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Authors: Kelly Jamieson

How to Love (22 page)

BOOK: How to Love
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He caressed her head with his other hand, tipped her chin up so she met his eyes, so dark, so sinfully sexy with thick dark eyelashes. She smiled at the question in his eyes and opened her mouth. “Oh yeah,” he groaned, feeding her his cock. She swirled her tongue over the head, smooth, tasting his essence, loving the heavy feel of him in her mouth, on her tongue.

Behind her, Mike rubbed his cock up and down the crease between her cheeks, making her muscles there clench. He leaned in closer, increasing the friction, his back covering hers and she heard his own faster breathing and noises of pleasure in her ear. He paused a moment, the head of his cock resting on her anus, and she went still, her mouth open around Carlos’s, and looked up at him.

“Not gonna do it right now, baby,” Mike whispered, stroking her back, slowly, up and down. “But sometime…”

Her pussy tightened at the thought of what he wanted. She gave a little nod, knowing both Mike and Carlos watched her, then sucked Carlos deeper. Carlos leaned back against the headboard and held her head with both hands. “So sexy,” he whispered, watching her, his eyelids half closed. “So damn sexy. Feels so good, Jules. Aw, yeah. Just like that.”

Mmmm. Yeah, just like that. Mike played with her ass and knowing he didn’t intend to enter there relaxed her a little. He drew liquid heat up from her center, rubbed his cock through it, pushed against her but still didn’t enter her, and she pushed back into him.

She got a little lost in it, in the dream of sucking on one man while another played with her pussy, her ass, teasing her, taking his own pleasure from rubbing his cock there, and then Mike drew back for a few seconds. She heard a rustle, vaguely realized he was donning a condom, then he found her entrance and pushed into her. The pleasure rippled through her, so good, so good, distracting her from her rhythm with Carlos and she withdrew him from her mouth to gasp for air. “God,” she panted. “Oh my God.”

Carlos held his cock for her, one hand on her head, gentle but firm, rubbing the smooth dome over her lips. Mike pushed in farther, filling her so exquisitely, hitting nerve endings that had her buzzing with delight. She gave a soft cry, then opened again for Carlos, wanting more of him. She took him in, and Mike began to move, thrusting into her in a rhythm that pushed her deeper onto Carlos’s cock. She sensed his care, that he didn’t want to push too hard, knew that Carlos controlled things too, with his hand on his shaft and on her head. Hot little whimpers and inarticulate sounds escaped her as she gave herself over to the pleasure, the pure erotic bliss of it.

“Suck him, baby,” Mike said behind her, his voice a low rasp. “Suck him good.”

“It is good,” Carlos gasped.

“Love watching that,” Mike said. “So damn hot. Ah, Jules…”

“Getting close,” Carlos groaned.

“Fuck,” Mike gasped. “Me too.” He slid an arm around her and found her clit, slicked up some creamy wetness and rubbed her there. She made another noise in her throat, having a hard time focusing on her mounting orgasm as she moved on Carlos, and she went still, letting the orgasm build. Mike and Carlos took over completely and she closed her eyes, both of them moving together, fucking her, her pussy and her mouth, and she loved it.

She tightened her inner muscles around Mike, so deep inside her, almost painfully deep, and then his thumb rubbed over her anus. She shuddered, cried out again around Carlos, and when Mike’s thumb breached her there with a stunning, sharp sensation, her orgasm exploded, wracking her body with tremors, hard and hot.

“Easy,” Carlos said softly, holding her head. “Aw, me too, doll, here I go…” And he came too, in her mouth, bathing her taste buds with his salty, tangy seed. She swallowed frantically, her mind on overload, overwhelmed with it all, and Carlos let out a long, low groan of pleasure that added to her own.

“Yeah,” Mike said, gripping her hips now with both hands. “Oh yeah.” And he went still behind her, his groin pressed to her ass, fingers digging into her hips, pulsing inside her in long jets. “Jules. Jules.”

Dizzy, dazed, she let Carlos slide out of her mouth, letting her tongue linger on the head for one last lick, making him jump. She lowered her head to the mattress, fighting to get air into her lungs, her mouth humming, lips buzzing, her entire body weak and pulsing with the little aftershocks of her orgasm.

