Read Hot Billionaire Sex Online

Authors: Honey Taylor

Hot Billionaire Sex (15 page)

BOOK: Hot Billionaire Sex
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Finally moving around to the front again, Corey leaned forward to caress his lips against Sharon’s. When he backed off he stroked his fingertips across her mouth and a grin crossed his lips. He reached to his tie and loosened it to pull it off. “This will look so much better on you,” he teased and looped the tie around Sharon’s neck and secured it in place. She stood breathing heavily as she watched him take off his jacket and throw it aside. The shirt was next to come off and revealed the muscular physique of the billionaire. Sharon’s chest was heaving as she took in the gorgeous sight and she leaned forward to kiss onto the billionaire’s naked chest. While she did this he loosened his belt buckle and then the zipper and button on his pants. He moved back to push them down and Sharon shuddered as she saw the way the erect cock was pushing out the front of the underwear. Corey grabbed the free end of the tie and wound it round his hand. Sharon saw immediately that she was on a leash and with her hands tied behind her back she was totally under the control of the billionaire. He pulled down on the tie and she was forced to her knees so that her head was close to his waist. She watched as he used his free hand to force down the waistband of the boxer shorts and her eyes opened wide as the full glory of the solid erection was revealed to her gaze.


Corey tugged on the tie to pull Sharon’s head forward and her lips were forced to kiss onto the cock. Her breathing was suddenly ragged as she worked her mouth down to the balls and flicked out her tongue to lick onto them. She sensed the shudder of the billionaire and sucked a ball between her lips and rolled it around in her mouth. His shudders grew stronger as the sensation worked through his body, but Sharon finally released the grip on the ball and let it slide back out of her mouth. She looked up and grinned before flicking out her tongue again and tracing a wet trail up the underside of the shaft all the way to the tip. The erection twitched as she teased a touch around the sensitive skin of the head and it made her want more. She pushed forward to kiss onto the tip of the cock and the sticky wetness seeping out of the small opening smeared across her lips. The taste added to the heat of the moment and she looked up into Corey’s eyes as she parted her lips and caressed them over the head of the erection. She shuddered as the hardness slowly filled her mouth and she could feel it twitching and jerking as she worked her tongue around it. She kept her eyes fixed on Corey’s as she started to stroke her lips up and down. The feel of her mouth running over the bulging veins was a massive turn on for her and she was suddenly working a touch along the solid length faster. She tried to take more with each push down towards the base of the shaft and could feel the tip nudging against the skin at the back of her throat. It was the kinkiest experience of her life and she couldn’t believe just how turned on it was making her. The thought that it was just the start of the fun made her pulse race faster. She heard the billionaire’s groan as her lips finally caressed against his balls and she took his full length in her mouth. The tie tightened around her neck as Corey held her on his cock and even as she started to gag a little he wouldn’t let her pull back. The release of pressure finally allowed her to back off and she gasped as she pulled off the erection.


The billionaire grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him. “Do you like being dominated?” he asked. “Are you going to be my eager submissive and let me do anything I want with you?”


Sharon slowly nodded her head and her excitement mounted at the prospect of what was about to happen. The pressure tightened around her neck again and Corey grabbed her upper arm to help her back to her feet. He pushed her in the cubicle and under the showerhead. Sharon gasped as her head was forced lower and the free end of the tie was secured around a grab rail to secure her in place for the billionaire to use. It left her partially bent over with her naked butt pushed back towards Corey. He grabbed the showerhead down from its mount to test the water and when it was at a comfortable temperature put it back on its mount. Sharon felt the warm water cascade over her naked skin. It felt wonderful, but was nothing compared to the sudden touch of the lips on her butt. The billionaire dropped to his knees behind her and worked his mouth over the soaked skin of the rounded cheeks. He squeezed his hands onto them and spread them open to expose her and she groaned as the tongue flashed a touch over her asshole.


