Hurricane (The Charmed) (10 page)

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Authors: Dianne Nutting

BOOK: Hurricane (The Charmed)
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“I’m going to side with this being a good sign.”

Jaden stood. “It has to be.” He picked up the text and looked for himself. “Chase, we have to tell our circle.” Jaden looked at his father for affirmation.

Mr. M shook his head yes. “I think you have no choice, you both will need help. We have to keep your condition quiet at least until the month is up. Lyla, have you ever been a part of a circle before?”

“No.” She looked up at Chase, a bit worried.

“It’s a piece of cake. We just have to get them to accept you and protect you like they would protect me.”

“Should we wait until the month is over?” Lyla worried.

Mr. M shook his head no. “We will need other people running interference, as well as helping you two refine what power has been created.” He saw the look on Lyla’s face. “Are you thinking about Kayla?”

“Yes. There’s no way she will accept me. I’ve seen the way she looks at Chase.” She immediately regretted her words and looked up at Jaden.

Jaden on the other hand busied himself with straightening the tools.

“Kayla will be okay. She’s not my concern right now and frankly she and Harley are going to have to grow up a little this month. Last thing I need are some pissy girls scratching another girl’s eyes out.” Mr. M told it like it was.

Chase laughed which was heaven to Lyla’s ears. She looked up and smiled at Chase.

Mr. M looked over at Jaden. “Are you ready for the spell?”

“Yep.” Jaden had been unnaturally quiet.

Lyla and Chase stood in the center of the room, still holding hands while Mr. M and Jaden silently spoke the spell, sealing the marriage once and for all. Lyla felt a rush of energy spring into her body. Chase laughed when the same energy hit him. Chase leaned in and kissed Lyla, not caring that they had company. “Makes me feel light-headed.”

Lyla smiled. “Me too.” She giggled.

“I like your giggle.”

“I don’t giggle.”

“Yes you do.” Chase kissed her again and looked up at Mr. M. He had been waiting patiently for the two to stop flirting.

“Jaden’s already in the car, shall we?”

Chase hung his head. “Sorry.”

Mr. M smiled. “Don’t be. It’s nice to see you both smile. Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” He picked their joined hands up and kissed the back of Lyla’s hand. He led them out of the room to the waiting car.

Lyla sat down in the car and looked up at the hotel. She wanted to imprint the memory of last night in her head. They both sat back, Lyla snuggling into Chase.

Mr. M spoke up. “Alright, so here is the deal. Jaden is calling your circle. Once you’re all together, and explain the situation, we’ll let that sink in for a minute and then bring Lyla out.”

“Okay. What if Kayla goes to her parents or mine?”

“She won’t. She won’t want to kill you. You know that. Above all, you guys have a very strong circle. She won’t mess that up.”

Chase seriously doubted that. He looked down at Lyla and pulled her in closer, resting his head on hers.

Jaden turned around to look at them. “She’s asleep.”


Jaden smiled. “You didn’t get much sleep last night, did you?”


Jaden laughed. “You two fit, Chase.”

“Yeah, I know. How are we going to bring the circle around?”

“We’ll have to present it carefully. God, Chase, what are your parents going to do to you?” Jaden’s eyes had begun to get dark circles and his curly hair stood out at odd angles.

“We’re not going to tell his parents, not yet anyway, I explained that already.”

“Oh, yeah, right.”

“Jaden why don’t you get some sleep?” Mr. M looked over at his son. He was really haggard looking. He didn’t realize until now how much of a toll this whole thing had taken on his own son.

Chase spoke up from a sleepy haze. “How am I going to get around the arm and ring?” Chase looked down at his ring, the intricate tattoo was dark and thick around his finger. It was hard to believe there was metal on there just hours ago.

“I have a spell to diminish it from people’s vision. A little like a cloak but this only takes the marks away.”

“Oh, good. Thanks Mr. M.”

“For what?” Mr. M looked in the rear view mirror at Chase.

“For saving our lives, having our back.” Chase mumbled the last part. He was asleep within a few seconds and stayed that way until they drove up to Mr. M’s house an hour later.

When they arrived at the house Chase picked Lyla up and laid her on the bed he used at the McCown house. He placed a blanket over her and walked out of the room in search of some food. He rummaged through the fridge and came out with sandwich makings. While busy in his own creation, he looked over at Mr. M who was pouring himself a tall mug of coffee.

