I Conjure Thee (9 page)

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Authors: Elixa Everett

BOOK: I Conjure Thee
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Eyes narrowed she growled at him softly, she both hated and loved how he sensed everything she was thinking and feeling. As expected, the table was set with two places, a bottle of wine was on ice and supper was waiting to be served. Clarissa automatically walked over to the stove to begin serving supper only to have him stop her and usher her over to the table. Pulling out the high-backed wooden chair for her, he motioned for her to sit.

"I said this was a special night for you, Clarissa." He bent down and brushed his lips across hers. "It's my time to serve you."

Dinner was easily the best she'd ever eaten and she savoured every bite, though she had a hard time pulling her eyes away from Tony. His mood was lighter and less intense than it normally was and she liked it - a lot. He had finished eating before her and waited patiently for her to finish before clearing the plates away refusing to allow her to lift a finger to help.

"So now what do you have planned for us this evening?" she asked itching with anticipation.

"Well," he strode over to her, slipped his arms under her legs and behind her back and hoisted her up into his arms. She giggled and cuddled tightly against his chest as he effortlessly carried her up the stairs to her bedroom "Let me take you to find out."

As they reached the top of the stairs a soft, sensual melody was coming from her room and as they entered she gasped at the sight before her. He had over a hundred beige and burgundy candles lit, the flames dancing as they illuminated the room. There was a trail of rose peddles from the door to the bed and atop the beige satin comforter hundreds of petals had been spread.

It was so cliché, but so, so beautiful. "It's amazing." Then her eyes widened as she noticed it; in the corner to her left was a small four person burgundy hot tub that hadn't been there previously. "How did you..." She looked up at his handsome grinning face and remembered that with an Infrit anything was possible. He'd shown her that already.

Tony leaned over and kissed her softly, his lips feather-light over hers. She moaned against them, her body beginning to slowly ignite with desire for him. He pulled away and slipped off his suit jacket, tossing it to the armchair by the door as she undid the buttons of his shirt.

"You deserve the best of everything, Clarissa," he whispered nipping her ear and then running a string of kisses down her neck, while tugging the hem of her t-shirt up and over her head and tossing it to the floor.

"My God, I don't know what to say." She was mystified by him. The first day she'd met him he was domineering, aggressive, almost savage and now here he was presenting her with the most romantic evening of her life.

"You don't need to say anything." He undid the buttons on her jeans and pushed the denim down over her hips, letting the garment fall to a puddle on the floor at her feet.

"You deserve our last night to be special; you will have your son to attend to tomorrow and for the next while."

The way he said the words alarmed her slightly. Their deal had been 'forever', but he was talking as though this was going to be the last time she'd see him. She surprised herself by realizing she wanted the forever. She pushed the apprehension to the back of her mind, so they could enjoy the night together, but she intended to get to the bottom of what he meant before they went to sleep.

He undid his own pants and let them drop, leaving him naked before her, his dick standing proud against her stomach he leaned down and kissed her once more. He slowly walked her backwards until the back of her legs hit the hot tub.

Once they were both naked, he stepped into the tub, took her hand and helped her in beside him. The warm water soothed her as she submerged herself to the neck in it.

Giving her hand a tug, Tony urged her to straddle his lap, facing him.

Clarissa closed her eyes and sighed, as Tony stroked the side of her face with his palm, revelling in his touch.

"You're such an amazing woman, Clarissa."

She opened her eyes, caught his gaze and her heartbeat began to race. She saw it, she saw the love and affection radiating in his eyes and it drew her in. Leaning forward she touched her lips to his, with a passion that she'd never shared with anyone before. The temperature of the tub felt like it rose ten degrees around her as she moved against him, deepening the kiss.

His cock turned rock solid against her stomach and immediately she was consumed with the need to have him in her. As their kiss deepened, their tongues caressing each other’s, she positioned the head of his cock against her entrance and took him in.

