Hush 2: Slow Burn (19 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

BOOK: Hush 2: Slow Burn
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There are three chains flowing behind Olivia as she walks out slowly. I burst out laughing when outcomes Marie, Camille, and Ellen all dressed in sexy peach colored corsets with red painted lips. Each of them connected to one of Olivia’s chaining in her right hand as a bull whip drags the stage in her other hand.

Thomas throws his head back in a throaty laugh. I wonder what Jas would think of this. He left to retrieve this Vanessa woman this morning. I laugh my fucking ass off as Marie wiggles around in her own dance, Camille and Ellen are doing a much better job of keeping to the beat.

Olivia walks to the front of the stage and Ellen beckons Sam with the crook of her finger. Olivia turns her face to Ellen and Ellen pecks her lips before Olivia hands over Ellen’s chain to a laughing Sam. He releases the hook to the chain and tosses it on the stage before scooping Ellen in his arms and returning to his seat with her in his lap.

Camille and Marie kiss each of Olivia’s cheeks before going to flank Nellie, swaying at her sides. Olivia opens her arms as she gyrates like one of Apollonia 6 as she stares at a still laughing Thomas. He lifts a brow at her then stands at the challenge in her eyes.

He moves smoothly to the stage, wrapping an arm around her waist and flipping her over his shoulder fireman style. He swats her ass and my table roars with cheers and jeers. He starts in the direction of the exit like a young man carrying a feather.

“Night boys,” Thomas calls back over his shoulder, the bunch of us forgotten that quickly.

Next Bean and Heather come out. Now I know where the other two Black brothers went. Ryan has Bean on his shoulder and Felix is holding up Heather on his.

Ryan places Bean on her feet, she is dressed in leather short shorts, a lace corset, and red heels. Bean is attractive for such a tall woman with her thin frame. She has small, but curvy hips and full but not huge breasts.

Heather is the one that shocks the hell out of me. She gets off of Felix’s shoulder dressed in a lace catsuit and shiny red spike heels. I haven’t been sure about the vibe she gives off. From the way, everyone talks I get the impression she is a lesbian. That is what I have thought for as long as I have known the Blacks and since I first met her.

However, when Braxton is anywhere near her… I don’t know what to think with the two. I sure as shit never expected to see her dressed like this. She has always been somewhat boyish. I hadn’t even known she had those types of curves. She’s a fucking knockout. Even with the side of her head shaved and the long sweeping locks on the top. Not my thing, but she is wearing the shit out of it.

Braxton sits straight up, all humor gone from his face. He looks like I imagine I did earlier. Heather walks right to the edge of the stage and turns her ass toward him before she makes it bounce to the beat like a pro.

“The fuck,” Braxton bellows and we all roar with laughter as we watch his face morph into a cross between lust and rage.

She has just tempted the beast. Braxton stands from his seat so fast it knocks to the floor. On stage, Heather licks her ruby red lips at him and blows a kiss. I see Cassidy double over laughing out of the corner of my eye.

Braxton reaches to adjust himself as he scowls back at her. A stream of curses floats from his lips before he turns and storms from the gym. Heather throws her head back and cackles, giving a high five to Bean before leaning to kiss her cheek, in keeping with their little show.

I look over to Noah and he is sitting back in his chair with a huge grin and a promise in his eyes for the lithe beauty up on stage. I shake my head their little show was cute. Then it hits me.

Valentina and Shannon are still missing and the band is still playing and singing. That is when Nellie hit a high note and the beat drops from the bridge. Out storms the Caprisi sisters looking like Heaven and Hell. One in black wings the other in white. Both dressed in red fishnet stockings and gold corseted bodysuits.

They are both sending Beyoncé into retirement right now. I have never seen such determination and fire in Shannon’s eyes. Right now she looks like Val’s twin as she sports her sister’s confidence and intensity. It is hot as fuck.

