How to Seduce a Billionaire (10 page)

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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Seconds later, she blinked, and just as quickly, Brandon turned away as though he hadn’t experienced the same lightning bolt moment. As though nothing monumental had just occurred between the two of them. So why was her heart still beating too fast? Why had her appetite suddenly vanished?

Kelly would’ve sworn in that moment that Brandon had looked at her with the same level of intensity and love she’d seen in his brothers’ eyes when they gazed at their wives. Had she imagined it? Was she going crazy?

She glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed her sudden discomfiture, but everyone, including Brandon, was talking and laughing, carrying on conversations, sipping their wine and reaching for bread as they’d been doing since the meal began.

She’d clearly misconstrued his look, and the realization made her feel like a lovesick idiot. It had just been wishful thinking, probably because only minutes before, she’d been mooning over the soulful way Cameron had been gazing at Julia.

She reached for her water glass and took a long sip. Then she ordered herself to breathe evenly and resolved to forget what she thought she’d just seen, brushing it off as an inane figment of her imagination.

“You didn’t eat much at dinner tonight,” Brandon said later that night after they’d made love. They were stretched out on her bed, facing each other, and his hand rested on her arm.

“My first course was so much more filling than I thought it would be,” Kelly said, and cursed herself for lying. “But everything I tasted was wonderful. Jean Pierre has a megahit on his hands.”

“I think so, too. And I received a number of compliments about you today, too.”


“Yes, you,” he said, moving closer as he began to slide his hand up and down her back in slow, sensual strokes. “The guests appreciated the way you helped out in the vineyards today. You were a regular social director out there, making sure everyone had whatever they needed and showing the guests how to harvest the grapes. Where did you learn how to do that?”

She sighed as his hand grazed her shoulder, causing little tingles of excitement to surge through her system. “Sometimes I walk through the vineyards on my lunch hour, so I’ve gotten to know some of the guys who work there. They showed me how to do it.”

“Really?” He reached over and swept a strand of hair off her forehead. “Well, you’re obviously a natural. If you ever want a job in the vineyard, you just let me know.”

She smiled. “I’m sure the perks are enticing. All the wine I can drink?”

“That’s right. As long as you pick the grapes and crush them, you can drink all the wine you want.”

“I’m kind of a lightweight drinker,” she said, “so I’m not sure all that hard work would be worth it.”

“But wait, you’d get to wear that really cool hat.”

She laughed. “Now you’re talking my language.”

“Yeah?” He tugged her closer and rolled until she was straddling him.

Her laughter faded and she splayed her hands against his firm chest. “Brandon, our ground rules have gone out the window again.”

“You noticed that, too?”

“I did,” she said, smiling to hide the sadness she felt. “I think we need to accept the fact that this will be our last night together.”

He covered her hands with his. “Do you think so?”

“We’re both getting so busy,” she added lamely, “and your family’s here now.”

“Yeah,” he said. “And we can’t forget that the clown-who-shall-not-be-named will be here in a day or two.”

Kelly sighed. She’d been so anxious to carry out her Roger plan, but now the thought of seeing him was simply depressing.

“Tell you what,” Brandon said, tapping her chin so that she looked up and met his gaze. “Tomorrow is hours away yet, so for now, let’s forget about the world outside this room.”

She moaned in pleasure as he lifted her up and onto his solid length. “Oh, that feels so good.”

“Now you’re talking
language,” he murmured, and proceeded to please her in every way possible.

A long while later, as Brandon held her in his arms, Kelly tried to commit to memory every sensual feeling she’d experienced tonight. This would be the last time they ever made love with each other, and she wanted to remember the heat of his skin against hers, the weight of his leg on her thigh, his manly scent, the taste and pressure of his lips when he’d kissed her so thoroughly.

She thought back to the dinner with his family earlier tonight and the lovely feeling of warmth and inclusiveness she’d felt. She remembered that moment when Brandon looked at her with all the intensity of a man in love. Oh, maybe it wasn’t real, maybe she’d imagined it, maybe she was a fool. But she would never forget how, for those few sweet moments, she’d felt like a woman who was loved by Brandon Duke.