He groaned against her mouth and grabbed her hips in his hands, pulling her down hard onto him. Gripping his shoulders she pulled her lips from his, panting hard, arched her back and began to rock against him. The head of his cock stroked her inner wall with each downward thrust bringing her rapidly towards an orgasm.

"Oh lord, you feel so good, Tony. So good," she moaned, her body jerking, her breasts bouncing as she moved on him at a near frenzied pace.

Slipping a hand behind her neck he pulled her lips back down to his, kissing her roughly, with more passion than he'd ever shown before.

And then they began. The visions.

She was suddenly hit with a series of visions similar to the flashes she received when they first made physical contact. But this time they were more real, more intense. She witnessed his enslavement to King Solomon; she felt his anger, his rage. She saw his wife and his son, and she felt his pain and sorrow when they died. She even saw their days together through his eyes and felt what he felt for her. And as they both came, their bodies erupting together, the extent of their relationship became clear. Soul mates existed and she had found hers.

And then it was over and her body went limp in his arms. She could feel his heartbeat pounding at an accelerated rate against her body and he tensed up under her. Finally regaining a small amount of her strength she opened her eyes and looked up at him. His expression was blank, but in his eyes shone disbelief.

"I have to go, Clarissa."

Alarm raced through her. "No, why?"

"I have to think. I'm sorry. I have to go."

Without another word he was gone, leaving her alone and leaving her head filled with over six thousand years of various visions. Visions of the most important parts of his life and to her disbelief, she was in them.

Chapter 9

At 2am Clarissa received the call from the hospital. Jeffrey was awake and asking for her. She rushed to the hospital, and within fifteen minutes she was standing in the doorway of Jeffrey's room, with tears streaming down her face as she looked into the dark eyes of her Jeffrey awake and indulging in a little tub of chocolate ice cream.

"My God, Jeffrey. Oh honey!" she rushed over to the side of the bed and pulled him into her arms, hugging him tightly to her. He hugged her back and Clarissa savoured the feel of his little arms wrapped around her neck.

"Hey, mom."

"I love you so much. I... you have no idea how much I missed you."

She pulled back to look at him. His face seemed to have gained some color and, apart from the fact he was sitting in the hospital bed with a gown on, he looked healthy, like he didn't belong there.

He grinned up at her, "Love you too, mom. Hey, where's Tony."

Clarissa frowned. "What? Who do you mean?"

Jeffrey rolled his eyes at her. "Tony. He saved me from the bad men in black that wanted to take me away from you, he fought them off. He told me he'd be seeing me when I woke up. He said he was a friend of yours." He looked over her shoulder and into the hallway. "Where is he?"

Clarissa's eyes flooded with tears once more and she shook her head. "I don't know, honey. I don't know." She brushed a strand of dark hair from his eyes and gave him a weak smile. "Maybe you dreamed him."

"I don't think so, mom. He's real, I know he is."

Leaning over she pressed her lips to his forehead. "Maybe you'll meet him again one day, honey."


2 Months Later

"Mom are you okay?" Jeffrey called through the bathroom door as Clarissa knelt over the toilet after spending the past few minutes vomiting. She choked and coughed, tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Yes, honey I'm fine. Go back to watching cartoons. I'll be out in a minute or two."

He hesitated as though he were trying to decide if he believed her or not. "Okay, mom."

Clarissa sighed, and released her grip on the sides of the basin as she rose to her feet, flushing the toilet as she did so. She looked over at the home pregnancy test on the bathroom counter that she'd taken just ten minutes prior to the fit of morning sickness. It sat on the sink counter mocking her with a big, bright pink plus sign.

She was pregnant with Tony's child and she was terrified. She hadn't seen Tony since the night he'd disappeared, which was over two months ago. She hadn't been with another man, didn't want any other man. She wanted Tony and only Tony. She'd been tempted to try and summon him again, but there were no guarantees that she could or that some other being, one less compassionate with her, wouldn’t answer her call instead.

No, she had to wait for him. Hope that the short time they'd spent together was enough to bring him back to her. He loved her, she knew that when they'd connected. It made no sense that he was staying away. She'd felt his eyes on her constantly, and felt his presence even though he wouldn't show himself physically.

