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potential leadership spill 190–6

HSBC Bank 111

Hughes, Billy 67

Hughes, Michael 39

Humphrey, Dick 111

Humpty Dumpty organisation 214–15

Hunters Hill 32, 92, 96–7, 191, 225, 285

Hurd, Gale Anne 78

Hurley, Peter 145

Iemma, Morris 185

Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) 73

Indonesia 284

industrial relations 175–89

Institute of Economic Affairs 244

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 283

International Women’s Day 255

Iran 27

Irbid 12–13

the Irgun 11–12

Israel 27

Jackman, Terry 145

Jaffa 9

Jeanes, Susan 102

Jerusalem 5, 8, 9, 10–12

Jocelyn, Bill 69–72, 74, 83

John Stuart Mill Society 102

The Johnsonian

Jones, Alan 223

Jones, Paula 35

Jones, Peter 35

Joyce, Barnaby 259

JP Morgan 287–8

Kahramanian, Vache 166

Kaine, Trevor 61

Kearney, David 32–3

Kearns, Phil 215

Keating, Paul 58, 93, 178, 239, 303

Kelly, Gail 285

Kelly, Jackie 93, 95, 201

Kelly, Phillip 354

Kenya 67

Kirk, Andrew 210, 224, 228, 262–3

Knight, Minna 182, 183, 187

Koch, David 118–19, 141–2, 152–3, 168, 171, 172–3, 195, 197, 198, 201, 215, 216, 218, 219

Kokoda Track 168–74, 237

Konig, Mick 146–7

Koutoulogenis, Dennis 51

KPMG 127

Lagarde, Christine 283, 285–6

Lambert, Michael 70, 71, 73, 75

Lane Cove 92–3, 96, 97, 108, 124, 191–2

Council 81, 86

The Village Observer

Lane, Sabra 276


Laws, John 44, 114

Leibman, Dr Steven 264–8

Levin, Nadia 160

Lew, Jack 283

Lewis, Steve 42

Liberal Party 49

Catholics in 102

Howard-Costello succession 190–5, 250

leadership contests 202–9, 220–32, 238, 249–50, 251, 254

Lidbetter, David 92, 95, 97

Lill, Damyon 39

Little, Muriel 13

Little, Ted 13, 14, 18

Livingstone, Catherine 286

London 111, 112, 113

Long, Michael 165

Longbottom, Ian 81, 84, 86–7

Los Angeles 78

Loughnane, Brian 185, 186, 205, 226, 248, 273, 275, 277

Lovett, Grant 259, 269, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277–8, 282, 288–9, 291, 292–4, 301, 304

Lowe electorate 92–3, 95, 96, 98

Lumsden, Andrew 111, 129, 134, 137

Luxmy Furniture 286

Lyons Forum 102

McArthur, Stewart 200

MacCallum, Mungo 45

Macfarlane, Ian 122, 129, 148, 151–2, 295–6

McGauran, Peter 142–3, 200

McGrath, Tony 127–8, 131, 133

Mack, Ted 77, 81, 87–8, 89–90

Macken, Dr Lewis 19–20, 66, 142, 268, 269, 278

McKillop, Charlie 184

Macklin, Jenny 93

McLachlan, Ian 177

McLeay, Leo 98

McLeland, Pam 277

Macquarie Bank 286

The Manildra Group 306

Mansberg, Dr Ginni 203–4

Marrickville community meeting 98

Marshall, Malcolm 61

Martin, Ray 215

Mater Hospital, North Sydney 5, 157

Mazitelli, David 147–8, 153

Medical Research Future Fund 300, 302, 304

Medicare Australia 156, 159–60, 162

Melloy, Jeremy 18, 22, 25, 32, 40, 66, 268, 269, 278

Menzies, Sir Robert 249

Miller, Matt 159

Minchin, Nick 123, 138, 148, 151, 159, 160, 221, 224, 227–8, 229, 230

Mineral Resource Rent Tax 236

the Mint 110, 122

Mirabella, Sophie 224

Moody’s 74, 78

Moore, Clover 20

Moore, Nicholas 286

Moore, Paddy 18

Moore, Tim 52

Moore-Wilton, Max 96–7, 150–1

Morris, Stacia 66

Moscovici, Pierre 286

Moufarrige, Alf and Maria 280

Mt Kilimanjaro 213–19, 237

Mt Kosciuszko 144

Mundey, Jack 42

Murdoch family 99–100, 101, 248, 256

Murray Coaches 141, 198

Murray, Ron 141, 198

Museum of Modern Art (New York) 78

Mutch, Sandra 61–2

National Competition Council 110

National Farmers’ Federation 288

National Health and Medical Research Council 264

National Party 68

Needham, Emma 160, 187, 201, 204

Nelson, Brendan 90–1, 92, 93, 94, 100–1, 104–6, 109, 191–2, 199, 202–3, 205, 206, 208–10, 234

