Hush 2: Slow Burn (23 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

BOOK: Hush 2: Slow Burn
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Rain Down Hell


“Uri, I am at the club, you were right,” I say into the phone as I watch Alex, one of my guys, head back towards the car I swapped to come check on the club. The car belongs to one of Alex’s girls. No one would expect to see me in it. “There is nothing happening here.”

“Nate and Bobby just confirmed their calls were false alarms. Wyatt and five of the others have left the compound as I suggested, they are not far, but the second decoy car drove to the airport,” Uri replies.

“Did you reach Nico,” I ask.

“No, he is not answering his phone. His plane was on time he should have been at the house,” Uri rumbles.

“He did make it to the house. I haven’t been able to answer her back, but Shannon text me to let me know that she, Nico, and Valentina took Vita to the ER. Vita was running a fever,” I inform him.

“Wait, what? Who went with them?” Uri snarls.

“I don’t know. None of my guys text me to let me know of any changes so it was none of my guys,” I reply. I gesture for Alex to take off. I have a feeling we need to get back to the house.

“Fuck,” Uri snaps. “He is trying to get the women alone. My brother can handle a gun, but this is not his world. My wife and daughter are out in the open.”

My brain freezes. This is Valentina we are talking about, but as Uri expresses his concern my stomach flips. She has Vita with her. I don’t think she would be prepared or able to do what I know she is capable of in this type of situation.

“Fuck,” I repeat. Shannon would be absolutely no help. I gesture hurriedly for Alex to hand me his phone. I dial Shannon’s number and wait as it rings.

Meanwhile, Uri dials first Nico on three-way. His voicemail comes on after a few rings. “This is Nico leave a message,” the voicemail prompts.

Shannon’s voicemail picks up, “Hey, this is Shannon soon to be Donati,” her sweet voice giggles. I smile at her new message. She changed it just this morning. “Leave me a message I’ll get back to you.”

“Fuck,” I growl again and that is when I hearing crying in my ear. It is the sound of Vita screaming her head off.

“Love, where are you? Why is Vita screaming like that,” Uri demands.

“I’m heading to the compound. I don’t know if I’m being followed. I was just about to call Rita. I need Shannon’s tracker activated. Nate has all the women fitted with jewelry that doubles as a tracker. He gave me one when they hired me and when Shannon started to come around he had me give her a necklace,” Valentina rushes into the phone.

“Why do you need Shannon’s tracker activated,” I seethe.

“Because I was fucking ambushed after taking my daughter to the ER, my brother-in-law was shot up as he used his body as I human shield to protect my daughter and my sister was snatched RIGHT. UNDER. MY. FUCKING. NOSE. On my fucking watch.
My watch.
This should never have happened,” Valentina breaks into a sob. “I’m sorry, Uri. I’m so sorry. I failed again and this time, I wasn’t stuck in a fucking closet.”

“Don’t Love,” Uri growls. “Our baby is safe. You let me handle the rest. You did what you could. I know you did. This wasn’t your fault and neither was what happened back then. Do you hear me, Love?”

“Yes,” Valentina whimpers. “Nico’s hurt Uri, we have to find them.”

“I will find them. Focus on getting to the compound safely. Make sure you are not being followed,” Uri commands.

“Okay… Luca,” Valentina says so softly I almost don’t hear her.

“Yes,” I reply.

“I’m sorry,” she says.

“Shannon is mine to protect Valentina. This is not on you,” I reassure her. “I mean it, Val. This is not on you.”

“Thanks, Luca,” Valentina disconnects the line.

“Uri,” I start.

“This needs no words. I am done talking,” Uri says too calmly and cuts the call.

It is about to rain hell on Roberto Zuko and everyone that has helped him. He wants a war he’s got one. And heaven help him if one hair is harmed on my baby’s head.




Slow Burn



Valentina was right about the tracker. It led us right to the warehouse Roberto has both Shannon and Nico in. The hilarity of it all is that it is one of the Donati warehouses, the balls of this man.

I am surrounded by men chomping at the bit to get their hands, one man. The Blacks alone are like bears. Jasper, Nate, Earl, and Thomas look as if the green in their eyes is glowing, even though they all have different shades of eye the color.
Just eerie
. Sam looks the most menacing I have ever seen him look while standing next to all nine of the Locatelli Brothers, the five uncles and all four nephews. Then there is Michael and Uri. If the grim reaper had a twin and they stood side by side that would be the image Uri and Michael make right now.

But no one and I mean no one here feels the rage I feel. We are all surrounding the back of the SUV that houses Felix and his set up. He has opened the trunk and placed the screens where we can see them.

I am fuming as I see Shannon on the live feed, tied to a chair while Nico sits slumped over in the chair beside her. We need to get to him soon. He doesn’t look so good.

“Where did he get all these fucks with him,” Felix snarls. “There are twenty-five of us. They have at least sixty, seventy guys down there. I can work some magic to give you guys a few advantages, but that won’t keep Nico and Shannon safe,” Felix says in frustration.

“We have another thirteen men surrounding the property,” Don Alanzo says. “Minnie said that girl in there is like another daughter to her. We are getting her out safely.”