“Mr. M?”

“Yes, Chase?”

“What did you tell Lyla’s parents?”

“That I just saved their daughter.”

“So they know.”

“Yes, I had no choice. Naturally they were grateful but they’ll want to see her sometime today.”

That was the sticky part he couldn’t wrap his head around. How was he ever going to see her again? There was no way his parents would approve. Hers were on the verge of bolting at any minute. What made him think they could spend any time together?

“Mr. M, are Lyla’s parents coming over today?”

“Yes, for dinner.” He looked sympathetic toward Chase. Chase had a long road ahead of him, especially where Mr. and Mrs. Bleu were concerned.

Just as Chase was wrapping up his masterpiece of roast beef, lettuce, tomatoes, banana pepper, mustard and pickle sandwich the doorbell rang.

Brendan, Harley and Kayla sauntered into the house.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t missing in action Chase.” Harley gave him a big smile.

“Yeah dude, where you been lately?” Brendan punched Chase on the arm.

Chase turned to walk into the living room and in doing so his left arm was turned toward the group. Everyone stopped walking and stared at Chase.

Brendan spoke up first looking at Harley for the briefest of moments. “That’s kind of a wicked tattoo you have their Chase. You join a cult or something?”

Chase looked down at his arm and back up at the group. They had stopped moving into the room.

Kayla stepped forward. “Chase, what’s going on?”

Chase set his plate on the side table, sat down on the loveseat and rubbed his face. He was so tired.

Mr. M came into the room with a tray of sandwiches. “Why don’t you all sit down, we have a lot to talk about.”

The group spread out. Kayla in a single easy chair across from Chase, Jaden perched himself on the hearth to the fireplace and Harley and Brendan sat on the couch. Mr. M stood at the front of the room, all eyes turned to him.

“I’m going to explain what’s been happening the last few months. Please keep an open mind. None of this was planned or expected.” Mr. M looked around at the group; you could almost feel the amount of energy bristling through their bodies.

The entire story took a while. Chase looked over at Kayla who had become quiet. Her eyes darted to Chase’s left arm.

Harley stood up and walked over to Chase picking his arm up and studying it. Brendan stood as well, inspecting his arm. “Dude, does it hurt?”

“No.” Chase had very little words left in him.

Mr. M continued the story, he went as far as the marriage but stopped just before consummation, nobody needed to know about that.

Kayla stood up. “Married? Married? But you’re still in high school!”

“Kayla please, there’s nothing Chase could have done. You heard me, it was marriage or death.” Mr. M stood closer to Chase as a shield. Kayla was emitting sparks of energy that frankly, scared him.

“But you don’t love her do you? I mean, it was just wrong place at the wrong time, right?”

Harley walked over to Kayla and looked up into her face, hands on her hips. “Kayla, you heard the same story, did you not? It happened
they were in love. Chase is lucky he didn’t die.”

Kayla narrowed her eyes at the whole of the group. “How could this happen if he was already arranged to get married? Is there no such thing as honor anymore?”

Jaden spoke up then, irritated at the exchange. “Kayla, that’s enough. Chase needs his circle. Arrangement or not, Chase didn’t love you, not like that.”

Kayla bolted from the room. Chase stood, put a hand out and froze her in place.

“What the….Chase, let me go!” Kayla couldn’t move.

“No. You’re going to hear me out. And if you keep talking, I’m going to place a gag on you as well.”

Mr. M watched the exchange from the back of the room. Chase’s powers had magnified and he didn’t even know it.

“Arranged marriages are crap and you know it. Sure, we’re a pure race of the Charmed but are any of us happy? Tell me there weren’t a few people you would have liked to date who weren’t Charmed.”

Kayla closed her eyes. A tear ran down her cheek.

Chase continued. “I wasn’t looking and neither was Lyla, it just happened. My arm, my band on my finger proves how deep my feelings are for her. It isn’t a trick nobody put a spell on me. I’m in love with her. I need you in my circle. I’m not out of danger.”

Brendan and Harley gasped. “What’s this?” Harley said.

“I’ll tell you, just a minute.” He leaned in to Kayla. “Do you still have blood on your mind?”

Kayla’s tears continued. “No.”

“Then I’m going to release you.” He waved a hand and Kayla was free. She sat on the steps that went down into the room, her head in her hands.

