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Authors: Ciana Stone

Holdin' On for a Hero (49 page)

BOOK: Holdin' On for a Hero
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“Where?” She would not take his hand, but crossed her arms in front of her chest defensively.

“No questions. I have a theory I want to check out.”

“A theory on what?”

“Come with me and find out.”

For a moment she considered saying no. She was not at all sure about Konnor Chase. His moods swings were so rapid and unpredictable. She didn’t know what to expect from one moment to the next. There was also her apprehension over the attraction she felt for him. She was sure it was unhealthy because he scared her, and to be attached to someone you were afraid of had to be a danger sign.

But she didn’t have the will to say no. The part of her that was drawn to him was stronger than her own good sense. Finally she nodded, but still didn’t take his hand.

They left the house and got back in his car. Finally she realized where they were going. Why, she could not imagine, but she didn’t question him about it.

He pulled around behind the martial arts school and opened the rear entrance. The room was totally devoid of light as there were no windows. Senna stepped inside and stopped. She heard the door close behind her then there was complete silence. She didn’t know if Konnor was standing beside her, behind her, or across the room.

The overhead lights made her eyes wince as they came on. Konnor was standing across the room. “Come on,” he gestured to her.

She followed him to his office. He rumbled around in the closet for a few moments then turned with a pair of cotton pants and a T-shirt in his hand. “Change into this.” He handed her the clothes. “The locker room’s on the right down the hall.”

She took the clothes and went to the locker room. The pants had a drawstring waist so she was able to get them tight enough they wouldn’t fall off, but they were so long she had to roll them up several times to keep from tripping. The T-shirt was almost too tight but she got it on. She wished she had been wearing something besides pantyhose under her dress but at least the outfit was black.

“In here,” she heard him from the workout hall as she exited the locker room. Heading in his direction, she stopped cold when she saw him. He was wearing a pair of cotton pants like the ones she wore, but his chest was bare.

Heat rushed to her face and she averted her eyes. “Come on,” he directed.

Taking a deep breath she walked to him. He seemed even larger than before. “Do what I do,” he said.

She mirrored his position and he executed a move. She shook her head. “I can’t do that.”

He whirled and struck out at her so fast that she didn’t have time to think. Her body reacted instinctively. To her utter amazement her arm came up and blocked his punch, and her leg shot up and out, making contact with the side of his face with a loud smack.

He hardly seemed to feel the blow but his face registered surprise. Senna was in complete shock. She could not believe what she had just done. “Again,” he said and came at her.

Time after time he moved in on her using different techniques and each time she executed either an evasive maneuver or blocked his attack and counter with one of her own. She didn’t understand how she could be doing it. It was as if her body was acting of its own accord.

After an hour they were both wet with sweat but still he didn’t let up. Neither of them had spoken in all that time. Finally she held up her hand. “No more.”

He ignored and attacked. Once more she blocked his initial attack. But this time he deflected her counter-attack and a moment later she was pinned beneath him on the floor. The feel of his muscular body on hers, his masculine smell and his breath warm in her face was more than she could take.

Konnor looked down into her eyes and she knew she was going to make a fool of herself if he didn’t move. Already her body was responding. She felt damp warmth between her legs that had nothing to do with sweat, and her heart was beating double-time.

“What other talents are you hiding?” he asked softly.

She shook her head, struggling to control her defiant body. “Please,” she gasped as he continued to pin her to the floor.

His face tightened in what appeared to be anger and for a moment she thought he was going to hurt her. Then he lowered his face to hers and claimed her lips in a kiss of savage passion.

The reasonable part of her mind screamed for her to resist, to fight. But the hunger was too strong and she returned the kiss with equal need. He pulled her into a standing position without ending the kiss then drew back.

She looked into his eyes and saw the fire inside him. He took hold of the neck of her shirt and ripped it down the center in one move. She gasped slightly as his hands moved to her breasts but didn’t break the contact of their eyes. His hands moved lower, untying the cord that held the cotton pants around her waist. They fell down around her ankles and she stepped out of them.

Konnor’s eyes traveled down her body and she tensed, afraid that his desire for her would wane. When his eyes met hers again, she inhaled sharply at the intensity on his face.

Tentatively she reached out and ran her hand across the tense muscles of his chest, then down his body to the drawstring of his pants. One tug and the knot was free. Leaning closer she kissed his chest, then pushed his pants down his hips, lowering her body so that her mouth traced down the center of his abdomen. As her tongue flicked at the tip of his erection a sharp intake of breath made her look up.

He wound one hand in her long hair and pulled her to her feet for a searing kiss. She groaned in her throat as his hand moved between her legs, stroking and probing. As if enflamed by the sound, he kissed her more roughly and rammed his fingers inside her. She felt a moment of panic but it was quickly drowned out by the hunger and she moved against his questing fingers.

His lips left hers and he looked into her eyes. With his hand still tangled in her hair he pulled her head back sharply. She arched back to relieve the pressure and his mouth descended on her breast. She cried out as he bit lightly on one nipple, but it was a cry of pleasure.

Forcing her to the floor, he released her hair and spread her legs, kneeling between them. She thought he would enter her but instead he lowered his lead, forcing her legs wider. “I want all of you,” he said in a rough voice.

She writhed against him as he lapped at her folds. A swelling sensation began inside her and she arched against his mouth. Just as she thought she would explode, he rose and positioned himself between her legs so that he was sitting back on his heels. She cried out as he pulled her forward, impaling her on his erection. She tried to pull him forward on top of her, but he held her in place, wrapping her legs around his waist.