The following morning, Brandon left her room before dawn. Kelly found it impossible to drift back to sleep and eventually tossed the covers aside and sat up. Today was the day, she thought, and mustered every last ounce of resolve she had within her. It was time to accept the unhappy fact that she and Brandon had just spent their last night together.

Climbing out of bed, she made her way to the shower. Today was Sunday and Brandon would spend the day with his family. He’d rented a limousine to take them all on a champagne tour of the valley. It would be fun for everyone, but it was partly a business excursion as well, because he and his brothers had discussed going into partnership with one of the champagne vintners. Last night, he’d been sweet enough to ask Kelly to join them, but she’d demurred. Since they’d decided to bring their delicious affair to an end, it would be awkward for her to spend more than the minimum amount of time required around Brandon.

Tomorrow, Monday, was the day Roger and others from his hedge fund company would check into the Mansion. They would be here for five long days. So besides having to deal with the countless other demands of her job, Kelly would have to deal with her ex-boyfriend.

But that was exactly the way she wanted it to be. She had no intention of calling off her plan to get even with Roger. This small act of revenge was all she’d thought about and worked toward for the past few months. It would bring her much needed closure and allow her to move forward in her life with confidence and a new sense of assurance that she was a strong woman in charge of her own life. Strong enough to take those first daunting steps into the dating arena where she hoped to find a good, decent man who would cherish her as much as she would cherish him.

But because of what she hoped to accomplish with the Roger Plan, she and Brandon had agreed to put an end to their romantic evenings together. It was bad enough that they’d vowed to end things when his family arrived—only to handily break that vow in their rush to make love again. Breaking their ground rules simply couldn’t happen again.

For one thing, it wasn’t fair to Brandon to use him the way she had been using him. In the beginning, she’d begged him for help in the area of romance and seduction and he’d agreed. At this point, he had more than lived up to his end of the bargain.

And for another thing, it couldn’t be healthy for her to keep pretending that the two of them had any sort of loving, caring relationship beyond the walls of their office. No, outside of the office, all they had between them was a few long nights of mutually satisfying sex.

As she blew her hair dry, Kelly couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
was putting it mildly. What they’d had was a firestorm of passionate, hot, wild, electrifying jungle sex. Whew. She was getting hot just thinking about it. She turned off the hair dryer and patted her wrists with a damp towel. As she dried off, she thought about last night, their final evening together. It had been memorable, to say the least.

Despite losing her appetite during dinner, Kelly was glad she’d been able to bounce back after that one odd, surreal moment when she’d thought she’d seen true emotion in Brandon’s eyes. She laughed at herself now, recalling that she’d definitely managed to rally when her favorite chocolate soufflé dessert was placed in front of her.

She’d honestly enjoyed herself with Brandon and his family and his mom’s friends. They all shared so much love for each other. It was obvious they enjoyed laughing and teasing each other, telling jokes and sharing old family stories with anyone who was new to the group. It was lovely to hear about Sally’s latest victories in tracking down her husband’s family members.

As they all left the restaurant and walked back to their rooms, Kelly realized she hadn’t had that much fun in years.

Brandon’s two sisters-in-law, Trish and Julia, were sweet, funny and smart, and they’d generously welcomed her into their small circle. She’d felt an instant camaraderie with both of them.

And she didn’t mind admitting that she was already half in love with Sally Duke. There was no one more gracious and friendly than Brandon’s mother. She and her girlfriends, Bea and Marjorie, giggled like teenagers and always managed to have the best time together. Kelly had to admire the three women, who’d staunchly maintained such a strong friendship throughout their lives.

Brandon’s brothers were officially her employers, but that hadn’t kept them from acting like her own big brothers with their good-natured teasing and clever banter.

