Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Hunt, Delilah - Wyoming Triple Heat (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Owen grabbed her before her knees gave out. She creased her brows. “Guess that wasn’t such a good idea, huh?”

“Just follow my lead, darlin’. You don’t have to try to and show off for me. I know you can work those hips when it comes down to business.”

She nodded and pressed her sexy little body against his. “You’re right. In fact, you should have seen how well I rode your brother last night, thought he was going to leave bruises on my hips.”

. He didn’t bet for a minute she was exaggerating. Owen held her tighter, grounding his erection into her. “Did he take you in the ass?”

She shook her head.
. His cock would be the first inside that rounded bottom. Logan and Connor had each taken a part of her before him. Tonight, he had to fuck her.
Need to, before Logan and Connor take that, too.

“Didn’t we make some sort of deal inside the barn about that?”

Owen smiled. “It wasn’t official, but I did promise you by the end of the week.” He tipped her chin, and she grinned back at him, dark brown eyes glinting. “Why, are you up for it?”

“For you to stick that big Kincaid cock up my ass? Does terrified out of my mind qualify?”

He chuckled and squeezed her ass. “Is it bad that I take it as a compliment?”

“Only if you let it get to your head and forget that I’m not joking when I say I’m afraid you’ll hurt me.” She stuck a finger in his chest. “And I’m not just talking about my body. There’s something else at stake. The novelty and excitement is going to wear off soon enough. I’m telling you this, and still I have no intention of being the one to end this madness. Even if Logan hadn’t said anything, it’s hard to miss the women staring at you and giving me dirty looks. So tell me Owen, are you going to be the first one to walk away? Come back here to your old haunt and pick up a new girl?”

The music had long ended, though neither of them seemed to care. “I’m not walking away from this, and neither are you.”

She gave the briefest nod before heading in the direction of Connor and Logan who were seated at a table. Unwilling to let the conversation die, Owen snatched out his hand and tugged her back into his arms. “I mean it. Even if years down the road my brothers decide they want out of this, it’s going to be you and me. You got it?”

She blinked. “I hear you.”

Satisfied, Owen led her near the back of the room where his brothers were waiting. “Warren Junior’s here. Over there in the corner,” Connor pointed out.

Owen shifted his gaze to the opposite end of the dancehall. The deputy stood wearing his off-duty clothes, yet the gold-finished badge seemed permanently attached to whatever he was wearing any given time of the day you could bet. That annoying redhead who was always trying to get into Connor’s pants was soaking in every word the fuckhead was telling her. Pity they hadn’t gotten any information from her. At least anything useful about the fire.

“What’s he doing here?” Lexie scooted on the chair between Logan and Connor.

“I suspect he’s here to enjoy himself like anyone else,” Logan said, lifting her off the chair to sit on his lap.

Instead of replying to Logan’s asshole comment, Lexie turned to him. “Sit beside me.”

Owen furrowed his brows. She was talking to him, but her eyes were focused on what Warren was doing at the back of the club. Heck if she didn’t look scared.

“Did Warren hurt you?”

She blinked then shook her head…a bit too quickly? “No. I just want him to see that I’m with you guys now. You know, since he kept trying to get with me.”

“All right, but you better not be lying to me.”

He eased into the seat, and immediately she reached over and crushed her lips against his while Logan’s hand remained on her waist. Owen raised his head and saw the curious looks coming at them from all directions, the deputy included.

“Christ, that felt good. You have the juiciest lips, darlin’.” He hoisted her from Logan’s lap and raised a glass of Jack Daniel’s, holding it for her to sip. Swallowing, she let out a tiny moan, and Owen looked down to see Connor’s hand on her thigh, disappearing beneath her skirt.

Connor fucked her and now he can’t even keep his hands off her.
Shit, last night he laid in bed, replaying every moment of her mouth moving over his cock. His cock went rock-hard, and Owen wished he could lift her, hike up her skirt, and fuck her right there without a care to their audience.

Determined to get a grip on his control, Owen nudged her toward Connor then shifted in his seat, willing his erection to soften.

No such luck, not with Lexie moaning softly from Connor’s hand now under her shirt playing with her tits.

A couple minutes passed before Owen turned to Lexie and stroked her leg. “Darlin’, I think the deputy got the message loud and clear.”

“I hope so,” she mumbled. “In the meantime, I’ll be in the ladies’ room. Be right back.”

“You’re not gonna bail on us, are you?” he joked.

“I couldn’t. Logan has the key, remember?” She flashed a grin then turned in the direction of the restroom.

When the minutes ticked by with no sign of her returning to the table, Owen cast a worried eye to his brothers. Warren. They had to be following his line of thought. They looked to the corner, and sure enough the deputy was missing, and Anna-Sue was standing by the wall, looking pissed. He’d bailed on her, no doubt to go after Lexie.

“Let’s go find her.”

Chapter Twelve

Lexie pushed open the restroom door. One step out and she collided with a lanky frame. Her stomach dropped as the hairs on the back of her neck stood on edge. Sam. That pervert was the only one who could make her feel disgust by sharing the same breathing space.

“This the little bitch you were griping about?”

She gave a furtive glance in the direction of the unrecognizable voice. So he had a friend with him.

“Didn’t think we’d meet again, did you?”

