How to Marry Your Wife (5 page)

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Authors: Stella Marie Alden

BOOK: How to Marry Your Wife
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Chapter 7

Meredith opened her eyes and tried to focus into a night blacker than she’d ever known. Above, rain pelted upon canvas and her heart pounded while she tried to dispel the notion she was drowning. Soft skins and furs met her reaching fingertips. Digging more, her nails met dirt.

A large hand grabbed for her and she screamed, “Noooo.”

Her covers fell away, steel met leather as it unsheathed, and Thomas’ voice spoke from out of the darkness, “God’s blood, woman. What is it?”

“Where’s Tom? Where are we?”

He cursed, the tent flap ripped, and he spoke softly to those that approached with small torches. Heavens above, he wore not even a thread of yarn upon him and neither did the rest who appeared like wraiths from out of the dark. Even the saintliest of women couldn’t help but compare the sizes of the various pintles. Her husband’s, by far, was the largest and although impressive, that wasn’t all that held her attention.

His naked form was magnificent. Strong thighs were covered with small curls of dark hair. Firm back and shoulders led to arms that’d held her tenderly all day. She had to remind herself to continue breathing at the wonder of him.

Men grumbled, torches went out one by one, then blackness surrounded them again. Cool damp air wet her face as he opened the flap to the tent. He settled beside her with a whoosh of vapors. She reached her hand forward, trying to find him, and met that large dangling pintle.
Christ our Savior.
She let go.

He snickered and took her hand in his. With the other, he urged her back down under the covers. “Do you mean for us to join?”

“Do you think my son fares well?” She spoke low, not wanting to be overheard by ears in the tents close by. Small frogs sang from a nearby creek while she waited.

He sighed, took one of her hands, and brought it to his lips. “
son is with Marcus. They’re taking another route better suited for wagons. Remember? The bridge?”

She pulled her hand away, but he held her fast. She kicked him once in the shin, then he captured her legs between his and snickered.

“Why couldn’t we stay safely tucked away with Ann at The Meadows? Do you care so little for my safety?” She pushed and squirmed, but it did no good. His rock hard body would not give way.

The hands caressing her shoulders twitched and his voice grew tight. “I care too much.”

“As always, you’ve an odd way of showing your favor. I wish I’d never been blessed with it.” She rolled away, but he tugged her back into him. Dear Lord, he smelled like heaven and the folds between her legs screamed for attention when his swollen pintle nudged her behind.

“If we’re not going to join, then go to sleep. Already the night songs have ceased, and the male cardinal begins his wooing. We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”

Sleep? With that male thing nudging at her arse? And what good was a tent if a wolf should venture by and chomp an arm off? Best to stay awake than live the rest of her life with only one hand.

The early dawn brought no cheer, no light, and only more rain. The ground was soaked under her and strange noises outside had her jumping out of her skin more than once. She released the grip on her knife and rubbed the stiffness from her hand.

Not having Tom’s bright shining face to greet her in the morning only made her mood more bitter, if that was possible. Lying beside her, Thomas stirred, so she closed her eyes and feigned sleep. She’d never, ever, speak to him again. How dare he separate her from her home and drag her off like one of the camp whores. Those women certainly kept busy. Yet again, thumping and grunting sounded from a nearby tent as her husband stood and donned his inner shirt.

“I know you’re awake. Come and eat, then we leave.”

She moaned and raised her head off the furs. A headache pounded at the back of her neck and linen pinched her thighs, where he’d bound her too tight. “Why’re you doing this to me?”

He squatted down beside her and lifted her to her knees. “You’ll warm my bed at night, and my heart by day until we heal what time has broken.”

“How can we mend that which lies in pieces, like pottery smashed onto a stone?” She wouldn’t look into those eyes. Like iron to a lodestone, she’d be drawn in, and unable to ever let go. Instead, she busied herself dressing in her still-damp clothes and shivered. Would that she could just go back to sleep, cover up in furs, and be left for dead.

Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes and she squeezed them shut. Damn him. She’d give a king’s ransom just to be dry again. Or to go home. Or to see her son’s bright smiling face.

