Home (31 page)

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Authors: J.W. Phillips

BOOK: Home
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A bright beam of sunlight danced across her
face. Julie laid her arms across her groggy eyes to block out the
light. Still in a daze, she took in her surroundings. It startled
her to wake up in his room. She glanced up and saw Trucker sitting
at the foot of the bed already dressed for the day.

Oh gosh, how long has he been here
watching me sleep?
Suddenly, she felt unworthy of his
attention. He needed so much love, and she didn’t know how to give
it to him. All at once, he broke out in a breathtaking smile. His
beauty lit up the room almost as much as his smile lit up her

“You’re already up?” she asked, ducking her
head onto her chest.

He nodded his head with a slow steady yes.
“It’s one in the afternoon.”

“Crap, I’ve never slept this long.” She sat
up and stretched.

“It’s okay, sweetie. You were tired. How did
you sleep?”

“Great, I was in your arms.” She grinned.
“Come here.” She motioned with her finger for him to come hither.
In his unearthly blinding speed, he had her snuggled in his arms.
She let out a startled breath. “Will I ever get use to your

“I hope you get use to all of my tricks. I
plan on spending so much time with you, that you don’t even notice
anymore?” His voice rumbled in his chest and vibrated throughout

“I’d like that.”

“I like you. What do you want to do today?”
Trucker asked.

“No more monsters?”

“The only monster you have to deal with today
is me.” He pushed his hand through his hair. “However, being a
monster, I can think of a few things I would like to do today,” he
said, and brushed a finger down her neck, between her breasts, and
circled around her belly button.

Julie sighed. Trucker still seemed almost
unreal to her. Nobody should be that appealing. She scratched the
light stubble covering his jawline. Noting how the light smattering
of facial hair only added to his inconceivable beauty. “You’re
beautiful,” she whispered.

“Beautiful,” he repeated and laughed. “Is
that what I am?”

She simply nodded.

He rolled over on top of her, pinning her
under him. “I thought I was more manly than beautiful.” He
emphasized his point by pushing his groin onto her leg. She gasped.
“But, maybe, I need to prove that point.”

The heat in his eyes made Julie’s insides
warm. The thought of all those incredibly striking women or beasts
or whatever last night; each trying to outdo the other with the
hopes of gaining a sliver of Trucker’s attention.

“You can have any of those women there last
night. Why me?”

He hooked a finger in the waistband of her
pants. “I’ve had half the women there.” He dragged his finger
across her belly. “This is what I want.”

“I can’t compete with them.”

“Angel, you give me a thousand times more
than they can ever dream of giving anyone. There is no

“I want to taste you?” Julie asked, and
leaned up to chastely kiss his lips.

“Do I look edible?” he replied.

Julie started unbuttoning his shirt, and
trailing a line of kisses along his breastbone. He had not expected
that. He was thinking she wanted to taste his blood. She had other
things on her mind.

She pushed the shirt off his shoulders, and
continued to kiss down his body. She forced him to roll over onto
his back, and started to lick over each tight ripple of his
stomach. When her hands found his jeans, she unsnapped them and
pulled the zipper down. She trembled. He caressed her shoulder.

“My love, you don’t have to do this.”

She didn’t respond. She tugged his jeans down
and Trucker lifted his hips enough for Julie to yank them down his
legs until they were lying in a heap on the floor. Julie lightly
stroked his cock. She had never seen one in person, much less,
touched one. It was softer than she imagined but also hard at the
same time. The feel was not what grabbed her attention. He was
huge. She couldn’t wrap her hand completely around it. No way was
that thing ever going to be able to fit in her. “Truck, you’re

“I was made to fuck, not make love to sweet
little virgins.” He raised her chin so she had to look at him.
“I’ll go easy, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

She nodded and begun to kiss her way up his
muscular legs. “Porn star huge,” she whispered, lightly.

He raised up on his elbows and smiled at her.
“My baby watches porn?”

She turned blood-red at the embarrassment of
admitting she had occasionally watched porn. “With Tori. She finds
it appealing,” Julie whispered and held her head down as she slowly
started to stroke her hand up and down his already harden cock.

