I Conjure Thee (6 page)

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Authors: Elixa Everett

BOOK: I Conjure Thee
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"Do you eat?" The question came out of her mouth before she had a chance to even consider it, though she had a sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with the fact her stomach was grumbling, anxious for breakfast especially after such an exciting morning.

Tony's brow creased and then a bout of laughter hit him. This was the first time she'd actually seen him laugh, a genuine, amused laugh. Even when the laughter subsided, he kept a grin on his face as he looked down at her. "To all intents and purposes, when I'm in this form on this plane of existence, I am a man, with the urges and needs identical to mortals. I eat, sleep and fuck like a moral would."

An embarrassing grumble sounded, loud enough that not only did she feel it in the pit of her stomach, but Tony
had actually
it and cocked a curious brow at her.

She could feel the heat rush up to her cheeks, "I skipped supper last night," she explained, "I didn't get home until quite late from visiting Jeffry so I went straight to bed."

"Then by all means, let's eat."


Tony watched Clarissa intently as she prepared bacon, eggs and pancakes for their breakfast. He couldn't seem to get enough of looking at her soft, creamy body. The curve of her waist, her plump, pert breasts and the way her silken strands fell halfway down her back. She was certainly one of the most stunning creatures he'd ever laid eyes on and he'd seen a lot of women in his six thousand years. His cock hardened and remained in a semi hard state from the second he sat down at her kitchen table and indulged himself in watching her cook.

"So what is it like?" she asked turning to face him and wiping her hands on a dishtowel.

"What is what like?" His eyes slipped down to the apex between her legs and lingered there as memories of how amazing it was to feast off her juices rushed to his mind. He groaned as his cock hardened fully.

"Your world."

Tony glanced back up and was pleased when he noticed her eyes were now glued to his cock. "Similar to yours. Cleaner. Humans have no respect for the world they live in.

They're filthy, disgusting creatures. No respect for their earth."

Her eyes darted back up to his and her face blanched.

He took a deep breath in and sighed. "I'm not sure how much you know of this, but I'll enlighten you on a little history. God created the angels, and then he created the Djinn.

We ruled the earth for several thousand years before the humans were created. The humans were created - Father's finest achievement, despite your flaws. Some of the Djinn remained here in God's good graces, allying themselves to the humans, but the rest of us,

- those that are now considered the Infrit - were banished to another realm and the war between the classes of Djinn began. A civil war still rages on among our kind, and all because of the humans."

Rage reared up within Tony and he fought to push it back down. He'd been forced to serve a human once, forced to serve King Solomon, like some sort of dog. He growled inwardly at the thought of his kind, a far superior race, being treated as servants to humans.

Never again. Never again would his free will be taken from him and be subjected to the whims of an inferior being. His anger was beginning to overtake his self control and he could feel his eyes converting to their normal flaming red color.

She turned the stove top off and then turned back to him. To his surprise, she walked over to him, her hips swaying seductively, enticing him. When she reached him, she fell to her knees between his legs and looked up into his eyes. That's when he saw it, the empathy she felt for him as though she understood his anger and resentment and wanted to relieve him of it... If only for a moment.

As they looked deep into each other’s eyes she grasped his erect cock in her hand and lowered her mouth to the head. "My Master," she whispered as she ran her tongue along the underside of his dick and then flicked the tip of his cock and played with the tip.

Tony groaned as shivers rocked through him and his desire which had been simmering until that point flared up so that all he could think about was blowing his load deep into the witch's throat. He fisted her hair, urging her to take him all in and she complied.

Again he groaned as she took him as deeply as she possibly could, using her hand to make up the difference.

She sucked him as she moved up and down his shaft, her tongue working magic as it circled and flicked the head each time she withdrew. He was growing closer to his breaking point, but not soon enough. Taking matters into his own hands he stood.

"Look at me slave."

She did as told, her eyes meeting his, her beautiful lips wrapped around his massive shaft as she continued to suck and lick him. Fisting her hair he began to thrust into her mouth as though it were her hot, moist pussy. She moaned against his cock, sending a tremor through him.

"Touch yourself. I want to see you make yourself come," he commanded.

She did as told, spreading her legs wide and slipping her hand between them. She moaned and whimpered as she began her ascent; the vibrations seemed to rip through him, making him wilder for her with each passing second.

He could feel himself growing close, closer by the second. "Such a pretty little witch,"

he whispered.

Her free hand cupped his balls gently, caressing them, lightly tugging. He groaned again as her soft, delicate hands brought him close to his breaking point. She suddenly moaned against his cock, as her orgasm overtook her.

As if on cue, his balls tightened and his cock stiffened. The tension within him broke, and with it came a flood of his cum shooting from the tip of his cock, in a series of waves filling her mouth. She swallowed him down greedily as if she was drinking down the finest of wine.

Once she had taken care to lick every drop of cum from his cock she sat back on her knees and wiped a drop of cum from her lip with her thumb and then sucked it off, keeping her stunning blue eyes locked to his.

Slipping a hand to the nape of her neck, he brought her lips to his. Tony nipped at her lower lip, drawing it into his mouth and then released it. She sighed and deepened the kiss touching the side of his face and running her index finger along his jaw.

After a few moments she pulled back and stood and smiled down at him. "Breakfast is ready."


Tony reclined against the wall of the hospital room and watched Clarissa as she spoke to her unconscious son as though he were awake and hearing everything coming from her mouth. The love and affection she felt for the child was unlike anything he'd ever seen, in either human or Djinn. She seemed to glow as she spoke softly to him. Despite his effort to harden his heart towards her and the child, he felt a melting taking place and he was defenceless to stop it.

