Hot For Teacher (32 page)

Read Hot For Teacher Online

Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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He shrugs. “Come on, Jill. I’ve had six months to get to know you. We’re past that awkward stage, aren’t we?”

I grin. I guess we are.


While scrubbing the makeup off my face, a text pings from the bedroom.

Eli: I really had a good night Jill. Best part was the kiss. You kiss like an angel.

Me: Thanks. Though sometimes I behave like a little devil ;)

I press send and then groan at how stupid I sound.

A message pings on my phone immediately and I look at the text to see it’s from Alice. I wondered how long it would take her to try and dig the details out of me.

Lying back on my bed, I read her message.

Alice: So come on tart, how was it? Did he screw you senseless? Did you fuck his face? Did he lick your juices and make you scream?

I laugh so hard I have tears in my eyes. That girl is crazy, but she’s my kind of crazy. I text her back.

Me: Absolutely amazing! He’s gorgeous, funny and sexy as fuck. Did I mention he’s sexy as fuck? Yes? Well, it deserves to be said twice. We kissed and I swear I was soaked. TMI?

I press send and giggle to myself. With Alice there was only one way to talk: dirty. She doesn’t understand it any other way.

It’s been twenty minutes since I sent Alice the text and still no response, which surprises me, because she lives on her phone, especially when waiting for details about my love life—which is rare.

I check the message again and my heart plummets.

Oh fuck no. Please no…

But there it is: I’d sent the text to Eli instead of Alice.

I’d fucking sent the text to Eli.

Rereading it, I cringe and jump up, pacing my room while freaking the fuck out.
What the hell am I going to do?
I grab the phone and call Alice.

“Took you long enough, skank,” she answers.

“I sent the wrong message,” I babble.

I feel sick. I sit myself on the end of my bed because I don’t trust myself not to collapse right now. I’m shaking and my heart is pounding so hard that it’s all I can hear in my head. This is bad. B.A.D.

“What are you talking about? What message? I didn’t get a message,” she says, confused.

“I know,” I explode. “Because I sent it to him! God Alice, I went on and on about how hot and sexy he is.” I fall back on the mattress as Alice’s laughter rings in my ears.

“You didn’t! Oh my god, that is fucking hilarious,” she gasps between fits of laughter. “You’re such a dork.”

“Yeah, laugh it up,” I say gritting my teeth. My eyes widen as I remember what else I’d said. “Alice! I even told him how wet he had me!” I cover my face with my hand, absolutely mortified. I’m so embarrassed I can’t even think straight. “I gotta go.” I hang up and toss the phone on the bed.

What am I going to do? Standing up, I pace the room again, glancing intermittently back at my phone. I feel nauseous. I can’t possibly see him ever again. That’s it. Our friendship is over. How am I supposed to face him after

A message pings on my phone and I launch onto the bed to grab it, my hands shaking. I want to read it, but at the same time, the thought of his response makes me want to hurl.

Eli: I’m assuming that text wasn’t for me? I won’t lie though. I loved reading it. Maybe you better change those panties, huh

I crawl into my bed and turn my phone off. I don’t trust myself to text anyone else after what just happened. That’s what I get for texting while tired. There should be a warning about that, like drunk texting, or texting while driving.

Texting while delirious from lack of sleep may lead to extremely embarrassing consequences.


Chapter Four

I’m in the middle of moving some boxes from the garage to the living room when my phone rings. I squeal and do a little dance before answering Eli’s call.

“Hey,” I say in my coolest voice. After the ‘incident’ my aim is to get through one day without making an idiot out of myself.

“Morning, Jill. How did you sleep?”

“Good, thank you.” I say briskly. “After the text incident, I was out like a light.”

“Ah, it’s an incident now, is it?” he chuckles. “Well, would it help if you knew that I was awake all night thinking about you?”

I smile and do a little dance around the room again. Hell yes, that helps!

Jesus, calm the fuck down.

“So, what are your plans for today?” he asks.

“Nothing, apart from unpacking some of my things. Why?” I ask.

“You’re still unpacking?” he laughs. “You’ve been in your new place for weeks.”

“So? I’m a slow un-packer,” I respond defensively.
Or lazy

“Would you like to accompany this gorgeous, funny, sexy-as-fuck guy on a little road trip this morning?”

“Ooh, he sounds great. Where will I find him?” I tease.

He laughs. “Funny. Guess I deserve that.”

“Yeah, you do.” I pause and smile. “But it does sound good.”

“Great—what’s your address, and I’ll swing by in about an hour.”

“Pick me up on the corner of North and Peake Road.”

have given him my address but I didn’t want to risk the chance of him meeting Mom, even though she’ll be asleep from her late shift last night. God knows she’ll ask how old he is and then ask him what he’s doing with someone eight years his junior.