Mr. M walked over to Chase. “How did you know what she was thinking?”

“I sensed it and then read her thoughts. I’ve never been able to do that before.”

Mr. M made a mental note. Lots of power to freeze people and do as he wants, check. Being able to read people’s minds, check. Sensing danger, check. This day had become very interesting.

“So what’s the danger?” Brendan spoke up.

Harley was pacing by the window and Jaden stood next to Chase.

Chase continued where Mr. M stopped. “There’s no history of couples surviving the first month.”

Everyone stood and gasped. “What?” Shouts and screams were echoing through the room.

Jaden put a hand up to silence everyone. “There’s a glitch. Chase and Lyla’s markings match perfectly. The others didn’t, they were on the same arms as well. Plus it was always a man transferring power. This time it’s a woman. We’re hoping these things make the difference.”

Harley spoke up. “And if it doesn’t?” The red hair and pale complexion with pointy features gave her a harsh elf appearance.

“They’ll both go mad.” Jaden glanced at Chase when he said this.

Mr. M finally spoke up again. “In all other cases the subjects didn’t have a circle, either. Chase and Lyla need your support to get through this. We also have reason to believe that a group of people predicted this and are looking to end Lyla’s life. She’s been hunted since birth.”

Chase turned around and looked at Kayla. “Stop it. Stop thinking what you’re thinking. It’s not Lyla’s fault!” Kayla glared at Chase then resumed picking at the carpet.

The whole room stopped to witness the exchange.

Chase said, “Go ahead.”

“Does Chase have everyone’ support?”

Harley just watched Kayla and gave Brendan a nod.

“Yo ma brotha from anotha motha! Of course man.” Brendan stood and gave Chase a bear hug.

“Yes, of course.” Jaden was still standing close. The whole of the room stared at Kayla.

She finally looked up and said reluctantly, “Yes.”

“Now I have a plea.” Mr. M continued. “Lyla, being joined to Chase will need to be accepted by you and if you’ll have her, allowed in to your circle.”

“No! That’s going too far!” Kayla stood then. Hands fisted at her sides. Her hair hung down in brown strings, still damp from a shower.

Harley walked to Chase. “Is it important to you?”

Chase looked down at the red-headed fireball in amazement at how calm she had been through this, it wasn’t like her. Chase knew the decision about the circle relied on Harley’s acceptance, she could sway everyone.

“Then yes.”

Chase raised his eyebrows. “Without meeting her first?”

“Chase, you’re a huge part of our group and those wicked marks show how important this girl is to you. Plus, whatever made you two connected like that, I’d hate to see what would happen if we didn’t accept her.”

Relief washed through Chase.

Brendan glanced sideways at Kayla. “Come on, Chase needs us.”

“I don’t care.” Kayla muttered from her place on the steps.

Brendan softened. “Of course you do, we’re a family.

“I can’t yet. You all do realize my life changed too, right?” Kayla sulked a little more.

Jaden walked over to Kayla. “Yes, but so did everyone else’s. We almost lost Chase. You never had that kind of relationship with him anyway. Get over it, and do it fast so we can work on this problem.”

Kayla shot Jaden a sideways dirty look but relented. “Fine, I’m in.”

Mr. M stood up. “Good. Thank you all. Chase, I think it’s time they all meet Lyla.”

Kayla stood quickly. “She’s here? Right now?”

Chase looked down at her. “Yes. Let’s just rip this Band-Aid off fast, shall we?”

Kayla sat again wringing her hands.

Chase walked through to the back of the house to where his adopted room was. He cracked the door open. Lyla was still asleep. He moved into the room quietly, lay down next to her, and stroked her hair. “Lyla.”

Lyla’s eyes fluttered open. She smiled up at Chase and he leaned down and kissed her. Chase screwed up by kissing her. He was in the process of going too far because his hand was on her bare stomach and slowly moving. He stopped abruptly and sat up.

Lyla giggled. “Yes, Chase?”

“We have company. My circle is here.”

Lyla frowned. A crease went across her forehead. “Now? They’re here now?”


“How long have I been asleep?” Lyla started smoothing her hair down to tame the sleep out of it.

Chase looked at the clock. We’ve been home for two and a half hours.”

“Oh.” She sat up and pulled her shirt down, which disappointed Chase. Her hair was still mussed up, her eyes still glazed over from sleep or him, he didn’t know.

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