Holiday Sparks (6 page)

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Authors: Taryn Elliott

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Holiday Sparks
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A little of the cocky swagger faded as he changed course and slid out the back of the tree. “I hope I change your mind about Christmas at the same time.”

She followed him. The moment was lost. Because of her. But this was about business and she had to remember that. “What do I need to do?”

“I’ll head back up the ladder. Why don’t you work on the bottom branches? I’ve got it sectioned off into four.” He handed her the notebook and climbed the ladder with an armful of the retro lights.

She’d been doing grids for displays for years. This would be easy. She hoped.

She pushed back her sleeves and wished for a t-shirt like Ben. Of course the entire store was clothes. It wouldn’t hurt her budget too much to buy a t-shirt. “Let me just run and get something I can move in.”

Hurrying through the store to the women’s department, she snagged a shirt and, on impulse, her favorite brand of jeans. She needed a new pair anyway. After checking out and a quick change she headed back to the front end. Jaime met her at the jewelry counter.

“Look at you. All sexy and sassy.”

Darcy frowned. “Jeans and a t-shirt is sexy and sassy?”

“They are when you have legs like that. How is it that you have legs up to your ears anyway?”

“Don’t pout, you get to be tiny and dainty. I’m the Amazon.”

“Yeah, well Wonder Woman was an amazon and that worked out for her.”

She pulled her ponytail over her shoulder and smoothed the pin-straight strands. “Yeah, that’s me.” Nine hours of work left her hair limp and lifeless. No matter what product she put in it, it still ended up lying like a limp dishrag by the end of her shift. And she still had another six to eight hours to go.

“You are,
. It’s going to be a long day. Are you sure you’re going to be okay with him after closing. All alone?”

“Yes. I’m not worried about that.”

Jaime’s eyebrow lifted. “Oh?”

“He’s perfectly safe.”

“Safe enough for stubble burn and lips that look like they were chewed on?”

“Jaime,” she said with a groan.

“What? I know the look of a woman well loved. Just be careful, love. That boy has the kind of grin that will make a woman forget how to keep her panties on.”

“I thought you wanted me to live a little? Didn’t you just tell me to enjoy him a few hours ago?”

“I did. I’m sort of shocked that you actually took my advice.”

She was too. But nothing about the last day and a half had been normal. Ben was right, it felt good to be a little bad. When had she ever kissed a man impulsively? Heck, she usually had to go out with someone at least a few times before she even entertained the idea of a kiss, let alone crawled in a man’s lap.

“I’ve been with men like him. Fun is what you need.”

Darcy could feel her face flaming. “I’m not going to do anything stupid.”

“I want you to do something stupid. Something fun and stupid with lots of orgasms,” Jaime said on a whisper. “But I also know how overwhelming a sexy guy can be. My Michael got me into tons of trouble.”

“Ben’s…” Well, she had certainly taken a chance kissing the stuffing out of him under the tree, but that was it. She wouldn’t be careless. She didn’t know how to be careless. “Ben’s here to do a job.”

“He’s going to do a job on you. Enjoy it and I want details.”

Darcy sighed. “I’ve got to get back.”


She quickened her step, faltering when she caught sight of him on the ladder, his upper half buried in the tree. She could do this. He was just a guy. Even if he was a guy who loved Christmas.

* * * * *


They worked together well. Darcy took direction and had an innate ability to find the most efficient way to do things. He could see why she’d been promoted through the ranks. By the time the store was preparing for closing they had the tree wired up and he had a tentative circuit to try out.

Next to her boss, Darcy seemed positively friendly and warm. When Miriam had come out to check on them the laughing Darcy had disappeared. Within two minutes she was back to the remote woman he was used to. The woman he hoped to banish again before the night was over.

The chattering Tiffany tried to stay after her shift, but the nighttime supervisor for the cashiers put the kibosh on that. Fortunately the girl left before he could use a string of garland to strangle himself. He was used to dealing with people in his line of work, but a tat took three hours to do at most. Seven hours of Tiffany was too much for any man to take.

And the fact that Darcy took a little too much joy in the torture left him eager to work some payback into their evening. The store emptied out and they were more than halfway finished with the swags of decorations for the registers before the last employee left. These would be on a separate channel to play on a loop from one register to the next as programmed songs came through the sound system.

He was anxious to try it out. Now if only Darcy didn’t fill out a damn pair of jeans as if they’d been made for her he’d be further along with the register setups. She slid behind him, her chest brushing against his back as she reached for the edge of a wreath.

“Sorry, can’t quite…”

He turned into her, making sure his chest slid across hers as he reached for it. He unhooked it from the plastic L-bracket. “Is this what you need?”

The soft skin of her underarm brushed against his. She was so pale, dusted with toffee-colored freckles on every inch. Every inch that he was more than willing to explore. A night of counting her freckles would be a welcome project. Instead of backing off, she moved into him, her thigh sliding between his so denim whispered against denim. He rather liked having a woman line up with him. There was something to be said for a tiny woman to make a man feel big and powerful, but this way? This woman with her surprising curves?

In dress clothes she looked tall and professional, even a little untouchable. In a pair of jeans she was miles of curves and mouthwatering temptation. He groaned as she lifted her knee and bumped his balls lightly.

“You’re not playing fair.” He glanced up to the black orbs in the ceiling that probably had video cameras going at timed intervals. He’d like nothing more than to boost her onto the counter and find out whether she was a pretty bra type or she had a no-nonsense kind that would hold up to a day’s work.