Neville, Paul 100, 101

New York 70, 78, 111, 112, 113, 139, 287–9

New Zealand 27

NSW election 2007 185

NSW State Union of Students 47

Newbury, James 201

Newman, Maurice 111, 258

Nine Network 116, 223

North Shore Private Hospital 2, 261, 266

North Sydney Council 58, 87

North Sydney (electorate) 8, 58, 72, 77, 79, 81, 90–3, 191, 199

Northbridge 18–19, 24–5, 28

NRMA Insurance 131–2

Nutt, Tony 186

Oakes, Laurie 223, 275, 276, 305

O’Dea, Jonathan 17, 48, 82

O’Farrell, Barry 81, 208, 272

O’Halloran, Frank 131

O’Neill, John 73, 75, 78–9, 83

O’Neill, Jules 79

O’Reilly, Cameron 101

Orrell, Robert 89–90

Osborne, George 282, 283, 284

Ottoman Empire 8

OzCar 211

Packer, James 101, 265

Packer, Kerry 100

paid parental leave policy 255–6

Palestine 5–6, 8

Palmer, Clive 306

Parker, Greg 38, 58

Parkinson, Dr Martin 274–5, 284–5, 289, 291–2, 300, 303

Parliament House, Canberra

Liberal-National Party Meeting Room 249–50

Parliament House (NSW) 50, 70

Payne, Marise 224

Peacock, Andrew 249

Pearson, Tony 236–7

Phelps, Dr Kerryn 81

Phillips, Ron 50

Photios, Michael 50–1, 52

Pickering, Ted 50, 54, 82


Plibersek, Tanya 201

policy costings (Coalition) 273–6

Potter Warburg Group 126

Potts, Gary 111, 134

press conferences 1–3

Price, Steve 280

Prices and Incomes Accord 178

Prime Minister’s Business Advisory Council 258

Prince Philip 123

Productivity Commission 294–5

Project Killara
100 53, 58

The Project

Puplick, Chris 52

Pyne, Christopher 224, 226, 239, 253, 254, 271

Qantas 95, 143–4, 150, 258, 289, 293

QBE Insurance 131

Queen Elizabeth II 123–4

Rao, Priyanka 286

Ray, Nigel 300

referendum on republic 123–4

Rein, Thérèse 196

republican movement 121–3

Reserve Bank of Australia 122, 127, 129, 236, 283

Richardson, Graham 101

Riley, Mark 276

Ritchie, Tony 248, 274, 276

Riverlife 286

Roselands 56

Ross, Rowan 131–2

Rubin, Robert 112

Rudd government stimulus package 210–11

Rudd, Kevin 141–2, 168, 171, 172, 180, 183, 188, 191–7, 205, 208, 211, 234, 236, 273, 274, 276