Now I have sat here and watched a bunch of hot women, prance this stage half naked, in the last few minutes. However, my cock has not reacted until this very moment. I am hard as steel as soon as I lay eyes on Shannon as she high steps towards the front of the stage her breasts bouncing, hips swaying, ponytail swooshing. Her long golden legs that were wrapped around me last night are putting me in a trance.

I am breathless. Everyone else in the room fades into the background. All I can focus on is Shannon and the hot stare she is sending my way. What happened to my innocent baby? The woman up there is not the Shannon I first met.

In all honesty, I don’t think I mind it one bit. What I do know is I need inside her now! When she stops at the front of the stage and points at me then crooks her finger, I smile smugly. She pouts prettily when I don’t move.

It dawns on me Uri has refused Valentina as well. I chuckle and Shannon’s brows furrow as if she doesn’t know what to do next. Valentina is the first to react to Uri’s rejection. She slinks over to Nolan and wraps an arm around his waist as she sways in front of him then looks over her shoulder and grins slyly at Uri.

Uri cocks his head at her as his lip curls up over his teeth. Valentina throws her head back and laughs before she releases Rage and makes her way back to the edge of the stage where she hops down like a cat.

She sways her hips as she comes and sits on Uri’s lap. He cups the back of her head and kisses her hard. I think she just brought herself some trouble.

Back on stage Shannon is still standing there biting her lip. I see the minute she is about to panic and I know she is taking my rejection wrong. So I help her out. I sit back in my chair and beckon her with my finger.

I’m the head of the Donati family, there is no way I am showing a room full of men, friends or foes, that I am led around by pussy. No matter how true that might be. Shannon should know better, but I get that she doesn’t.

I see when it sinks in, though. She looks to Ryan and Felix, who hopped off the stage some time ago. With an unspoken request, she holds out her hands and they lift her down and off the stage, allowing her to make her way over to me. Shannon spins her back to me, dropping into my lap and throwing her arms behind my head.

I capture her lips and kiss her so deep I touch her soul. I kiss away those little insecurities because she is perfect to me. I show her she was the most beautiful one up there tonight.

I break the kiss and place my lips to her ear. “I want you, now,” I growl.




chapter Thirty-four

Take It All


“Yes,” I moan in response to his question.

“What, I can’t hear you, Shannon,” Luca says in my ear as his long fingers wrap around my neck from behind. “Answer the question properly, gorgeous. Do you want my cock now or do you want me to make you come with my mouth again?”

“Yes, I want you inside me,” I moan louder this time. I can feel my sticky wetness on his lips as he talks in my ear. His voice is a hot gravelly, husky rumble that flows through me.

“I don’t know, Baby, you seem to like teasing me,” he drawls. “I think I should return the favor. Don’t you?”

“No please, Luca I need you now,” I whimper.

“Umm, I like the way that sounds Shannon. I need you too, but I can’t have you thinking it is okay to flaunt what’s mine in front of other men,” he growls. “I don’t think you understand how beautiful you are or how much other men want you.”

“But I don’t want them. I want you,” I huff, just wanting to feel him inside me again.

“I want you too, my sweet angel. Next time the wings stay on when I make you soar,” he chuckles as one of his hands kneads my breast.

“Luca,” I groan.

“I want you to do something for me, Baby,” Luca croons. “Will you do something for your Uomo?”

Yes, I will do anything for my man, but I won’t say that out loud. Hearing the word come off his lips in Italian is just so sexy and hot. I am dripping wet already from him going down on me from behind.

“Answer me, il mio amore,” Luca growls.

“Yes, what do you want,” I reply.

Luca licks the side of my neck before sucking the flesh into his mouth. I moan and whimper as I try to push my ass back into him. I need him to fill me up and relieve this ache that is crawling at the inside of me.

“I want you to take me in your mouth,” Luca rasps. “Lay on your back.”

I feel him shift away and whimper as my body becomes bereft at the loss of his heat. Luca cups the back of my head as he lowers me onto my back. I willingly free fall backward knowing he has me.