“My Angel watches porn. Anything else you
enjoy doing with Tori while you watched this porn?” he asked and
tried to laugh but the feel of her hand running down his cock made
it hard to think of anything else.

She shook her head and lowered it until her
mouth hovered over his penis. Sliding him in her mouth until the
head of his cock brushed the back of her throat, she peeked up at

“Fuck, Angel,” Trucker breathed unsteadily.
“Fuck.” He tugged at her hair, only making Julie more determine to
drive him crazy.

She flicked her tongue over the sensitive
flesh of the tip of his impressive penis. His body started
trembling under her touch. She paused. “It hurts. My touch hurts.”
She felt tears form. “You can’t enjoy me because it hurts.”

Trucker clasped his hands around her
shoulders and drug her up his hard body. “No baby, it feels
perfect. Too damn perfect. It doesn’t hurt because . . .”

“I’m sinning.”

“No baby, that’s not it . . . My body
registers you as mine. I’m trying everything possible not to rip
your throat open and bond with you, here and now.”

Julie was the one who suddenly couldn’t stop
trembling. He held her tight against him. “As much as this is the
greatest moment of my life, I need to get you home before we both
do something we regret.” He kissed the top of her head as she
buried her face onto his chest. “Just a few more days, and if you
still want this, I won’t stop either one of us.”




Once they were finally in the comfort of her
home, they snuggled on the couch and watched the game with her dad.
Julie’s body was still in hyper-mode from what had transpired that
day in Trucker’s room. Every time he moved, her body jumped in
anticipation. Trucker acted oblivious to the fact she had his dick
shoved in her mouth earlier. Instead he seemed to have had a heavy
My sweet monster, you are so temperamental. What could be
bothering you now?
She combed her fingers through his hair.
Don’t think
just enjoy being

It got late and as much as Julie wanted the
day to never end, she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. She
kissed him good night and bypassed a bath. She couldn’t deny the
call of her bed any longer. She curled around her pillow and laid
there going over everything in her head. She felt Trucker’s cool
body slide in the bed next to her. Julie’s leg wrapped around his
as their bodies molded into one.

“Please, make love to me,” Julie said as a
tear slid down her cheek. She wasn’t sure why but she needed to
feel him consume her. The last few days, she wanted to crawl under
his skin and become one with him. The thought he didn’t feel the
same placed a small crack in her oversensitive heart.

“Angel, don’t,” he whispered and traced over
the shell of her ear with his nose. “I want too,” he said and
pushed his hard-on against the crack of her ass. “I’ve been so
fucking hard since this afternoon, it hurts. Not tonight. I want
you to have a clear head when I make you mine forever.”

“Please,” she pleaded and rubbed her ass
against his manhood.

“As much as I love you being my little sex
kitten, I know right now what you crave is not sex but my

“What,” Julie squealed as she rolled over to
look at him.

“Think about it, baby, when did you become so
desperate to sleep with me?”

She shrugged her left shoulder.

“After you tasted my blood. You want this as
much as me, and sweet Angel, as soon as this weekend is over, I
will gladly give it to you. Now give me your bracelet,” he said and
held his hands out, wiggling his fingers.

She didn’t question him, simply unsnapped it
and placed it in his hand.

“My love, sleep, and remember I will always
love you.”

As she drifted off into dreamland, she felt
his breath getting hotter on her face.

“I’m sorry, I have no choice,” he whispered
so softly into her ear, and kissed the corner of her mouth. “I love
you more than you can imagine,” were the last words she heard.