We meet around the corner from my parents’ house at the address I gave him. I smile and climb in the passenger side, buckling up my seatbelt. His car smells like him: sweet and musky. I glance at him and blush, 
message fleeting through my thoughts. Am I ever going to live that down? Probably not.

“Hey,” he smiles.

My heart pounds as I take in those sexy dimples and his lopsided grin. Oh my god, so hot…

“Hey,” I repeat.

He leans over and presses his lips against mine and I feel like I’m about to explode with emotion. This guy is incredible.

“Since I know how wet my kisses make you,” he chuckles.

He ducks as I reach out to whack him, my face red. I take it back: he’s an ass. A

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” He holds his hand up in surrender, but the gleam in his eyes tells me he’s not done. “Can I just say by the end of today I’m going to have you so wet. I mean that, Jill,” he says earnestly.

I glower at him and stick my tongue out.

Fucking cocky bastard.


Eli drives forty-five minutes out of Denver and we arrive at a National Park. As I notice him taking a picnic basket and blanket out of the trunk, I see the sign giving away the waterfall. Now I get the ‘making me wet’ reference. My heart swoons.

Who’d have thought he could be so romantic?

This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me—not that it was hard to top the runner up: ten-year-old Tommy Lomal taking me to the beach and then managing to run away with my bikini top.

The half-mile hike down the path is so peaceful. I breathe in the fresh air as we walk side by side, not saying a word. It’s not awkward at all. He holds my hand as we take in nature as it was intended to be.

The forest opens and in front of me is the most exquisite sight I’ve ever seen: a tall waterfall rushes beautiful, clear water into the calm, deep creek. And the best thing is that we’re the only ones here.

Eli starts setting up the picnic and I stand back and enjoy the view. Of him that is.

I need to do something to fix this dynamic. I feel like he’s holding all the cards and I hate it. An idea creeps into my head and I smile. That will work.

“I think I might go for a swim.”

I strip off my strapless dress and panties until I’m bare-ass naked, and I run into the creek. Breaking the water from my dive, I turn around to look at Eli, a hand on my hip.

He is staring at me, as he’s stunned that I just stripped in front of him. Exactly the reaction I was going for. I grin at him and raise my eyebrows, waiting for a response.

He shakes his head and laughs.

Throwing his words back at him with a smirk, I say, “Cat got your tongue?”

Walking to the edge of the creek with his eyes locked on mine, Eli works at taking his shirt off slowly. My breath hitches as it goes over his head and falls to the grassy earth. His chiseled abs glisten against the sunlight. My eyes work up his body until they meet his. His intense stare is intimidating. It’s like he’s staring into my soul, untangling all my secrets. The thought makes me feel uneasy, but I can’t look away.

I bite my lip as he starts unbuttoning his shorts, my nipples stiffening in anticipation. My gaze follows his shorts as they travel down his lean legs and hit the ground. He’s naked and I’m curious. I was in the water so fast I doubt he saw anything apart from my breasts, but he’s standing there, completely unashamed, letting me take him all in.

And then I see why.

My gaze drops and my eyes widen. I haven’t seen many dicks in my life, but god he is
. I swear my pussy cringes just at the sight of it. Am I supposed to take that…all


He dives into the water and I watch as he nears me. All I can think about is how painful sex with him would be. How much would that fucking hurt? I’m no virgin, but this…he is a whole other level.

Yet I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been in my life. Would I say no if he asked me to have sex with him in this moment?

Probably not.

His hands find my waist as he breaks the water and he pulls me against him, my legs wrapping around his waist. We stare at each other for a long while until his lips meet mine.

“God, you are so fucking beautiful,” he says in a guttural tone.

“And you’re so…big,” I smirk. I know he knows what I’m talking about when he laughs and shakes his head.

His hands grab my face as he kisses me again, this time so delicately. His tongue licks my lips before diving deep into my mouth and I let out a loud groan, tightening my legs around his waist. I can feel the heat of my pussy on his stomach and I start to rock. God, it feels so good and I’m not far from climaxing just from the feel of him against me. As quickly as it started, Eli pulls away from me panting. 

“Come on, let’s have a swim and then eat. I’m starved,” he says as he dunks both of us under the water. Why did he stop? My insecurities refuse to leave me alone. In the back of my mind I can’t help but wonder if I did something wrong. Maybe I’m coming on too strong?

We spend ten minutes swimming under the waterfall before it starts getting cold. He swims to the bank and I follow, accepting the towel he wraps around me. His lips meet mine again in a soft, tender kiss, and then he turns around. I run my hands through my wet hair and dry myself off.

Lying on the blanket, we’ve put our clothes back on and we’re feasting on the food Eli bought. Whoever packed this picnic basket did a fantastic job. There’s everything from juice to little chicken sandwiches and chocolate-dipped strawberries, which Eli insists on feeding me.