The hunger for more burst in Sharon and she pushed back against the touch on her tight hole. Corey wanted more than asshole though and traced his tongue lower until it was sliding along his new lover’s pussy lips. Sharon’s groans got louder when she felt a hand move around her body and seek out her clit as the tongue continued to probe against her wet pussy entrance. She squealed as she was finally opened up and the tongue slipped inside to lick on the soft skin. Corey’s fingers pressed into the folds of skin at the top of the pussy lips and found their mark and Sharon felt her legs weakening as the electric sensation of the touch on her clit sent a wave of pleasure coursing through her body. She closed her eyes at the sensual experience, with the rush of water over her naked body adding to the feel of the tongue burrowing deeper in her pussy and the fingers stroking on her clit.


As her excitement quickly mounted, Sharon lost control of her ragged breathing and felt her chest heaving strongly. Her knees buckled a little and she was suddenly struggling to hold herself up. She leaned forward further to press her head against the cubicle wall and let out a loud cry as the billionaire used her even harder. His tongue lapped at the wet pussy walls as it pushed deep and he rasped his fingers over clit. There was suddenly no holding back the exhilaration and it mounted to the edge of a climax. Sharon tensed as she felt herself tipping into orgasm and her muscles tightened. Corey didn’t let up the pressure on her body and as the tension released she was suddenly writhing and screaming as the orgasm took hold of her body and shook it. The tongue pushed deeper still and she could feel her pussy walls rippling around it. Her cries rang out as the pleasure continued to grow until she was swept to the shattering peak of her orgasm. Her legs finally did buckle and she couldn’t stop herself dropping to her knees. The tie tightened around her neck and she quickly had to push herself back to her feet again. The breath was rasping from her as the afterglow of the climax took hold, but she knew the experience of being dominated by the billionaire wasn’t over yet.


Corey stood and grabbed at Sharon’s hips to pull her back towards him. Having her tied up and under his control was a huge thrill and he eagerly pushed his solid erection onto her ass and forced it into the soft butt crease. He quickly started to rock his hips to stroke the underside of his cock over Sharon’s asshole and heard her squeal. The sound stirred his passion even more and he quickly worked his erection between her thighs. He teased the head along the pussy lips and gasped as he felt it touch onto the wet opening. He thrust forward strongly and groaned as the softness of pussy suddenly surrounded his shaft. The wetness helped him slide in easily and he didn’t stop until his body was grinding onto the soft rounded cheeks. He closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Sharon’s hips as he tried to force himself as deep in pussy as possible. His excitement suddenly spilled over to a frantic fuck and he couldn’t hold himself back as he began to thrust his cock in and out of the wet hole. His breathing became labored as he felt the pressure in his body growing out of control. The feel of his balls tightening up against his body showed how close he was getting to a release and he slowed his thrusts to try and hold himself back and keep the sex going. The exhilaration of the moment was just too much though and he groaned as he felt his cock twitch. Suddenly the cum was streaming out in a rush and he felt the power drain from his legs as the pleasure of the climax engulfed his body. He continued to thrust forward in a frenzy and splash more white inside Sharon. She pushed back to meet the thrusts and shuddered at the sensation of each strong jet filling her with cum. As his climax came to an end, Corey slowed his movements and he finally pulled out and sank to his knees. He reached forward to release the tie from Sharon’s neck and she dropped to the cubicle floor beside him. He then forced her to turn and kissed her under the cascade of water as the passion drained from their bodies.


“I kind of like this place,” he said teasingly when the kiss ended.


Sharon laughed. “And what exactly was the attraction that got your attention?”


Corey leaned forward and kissed her again. “Maybe we should see the last place before I tell you,” he said when the kiss finally broke. He released the belt from around Sharon’s wrists and when he stood reached out a hand to help her to her feet. They showered quickly and then found some towels to dry themselves. After they dressed Sharon quickly showed him the rest of the apartment, but she could see he was eager to leave and felt a flash of excitement at just exactly what he was planning for her at the next apartment. They finally left and made their way down to the sidewalk. Corey’s car was waiting and as they got into it Sharon looked at her watch. It was almost midday, with the next viewing arranged for 12.30.


