Hungry for Love (49 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Kevin dimmed the lights on his very excellent new Porsche as he drove up toward Angie

s place
parking several houses away from hers.  Creeping stealthily from the car
he slunk forward
his head darting cautiously to one side and then another.

Angie opened the door to reveal herself wearing a very sexy and seductive bit of lingerie
music on the stereo almost cartoonishly sexy
but if there was one thing that Kevin could appreciate
it was a sexy cartoon.  At the top of the list of his all-time favorite women was Jessica Rabbit.  He took in the whole appealing scene with one glance
then distraction set in and he moved toward the window and peered out at the empty driveway beyond.  Nope.  There was no sign of anything.  No assassins
no judges.  Kevin thought about the fact that his assailant hadn

t actually followed him to this address
so it was unlikely they were out there.  Angie

s dad on the other hand most certainly was out there
hopefully under the influence of a strong sleeping sedative
but of course Kevin had no way of knowing if that were true.

Angie slithered over to Kevin and from a lovely antique tray offered him the appetizers which she had just made.  He took one
popped it into his mouth and ate it absentmindedly
not even remarking on how delicious it was.  But so what—she wasn

t hosting a garden party.


m so glad you came
said Angie.


Angie looked imploringly at Kevin. 

You know why.  Because we have something here.  Something special.  We both know it.

Kevin looked into Angie

s eyes then
and saw her sweetness
her vulnerability
her courage in seeking his company despite everything that had occurred recently.  She was a lovely girl
seemingly an uncomplicated girl
one to whom he was a desirable commodity
a treasure
unlike the way his wife perceived him.  It would be so easy
so pleasant
he thought.  Something inside Kevin clicked and he grabbed Angie and began kissing her passionately.

They both sank into the kisses the way a tired
achy person lowers herself into a steaming bubble bath
the scent of pleasure rising all about them
and kisses led to groping and that led to an ensemble stagger toward the bed
where they lay kissing
and beginning to devour each other. 

Oh didn

t it feel good to be alive
thought Kevin
touching the soft skin of this lovely young girl.  Nothing was better than this.  This was what made life worthwhile
this sense of newness
of the beginning
the unfolding of the flower.  Life was wonderful
and Kevin was alive again.  And then a random noise outside distracted him or perhaps for no reason at all
everything went south
well the thing that was supposed to go north did
and beyond that nothing mattered.

And there they sat once again in Angie

s bed
covers up to their chins.  Kevin pressed his hands to his head for the second time that evening.  What had gone wrong
  He had a dick that never quit but it had quit.  Had he used up all his sex credits
  Did he need new batteries
  So many bizarre analogies coursed through Kevin

s mind as he sat next to a very frustrated young girl.  What was he supposed to say

d said it before and he said it again.

so if it never happened before
why is it happening with me
asked Angie.  She

d been around and she knew she wasn

t supposed to take this personally.  This was his issue and it wasn

t about her
but it felt personal.  She

d been chasing him for so long and now she had him and then what—this.  It sucked.

Outside there was the odd sound of dogs barking.  Normally the dogs who lived nearby were safely at home
living the respectable lives of pets in this very well-heeled neighborhood.  The judge couldn

t imagine why it sounded as though his home was being invaded by a choir of canines.  He waited
expecting the ruckus to stop
but it only got louder
so he walked to the side of the house from which all the noise was coming
and there outside were several dogs
all of whom scattered when he opened the door and shouted at them
just the sort of reaction he expected from anyone he confronted.  He looked down on the ground.  What in blazes
spread across his entryway was a bunch of half slobbered over lasagna in the very container his daughter had offered him not an hour earlier.  He reached down and picked up the container and strode angrily toward her door
pounding loudly on it.


s eyes opened wide.  He glanced at Angie
who still looked irritated.  She grabbed a robe as he clutched wildly for his clothes.  Where could someone hide in this wide open room
  There wasn

t enough time to dash toward that bathroom and he couldn

t dress rapidly enough
so he wrapped himself in a sheet
and attempted to move around the bed out of sight.

By then Angie had opened the door and was glaring out at her irate father
but for once she met him
cranky glance for cranky glance.

He thrust the half eaten lasagna toward her

What the hell is the meaning of this
  But before she could even reply
he spotted Kevin and pushed his way into the guesthouse. 

You—Julius Caesar—what are you doing here

Angie inserted herself between the two men and said defiantly


s here to see me.  To be with me.

The judge stepped around his daughter a second time and
his eyes flashing

I hope it

s worth going to jail over.  Now get the hell out of here before I have you hauled out of here.  You—you—you—doctor of depravity.

still wrapped in the sheet
most of his clothes in one hand
but wearing only one shoe and no socks on his feet
saw an opening and dashed through it and out the door without even looking back.

Angie was enraged and for once she would not back down. 

You have no right to do this
no right.

The hell I don

t.  That man belongs in a mental institution.

She stood up taller
her eyes narrowed and boldly she said

What do you care

s not like you

re interested in any part of my life or me.  So what do you care who I fuck

Antimangia was visibly taken aback by his daughter

s insolence and the sound of that word was like a slap that actually pushed him physically back. 

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