After she and Brandon returned to her room for the night, their lovemaking had run the gamut of emotions for both of them. By turns he’d been sweet, funny, passionate, tender, erotic and completely breathtaking. Perhaps it was due to the fact that they both knew this would be their last night together, but it seemed as if their lovemaking had reached a new level of passion and heat. The night had been wonderful and she would never forget it. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t hold those memories in her heart forever?

On the other hand, what woman in her right mind would look at Brandon Duke’s magnificent naked body and tell him their affair was over? Was there a woman in the world who was that strong?

So maybe she was crazy for insisting they end their affair now. But on the off chance that Brandon showed up at her door tonight, thinking he could break their ground rules once again, she would have no choice but to turn him away. It was the best thing for both of them. This time, she would have to be firm. They had no future together, except in business. Their fleeting love affair was over.

“He won’t care,” she whispered. Why was she making such a big deal about it? Brandon attracted women like flies to honey. For goodness’ sake, the man had his own gravitational pull! He would have some new woman in his bed in the time it took Kelly to say “Bye-bye.”

As she brushed her teeth, she forced herself to recall the many women Brandon had dated and broken up with in the past. She thought of the numerous diamond bracelets she’d purchased, just so he could give his date of the month a lovely parting gift before he kissed her goodbye for the last time.

The last thing Kelly wanted was her very own diamond bracelet from Brandon. Dear God, she would die of humiliation if he tried to give her one as he held the door open for her to leave.

That settled it. There was no way she would ever allow herself to remain in a relationship that was guaranteed to end in such a pathetic, clichéd fashion.

No, her long-range plans to fall in love and get married had to be her overriding single focus from now on.

“He’ll follow the rules this time,” she murmured as she slipped on a pair of yoga pants and a sleeveless T-shirt. After all, Brandon had been reluctant to get involved with her from the beginning. Oh, he’d been more than reluctant; he had absolutely refused to help her. Of course, he’d obviously changed his mind and she had to admit he’d definitely warmed up to the task.
In more ways than one,
she thought, as a sudden image of his clever hands and mouth on her most intimate parts flashed through her mind.

“Oh, God.” With a shake of her head, she calculated that she would only have to suffer from these erotic flashbacks for the next few decades or so. Forcing the images away, she quickly tied her sneakers, grabbed her purse and a light jacket and left the room to do her weekly shopping and errands.

Monday morning, Kelly was seated at her desk bright and early, determined to be the proficient and talented assistant Brandon had hired in the first place—and nothing more. She felt fully rested for the first time in a week and as she made a second pot of coffee, she marveled that she’d actually been able to sleep through the night. She’d worried at first that she’d become so used to sleeping curled up next to Brandon’s warmth that she would no longer be able to sleep on her own. But as soon as her head hit the pillow, she’d fallen into an exhausted slumber and when she woke up this morning, she was surprised to realize she’d slept straight through the night.

It helped that Brandon had stayed out late with his brothers and a potential new partner the night before. When he called her on his way back to the hotel, just to say good-night, she’d cut the conversation short, claiming to be half asleep.

Another reason she was grateful for a good’s night sleep was because today was the day that Roger would arrive. Kelly would need every ounce of her brainpower to concentrate on him. Earlier, in her room, she’d spent way too long on her hair and makeup and wardrobe choices. But she was glad she’d taken the time, glad she’d chosen the elegant blue-and-white swirly wrap dress that accentuated her narrow waist and curves, because when Brandon walked into the office this morning and saw her, his eyes had lit up and he’d grinned wolfishly. That was exactly the reaction she’d been hoping for, and it made her feel all warm and glowing inside. Brandon’s appreciative gaze had infused her with all the confidence she would need to stand up to Roger this afternoon.

The telephone rang and Kelly answered it immediately.

“Let me speak to Brandon,” an imperious female voice demanded.

Kelly’s lips twisted in a grimace. Bianca Stephens again. She’d grudgingly given Brandon the woman’s message last week, but she had no idea if he’d returned the call.

“Just a moment, please,” she murmured, and put the woman on hold. Pressing the intercom button, she announced the call to Brandon.

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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