Carlos moved, shifting down to lie beside her. He stroked her back, pushed her hair off her face, leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Wow, Jules.”

“Yeah,” she mumbled. “Wow.”

Mike withdrew from her with care. She felt him holding the condom on, disliked that feeling of him separating from her. She sighed.

Mike too came down for a kiss. He kept his face pressed to hers for a long second. A swirl of emotions tangled inside her, ones she didn’t want to identify, because too many emotions after sex were never a good thing. But this time it was hard to ignore them, they swelled so powerfully inside her, so she kept her eyes closed, her fingers curled into the sheet.

Mike went to get rid of the condom and then the three of them snuggled up, Mike drawing the comforter over all of them as he climbed back in. She lay on her stomach, arms folded around the pillow beneath her cheek, floating in a warm sleepy glow.

“You guys have done this before, haven’t you?” she mumbled into the pillow.

“Yeah.” Mike’s hand rubbed over her shoulder, beneath her hair to caress the nape of her neck. His touch sent a cascade of sparks down her back.


“I never thought…” She sighed. “It’s hot.”

Carlos’s hand slid up and down her back. “Have you, Jules?”

“Mmmhmm.” The warm rhythm of their touch lulled her deeper into her state of drowsy languor. “A few times.”

“That’s what you meant when you said you’d slept with other women?” Mike asked, his voice low.

“Yes.” Another soft exhalation had her relaxing even more into the bed. “But with you two…it’s even hotter.”

After a short pause, their hands still spreading warm tingles over her body, Mike said, “Tell us about your parents.”

“My dad and stepmother,” she corrected. “She’s not my mother.”

“What about your mom?” Carlos asked. “Where’s she?”

“She died.”

“Oh, hell. I’m sorry, Jules.” Carlos’s hand stroked up her back.

“Yeah,” Mike said. “What happened?”

Hell, she didn’t usually tell people the details of this. But somehow the words came out. “She committed suicide.”

She felt their hands pause, knew they were looking at each other over her. “It’s a long story,” she said, as they resumed their caresses. Soothing, reassuring, comforting. “When I was about sixteen, my dad divorced my mom. My mom was beautiful, a lot younger than my dad. She used to be a model. She was actually his second wife and I guess she was what you’d call a trophy wife. My dad liked showing her off to his friends and business acquaintances. But then he got involved with another younger woman—my stepmother, Candy. My mom was devastated. She actually loved him and I guess she never realized he was using her, or maybe she did and she just went along with it. After the divorce, she was just so…broken.”

“Shit,” Carlos muttered.

“After that I didn’t see my dad much.”

“Your mom didn’t want you to see him?”

“Well.” She thought about that. “She was bitter, but I don’t think she ever would have stopped me from seeing him. But he didn’t actually want to see me much.”

“What?” Mike’s fingers tightened on her nape briefly. “You’re kidding me.”

She grimaced into the pillow. “Nope. I wasn’t…well, when I was a little girl my mom used to enter me in beauty contests. When I did well in the contests, my dad was all happy and gave me hugs and kisses and bought me presents. When I didn’t final, he wouldn’t talk to me. And sometimes he’d show me off too, like he did his trophy wife, saying how pretty I was to friends and business colleagues. My dad’s a high profile businessman and they did a lot of entertaining. They all thought I was pretty too and it made me disgusted—people who only care about how someone looks are so shallow. I hated those contests, hated them so much, and yet it was the only way I had to get my dad’s attention. So I kept doing them.”

“Until after the divorce,” Carlos murmured.

“Yeah. I stopped doing the beauty contests. I wanted to hide. I started taking pictures and discovered I was pretty good at it. But that didn’t impress my dad at all, so he wasn’t that interested in me.”

“Bastard,” Mike bit out.

She rolled onto her back. Somehow this ugly old story didn’t seem quite so bad when she was lying there between these two men, still all replete and relaxed from several stunning orgasms, their hands still working magic on her by now stroking down her arms, Mike’s hand coming to rest warm and pleasantly heavy on her stomach. “Yes, he is a bastard,” she agreed. “After my mom died, I had to go live with him and his new wife. That wasn’t fun.”

“Oh man.”

