files; Letter, W.A. Pithie to W.F. Battin, September 4, 1936, IBM Files.
  79. "Reich Seizing 25% of Fortunes of Jews; Ruin of Many More Businesses Forecast,"
    September 8, 1936.
  80. "Nazi Penalties Heavier,"
    September 17, 1936.
  81. "Streicher Advises Foreigners on Jews,"
    September 16, 1936.
  82. "McDonald in Poland on Refugee Problem,"
    , April 19, 1934; Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald to Secretary General of the League of Nations, December 27, 1935, p. 34, FO 371/19918; "German Refugees Placed at 125,000,"
    September 5, 1937.
  83. Letter of Resignation of James G. McDonald to Secretary General of the League of Nations, December 27, 1935, p. 34, FO 371/19918.
  84. American Section Meeting of the International Chamber of Commerce, May 1, 1934, Hagley ACCT1960, Box 7.
  85. White House Telegram, Franklin D. Roosevelt to Thomas J. Watson, February 14, 1935, NA RG59 600.0031/1377; see also Letter, Chauncey Snow to Cordell Hull, May 15, 1933, NA RG59 600.001171/337, Letter, Cordell Hull to Chauncey D. Snow, June 1, 1935, NA RG59 600.001171/337; see also Letter from Assistant Secretary to Carr, May 24, 1935, NA RG59 600.00171/337; see also Letters to J.T. Wilson, May 27, 1935, and Carr, May 25, 1935, NA RG59 600.00171/337.

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