“No. I was hoping your gun would go off on its own so I wouldn’t have to see your face again.”

“Still got that mouth on you, huh?” His disgusting beady-eyed gaze slithered along her frame. Lexie wanted to retch all over him and almost did when his hand slid up to her neck.

Lexie stiffened and swiveled her head, trying to avoid the stench of his hot breath. “As much as I hate this conversation and would love to hang around and watch you drop dead, I have to go. With my luck though, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

“This is the scrawny bitch you’ve been whining over?” The skinny man by his side guffawed. “Let a female talk to me like that and see how fast I wrap my hands around her neck.”

Oh, my God. These were the criminals Warren was aligning himself with? Panicked, Lexie tried to move away from him again, but he held firm, adding pressure to her neck.

“J–Just so you know.” She swallowed and took a quick breath. “The Kincaids are waiting for me, and I’m sure you know it’s never a good idea to keep them waiting.”

The man scowled. “Which one of them rich boys she belongs to?”

The deputy shot his friend a deadpan look. “All three of them.”

The man’s eyes bulged. A hundred times worse was the pronounced tenting in the center of his pants. Her panic tripled. Weren’t the guys wondering about her, what was taking so long? She was horrified. Warren was looking at her the same way he’d done in the jail cell. Lexie’s skin crawled. Her heart hammered, felt like it was going to burst outside her chest. Bastard. This was so fucking wrong.

That day when he’d tried to attack, Lexie had felt ashamed of herself for trembling and begging him to stay away from her. It hadn’t made a difference, except to widen his grin and make him come at her harder. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction another time. She was sick and tired of feeling afraid of him.

Lexie drew in a breath and launched her foot on his. Warren lost his bearing for a split second before slamming her into the wall.

The wind knocked out of her, Lexie gulped in some air. She heard a loud whoop followed by laughter and shouts of encouragement from Warren’s friend. “That’s what I’m talking ’bout.” Lexie wanted to spit in both their faces.

“Now see here, Lex. It doesn’t have to be like this. I didn’t follow you all the way back here to fight.” He ran a thin finger along her jaw. “Now how about you quit playing cat and mouse. Assaulting an officer of the law is a serious offense.” His finger kept trailing lower, and her stomach heaved, bile rising in her throat.

She curled her lips and knocked away his finger. “Get your nasty hand off me. I don’t know what the fuck I ever said to you that would make you think I’d ever want to be with you. If you didn’t get the memo, here it is. I fucking hate you. I wouldn’t let y—”


Warren’s hand connected with her jaw. Her head lolled to the side, and for a second Lexie wondered if he had broken her neck. Coming to her wits, she pressed a hand to her jaw. It felt like a thousand fires of hell was licking at her skin. She lifted her gaze, and that’s when all hell actually did break loose.

Connor took one look at her, his focus smack-dab on her injury. An anguished growl tore from his chest. Lexie took a quick step backward as he grabbed Warren, ramming the deputy’s head into the nearby wall.

“Don’t. You. Ever. Come. Near. Her. Again.” With each pause, Connor shoved his head harder into the wall.

Right before Warren hit the floor, Conner sneered at him. “You’re done for in this town.”

Eyes widened in horror, Lexie turned her attention to Logan. His fist was pounding into the stranger’s hallowed jawbones. The man fell to the ground, cussing and spitting blood. Owen dragged him up by the collar, shoving him toward Logan. Lexie flinched at the sound of bones cracking.
Thank you, Logan.

“Look at me, darlin’. How bad is it?”

Owen peeled her hand from her aching face. Despite the darkness of her skin, Lexie knew the bruise was bound to look as awful as it felt.

Her eyes welled. It wasn’t so much the pain that caused the hot flood of tears. It was the tenderness in all three voices, crooning to her at once, inquiring how she felt. Rivulets of tears sprang from her eyes, and Lexie threw her arms around them.

A small crowd of spectators congregated to see the deputy flattened out on the floor, his friend lying unconscious across from him. She’d seen enough for tonight.

On their way out, the manager of the club bombarded them, apologizing over and over for the incident. Not like it was his fault. “I swear on my life nothing like this has ever happened here before.” The guy spoke as if he feared the brothers would have the club closed down.

“We’re ranchers for christ’s sake, not the country mafia,” Owen barked.

If her face wasn’t hurting so much, Lexie would have burst out laughing at Owen’s reply. Sam Warren had attacked her, and the Kincaids had saved her skin. The pain she’d seen on their faces was palpable. They were probably taking it harder than her.

During the ride home, each man took a turn bearing the brunt of the blame. None of this was their fault. Not wanting them to believe they had failed her, Lexie told them everything about her experiences with Warren. Owen had been angered and hurt by her refusal to tell him the truth earlier. Not surprisingly, Connor and Logan shared his sentiments, expressing their disappointment in her lack of trust toward them.

When the sign for the Circle-K was highlighted from the light of the car, her spirit lightened. They were far away from the club in the one place she felt protected. This was home, and she didn’t want to hear anything more about Warren. She didn’t need to hear them detailing what they should have done to the deputy in light of her confession. They were home, and she wanted it to go back to normal. She wanted to pretend her jaw wasn’t stinging, pretend the fear wasn’t real that Sam would come after her again.

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