He didn’t know which one would turn him on more.

And there lay madness.

She wasn’t his usual type of woman. She was softer in some ways, but still there was something about how she held herself away from people that made her even more intriguing. She was stiff and formal with her employees. She seemed to relax only around Jaime. She watched everything. He wasn’t sure if she was taking it all in or cataloging it for dissection and an efficiency overhaul.

And she liked to watch him.

He’d felt her gaze on him all night.

And he’d been half hard since they’d been locked under the tree together.

She batted long, light lashes at him. “Were there rules? I wasn’t aware of any.”

He growled, hovering an inch from her mouth. Her makeup had faded away long ago and he found that he liked her fresh face. More freckles had bloomed along the ridge of her nose and cheeks. Hell, they were all over her. Even on her lips.

Yeah, he wanted to count them, wanted to paint her entire body with his tongue to see just which ones would line up with spots that made her sigh or moan. His buttoned-up and remote landlady was missing again. In her place was a woman he wanted to get to know in every way possible.

“Maybe there should be,” she said softly. “Maybe I’m not ready for someone like you.”

He searched her face. The tension that had bowed tight between them snapped like a frayed rubber band. “Someone like me?”

“I can count the number of men I’ve been with on one hand.”

He arched a brow. “What makes you think I can’t do the same thing?”

She leaned against the cubicle-like structure that walled in the registers and folded her arms. Arctic Darcy was back.

“Okay, so maybe I’ve had a few more relationships than that. But whatever this is, it’s just us. It’s different than any other thing between anyone else we’ve been with because it’s us.”

She relaxed, letting her arms drop before taking his hand. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just… Well, it’s been a while. I work a lot and I don’t like to mix work with…” She trailed off. “I’m not saying any of this right.” She stepped into him, again her knee nestled between his. “I like this feeling. I want more of it. Does it have to be complicated?”

He shook his head. It didn’t have to be. He’d hit the mother lode with this woman. Incredibly sexy and she wanted to just see where it went. No pressure. He brushed her cheek with his, the corners of their mouths touching briefly. “Let’s get this done and I’ll show you just how uncomplicated and fun I can be.”

She drew in a shuddering breath. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

Unfortunately the close quarters made for creative ways for each of them to torture the other. And he found that he liked tacking up lights for the camera and behind the counter he found ways to brush against her, smooth his palm along her ass, tangle up their legs until she was giggling around him.

He liked her laugh.

Wanted more of it.

Wanted to taste it even more.

By the time they finished the registers he was so wound up he was ready to drag her off to a corner and kiss her until breathing was optional. They agreed to take a break since he had to test the circuits he’d created and he needed to connect the control pad to the program he wrote. She brought him back to the furniture section and he spread out on one of the coffee tables.

Hip-deep in code, he didn’t realize how long she’d been gone until the quick shock of cold on his neck made him flinch. She held out a bottle of soda with a knowing grin. “How’s it going, genius?”

“Almost got it.”

“Good, because you’ve been poring over this for an hour.”

“Oh shit. Really?”

She nodded and covered her mouth as a huge yawn overtook her. “Definitely. It’s after midnight.”

He stretched his arms out and gathered everything. “I think we’re good to give it a try.”

She took his mini-laptop and left him with the circuit boards. “Let’s get going.”


Darcy caught herself mid-yawn again. She’d worked on a few outstanding displays she never seemed to have enough time for during her regular shift but kept an eye on Ben. He was focused—frowning over his screen, pushing back his hair, jamming his pencil between his teeth. Very distracting.

He looked massive and yet somehow comfortable on the floor. With all his bulky muscles, he was oddly graceful. And more than able to sit in one spot without moving. He didn’t have a fidgety nature, which was probably key since he had to hold weird positions for long blocks of time as a tattoo artist. She couldn’t stop staring at his long, graceful fingers.

And that was the path to destruction.

Every time he touched her, she wanted more.

She’d never been a sexual creature before, but around him she couldn’t stop thinking about just what he could do with those artist hands. And maybe he was right. Whatever she’d done and whomever she’d been with before—it wasn’t Ben.

It was a heady feeling.

And downright hard to define. She was used to meeting someone, dating, waiting at least a few weeks before she thought about taking a man to bed. With Ben, all she could think about was getting him against any available flat surface. After that kiss earlier, she could only imagine what he’d do if he was focused on her with unlimited space and time.

Just her and just him.

“So tell me, Darcy. Why oh why do you hate Christmas?”

“Do we really need to go over that again?”

“Yep. Because I’m about to make you love it. And I want to know why it sucks so hard in your opinion.”

“Making it beautiful won’t make it less of a pain in the butt. I’ve never really been all that into it. My mom always worked through the holiday. And for her, Christmas was her only day off. It was hard to celebrate when she was so exhausted. So it just became another day. And then I started working retail, and that was all she wrote.”

“But wouldn’t it be the day to celebrate that you got to spend time with your mom?”

“She was so exhausted she usually slept most of the day.”

He frowned. “You didn’t leap on her bed with bouncing blonde pigtails and demand to see what Santa brought you?”

She stopped a few feet away from the front of the store. “Santa made a really small pit stop at my house, and when I figured out he didn’t exist, well…I couldn’t see making my mom spend unnecessarily on me.”

She hadn’t meant to say so much.

What was it about Ben Hartley that made her do things that were so out of character? He didn’t need to know her sob story. What a way to kill the mood. He moved into her space and she froze. Now he was going to feel sorry for her. She was asking for a night alone the way she was going.

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