When my back is settled on the mattress, Luca leans his beautiful cock over me. I palm his balls with one hand and take his heavy rod in the other. I open my mouth and he slides in slowly. I feel the tip bump the back of my throat and moan. The silky feel of him in my mouth makes my mouth water more. I could suck him off all night.

I love his scent and the weight of him against my tongue. Luca rocks his hips faster as I massage his balls and get into it. I moan around him as his hand cups my sex. My back lifts off the bed when he slips his fingers into me.

I am so turned on his fingers slid in and out of me easily. Luca groans and calls my name as I hollow my cheeks and suck harder. When Luca’s mouth finds my pussy yet again, I lose focus and almost gag, causing him to pop from my mouth. He looks down at me.

“You alright, Baby,” he smirks.

“Yes,” I say and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

“Good girl,” Luca purrs.

He lies on his back and pulls me on top of him. “Slide on,” he commands as he holds up his shaft towards my entrance.

I follow the order and slide down onto him slowly. It is like he was never there last night. I fit tightly around him and have to take my time to adjust. It hurts so good, my wet sex helps me to slide onto him to his base.

Luca groans and reaches for my face to pull me down to him for a kiss. He pulls my arms behind my back and holds them there with one arm. He breaks the kiss holding my head to his neck with his free hand.

“Fuck yes,” Luca growls as he looks down pass my shoulder watching my ass bounce on his dick as he thrusts up into me. He is moving into me like a piston. Fast, hard, and hot.

I grind on him as best I can with him holding me trapped to him this way. It feels so good. Luca moves his head in between my neck and shoulders so that he can suck on my neck once again.

“Oh yes,” I cry out.

Luca releases his restrictive hold on me, allowing me to sit up. I push up on my palms and sit up straight. Luca lifts and dips his head to capture one of my nipples into his mouth. He sucks hard then swirls his tongue and repeats. It feels so amazing; I can feel my body tightening ready to respond to Luca’s body’s demand on mine.

“Luca, baby, I’m coming,” I warn.

“You better,” he growls. “I want you to come for me now, Shannon. Let fucking go, now.”

As if he is holding the trigger to my body I go off on his words. I come so hard I think I am about to pass out. Luca keeps pumping up into me until he finds his release a few minutes after me. I come once again as his hot seed pumps into me.

I snuggle into his chest while he is still inside of me. This is the most content I have been in a long, long time. We are both quiet as we catch our breath. His beating heart almost lulls me to sleep when I feel his fingers comb through my curls.

“I love seeing you so confident and happy. I was not here for you when you needed me most. For that I am sorry,” Luca says with so much remorse in his voice. I don’t need to ask him what he means or when. My heart cracks open a little bit more because for Luca those words are big and for that reason they mean so much more to me.



chapter Thirty-five

Time to Run

aka Vanessa


Something is coming. It is in the air. I can feel it in my bones. I just don’t know whether to fear it or embrace it. I just know I need to be ready to run if I have to. I retrieve the emergency phone Thomas gave me and place it in my purse.

I don’t go out much, but I feel like I need to today. I feel like a sitting duck if I stay in this apartment. If I am out among the people, I will feel safe, or at least, that is what I tell myself.

I check the oversized bag to make sure I have everything I need. A couple of changes of clothes, a passport, some cash, I even have a wig just in case. Not that anyone would recognize the mass of natural hair I now keep in a bun on top of my head. I haven’t had a weave in almost two years.

I am so much plainer these days. Not that I don’t have money. Thomas was able to move my funds around a few times to make the trail disappear before setting up a few overseas accounts for me. I just want to blend in as much as possible lately.

I do miss my designer clothes and expensive weaves sometimes, but my new look has grown on me. I look more like a plain housewife or a school teacher nowadays, rather than a runway model with curves.

Everything about me has lured me into a false sense of security that I have tried desperately to hold on to. I have known for a long time the day would come when this all would blow up in my face. Shoving those thoughts aside I push on a pair of flats and toss a pair of sneakers in my bag.

