I Married An Alien (21 page)

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Authors: Emma Daniels,Ethan Somerville

BOOK: I Married An Alien
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Hello cutie!” he purred, and licked his rubbery lips.

I felt like throwing up all over again, and said nothing. I hoped the look in my eyes was sharp enough to kill. I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of seeing my fear.

I’m really looking forward to our wedding night. I’m sure we can make it just as memorable as our last union.” He licked his lips again and then he lifted his hands into view.

He was holding a leather belt which he pulled tight with a snap.

I could only see the back of Jordan's blonde head, but I could tell he wanted to punch a hole through the screen his anger was a palpable thing. My knees began to shake, but I managed to hold myself steady. Then Jordan turned his head and looked at Logan.


Jordan had never loathed anyone more in his life than the odious pair on the screen before him. The hatred boiling in his veins was like a physical force. His people didn’t normally feel such strong antipathy towards anyone. Mated males were almost always content and relaxed and rarely picked fights, and the Aged ones were too old and tired to stir up trouble. But those two diabolic
Jordan wanted to
destroy them!

He wondered how they could possibly live with themselves, knowing what they had done to Anita and the Terrons at the main spaceport. Jordan just couldn’t comprehend their level of… evil.

He hoped his signal to Logan had not been interpreted by the smirking pair on screen.

Logan lifted a gnarled hand and pressed a button on the armory console in front of him; his all too important communication to the Spindle Computer Network.

In Jordan’s mind’s eye it happened. He had never seen the spindles in action, but he could imagine them powering up, glowing brighter and brighter. Would people on the top floors of these buildings run from the sight of previously decorative artifacts preparing to fire? Or had everyone been evacuated in time?

Spindles were located in every major city on Terron, so the whole planet was protected like a giant cactus. The spindles currently pointing in the right direction would now be at full power, throbbing angrily.

Then they would fire, their energy beams merging above the planet’s atmosphere into one massive, devastating beam of power that contained all the heat and power of the planet’s white-hot core.

Almost, but not quite, directly behind the Terron fighter a wormhole cycled open.

What nonsense is this-“ Ian Rembrandt had time to demand before a beam of highly concentrated light as bright as the sun lanced out of the portal and blasted right into the centre of Earth's battle fleet. The biggest ship at the centre, belonging to the Rembrandts, was outlined in a blue-white halo.

The terrorists’ faces were briefly outlined on the Terron ship’s screen, their eyes wide with horror as they witnessed their own horrible, fiery death. Then the screen went blank – and ahead, the battleship exploded. Shrapnel blew out in all directions, destroying the closest fighters and scattering the smaller ones in all directions. Some chunks of debris flew towards the Terron ship, and Derek had to initiate evasive actions to avoid them.

Jordan was flung back into his seat, but he didn’t care. He wept with relief that the Rembrandt threat was gone at last. When the last flaming chunks had spun off into space, he unbuckled his belt and stumbled over to Anita, where he dropped to his knees in front of her seat. He gathered her into his arms and held her close, whispering into her soft hair that it was over, it was all over.

She clutched him back, succumbing to tears herself. They had done it! Their plan had worked!

Jordan lifted his head from Anita’s shoulder. “Oh my love, we are free,” he croaked. “But I fear… I fear we may have looked too deeply into the abyss. In thinking like terrorists to defeat them… we may well have
them.” He shuddered at the thought.

Jordan,” Anita clasped his face in her trembling hands. “We did what we had to do. There was no other solution. I’m sure they would have killed me once I was back in their hands… and continued their vendetta against Terron.”

Jordan shuddered again. The thought of her being abused and violated by those vicious Humans made him feel physically ill. There was only one place he wanted her to be for the rest of his life, safe and sound in his arms.

"I love you Jordan," Anita whispered against his ear.

Not entirely certain he had heard her correctly, he said; "What?"

"I said I love you," she repeated in a slightly more audible tone.

"I thought that was what you said, but wondered if my ears were deceiving me. It's so rare for a Human female to admit such emotion to her Terron partner so soon after their mating… I love you too, Anita Ruth. So very, very much."

She tightened her hold of him. "Anita Ruth eh? I think I like that."

"Time to go home kids," Logan announced. "And figure out what the hell we're going to do about Earth next. I mean, we might have blasted the Rembrandts into smithereens, but I wonder just how true their claim about no longer needing the plant oil is."

"I guess we'll find out soon enough," Derek remarked. "But I suspect things are going to be vastly different from now on."



Derek had been right with his comment. Relations between Earth and Terron would be seriously strained for some time to come.

The very next day the First Chancellor recalled all the farmers to the Citadel, inviting them to return to their previous positions. In the days that followed all Human personnel who weren't mated were sent back to Earth, where it was discovered that Rembrandt's scientists had in fact worked out how to synthesize the
oil. But it was a long and labor intensive process, and because he had used so much of it to make his bombs, there was now a dire shortage of fuel on the planet, something the Terrons were in no hurry to help them rectify.

And so the hundred year Treaty came to an end. Earth was once again faced with major infrastructure failure, and Terron from population problems. But the Terron scientists, technicians and doctors were now back in place, ready once more to find a solution to the problem. And Earth had it's safe fuel alternative. They just had to work out how to make enough of it themselves before the planet fell into complete and utter anarchy.

Before Jordan took up his role as Chief Systems Engineer he and I completed our honeymoon. We flew to his family home by the ocean south of the Citadel, where we decided we would continue to live and commute to work via hover every day.

It was the most beautiful place imaginable, like a great Greek guesthouse, complete with sunken gardens and indoor swimming pools. One by one the neighbors returned, and the coastline one again was bursting with life.

