Read Hot Billionaire Sex Online

Authors: Honey Taylor

Hot Billionaire Sex (11 page)

BOOK: Hot Billionaire Sex
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Stacey lifted her glass and took another sip of wine. “So show me the bathroom then,” she said. The bar owner fixed his gaze on her and Stacey felt the shiver that rippled along spine as she saw the expression on his face. She wondered if he was planning to make a move on her to go further than the kiss they shared in her office, but with his staff milling around the bar it obviously wasn’t possible. She wondered just how private the bathroom was and another shiver raked her spine as Ethan stood and held out his hand.


“The bathroom is this way,” he said and pulled Stacey to her feet. His hand moved to the small of her back again as he guided her in the right direction and the heat in Stacey’s body grew as they moved into the corridor that led to the bathroom. As they walked she was fully aware of the hand on her body and it slipped a little lower until it was sitting right at the top of her butt. Stacey could feel the beat of her pulse increasing as Ethan opened the door and guided her inside.


“So…” he asked.


Stacey stood gazing at him, suddenly flustered as the door closed and they were left completely alone. The idea of looking at the bathroom décor was suddenly the last thing on her mind, but she turned to look around. She gave a start as fingers suddenly brushed the hair away from her neck and she was all too aware of how close Ethan was behind her. He leaned forward and she shuddered at the gentle caress of the lips onto her neck. It was a sensation that always turned her on and she closed her eyes as the kisses teased onto the soft skin. Ethan worked his lips to her ear and nuzzled against the lobe, his arms moving around Stacey’s body to pull her closer. The warm touch of breath on her skin and the sound of the heavy breathing added to the moment and made her want more.


“I’ve wanted to hold you this close from the very first moment I saw you in the bar,” Ethan whispered softly in her ear.


The words and the sentiment brought out a slight gasp from Stacey and she again felt a shiver ripple along her spine. Ethan continued to nuzzle her ear, biting gently onto the lobe as he played. Stacey opened her eyes and looked down at the hands on her midriff. She reached to place her own hands on top of them and slowly guided them higher, feeling the hunger inside rise as the touch closed in on her breasts. It was such a turn on to feel her ear being teased as she pushed Ethan’s hands higher and another gasp escaped her lips as they moved over the swell of her breasts and squeezed onto them. Stacey pushed hard against the bar owner’s hands, urging him on to a more forceful touch and couldn’t hold back the low moan as the grip on her breasts tightened. Ethan’s lips moved back to her neck and teased the skin, the touch gentle and she could feel the gorgeous sensation of her skin fluttering.


Ethan slid his hands lower again and when they reached Stacey’s hips he grabbed tightly to turn her around. The sight of the billionaire’s gorgeous brown eyes staring intently at her stirred her emotions and she was quick to push forward into a kiss. The touch of the lips pushed the heat of the moment higher and Stacey wanted nothing more than to sink into the sensation. She kissed hard and felt Ethan respond as he forced his mouth onto her and pulled her close so that their bodies were tightly pressed together. The feel of the growing hardness between them was unmistakable and it was obvious how turned on the bar owner was getting. Stacey pushed herself against it and the sensation turned her on also as she could feel the erection coming fully alive.


When the kiss finally broke, Stacey found herself lost in the intense gaze of the dark brown eyes again. She suddenly wanted to give herself to the billionaire, body and soul and the thought of doing it made her shudder. “Lock the door,” she said.


Ethan grinned, but shook his head. “I like the risk of leaving it open,” he said. Stacey was powerless to stop him as he backed her up until her butt was pressed against the counter in front of the bathroom mirrors. The billionaire leaned forward into another kiss and pushed himself against Stacey, wanting to feel the touch of his erection on her body. She pressed back against him as the kiss intensified and worked her midriff against the hardness. Ethan finally worked his mouth lower and reached a hand to Stacey’s chin so that he could lift it and tease kisses onto her throat. He continued to move lower, quickly working his lips over the curve of her breasts and down to the hem of the t-shirt. He looked up with a grin and saw Stacey close her eyes as he lifted the powder blue material to caress a kiss onto the naked skin below. She pulled back at the electric sensation, but the lips followed and touched more forcefully onto her bare skin. Ethan pushed the bottom of the t-shirt higher, his lips following it up until he worked it over Stacey’s breasts. His hands worked onto the bra so that he could push the soft mounds together and he slid the tip of his tongue along the cleavage created.