He had planned on returning to his own realm for a while, until she was done with her daily visit, but she'd insisted he come. He wasn't sure why, maybe she hoped that he'd see her with the child and return him now instead of when the week was up. And he was tempted to. But he wouldn't, they'd made a deal. In a few days she'd have her son back, but until then she was all his.

Tears glistened as they rolled down her cheeks and he couldn't keep himself from stepping up to the bed across from her and inquiring what was the matter.

She sniffed and brought her teary eyes up to meet his. "I miss him, Tony." She grabbed a tissue from the night table and blew her nose. "I don't even know what he's thinking, is he dreaming? I just wish..."

Tony sighed and looked down at the child and then placed a hand on his forehead.

Closing his eyes, he began chanting as Clarissa looked on, clearly bewildered about what he was doing.

Close to five minutes later Tony's eyes reopened displaying red and orange flickering flames, and then in a blink of an eye - literally - they were back to being a deep, dark brown. "He's reliving his birthday. Three years ago. You, him and his father. He was upset because he wanted a big party, but his father had just been laid off and money was scarce. But you managed to gather enough money to buy a basketball hoop and had it mounted on the side of the garage. And the cake, you'd baked it yourself, a huge two tier cake and it had his favourite superhero on the top and a villain on the bottom. The three of you played basketball most of the day, and he kept winning though he suspected you and his father were allowing him to win. It ended up being one of the best birthdays he ever had."

He watched as the tears fell more freely now and she sniffed once more, which was making Tony increasingly uncomfortable mainly because he was feeling something he rarely felt. Guilt. Guilt for making her wait a week before he woke the child. He reminded himself that if it wasn't for him the child would have been dead by the end of a week, but it still didn't stop the negative feelings from welling up within him.

Stepping around the bed, he went to her side and crouched down in front of her as she sat in a black plastic chair.

"Thank you." she whispered lifting her eyes to look into his.

"We had a deal, Clarissa and what you've presumably read about us is true. We
live up to our end of the deal as long as the human lives up to theirs." He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand and gave her a weak smile of reassurance. "You will be speaking to him and taking him home in a few days. I promise you."

Leaning forward she touched her lips to his. Tentatively, at first but as he responded to her, she became more aggressive, thrusting her tongue past his lips in search of his, igniting his desire for her. He gave in, his tongue stroking hers, fighting to keep control as the fire raged within him and his cock hardened in expectation.

Tony suddenly pulled away, leaving them both panting, their lips so close that their breaths intermingled. "I should go. I don't belong here. This is your time with him. I'll be waiting for you when you get home."

Clarissa reached out and touched his t-shirt clad chest. "Thank you, Tony."

He was tempted to lean over and place a kiss on her forehead, but restrained himself.

She was a human and he had to keep reminding himself that Infrits did not form emotional bonds with the humans they dealt with. But he was finding it harder than he expected this time, with this particular blonde-haired beauty.

"See you soon, Clarissa."

With his final words spoken, he disappeared in a cloud of heatless smoke and fire.

Chapter 6

Walking though the front door of her small suburban home, Clarissa felt better than she had in a very, very long time. Since her husband's death it had seemed as though life refused to give her a break, but now it felt like perhaps things were going to start to turn around. Jeffrey was still in a hospital bed, but now she knew he was not in pain or tortured by horrid nightmares while in his coma, so a weight was lifted.

In a couple of days, she'd be holding him in her arms and taking him home, happy and healthy. She trusted Tony on his word; her gut told her that he would live up to his end of the bargain and so she would happily live up to hers.

Closing the door she threw her keys in the crystal candy dish beside the door and shrugged off her jacket, listening for the sounds of Tony roaming about. But to her disappointment there was only silence. It had only been five days since she’d first met him, but she was already becoming anxious to see him, excited about what he'd have in store for her. She'd never met anyone who could make her body sing like he could.

Simply being around him aroused her.

At first she'd been hesitant, and admittedly scared of what he'd had in mind for her. In the beginning the thought of calling him master and him referring to her as his slave had felt intimidating and she'd been slightly resentful, but at the same time there was something exciting and liberating about it. It felt liberating to
him to punish her whether it was by a spanking or being bound so she was helpless and at his complete mercy.

She now welcomed and became excited in anticipation of her sessions with him because she knew no matter how threatening he seemed; he'd never hurt her. She could see it in his eyes, and feel it in his touch. No matter what his words were, she knew the hardness he displayed was an act. Deep down there was empathy and kindness, maybe even the ability to love.

The previous day in the kitchen when he'd opened up to her, she'd actually
his pain, it was as though his pain had carried across the kitchen and wrapped her in it. She couldn't imagine going not only years, but decades, even centuries carrying such anger and resentment. It would be enough to turn a kind man... or entity even... into something darker - more dangerous.

She made her way into the living room, the room she'd used to summon him, when she heard him call to her. From the basement? She had converted the basement into a recreation room of sorts, but it rarely got used since Jeffry was in the hospital. She made her way down the narrow stairwell to find the basement dimly lit and Tony sitting across the room fully-clothed in his typical black slacks and black t-shirt waiting for her.

She began to strip her clothing off as she made her way over to him. He'd moved the sofa set against the wall and in the middle of the room four chains were suspended from the ceiling each with leather, adjustable cuffs dangling from the ends. A shiver rushed through her and her juices began to gather between her legs as she tried to envision what he had in store for her.

She was removing the last of her clothing, stepping out of her white lace panties when she reached him. She fell to her knees between his legs, head bowed, with hands behind her back. "Master."

Slipping his index finger under her chin, he lifted her eyes to his. "Have you thought about me, slave? Missed me?"

She nodded, "Yes, Master, very much." She wanted to ask him the same. Did he think of her, miss her when he was away? Aside from the time she spent at the hospital he was usually with her and it was not always in a sexual manner. Sometimes they were just...


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