She felt like a bow, drawn taut and quivering with need. Konnor took her right hand and guided it to the damp patch of hair at the junction of her thighs. She felt among the damp curls to where the tiny knot waited and moved her fingers on it.

Konnor watched, moving inside her in measured strokes. When her body began to quiver with impending release, he drove deep inside her, hard and fast. Senna screamed in pleasure and pushed herself up so that she was straddling him. With rapid strokes she rode him, her breasts rubbing against his chest as her hands clutched his strong shoulders.

Konnor groaned and shuddered as her inner muscles contracted rapidly with her orgasm. She held on to him, wanting the moment to last forever. At last it subsided and she leaned into him, feeling the pounding of his heart against her chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close for a long time then drew back and looked into her eyes.

She didn’t know what to say. She had never experienced an orgasm while making love and it was more than she had ever imagined. In a sense, it was her first time. “Thank you,” she said, running her hand along the side of his face.

He gave her a puzzled look and she blushed. He turned her face up and looked at her with an unspoken question. “I didn’t know that’s what it felt like,” she admitted.

Puzzlement turned to confusion then realization on his face in rapid succession. “You never…”

She flushed deeper and shook her head. For a moment he just looked at her in surprise, then he kissed her gently and stood, picking her up in his arms.

Taking her to the locker room, he turned on the shower and stepped under the water, letting her feet touch the floor, but keeping her pressed against him. She closed her eyes, turned her face up to the water, letting it pour down over her hot skin. Then she opened her eyes and looked up at him. He smiled and picked her up, letting her circle his waist with her legs.

She was surprised when she felt him hard and ready, but more than willing to accept him inside her. When the water turned cold neither of them acknowledged it. The heat of their passion was enough to keep them warm.




Chapter Five

Monday Morning

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


The words on the typed page in front of her were meaningless—her mind was not on work. Senna couldn’t concentrate on grading papers. All she could think about was Konnor.

What had happened between them Saturday was something she had never expected. Even now she could hardly believe that it had happened to her. She had always been very conservative, very careful in her sexual relations. She was not one to throw caution to the wind, much less the kind of woman who would abandon all reserve and behave so wantonly.

Her skin grew hot as she remembered—making love on the floor of the workout hall, in the shower pressed against the tiled wall, in the locker room. Night had passed in an orgiastic fantasy come to life that would have continued if a student hadn’t knocked on the front door when he arrived to do the cleaning.

She had hidden in Konnor’s office while he admitted the student. By the time he returned to his office, she was dressed and suddenly very self-conscious. She wanted to leave but had no transportation. He offered to let her take his car and come back for him later, or take a nap on the couch in his office while he taught the morning class.

She opted for borrowing his car until she reached the door to the reception area and heard Ryan’s voice. Then she changed her mind. The last thing she wanted was to run into Ryan, especially after having spent the night with Konnor.

She tried to sleep while the class was in progress, but had no luck. All she could do was think about Konnor and the way she felt when they made love. She had never experienced anything like it, and it was almost like sampling a highly addictive drug. One dose and you’re hooked.

Konnor drove her home after the class ended and said he would call her later. She showered and curled up on the bed to take a nap and woke to the sound of the phone. Hoping it was Konnor, she grabbed it before the voice mail could pick up.

Nolan Weston, a colleague from Fermilab was calling. He was traveling to Atlanta for a meeting and had booked an early flight so that he could lay over in Charlotte one night. He wanted to talk to her about something he felt she could help with, and said it was urgent. She tried to get him to tell her what it was, but he would not discuss it over the phone. All he would tell her was that he had quit Fermilab and was working on a secret project. Her curiosity was piqued and she tried to get more out of him. He promised to fill her in when they met. She agreed to meet him at his hotel.

Now she wondered why Konnor hadn’t called.
Maybe he’s sorry it happened,
she considered. Doubts rose, multiplied, and strangled her. She felt as though she was being drowned by them. Panic began to take hold

“Stop it!” she scolded herself aloud. She had to stop thinking about it, to shut off the feelings. That was what scared her the most. She had never felt about anyone the way she did about Konnor and it was as frightening as anything she had ever experienced. Not even the black hole in her memory was as terrifying.

She jumped when her phone rang, then snatched it up, heart pounding. “Dr. Laserian.” She did her utmost to sound normal.

“Where’ve you been?” Ryan demanded.

She didn’t respond and for a time there was silence on the line. “You there?” he finally asked.


“You want to talk?”

“About what?”

“About why you ran out on me the other night.” He sounded hurt. “I think you owe me an explanation.”

“Do I?” She heard the coldness in her voice and didn’t care.

There was another long silence before he spoke. “Are you free for lunch?”

“I’ll be out of class at half-past-twelve.”

“I’ll pick you up.”

“No, I’ll meet you. Black Oak Grille. A quarter ‘til one.”

“I’ll be there.”

Without saying goodbye, she hung up the phone and gathered what she needed for her first class. Just as she reached the door, she stopped and turned around to pick up the phone and make a call.

“Yes?” Ian Drake answered his private line.

“Hi, Ian. It’s Senna. I’ve decided to continue. I want to try the regression again. When can I see you?”

“Hold on…” There was a brief pause. “I’m booked the rest of the day. Unless you want to come this evening.”

“No, I don’t want to interrupt your free time.”

BOOK: Holdin' On for a Hero
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