Smoothing my damp hands down my black slacks, I look around the apartment one last time. If all goes well and this feeling goes away, I may return for one more night before I call Thomas to see if maybe, he can relocate me before I try this on my own.

“You can do this. You have survived much worse,” I coach myself as I grab my purse and head for the door.

I unlock the door and yelp when two men are standing on the other side. I don’t stop to take them in or to think. I just know they are both tall, over six feet and well built. Enough so that my flight instincts kick in and I turn and run off.

I head for my bedroom trying to slam the door behind me. I guess all my track running efforts in high school were useless. I can slightly see the side of the face of the tallest one pushing at the door as I try to push back with all my might.

“Please just leave me alone,” I start to sob. After all, I have been through I don’t want to die here alone.

“Vanessa, please relax we are here to help, not hurt you,” a deep voice comes from the other side.

I am too frantic to listen. I sob some more and push with all I have left in me. Suddenly, the door gives and I fall against it in my efforts to push back. I am confused because I know as much as I was trying I should never have been able to push the door closed.

“Vanessa, I need you to listen to me. My name is Michael,” a different voice says this time. This voice touches my bones in a way that shouldn’t be in a moment of sheer panic. “My friend is Jasper Briggs. We are not here to hurt you. Thomas sent us here to retrieve you. We didn’t mean to scare you.

“We tried to call your emergency phone to warn you we were coming but it has been going to voicemail. We couldn’t risk contacting you another way. Look sweetheart. We are slipping our IDs under the door. Jasper looks just like his uncle. If you don’t believe us use the emergency phone to call Thomas if you still have it.”

I wipe at my eyes and look down to see that two driver’s licenses have been shoved underneath the door. I bend to pick them up. I look at the first one and my breath hitches. Michael Zuko is a gorgeous man.

His brooding looks are arresting just from this small picture. It is like his blue eyes are stripping me bare right from his brooding, handsome face. I shudder at the thought of the voice that I now have a face to match with. I could barely see much of his face through the crack of the door in my hysterics, but I am quite sure it was his big body pushing back at my efforts.

I close my eyes and take a breath before looking at the next ID. This one does resemble a young Thomas or even a white version of Nate. I sag against the door still not ready to open it. I reach into my bag for my emergency phone to call Thomas and that is when I realize the damn thing is dead.

I don’t know how I let that happen. I always check it and keep it charged. I have been so high strung in the last few days it must have slipped my mind. I huff and rub my temples trying to decide what’s next.

I start to reason that these two are much stronger than me and could have blown right through this door if they wanted to. Neither has tried to push the door open since I stopped resisting. The ID does say Jasper Briggs and he looks like Nate and Thomas rolled into one.

With a final relenting sigh, I turn and crack the door open inch by inch holding their IDs out first before I peek out from behind the door. The first thing my eyes are met with are those startling blue eyes that are more intense in real life.

“You’ll need to pack your things. We are taking you home with us,” Michael says gruffly, but somehow gently at the same time.

I swallow and nod, as more tears threaten to spill over. They must have figured me out. Thomas sent them for me because they know the whole truth now.

I bite my trembling lower lip, still not moving although I know he is waiting for me to. I am still captured in his blue gaze.
What a gorgeous man.
He is just the right amount of rough, but there is something so beautiful about him at the same time.

His whole presence screams danger. I almost run for it again, thinking I’ll just take my chances. As if reading my mind, he takes a step closer and leans into my ear. I gasp taken back by the gesture.

“You are safe now, Julissa. I will never let anyone put a hand on you again,” he whispers and his warm breath fans against my skin sending shivers throughout my body.

I look at him with wide eyes as he uses my real name. Tears well in my eyes because no one has called me by my real name with such sincere care in ages. I like the sound of it on his lips. It makes me never want to be called anything else.

I nod up at him trustingly. Seeing his words ring true in his eyes. I’ll go with him, I feel like I can truly trust him and that is a big step for me.


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