The touch was gentle, but brought out a moan from Stacey as the longing for more mounted in her body. She pushed forward, eager for a rougher touch on her skin and her moan got louder as the tongue forced into her cleavage. Ethan reached fingers to the edge of a bra cup and yanked it down, exposing the hardening nipple and quickly worked his mouth to it. His tongue flicked at the soft skin around it and finally rasped over the hard bud. The sensation made Stacey shudder and she grabbed at the back of the billionaire’s head to pull him on to her harder. The tongue started to rasp more roughly on her nipple and her shivers intensified. Ethan finally sucked the nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. He kept his tongue working onto it and Stacey was swept up in the pleasure of the touch. The billionaire worked fingers to the other bra cup and tugged it down so that he could work from nipple to nipple and build the excitement. He pulled back a little and lifted his gaze. “Take it off,” he said.


Stacey wasn’t sure if he meant the t-shirt or bra and quickly took off both so that her upper body was naked. The kisses and touches onto her nipples continued and she reached for the back of the billionaire’s neck again, eager for the feel of his mouth on her breasts. He finally started to kiss lower and she could feel the fluttering of her skin as the soft touches moved down her body. Ethan dropped to his knees and worked kisses along the bare skin just above the waistband of the jeans. Stacey arched her back as the thrill of the moment took hold of her and her passion surged as the fingers started to fumble with the buttons of her jeans. They were slowly opened, one by one, the material falling away to reveal the panties below. The billionaire was quick to kiss onto them, his hands grasping at the legs of the jeans to try and pull them lower. The denim was slowly worked down the toned legs until the panties were completely exposed. Ethan moved back a little to work the jeans to Stacey’s ankles and when she stepped out of them she was left in only her heels and panties.


“You are so gorgeous,” the billionaire said as he looked up. He leaned forward to kiss onto the smooth skin of the toned thighs and pushed Stacey’s legs apart as he began to work the touch higher. She closed her eyes to take in the sheer enjoyment of the lips closing in on her panties, the soft inner skin of her thighs fluttering as the touch moved back and forward. Stacey felt her insides churning as the kiss moved onto her panties. Ethan sure knew how to make her feel good and she parted her legs wider as the lips pushed against her through the lacy material. The billionaire took the taste of his new lover in and it spurred his excitement. He moved back a little and traced fingers softly along the obvious outline of the pussy lips. His eyes fixed onto what he was doing and he touched more forcefully, feeling the pussy lips spread as he pushed the silky material in between. Stacey couldn’t hold back the moan. What was happening was more than a dream. The risk of public sex was something she’d never experienced, but knowing that the door of the bathroom was unlocked and that someone could walk in seemed to add to the experience of what was happening. It certainly seemed to be turning the bar owner on as his fingers pushed harder still against the wet material.


Stacey gasped as the touch was pulled back; only to find it being replaced by kisses as Ethan pushed forward to force his mouth onto the panties. He worked his tongue around the wet stain on the silky material and Stacey felt a surge of pleasure sweep through her body. This only increased as the billionaire’s hands reached for the top of the panties and he slid fingers underneath. The touch onto her naked skin was like an electric shock and Stacey shuddered hard as she felt the material being dragged lower. The kisses were suddenly working onto her naked skin and the sound of her moans filled the room at the touch of the tongue sliding along her pussy lips. Ethan quickly worked the panties down to Stacey’s ankles and helped her step out of them. Standing in only her heels for the billionaire to look at felt like the sexiest moment of her life and his eyes scoured every inch of her body before settling between her parted thighs.