“Tell the driver to step on it,” she said. “We only have thirty minutes to get across town to the next apartment.”


He grinned at her and she knew he was having dirty thoughts, but he did no more than lean forward and ask the driver to get them to their next destination as quickly as possible. The car sped across town and they arrived just after the arranged time of the viewing.


“I have asked the building superintendent to come and speak to you this time,” she warned as they stood in front of the building. “So behave yourself.”


“Who me?” Corey asked innocently with a grin. “I don’t know what you mean. I’m just expecting to view an apartment.”


“Uh huh,” said Sharon and warned him to behave himself again. They made their way indoors and found there were others waiting for the elevators. When the doors opened they stepped inside with a couple of other people and the ascent to their floor was completed in silence. They got out and made their way to the apartment and Sharon took the time to show Corey around the various rooms. “So which of the three apartments do you like best?” she asked once they were finished.


“We haven’t christened this one yet,” he teased and moved to pull her to a tight embrace. The kiss between them lingered, but Sharon pulled back as the knock on the door sounded.


“Saved by the superintendent again,” she said with a laugh and pulled free of the billionaire’s grip to go and answer the door. They chatted with the man for a few minutes and then he left. Like the first viewing Sharon didn’t close the door of the apartment after the superintendent was gone and stepped out to the hallway. Corey laughed as he followed her and after she locked the door walked with her to the elevators. This time as they stepped in the cramped space they were alone and the billionaire pulled Sharon to another tight embrace.


“Did you think you’d escaped my clutches?” he teased and Sharon felt her legs buckle a little as the lift came to a sudden stop. She pulled back and waited for it to start moving again, but then saw the grin on Corey’s face.


“What did you do?’ she asked, her eyes narrowing as she looked at the billionaire.


“I think I might have accidentally flicked the emergency stop button,” he said and the grin on his face grew wider.


“You’re crazy,” she said, but she felt the flicker in her pulse at the prospect of being under the billionaire’s control again. “We can’t do this…’ she gasped as Corey backed her up against a wall.


“I think we already are doing it,” he replied and leaned forward to press his mouth onto Sharon’s. She could feel the desire and excitement coming through in the caress of the lips onto hers and her chest started to heave. As Corey pushed his body forward she could feel the erection stiffening against her. Her sudden longing for it took her by surprise, but as the desire welled up in her body she pushed the billionaire back and dropped to her knees. As she grazed her fingertips along the outline of the cock she looked up.


“This really is crazy,” she said, but knew she wasn’t going to stop.


“I know, but isn’t it such a rush,” the billionaire replied and she could hear the exhilaration coming through in his voice. He looked down to watch as Sharon continued to caress her fingers onto him through his pants and started to encourage her to get it out. He shuddered as her fingers moved to the slider of the zipper and slowly teased it lower. When it was fully down she pushed fingers inside and worked them through the gap in the boxer shorts. She nuzzled against the hand that touched onto her cheek and felt the thrill of her fingers closing around the hardness. It twitched under her touch and she was suddenly desperate to see it and more. She pulled it out and gasped as it was exposed to her gaze again. She looked up at Corey and smiled before moving her head forward to touch the tip of her tongue on the head of the shaft. The taste of cock filled her mouth for the second time in a matter of hours and she eagerly licked at the small opening as the pre-cum seeped out. It made her want more and Sharon sucked the cock in her mouth and held it. She gazed up at Corey, but his eyes were closed as the bliss of the touch took hold. Without even looking he reached to grab a handful of Sharon’s hair and pulled her on to him so that his erection sank even deeper in the soft warmth of her mouth. She kept her tongue working around the shaft and tried to control her breathing as she was forced to take the full length and even then the billionaire thrust forward to try and force his cock further down her throat.

BOOK: Hot Billionaire Sex
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