Hockey: Not Your Average Joe (31 page)

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Treasurer Hockey opening the Sydney G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, which ran from 22–23 February 2014, with a discussion on global economy.

Treasurer Joe Hockey with his G20 ministerial colleagues in Sydney, 22 February 2014. Pictured left to right: Chancellor Osborne (UK), Deputy Prime Minister As
(Japan), Secretary-General Gurria (OECD), Vice President Rehn (European Commission), Treasurer Hockey.

Joe stands at the despatch box in the House of Representatives to deliver his first Budget on 13 May 2014. Melissa (dressed in white) and son Xavier, look on from the back row (second and third from right) on the floor of parliament. (Courtesy David Foote/Auspic)

Joe being congratulated by his Prime Minister following the Budget speech. Pictured from left to right are: Julie Bishop, Christopher Pyne, Tony Abbott and Ian Macfarlane. (Courtesy David Foote/Auspic)

First published 2014 by University of Queensland Press

PO Box 6042, St Lucia, Queensland 4067 Australia

[email protected]

© Madonna King

This book is copyright. Except for private study, research, criticism or reviews, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher.

Cover design by Luke Causby

Cover photograph by Jeremy Simons

Typeset in 12.5/16 pt Bembo by Post Pre-press Group, Brisbane

Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group

National Library of Australia cataloguing-in-publication data is available at


978 0 7022 5014 9 (pbk)

978 0 7022 5260 0 (epdf)

978 0 7022 5261 7 (epub)

978 0 7022 5262 4 (Kindle)

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