“Candy didn’t want me there. She was jealous of me, I think. She kept making comments about how my hair needed a new style and she’d take me to her hairdresser, or I should use different makeup, or she would take me shopping and pick out better clothes for me. She offered to pay for me to get a boob job.”

Both men made choking noises.

“It sounded like she was being helpful, but she was subtly putting me down all the time. She had nothing to be jealous of because it seemed like in my dad’s eyes I wasn’t that pretty anymore. I wasn’t entering beauty contests anymore, so there was no way to get his attention other than by dressing up in nice clothes and being pretty and sexy. My photographs were winning awards, but he didn’t care about that. If I wanted his attention, I had to dress up and do the hair and makeup thing.”

She felt Mike’s sigh. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said, turning her head to look at him. “I know what he’s like and I’ve moved on. That’s why I live here. And that’s why I don’t really want to go to the birthday party.”

“I guess I understand that,” Mike said, his fingertips tracing around her belly button, making her shiver a little. “But going back to visit can’t be that bad.”

“Oh, it’ll be bad,” she muttered. “But I kind of have to go. My two little half-sisters will be there. I have no idea why, but they’re crazy about me.” She paused at the way his expression changed. “What? What’s wrong?”

“You have no idea why,” he repeated.

From the other side of her, Carlos snorted.

“Yeah. Anyway, I’ll go but it’ll be torture. Other than seeing Madison and Olivia.”

“How old are they?” Carlos asked, dragging his fingertips up her arm. She shivered pleasantly.

“Eight and six.”


“Yes, they are. And Dad loves them.” She looked back and forth between them, the anger darkening their eyes, the displeasure drawing their mouths down into hard, unhappy lines. “Hey, I said it’s okay. That’s all in the past.”

She saw Mike look at Carlos, then back at her. “Uh-huh. Sure.”

Didn’t he believe her? She reached for him and stroked her hand down his chest, over his abs, lower, pausing just when her fingertips brushed the hair at his groin. She smiled at him. “Never mind that, like I said, it’s all in the past. Now…we’ve all had a little rest…you guys should be ready to go again…”

Chapter Fifteen

“She wanted to see us together.” Carlos gave Mike a look the next morning as they resumed demolishing their bathroom.

“Yeah. I know.”

Jules had gone home a while ago, after their hot night of ménage sex and a sexy breakfast. Mike swiped a hand across his forehead.

“So…why didn’t we do anything?”

“We did. You sucked my dick.”

“I think she wanted more than that.”

Mike sighed. “Yeah. It’s called delayed gratification. Something you know nothing about.”

Carlos grinned. “I know about it. I just don’t like it.”

“I know.” Mike chipped off another butt-ugly avocado green wall tile. “Once again, trust me on this. She was ready to dump my ass last night because she thought we were getting too serious.”

“True.” Carlos used a crow bar to pry off the molding around the bathroom window.

“We have to take it slow with her.”

“I know, but I still don’t get it.”

“We have to keep her wanting more. Make her stick around long enough to fall for us. She’ll stick around for sex.” His gut cramped a little at the thought that that was all Jules wanted. He didn’t really believe it, but…

Carlos grabbed the piece of wood and it splintered and broke in his hand. “Shit.”

Mike surveyed what he’d done. “You need to pry more off before you yank at it like that.” He grinned. “As I was saying. Patience.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Carlos shook his head and resumed the task. “I get it. And I’m deeply admiring of your ability to strategize. If it was just me, I’d be barreling in and causing all kinds of havoc.”

Tiles clattered to the floor in a spray of dust. “Damn right.”

“Damn, she’s sweet,” Carlos said. “I can’t stop thinking about her.”

“You and me both.”

“This isn’t going to go well if she…” Carlos stopped.

Mike knew exactly what he was thinking. Because he’d had the same thought. Caring about someone was always risky. Carlos jumped into things fearlessly, often without even thinking about the risks. Mike thought about the risks. Sometimes too much. But he could only be honest about how he felt. That was who he was. He was falling for Jules, falling hard. She wasn’t ready to hear it yet and that was the only thing holding him back from telling her. He’d learned that spilling his guts to a girl—or a guy—too soon was a big mistake, learned it the hard way, but even so, it was hard for him not to.

BOOK: How to Love
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