Even one of Jordan's two brothers found his way back home, and a wonderful family reunion took place, particularly since his brother had fathered two small children by a Earth woman I couldn't help liking on the spot. So far no one knew where the other brother was, or even if he was still alive.

Suddenly there were so many people in my life, good kind people who treated me with respect, even reverence when they found we had been responsible for thwarting the threat to Terron by the Rembrandts.

I also found a job that suited me. I decided to team up with Dana to devise a promotional campaign to encourage Earth woman to travel to Terron of their own accord now that the Treaty was null and void.

It wasn't easy to break years of negative propaganda and prejudice. But due to the massive fuel shortages on Earth, other supplies began to dwindle, and poverty became a huge motivating force. Soon women were leaving Earth in droves, arriving at spaceports all over Terron.

Our small team grew into an agency that specialized in finding these women employment while they waited for their mates. There was plenty of work on Terron, so they weren't confined to the hotel where I had first met Jordan. This made it easier for them to mingle with the Terrons and for them to find their partners.

Even though both Jordan and I were kept busy with our respective new roles, we always found time for one another; to talk, relax and most of all make love so that the Terron race wouldn't die out.





Here is an excerpt from Book Two of the Treaty Series She Married A Time Traveler


Professor Leon Jackson's time travel experiment appears to have been a dismal failure. After sending his last subject Ruth Clarke into a coma, he faces not only disgrace and dismissal from the faculty, but also a possible prison sentence. So he tries the experiment on himself. What else has he got to lose, even if it ends up killing him?


But it doesn't kill him. It sends his mind three hundred years into the future, into the body of an alien soldier from Terron, left stranded on Earth when the fuel shortage struck. Weak and hungry from an unknown illness, he is helped by Sonia Turner and her father. Roger Turner is an ex-spaceship pilot, and offers to return Leon, now in the body of Brendon Demanteena, to his home planet, the only place he can safely recover.


Sonia has always had a fascination with anything Terron, so she jumps at the opportunity of leaving anarchy ravaged Earth with her father and a fascinating man who appears to have lost his memory.


After his lonely existence on Earth, has Leon finally been given a second chance at life and love? Will Sonia stand by him when she finds out who he really is? And will the Terrons let him stay?


Find out in this sexy romp through space and time, the second book in the Treaty Series.




Sonia Turner didn't feel safe until she had driven into her father's compound and the massive iron gates slid shut behind her. But it wasn't until she turned off the engine, and the reports on the digital radio stopped that she felt as though she was finally able to relax enough to stop darting her gaze everywhere at once.

Her escape from the city had been a hair-raising ordeal of gut-churning dread, instant reflexes and a constant vigil in the rear view mirror. Even keeping to the minor roads, as suggested by her boss, she hadn't been able to escape the self-proclaimed vigilantes and other desperate individuals who sprung up in her path. She had even been shot at, and was certain there were several bullet holes in the rear of her car.

Her vehicle had once been able to fly like those on Terron, Earth's former trading partner on the other side of the Galaxy, but that function had been deactivated after hundreds of people died due to their inability to abide by the new sky-high traffic rules.

And now people were dying for an entirely different reason. Sonia should consider herself lucky her car had contained enough fuel to make it to her father's compound on the southern slopes of the Blue Mountains. But then she'd hardly left the newsroom these past few weeks, so it had sat in the locked underground car park of her building with a full tank of oil. Her boss had organized a mini bus to ferry staff to and from work as a safety measure due to the ever increasing unrest on the streets.

Sonia hadn't wanted to leave today either, but as she'd discovered on her journey here, nowhere was considered safe anymore, not now that the fuel shortage was really starting to bite. And things were unlikely to get better any time soon, the production plants of the replacement synthetic oil only now going into production. So the station had dismissed her, along with most of the other staff because the mini-van had run out of fuel, and there was no more to be had for the time being.

Sonia had read the news on the night the entire planet's oil supply was stopped with trepidation sitting like a fatty meal in her stomach. The only source of a safe, non-toxic natural oil had been found in plants called
which only grew on the planet Terron. Trying to cultivate them on Earth had proved futile despite extensive soil studies, so striking a deal with Terron had been the only way to save Earth from ecological disaster. And now they were facing another, all because of the actions of one selfish, megalomaniac businessman and his twisted son. Even though the Terrons had blasted their spaceship out of existence, they no longer trusted Earth, no matter how many delegations were sent to negotiate with them.

It also ended the Treaty so many Earth women had been against. However, now women were heading to Terron for entirely different reasons, to escape the killing and looting. Sonia would have gone too if she hadn't been worried about her father living out here on his own.

She had performed her tour of duty three years ago, and ever since then, anything Terron fascinated her. The planet's natural environment, it's beautiful people, and of course their technology had made her want to stay more than the week her boss had assigned her. Only one young woman from her group had been singled out by her Terron life-mate. Sonia now thought she would gladly have traded places with her. But at the time the poor girl had sobbed and cried as though her whole life was over. She had only been eighteen.

Being the nosy parka she was, Sonia had followed some leads, and discovered the young woman was now quite happy, and looking after a new baby. Even with the large numbers of Earth women making the journey across the Galaxy, Terron's infrastructure had been teetering on the verge of collapse for decades. Sonia hoped that this new influx of females would at least help one of the two planets, because it seemed to her that Earth had dug its own grave by allowing Ian and Oliver Rembrandt free reign of the southern hemisphere's oil production. Sure they had discovered a synthetic substitute, but why did they have to blow up Terron's main space port in the process? What the heck had they hoped to gain from such a pointless act of terrorism?

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