He knelt next to her and solid arms brought her into his bare chest. Feathery wisps of hair tickled her nose. “Merry, Merry. I’ve loved you always.”

And I you
. “Then why did you leave?” She breathed in his musky aroma and let herself be comforted, if only for a moment.

He kissed her forehead and helped her up. “’Tis a long tale, but we’ve a long ride ahead. Go out and piss. After you’ve finished, there’s a small barrel filled with rainwater. Drink, then wash with what’s left. I’ll pack up here. We’ll eat while riding.”

He put his cloak over her, which was so long that she needed to hold it up to keep it from dragging in the mud. The lamb’s skin of the inside layer was miraculously dry. He gave her a firm shove out the tent and into the drenching rain.

What a bossy man and never with enough instruction.
Just where did one take a piss in this vast open land? Finally, she squatted wide next to the tent when no one was looking and let loose. She made sure not to urinate on anything of import. Obviously, women were not intended to travel, otherwise they’d have a spout like men.

She found the water, drank, filled the cup again, and washed. She brought the cup into the tent for him. He smiled at her thoughtfulness and nodded. Their bedding was already rolled and stuffed into a pack. She reluctantly untied the string under his cloak so as to return it.

He squeezed water from her cloak in front of her nose, tied it into a tight roll, and stored it with the rest of their belongings. “You keep that. From now on, you’ll need to inform me if you don’t have the correct attire.”

“And how was I to know that wool does not suffice in a day’s downpour, having never been tortured so?”

He turned with one eyebrow lifted, then shut his open mouth. After a moment, he said, “Before I remove the oilskins on the ground, lie down and lift your tunic. We must re-bind your thighs before we go.”

“I’m not a child. I can do it myself.” She dared him with a glare to say more. Where was that joking jester from just two days past? This man was gruff, and bossy, and arrghgh, just too much male. Her head pounded with an ache that would no doubt be the death of her.

He frowned, tossed her a roll of linen, and watched with his arms crossed over his chest. “Go ahead.”

“Are you going to watch?” She unrolled the linens and cut them with her teeth.

He glared back. “Would you have me wait outside in the rain?”

“Fine. Turn around.”

“Listen, Merry . . .” He approached with palms open.

“No, you listen. You’ve forced a marriage upon me and are dragging me off to Scotland. Och’aye ask only that you divert your eyes, laddie. Canna you do just that much?” Her aunt’s dialect in her own voice surprised her to the core. Thomas had driven her to the edge of madness.

He bowed with one corner of his mouth raised and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “As you wish,

Cursing the wretchedness of her life, she unwrapped the linens around her thighs. The skin was red and raw, like a piece of mutton, but nothing festered. Her liar of a husband squatted beside her and handed her the devil’s spawn salve from the day before.

“Should I do it or you?” He held the odorous pot to her nose.

She swatted at it. “Neither, I don’t need it. ’Tis better without.”

Without a word, nor asking permission, he clutched her upper thigh and administered the hellish greasy ointment. She kicked at his iron-like body. “Christ’s Blood. I said no. I want to go home. Can’t you see? This won’t work. I don’t love you anymore. I don’t even like you.”

He glared with daggers in his dark eyes and turned from her in silence. Within minutes, the oilskin floor was wrapped into a small roll and the tent came down. He was soaked by the time they were both seated upon Demon. It wasn’t right he’d given her his cloak and a niggling guilt hit her. Only a little, because it was his own damned fault.

She wondered if Marcus had made sure Tom and Marc were safe and dry. No doubt the boys were tucked inside a wagon, happy as larks, playing at dragon slaying.

As water poured off from Thomas’ nose, her heart loosened a mite. She tugged at the rough hemp tie under her chin, and pulled the cape off. It took a bit of maneuvering, but she was able to place the hood over his head and make sure they were both covered from the rain. She had to snuggle close, but if she were honest, his warm body soothed her broken soul as well as heated her chilled body. Tears welled in her eyes. She could never, ever, let him know how much she still cared for him.

