Hot to the Touch (22 page)

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Authors: Isabel Sharpe

Tags: #Checking E-Males

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“Oh, that, yeah.” He drank a few swallows of soda. “I can’t promise our scheme will totally ruin his opening. But it will certainly throw a wrench into the works. And maybe teach him a lesson. Maybe.”

Darcy threw her arms around him and knocked him back onto the sand, spilling both their drinks. “I just care that you believed me. That you went out of your way, out of your comfort zone to help me. And that you love me.”

His eyes were clear and bored straight into hers. “I do, Darcy. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” The words were easy to say because they were so entirely true. “I can’t believe you did all that for me, Troy. I can’t tell you what it means to me.”

“Well.” He stroked her hair, then down to her neck and across her back. Oh, the way this man touched her… “There is something you can do for me.”

She grinned, moving her hip so it made contact with his fly. “Really? What’s that?”

His smile faded into seriousness; he rolled her over onto her back. “Come to Marie’s party with me, Darcy. Officially.”

Her eyes widened; she couldn’t move. She stared at him unblinking. Officially. To the party for engaged and married couples.

“Um, Darcy?”

She couldn’t speak. Emotions were jamming her voice box.

“You okay?”


“Did you get that I just asked you to marry me?”

Tears rose, started rolling down her temples. One landed into her ear. She giggled, then let out a sob, unable to sort out her reactions. He’d asked her to marry him. Offering to put her at the very top of his list. Wasn’t it too soon?

She checked in with her heart. It was nothing but happy and at peace with the idea.

She understood.

He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her eyelids, then a long sweet kiss on her lips that made her moan with the pleasure of tasting him again. “Does looking as if you have serious indigestion mean yes?”

Now she couldn’t stop smiling, aware she was taking an absurdly long time to answer. Same way she’d taken forever to respond a month ago when he asked her at Esmee if he could buy her a drink. When she’d fallen in love with him at very first sight. And oh, what a life-changing answer that turned out to be.


This moment was life-changing, too. She was looking toward eternity with a man who was male every way she’d dreamed a man could be. Strong enough to tell her when she was wrong. Strong enough to admit when he was. Caring enough to put himself on the line to ensure she was protected, to make sure she felt loved and adored.

There was only one answer to give.

She pulled his head down to her, kissed his sexy mouth, following the certainty in her heart that this time she’d found love that would stay this beautiful, strong and full of joy forever.




“That?” Marie blinked innocently at Darcy. “Oh, that’s Quinn’s fortieth birthday present to me. My engagement ring. Like it?”

“Your what?” Darcy shrieked so loudly Candy and Kim immediately detached themselves from their nearby conversations and came running over.

“What is it?”

“Check this out.” Darcy grabbed Marie’s hand and showed the ring around. “Mrs. Quinn Peters-to-be.”

“Marie!” Candy flung her arms around her. Kim beamed and took her turn next.

Darcy kissed her on both cheeks, French style, then added a fierce hug. “It’s about time. I didn’t think you’d
admit that you wanted a man in your life, missy.”

“Okay, okay.” Marie’s smile stretched ear to ear; she glanced at Quinn. Was it her imagination or did he look even more movie-starlike than usual? She’d finally relaxed into the reality that he loved her, and she couldn’t believe how much she was looking forward to their life together. “Guess it was time to practice what I preached, huh?”

“Obviously.” Darcy sent Troy yet another I-love-you look.

Marie couldn’t believe the instant change in her. In the last few days since Darcy had finally stopped fighting what she felt for Troy, a lifetime of suppressed warmth had been pouring out of her. She seemed to adore everyone and everything. In fact, she could compete with Kim and Candy in the nauseatingly-in-love department. And with Marie, who had never thought she could be this happy again.

“When are you getting married, Marie?” Kim asked.

She beamed at Quinn, who interrupted his conversation to beam right back. “As soon as possible.”

“Honeymoon?” Darcy asked.

“Oh, nothing much. London, Sydney, Paris and ending up with a week on St. Thomas.”

The girls squealed.

“Rough, rough times,” said Candy, without a trace of envy. In fact, Darcy and Kim looked nothing but happy for her, too. Good friends, all of them. She was so glad she’d been able to help them find love—and herself in the process. A miracle she’d never take for granted.

“It is rough.” Marie bowed her head meekly. “But I will have promised myself for better or worse, so I feel bound to put myself through it.”