“Tell me about your family,” I say, keen to start off the conversation. He rolls over so he’s lying on his back and I’m tucked into his side.

We’ve spent the last few months talking about everything but steering away from the serious topics such as family. I know he has issues with his and I worried pressuring him to talk would push him away. Face to face is different, though. I can gauge when I’m moving things too quickly much easier than over a keyboard.

“My mom lives in Miami. We have a great relationship. She’s been the one constant in my life, but I don’t get down to see her as much as I should. I have three older sisters and we get along okay.” He pauses, a wistful look on his face. “I don’t have the strong bond with them like most brothers do with their sisters. Dad and I have never seen eye to eye. He did something despicable eight years ago, which really hurt my mother, that I can’t forgive him for. My sisters forgave him, but I couldn’t. The only reason I’m here is because he’s sick and he’s family.” He shrugs.

I want to ask him more, but it’s none of my business and I get the feeling he doesn’t want to elaborate.

“What about you? Tell me about your family,” he asks, looking at me.

“Yes. Mom and I are very close.” I pause to take a bite of my sandwich. “She’s a nurse and works most evenings and Dad is in the army and is away so much that I’m left alone a lot of the time to fend for myself.”

“I thought you lived alone?” he looks confused, and my heart starts pounding.

“No, Mom likes the company so I moved back in with her,” I quickly say, fumbling over my words. He nods, accepting my explanation, my but heart is still racing.

That’s the thing about lying: you need to remember what you’ve said.

“Don’t you miss the freedom of living alone?” he asks curiously.

I shrug. “I practically do—Mom and my schedules are so different, I feel like I barely get to see her. I’m used to being independent and doing my own thing and I don’t mind it. I hated it when I was younger. Being an only child meant that most of my time was spent with the nanny rather than either of my parents. But now that I’m older, I enjoy the freedom it gives me.”

We spend a good part of the next hour kissing and exploring each other. Unfortunately, Eli has made literally no attempt to take it further than that. Frustrated, I confront him.

“Are you trying to be a gentleman or do you not find me attractive?” I growl.
Okay, that came out slightly more aggressive than I intended

He laughs and pulls me closer to him. “I’m holding back because I know the minute I touch you intimately, I won’t be able to stop.” He pauses, his eyes not leaving mine as his fingers brush over my breasts. “I
lose control, but if anything’s going to make me do it, it’s you.”

I sigh and kiss him. How can I argue with that?

“Come back to my hotel with me tonight?” he whispers, his hands cradling my neck.

“I’d love that,” I grin.

Thank god Mom is working a night shift.


“The Hilton?” I observe as he drives into the valet. “Classy.”

He laughs. “Not so much classy, more the most convenient hotel.”

“Why are you staying in a hotel?” I ask him, confused. Why wouldn’t he stay with his dad? How bad can their issues be if he’d come home to help out while he’s sick?

“Until I’ve figured out what I’m doing here and how long I’ll be here for, I don’t want to lock myself into an apartment. And I don’t want to stay with Dad because my sisters are there.” He pauses before adding, “And I don’t trust myself not to start an argument. Seeing him at work all the time will be hard enough.”

I nod. That makes sense.

We take the elevator up to his room and walk inside. Neither of us can be bothered showering, so we decide to order room service. I have a few ‘what the hell am I doing’ moments, including one that has me searching the room for hidden cameras, on the off chance that he
a psychopath who just wants to sleep with me and put it on the internet.

“Help yourself to a drink,” he offers. “I know you’re not legal, but there is wine in the fridge.” I know his comment is a tease about my not being old enough to drink, but it hits a nerve.

What is he going to think when he finds out my age?

Is it even legal for me to sleep with him? Not something I want to Google with him in the room, but curiosity gets the better of me and I pull out my phone and do just that.

Thank Christ.

God, I need that drink. I pour two glasses of wine and take a big mouthful of mine. He chuckles and leads me to the sofa, turning on the television. I set my handbag down beside me and try unsuccessfully to relax.

“We can watch a movie…or something…” He raises his eyebrows.

I blush, knowing exactly what that ‘something’ is.

There’s a knock at the door, and while Eli sorts out our dinner I send Mom a text letting her know that I’m staying at a friend’s house overnight and I’ll be back early in the morning to get ready for school. I’m becoming good at this whole lying jig.

Maybe I should go into real estate after college.

After dinner we settle on the couch to watch the latest
Pirates of the Caribbean
movie. Eli lies along the whole length of the couch and I in front of him with my back to his front. It’s hard to watch the movie with his hand roaming up and down my arm. Not that I care about Johnny Depp; I’d take Eli any day of the week.

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