I just grunt. That girl in there is the woman I love. You damn right she is getting out safely. If I have to go in there alone, trust she is coming out safely.

“I have earpieces for everyone. Hope you guys don’t mind me raiding the stash you had at the compound. I had a few for our team, but I knew we would need the extra,” Felix grumbles as he starts handing out equipment.

“You’ll want to get these to your guys,” Ryan says handing a box over to Alanzo.

Alanzo nods and hands the task off to one of his man. Suddenly headlights appear and draw closer. We all draw our weapons as we were not expecting anyone else.

The black SUV pulls to a stop and out jumps Valentina and Rita dressed like two Laura Crofts. Valentina is in black leather pants and a black t-shirt. Rita has on black jeans and a black tank top. The icing on the cake is when the back door opens and Kelly Briggs steps out and slings a sniper rifle over her shoulder as she moves forward to stand behind the other two women.

Valentina folds her arms under her breasts and Rita places her hands on her hips. Rita is the first to speak. “My sniper rifle is in the trunk so you decide, am I picking from up top or slinging from down low,” Rita says with confidence.

“You are all going back home,” Uri growls.

“No we are not, that man in there put himself in harm’s way to save my baby. He fought with everything he had to keep her safe even with bullets riddling his body,” Valentina demands. “And that is my sister.”

“And I said no,” Uri bellows.

Michael places a hand on his shoulder.

“Uri, I am going in. You guys need us. You are outnumbered,” Valentina snarls.

“And how would you know that,” Uri narrows his eyes on her.

Valentina lifts a hand and the other back door of the SUV opens. Out comes Annabella looking sheepishly, a laptop in her hands.

“Really,” Uri growls.

Rita and Valentina turn to each other and smile dismissing the rest of us. “Are you thinking what I am thinking,” Valentina asks Rita.

“Slow Burn,” Rita smirks.

Nate bursts out laughing. “You two have been waiting years for this,” he snorts.

“What are they talking about,” Uri snaps.

“It’s a combat formation. We teach it to the lighter weight recruits. It involves pulleys and harnesses,” Nate starts to explain.

Jasper smiles, “Two to three flyers, they all have to be in sync. We’ll need all the earpieces Felix’s has. Our team will have to listen in,” Jasper adds.

“What, I don’t understand,” Uri says wrinkling his brows.

“We fly, bullets fly, you guys slow,” Rita says.

“We slow and pause, your bullets burn,” Valentina shrugs.

“Slow…Burn,” Rita shrugs as well.

“Let me get this right,” Uri snorts and licks his bottom. He points to Valentina. “You want to get into a harness and fly through the air while shooting, most likely while getting shot at, while we take turns shooting at the same men that are shooting at you. And I am supposed to be okay with this and be able to focus while you do this.”

“They are the best at it,” Nate says.

“It has its element of surprise and they have perfected it, like a dance,” Thomas grumbles. “They are the best, but we don’t have the equipment for it.”

“Oh, we have it alright,” Rita says and moves to the SUV. She returns with two harnesses and the anchor rifles for the pulleys.

She hands one rifle to Jasper and the other to Kelly, knowing they will be up top to snipe already. Nate laughs again and shakes his head. They must really be good at this because he doesn’t look concerned or worried in the least.

Valentina goes to step into the harness and Uri rushes to stand in front of her. “You are not getting in that thing and flying through the air pregnant with my child,” Uri loses it.

“What, how do you…I’m not that far along. I’ll be fine,” Valentina demands.

“You’re pregnant,” Thomas says with concern.

“I might be,” Valentina says lifting her chin. “I’m doing this, Uri. I never defy you, but I need to do this. I have to do this.”

Valentina’s chin wobbles a little. “Bloody, motherfucking, hell,” Uri snarls and tugs a hand through his hair.

“We are wasting time,” Annabella speaks up. “You need to get in and get Nico out. I can work on him as we get him to a proper doctor, but I need to get to him soon, Uri.”

Uri cups the back of Valentina’s head and kisses her hard. He presses his forehead to hers when he breaks the kiss. “This is the last fucking time, Valentina. I will allow this, this
One. Last. Time
. Remember what you promised me. Not a fucking nick on your body. Make sure nothing happens to my wife or our baby. A damn perfect job, Love,” Uri relents.

“Uri,” Wyatt calls. “You’re going to want to see this man.”

Uri turns and walks over to the screen. Annabella’s sob rents the air at the same time Uri places his eyes on the screen. I move to see what is happening. My Aunt Donatella has appeared in the room with Nico and Shannon. She looks pretty badly beaten. I know for a fact she should be in Italy right now.

“Whatever you are planning, do it now,” Uri says with a deadly calm. It is clear to everyone that he is talking to us all.

Everyone snaps into action. I may have been wrong. There is, at least, one person that knows the rage I am feeling right now. There will be no mercy for the souls in that warehouse below.



I breathe a sigh of relief. I didn’t think Uri was going to give in this time. Not knowing that I am pregnant. I have no idea how he knows when I’m not certain yet. Well, the man does watch me like a hawk.