“Get up on the counter,” Ethan said and put his hands to Stacey’s hips. She felt the cool caress of the tiled surface on her butt as the billionaire helped her up to sit on the counter and gasped as her knees were suddenly splayed wide. She was totally exposed and at the mercy of Ethan and felt her chest heaving as she waited for the touch. The breath rushed from her when it finally came, the tongue licking along her pussy lips forcefully to open them up. Stacey reached for the back of the billionaire’s head to pull him onto her as his tongue slipped inside her pussy. The touch was gorgeous, the tongue working in circles to touch every inch of her sex. She pulled her hands away from the head and leaned back to rest them on the cool, tiled surface. It allowed her to push forward against the touch and she groaned as the tongue worked deeper inside. Ethan lapped frantically at the wetness on the pussy walls, the taste driving him on to force his tongue in as far as he could. He felt Stacey pushing herself against him as she craved the touch.


Finally pulling back a little Ethan gasped for breath. He worked his fingers to the top of the pussy lips to flick the clitoris out of its hood and the sight of it drove his breathlessness away. He quickly leaned forward and touched the tip of his tongue onto the hard nub and Stacey’s hips bucked up from the counter top. “Do it again,” she moaned and her hips bucked up again as the tongue rasped across her clit. As he continued to work a touch onto the erect bud, Ethan moved his hand lower. His fingers slid over the silky skin until they were teasing around the slick pussy entrance and he could hear the harsh breathing of Stacey as she waited fro the penetration. He teased out the moment, building the anticipation to breaking point until she was sliding forward on the counter to try and get the fingers inside. She moaned when the fingertips finally spread her pussy lips and slid just inside. The touch onto her soft inner skin sent a rush of pleasure through her body and she pushed forward to get the fingers deeper. The billionaire gave her what she wanted and fucked his fingers all the way inside. It brought out a cry that rang around the room and Stacey suddenly wondered if anyone could hear. She tried to lower her voice, but the touch on her pussy and clit was driving her crazy and as the fingers started to pump in and out her excitement mounted. She leaned back against the mirror to just enjoy being used and let the thrill of what was happening sweep her towards a climax.


The sudden thought of the billionaire’s cock inside her filled Stacey’s mind and she leaned forward to grab Ethan’s head and try to pull him up. He was quick to stand when he sensed her urgency and her hands grabbed at his belt and pulled him forward. He looked down to see her fingers fumbling with the buckle and she finally managed to loosen it. Stacey’s hands slipped lower and she groaned as she touched onto the hardness through the pants. She slid her fingers along the outline of the erection, but her eagerness quickly spilled over into getting the cock into view. She released the button and zipper of the pants and pushed them lower. The cock pushed hard against the underwear and she reached for the waistband to pull the boxer shorts out of the way. Stacey gasped as the cock sprang into view, her fingers caressing onto it as her desire climbed. She worked a gentle touch along the full length, grinning as the cock twitched and jerked under her touch. Sliding her ass forward on the counter so that she was perched right on the edge, she grabbed at the erection and held it against her pussy lips. The touch felt gorgeous and she closed her eyes to enjoy it. She felt Ethan push his weight forward to force his cock onto her wet skin. He obviously wanted inside, but Stacey continued to just hold the hardness onto her pussy lips, building the anticipation until a desperation overwhelmed them.


Ethan pushed her hand away and grabbed at the base of his cock, so that he could stroke the tip along the slick pussy lips. He moved forward and when the tip touched onto the wet opening he pushed harder to let himself slide inside. The sound of his groan filled the bathroom as he stretched the pussy lips open and felt the head of his cock being enveloped by the softness. Stacey’s wetness helped him slide inside easily and as he pushed his hips forward he fucked his full length into her. Holding himself inside, the billionaire bent down into a kiss and Stacey felt her excitement surge. She wrapped her arms around Ethan’s head and held him in the kiss, giggling as he started to pull back as the thought of fucking into tight pussy filled his mind. She finally let him go and he rested his hands onto the tiled counter as he started to fuck himself at her. His eyes locked with hers as he built the momentum of his thrusts until his cock was driving into wet pussy hard and fast.

BOOK: Hot Billionaire Sex
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