“You are a saint.” Candy patted her shoulder.

“Darcy, have you and Troy set a date yet?”

Darcy shook her head, glowingly happy, the same face Marie saw each time she looked in a mirror. “Too much upheaval ahead. I’m in no hurry and neither is Troy. I’ll sell my house and move in with Troy as soon as possible, then we’ll wait until Gladiolas is settled in its new location. When we can breathe again, we’ll pick a date and do it quietly, preferably somewhere warm.”

“That sounds perfect,” Kim said. “Anyone else with news? Seems it’s all good these days.”

“Me!” Darcy raised her hand like a schoolgirl. “Troy heard that the preorders for his and Justin’s book have been really strong.”

“Yes!” Candy clapped her hands. “Stronger even than the publisher hoped, which is awesome. Except it means they’re going to have to write another one, and will therefore be working hard and not able to attend to our every need as they should.”

“It’s shameful.” Darcy shook her head.

“Speaking of shameful, I heard the tragic news about Raoul’s restaurant.” Marie tsk-tsked, unable to hide her pleasure. “
a sad tale.”

“I know.” Candy put on a hushed voice suitable for a funeral—for someone she’d wanted dead all along. “Imagine, all that excitement, and just before opening, his investor is arrested for embezzlement and turns out to be bankrupt.”

“It just breaks my heart,” Kim added with unmitigated delight. “Though I don’t think Raoul’s Place was long for this world anyway. I read reviews and it seems none of the specials were any good. Seems none of the flavor combinations or seasonings worked for the reviewer. Wasn’t that odd?”

“You know—” Darcy held out her hands “—some people have it. Some don’t. I guess he just didn’t.”

The women dissolved into giggles, helped no doubt by the champagne and happiness flowing freely in the room.

“When are you moving Gladiolas, Darcy?” Candy asked.

“Next month. I did poor Raoul a big favor, out of the infinite goodness of my heart.” She put on a noble martyr face. “Gladiolas is taking over the space he had to forfeit when he went under. Quinn handled it all. We got it for practically nothing. If things go well, we might open a second location next year.”

“Oh, you are a saint, too, helping the poor man sell his property vastly undervalued.” Candy couldn’t control her giggles. “It’s amazing how everything has worked out for us over the past six months. All our lives are so different now. So much happier.”

Marie didn’t hide her satisfaction. “Getting the three of you matched up was my New Year’s resolution. Probably the first one I ever stuck to.”

“No way. Well, here’s to you, Marie, for being a wonderful meddling pain in the ass.” Darcy toasted her with champagne. “Thank you for making such happiness possible for all of us.”

“Amen,” Kim said. “And how great that you found some for yourself, as well.”

“Hear, hear.” Candy raised her glass. “Here’s to many years of bliss and lots of babies.”

Kim giggled. Marie nearly spit out her champagne. “Watch what you say, honey.”

“Marie, you’re forty, not ninety,” Darcy said.

“You think it’s such a great idea,
have the babies.”

She waited for Darcy to start shrieking her usual objections and was stunned when she shrugged mildly and blushed. “Maybe I will someday.”

Okay. Pigs had to be flying around here somewhere.

“You’d be a great mom,” Candy said. “Have a daughter and cook with her in the kitchen.”

Darcy’s eyes took on a faraway look. Marie was flabbergasted. This was more of a miracle for Darcy even than she’d thought possible. She’d have to tell Quinn. Now she could tell him everything, all day long. Could and wanted to and did. Poor man.

The party wound down, prizes were won by elated couples, Darcy’s excellent hors d’oeuvres polished off, the last glass of champagne drunk.

Candy and Justin left, arms linked. Kim and Nathan left, holding hands. Darcy and Troy went back into the kitchen, arms around each other, Troy’s hand making its way down to Darcy’s rear, then back up, then back down.

Marie smiled and leaned into Quinn’s strong arms. “Ready to go?”

“I’m ready.” He kissed her. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?”

“Only about five times.”

“Oops.” He cringed comically. “I’m slipping.”

“The romance is clearly over.”

“Never.” He grinned and offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

“Let’s.” She took his arm, thrilled as usual by the strength of the muscle underneath his sleeve. When they got to his house, she had plans for this man that would last all night long, as she was sure Candy had for Justin. And Kim for Nathan. And Darcy for Troy.

All night long tonight, tomorrow and for the rest of their lives.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-0548-2


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