I smile at my small victory as I follow behind Jasper. He will be setting the anchors for my pulleys. This has to happen fast and in sync with Rita’s pulleys. We will need to hook up and be ready to go.

I can hear Thomas in my ear explaining to everyone how this will work. I know Thomas is uneasy with me being pregnant. It was written all over his face.

“Only Nate, Uri, Earl, and I will enter that main room where the three are being held. That is the room Valentina and Rita will drop into. No one else enters that room without the signal to. Don’t put my flyers in danger,” Thomas commands.

“Remember, we pause on Slow, we fire on Burn,” Nate orders. “They’ll be up high enough with these ceilings, but I don’t want any risks. Rita you and I will take point on this.”

“Got it, Bro,” Rita replies.

“Happy flying ladies,” Jasper chuckles.

“Keep that rifle locked and loaded, Pretty Boy,” Rita teases.

“Focus kids, let’s go. We all clear Felix,” Thomas’s voice comes through in question.

“You’re all clear. Everyone move in on three,” Felix replies.

“One, two, three,” Thomas counts.

And that is when I blackout. Valentina the wife and mother disappear and I become the weapon I was trained to be. Jasper and Kelly sound off letting each other know they are firing the anchors. Within seconds, I am latched to my pulley and flipping forward into the building. Dropping down gracefully into the room and letting off fire as I unfurl.

Rita zips by me on her own pulley as I hear her in my ear saying “
just loud enough for our team to here. We flip and reverse firing some more.

“We’re outside the room,” Thomas informs us.

“Burn,” Nate orders.

Rita and I tug and flip as the pulley lifts us higher and out of firing range. I can see Uri, Nate, Thomas, and Earl enter the room. They are taking out targets as fast as they are coming at them.

“Slow,” Rita hisses in the ear piece and the four on our team fade low and out of firing range. They are in perfect sync with us.

Rita and I flip through the air and fly forward letting loose and picking off more of Roberto’s unsuspecting men. You can tell they are confused as Rita and I fly so fast through the air they can hardly see us before we pick them off. It helps that the warehouse is dim and we are dressed in all black.

“Burn,” Nate calls and we retreat again. We knew coming in that this room was the most heavily guarded.

“I’ve got, Nico,” Thomas says. “I need you guys to pick up the pace and cover me. I need to get him out of here.”

“Got you,” Nate says.

“Slow,” Rita calls and we are flying once again.

“Burn,” Nate returns within second.

“Slow,” Rita says seconds later.

“Fuck,” I hear Uri snarl breaking my concentration.

I scan the room for my husband and find him standing between his mother and Shannon. That is fine, but what is not fine is the fact that he is bleeding from his side.

“Disengaging,” I mutter and release my pulley to drop to the ground. I unhook my harness and dip low heading straight for Uri.

“Valentina,” Thomas growls.

“I’ve got this,” I snap tossing the semi-automatic tech nine I had been using.

I pull my girls and get to work as I clear the way to my husband. He is still standing between Shannon and his mother firing with one arm and cradling the other against his bleeding side.

“You never listen,” Uri growls.

Morte Nera
comes with the Hush, babe. We do this together,” I throw his words back at him.

“Team Black, I need you to get in that room and make sure Shannon and Donatella get out untouched,” Thomas orders, his voice filled with the strain of carrying dead weight. “I’m almost to you, Annabella. He’s in bad shape.”

“I’m ready,” Annabella replies.

Luca appears out of nowhere. “I couldn’t let you all have all the fun,” he grins at me. Just as quickly his smile fades and he spins around Uri firing two shots taking down a goon that was aiming at my husband.

“Luca,” Shannon sobs and squirms in her seat that she is still tied to.

“Hey beautiful, you ready to get out of here,” Luca says gently to Shannon.

She just sobs and nods her head. I focus back on my own task. Uri is down one arm and favoring his right side. I push my body into his right side and angle toward the oncoming threats.

“Uri, Zuko is in that room just beyond the one you are in. The coward is sitting and hiding out in there,” Felix fumes.

Uri looks at me and the unspoken words pass through us. He needs to move to that room and he needs me to do it with him. I nod my silent agreement and we move into action.

I move in front of Uri and his big body rests against my back as we move forward in unison. Uri large blood soaked hand splays my stomach and he guides me with him. I empty my clips drop them and reload. Once I start to fire again, Uri reloads as well.

“Down Love,” Uri grunts and we both dip low. Uri takes aim and puts one in the chest of the shooter that was aiming at me.

I catch movement out of the corner of my eye. I spin out from in front Uri and pump one in the forehead of one target and one straight through the heart of another. Spinning again I place my back to Uri’s. We have no choice but to clear shop before we start to move again.

Back to back, we bring the Black Death and Hush every single one of them. This time when I am empty, I drop the girls and pull their cousins from my thigh holsters.

I can feel that Uri has shifted and is using his right hand again, making us in that moment a four-armed God, rain downing judgment. We move in sync scanning, targeting and pulling the triggers with precision. It’s a thing of beauty and perfection. It’s like the way we make love. We are completely in tuned with one and other.

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