Ruddock, Philip 52, 58, 191

Rugby Rawson Cup 33

rugby union 17, 20, 29, 32–4

Rugby World Cup 123

Ryan, Father Michael 103

Ryan, Susan 41, 42–3, 45–6

Ryde 15

Ryrie, Granville 8

Sachs, Antony 43–4

St Aloysius’ College 2, 17–26, 29, 103, 105

St Joseph’s College 32

St Julian, Bob 278

St Philip Neri primary school 18

Schäuble, Dr Wolfgang 287

Schneider, Father Geoffrey 20–1

Scirpo, Angela 269

Scott, Patricia 159, 160, 165–6

September 11 attacks 139–40, 149

Seven Network 100, 141, 199

Shanahan, Dennis 270

Sharp, John 95, 97

Sharpe, John 286

Shepherd, Dr Bruce 105

Shepherd, Tony 286

Shergold, Dr Peter 158, 159, 167

Singapore 112, 114

Singleton, John 170–1, 197, 208, 216, 279

Sinodinos, Arthur 137, 279, 285

Sky News 230

Smith, Dick 82

Smith, Michael 286

Smith, Tony 224

Smith, Warwick 136

Souris, George 68–72, 73–7, 78, 79, 83

South Sydney Rabbitohs 164

SPC Ardmona 289, 296

Spence, Catherine Helen 122

Standard & Poor’s 74, 78

State Bank privatisation 73, 75–9, 83

Stevens, David 62

Stevens, Glenn 283

Stokes, Kerry 100–1

Stokes, Nigel 70–2, 76

Student Travel Australia 47

Sunday Telegraph
121, 225

141–2, 168, 171, 172, 176, 181, 187, 188, 195–7, 201, 234, 235

‘Fake Dawn’ episode 196–7

Swan, Wayne 1, 211, 239, 254, 268, 275, 306

Sydney Airport 94–9, 150

Long Term Operation Plan 97

Sydney Airport Community Forum (SACF) 94–7

Sydney Futures Exchange 111, 113

Sydney Harbour 17, 286

Sydney Institute speech 241–3

The Sydney Morning Herald

Sydney Olympics 95, 110, 121

Sydney Opera House 17

Sydney University 2, 31–40, 252, 262

Honi Soit
44, 45, 47–8

Liberal Club 49

St John’s College 32–6, 40, 66, 77

Students’ Representative Council (SRC) 35–7, 39–40, 41–9

Varsity Party 36–7, 39

Syria 6, 7

Tanna, Catherine 286

Telstra 157

Templeton, Sam 171

Templeton’s Crossing 171

Thatcher, Margaret 177

Thompson, Graeme 124, 126

Tokyo 113

Tourism and Transport Forum 140, 149

Tourism Queensland 145

Towell, Terry 131

trade unions 177, 178, 180, 183–4, 188

Trainor, Gabrielle 130, 134

Travolta, John 143–4

Truss, Warren 301

Tsitsernakaberd 166

Tully, John 20

Tumbatrek 144

Turkey 7, 166

Turnbull, Lucy 222, 285

Turnbull, Malcolm 123, 202–3, 205–6, 208–10, 211–12, 220–4, 227, 229, 230, 231–2, 234, 251, 285

Turramurra 92

Umbrazunas, Marie 66

Universal Studios (LA) 78

University of New England 243

University of NSW 55

Utegate 211–12

Vaile, Mark 151, 205

Vanstone, Amanda 129, 258

Vanzella, Rhondda 90–1

Vardon, Sue 158

Wallis report 114, 128

Wallis, Stan 114

Walsh, Peter 45, 46

Warburton, Dick 133

Washington 112

Watson electorate 98

Weill, Sandy 112, 136–7

Welfare to Work 183–4

Wesfarmers 286

West Pymble 92

Westacott, Jennifer 286

Whalan, Jeff 156, 157, 159, 161

Whithear, Rod 156, 159–60, 163, 165–6, 167, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 187, 189

Whitlam, Gough 19–20

Whitlam, Nick 131

Wilderness Society 52

Wilkinson, Lisa 270

Willesee, Michael 305

Williams, Pamela 270

Williams, Ray 129–30

Willoughby electorate 77

Windsor, Tony 303

Woertz, Patricia 291–2

Wong, Penny 188, 273

Woods, Bob 106–7

Woods, Jane 107

Woolworths 119–20

WorkChoices 176, 178–89, 202, 234, 263

World War I 7, 8

World War II 10

Yeates, Bob 142–4

Yerevan 165

Young Liberals 53–4

Council 53, 60

Georges River branch 54–5

Killara branch 53

magazine 59–60

national presidency 61–3

NSW President 50–4, 57–8

‘Your Rights at Work’ campaign 180, 182

Zammit, Paul 93, 95, 98

Zimmerman, Trent 50–1, 54, 57–8, 59, 60

A teenaged Beverley (Joe’s mother, right) was snapped by a photographer on Bondi Beach relaxing with a friend. The image was used on the cover of
magazine, February 1948.

Joe’s father Richard, pictured here with Joe in 1966. Richard has always been supportive of Joe and was instrumental in encouraging his son to stand up and voice his opinion.

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