There were nights she could have sworn she'd felt his arms around her, his hard chest against her back as she slept. There was never anyone there to the eye, but she just felt him. However, those times were getting rarer and rarer. Maybe it was her overactive imagination, or maybe just her hoping it to be true. She didn't know for sure which.

Standing at the sink she grabbed a facecloth hanging from the metal rack beside her and saturated it with warm water and then quickly washed her face. With that done, she took a moment to brush her teeth.

With her teeth brushed, she finally felt fresh, despite her eyes being red and puffy.

Bracing her palms on the grey marble countertop, she lowered her eyes and took a couple of breaths in and out trying to steady her rattled nerves. What was she going to do? She had no problem being a single mom, but a single mom of a hybrid child? What would the ultrasound look like? Would the pregnancy last nine months like a human child? What kind of powers would he or she have?

She had so many questions and no answers. She was confused and hurt and she needed him. She needed him more than she’d needed anyone else in her life. "Please, Tony. Please. If you can hear me, I need you. I need you so badly right now..." She closed her eyes and tried to keep herself from sobbing.

She had to get control of herself, for Jeffrey's sake. When she felt she had her nerves under control she exhaled, opened her eyes and looked up. With a startled yelp she jumped as her eyes locked onto Tony's dark ones.

Spinning around to face him she wasn't sure what she wanted to do more, fall into his arms or rant at him for leaving her like he had. Before she had a chance to decide which, he slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against his massive wall of a chest. Her anger subsided and she fell into him, grateful to once again smell his spicy musk scent.

"I'm sorry, Clarissa. I thought it was for the best if I stayed away.''

Anger resurfaced as she placed her palms on his chest and pushed him back from her.

"Best for whom, Tony? Me?" She shook her head, her long blonde locks tied up in a ponytail swayed behind her, "No, I don't think so." She poked her index finger into his chest. "No. No, best for you, wasn't it?"

He frowned and raked a hand through his short, dark hair. "The visions threw me off balance. I admit it, and I am truly sorry." He grasped her shoulders in his hands and sighed. "Only destined mates, at the point of their souls connecting can see into each other’s heads and into their memories. It's such a rare occurrence among our kind that for me to have that experience with a human was almost unthinkable." He sighed, "It scared me Clarissa. I was scared of what it meant. I was scared of loving again and... and I'm just so sorry."

She shrugged his hands away and reached behind her to the pregnancy test and waved it at him. "What about this?"

His brow furrowed as he looked at the white plastic stick with the bright pink cross on it and then shook his head slowly. "I don't understand."

Anger flared up in her, her blue eyes flashing with anger as she jabbed a finger into his chest. "Oh please! Don't you dare play dumb with me. You know damned well what this is, and what it means!"

"It's not possible." He looked down at the stick as if mystified by it. "Is it? Could it be wrong?"

Clarissa sighed, shook her head and dropped her gaze to the floor. "No. I knew the result before I even took the test. I'm pregnant, Tony."

"It's amazing, Clarissa." He touched her cheek and raised her eyes to his. "Everything about you is amazing and now, a baby..."

Clarissa watched as the anger and resentment that had been present in his eyes each time she looked into them seemed to melt away, and his whole face brightened as he pulled her close against him. Her own anger and hurt melted away as she slid her arms around his neck and held tightly to him, burying her face against his neck.

"I want this to be real, us, our relationship. I want to be with you, with our baby. I will give you and Jeffrey everything and anything your hearts' desire. The visions proved you were my destined mate, but now the baby, my
. There is no point in denying this."

He continued to ramble, as Clarissa took comfort in his strong embrace and a sense of tranquility washed over her for the first time since their last night together. Could this work? Was it crazy to think she could have a life with him? It seemed so surreal, but at the same time, she felt it, the bond drawing her to him.

Yes, she decided, it could. A smile touched her lips as she pulled away slightly to look up at him. "So what does this mean?"

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