Chapter 18


Julie awoke in a cornfield, unsure of how she
even found herself there. Her last memory was of Trucker holding
her in bed. But if this was a dream, it was unlike any she’d ever
had before. Her dreams were usually in the abstract. Not this one,
if it was even a dream at all. Every surface felt life-like, her
emotions were on edge, it was almost too real. She walked along a
row of corn stalks realizing it was a maze. She was lost. Every
corner she made only brought more twist and turns. She felt alone,
when suddenly she turned and came upon their secret pond. The wind
blew, pushing flowers petals throughout the air. She could smell
his distinguished scent as if he were breathing the very air she
was inhaling. The sounds of wildlife filled the meadow. A deer
nudged her back with its nose. The wind came to a sudden stop as
the animals ran from some unseen predator. Her fairytale vanished.
She saw him, stepping out from the shadows. His size distorted. He
was larger than his normal six foot five frame. His shirt was
unbuttoned and flapped in the wind to make room for his bulging
chest muscles. The snap on his painfully tight pants was undone. He
was beautiful. She slowly walked to him. His face was exquisite but
hard. The crease between his eyes was deep. His perfectly shaped
lips were twisted. His skin shined like an incandescent pearl, and
was alive with a thousand swirling veins. She reached out for his
hand. He harshly wrapped his hand around hers. Hate, pain, and
anger washed over her, smothering her with despair. The fire in her
stomach churned. Darkness twisted through her veins like acid. She
wanted to claw them out as the pain seared her body, anything to
ease the torment. She hadn’t known such misery could exist. She
wanted to protect her mind, reject the pain, but her heart needed
to be with him. She held his hand in hers and traced the crawling
veins with her fingertips. The heat from his skin burned through
her. She started turning his hand over to examine the beauty of his
skin. The closer she got to him the more her stomach burned. She
felt as if she would self-combust any moment. She needed to feel
that misery, wanted to feel his anguish. She closed the gap between
them, touching his body with hers. The electrical sparks coming off
of him was maddening. She put her head on his chest.

Julie heard a loud, ear piercing scream. The
sound was coming from her, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. She
writhed and fell from the bed to the floor. Her body was suffering
and felt like it was going to explode. She couldn’t open her eyes
as hot hands restrained her. Until, she heard the smooth lyrical
voice of Larry Castleman. Evil itself was holding her down.

“Julie, it’s over. You’re awake now.” His
voice was calming, but the blackness kept sweeping over her body,
wave after wave of pain.

“No,” Julie screamed in the most agonizing
voice. The pain was unreal. It felt as if she was being burned
alive. The price of sin was high, and her kind-hearted monster
carried it with him every day.

“Don’t embrace the pain, it’s not meant for
you. You’re just a human, let it go,” Larry said, almost too

“It hurts,” she screamed.

“I know. Trucker will be here as soon as he
can.” The sound of his name brought another wave of fire that
seared through her. The screaming that escaped her throat was
piercing. She didn’t even recognize her own voice.

“Sweetie, it’ll be okay,” came from a new
voice. It was the voice of his wonderful mother, Catherine.
Although it was comforting that Catherine was there, Julie’s body
and mind were so overwhelmed with misery she could do nothing but
lay there with Larry’s burning hands trying to hold her.

“Get the hell off her.” Julie heard her
monster. She felt herself being pulled up to Trucker’s scorching
body. Trucker rocked her in an unwavering embrace. “Julie, it’s
over . . . I love you, Angel. Come back to me.”

The tears, his tears were cooling her body.
The pain slowly subsided. She heard them talking, but couldn’t make
out any words.

“Trucker,” slipped from her lips.

“Yes, Angel.”

She was slowly coming back to reality, and
pulled at his shirt trying to sit up. The button from his shirt
popped off into her hand. The shirt he was wearing in her

“It really was you?” Her voice was barely
above a whisper.

“Yeah, that’s the real me.” The regret in his
voice sent another wave of fire through her body. Her body went
numb, and everything went black.

Her next memory was the most agonizing sound,
his snarl, a deep, wild roar that rang with fury.

“She’s coming to, baby,” Catherine said
reassuring Trucker.

“Son, your mom went through this. Catherine
will be there for her.” Larry’s voice was still calm and smooth.
Trucker’s growl was louder and more menacing.

“Stop,” Julie heard herself scream, but she
was still unaware of speaking. Trucker’s hand went to her face. The
heat from his skin was blistering. She flinched thinking about the
searing inferno burning in her mind.

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