He said nothing, but tucked her closer into his chest with one arm as they rode forward into the never-ending fog. Who was this silent man? Where was the ever-jester? She cleared her throat, wishing for his interest, but his eyes remained focused on the road and his mouth grim. Every so often, he whistled under his breath, the charger’s ears twitched, and the silent command was obeyed.

Finally, the stillness became deafening. “What is it that you want from me?”

“Nothing that I can have, obviously.” Thomas clucked a soothing sound and patted the black charger’s neck when he nickered.

Even the horse got more sympathy than she. “What did you expect, leaving me like you did?”

With her ear to his chest, the small growl no doubt sounded louder than he intended. “I expected to find my woman willing to wed me. We hand-fasted, did we not? As for my departure? I had no choice. The king commanded we leave immediately, as did Marcus, my liege lord and yours.”

“All those years. Never a word?” She struggled to move such that she could straddle the horse, or at least squirm out of his grasp, but he held her firm.

“Didn’t Marcus tell you of my mission? How far it would take me?” Taking one hand off the reins, he pinched her chin and lifted it, such that she had to meet his gaze.

“Yes, but . . .” She diverted her eyes to the dizzying view of the ground that still passed quickly under Demon’s gait.

“But what? Damnation. Look at me.” His dark eyes pierced and he pulled the truth right out of her.

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she brushed them away. She’d promised herself long ago that she’d never cry for him again and already she’d turned into a weeping well. She wiped her face on his Templar tunic, leaving a muddy mark. “He never mentioned your intentions toward me.”

“I made them clear that night, as did you. I grasped your hand in mine, we wrapped the required six colored yarns around our forearms. I told you I would hold your life dear to me forever and you did the same. In my mind, we were married. Apparently, ’twas not the same in yours.”

She pushed hard against his chest as the thumping in her heart increased. How dare he make it sound as if this mess was her fault?
But it was, was it not?
She moaned. “Hold that thought. Try, for once, to see circumstances from my point of view, oh brilliant lord and husband. Without a witness, our hand fasting wasn’t legal, especially when I began increasing. With two willing priests in the village who could perform the
of marriage, hand-fasting was hard to defend. Even Marcus and Ann took some convincing. You’ve no idea what I’ve endured.'”

He sighed and kissed her forehead. “For that, I truly
sorry. I fully expected to come back from the faire in London and wed you. Do you believe that much?”

“But why didn’t you send word in six years, Thomas? Six years.” She gave him a sad smile. The rain let up and he let the hood drop away, but she stayed close and inhaled the scent of him; leather, horse, and something sinful.

He cursed. “In all that time, did you not receive even one missive? One of my many gifts?”

She thought hard and one precise memory presented itself. “A small mechanism came, just around the time of the second full moon after Tom was born, but it bore no note from whence it came. When one turned the crank, a tune was played. My name was carved onto the wood base, but that’s all. I always hoped it came from you.”

Thomas groaned, cursed the swollen stream in front of them, and turned their entourage around. He spoke to the dark man, his first in command, and they doubled back. When they continued onto another larger road, with more riders upon it, he said, “Did you look inside?”

She waved at a cart full of children and iron wares. “No. Why would I?”

“I assumed you would show it to Marcus or Ann?”


“Why in hell’s eternal heat did you not?” He shouted and his men’s heads turned.

She equaled his tone and volume. “Christ’s wounds. It’s the only gift that I’d ever received and I needed to believe it was from you. I couldn’t bear to know if that wasn’t the truth.”

His voice lowered and his hand stopped clenching at the reins. “Do you still have it?”

“It’s with my few possessions in the caravan that follows. Why?”

Rolling his eyes to the heavens, he continued. “My love. In it is what your heart desired to hear. I knew that the lady Ann and Marcus wouldn’t be able to resist looking inside to see the mechanism within. ’Twas there I hid gold for your keeping and a long parchment of my intent.”

A dark cloud blew over and the rain began anew. She ducked under his vast cloak. “By then, even Marcus decided you must’ve died. That’s why he was planning for me to wed with his widowed brother. I was to be wife to an Earl.”

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