Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (61 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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211,    213, 216, 218-19, 221, 224,

229, 241 (n. 54), 260 (n. 12), described by Papen, 183; modifies

Schuschnigg’s plebiscite conditions, 206; telephone conversations with Goring, 208; forms government, 214; last years of,
Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service),


Skubl, Michael (Vienna police chief), 198, 208, 219 Social Democrats (SDP), xiv,
, 10-14,

25, 28, 30, 41, 46,
, 79, 81, 89, 105, 107, 111, 116-17, 121, 123, 126-27, 129, 151, 158, 165, 174; coalition government with CSP, 12; refusal to join national government after

1920, 14; and the general strike of

1927, 73-74; rejection of Austrian NSDAP, 97-98 Sopper, Ernst (rival of Frauenfeld, Viennese Oitsgruppenleiter), 59-60 South Tyrol, 9, 26, 43, 45-46, 48, 56,

61, 83, 153, 223, 227; and the Treaty of St. Germain, 4; attitude of Hitler toward, 44 Soviet Union (Russia), xiv, 13, 16, 32, 165.
See also
Moscow Spain, 159, 214 Spanish Civil War, 193, 195 Speer, Albert (Hitler’s chief architect),


Split (Dalmatia), 145 SS (Schutzstaffel), 55, 59-60,
, 106, 108, 130, 137, 148, 152, 154, 162, 165, 177-79,185, 187, 210-13, 219-20, 224; role in July Putsch, 133; activities of, 143-44, 146; rising importance of, 188-92 SS Standarte Eighty-nine, 125, 129-30, 133,212 Stahlhelm, 46, 240 (n. 33)

Starhemberg, Prince Ernst Rudiger (leader of HW, Austrian vice chancellor, Fiihrerof VF),
, 69,76-78,80,

124, 130, 133, 146, 164; meeting with Gregor Strasser, 65; and the elections of 1930, 74-75; anti-Nazi policy of, 109; attitude toward Reinthaller Action, 149; as leader of VF, 159; observations on July Agreement, 170.
See also
Heimwehr Steidle, Richard (leader of Tyrolean HW and Austrian HW), 74, 105

Stillfried (commandant of Wollersdorf detention camp),
Strasser, Gregor (leader of Nazi Reichs-leitung), 48, 53, 55, 60, 65-66, 70, 76; reorganizes Austrian NSDAP,


Strasser, Otto (brother of Gregor, left-wing Nazi), 50, 236 (n. 48)

Streicher, Julius (leader of German Socialist party; editor of Nazi newspaper,
Der Sturmer),
39, 59 Studentenbund (Nazi Student League),

59, 93 Sturmkorps, 162, 210 Stuttgart, 114

Styria, 4, 9, 16, 26, 40, 43, 53-54, 62-64, 73-74, 78, 85, 95, 130-32, 138, 145, 151, 164,181-82, 201,

207,216; elections of 1924 in, 38; H W of, 65; Nazi membership in, 72; German financial assistance to Nazis in, 139; Nazi revolt in, 202-5.
See also

Styrian Heimatschutz, 76, 81, 84, 107, 140, 150; joins Pan-German Front, 82; role in July Putsch, 130-31 Suchenwirth, Richard (leader in pany split of 1925-26), 43, 47 Sudetenland, 26, 30, 37, 93, 99, 225, 228

Sudeten Nazis, 28-31, 33-37, 39, 46, 54,61, 151 Suske, Heinrich (Gauleiter of Tyrol, Salzburg, and Vorarlberg), 70 Switzerland, 12, 139

Taaffe, Count Eduard (prime minister of Austrian Empire), 19 Tarvisio (Tarvis, Italy), 108 Tauschitz, Stephan (Austrian ambassador to Berlin), 124 Tavs, Leopold (Gauleiter of Vienna, Leopold’s deputy), 173, 195, 199,242 (n. 27), 258 (n. 11); plans for Nazi revolt,
Tavs Plan, 196

Taylor, A. J. P. (British historian),


Tbland, John (American historian), xiii Trautenauer Program, 25-26 Treaty of Lana, 42

Treaty of Saint Germain, 4, 32, 65, 73, 225

Treaty of Versailles, 32,
Trieste, 26, 176

Twenty-five Point Program (of NSDAP),

xv, 28, 43 Tyrol, 9, 44, 47, 63, 70, 119, 139-40.
See also

United States, xiii, 4, 10, 12, 217, 221 University of Graz, 18, 160, 176, 202-3;

violent Nazi demonstrations in, 93-94 University of Vienna, 17-18, 93, 105 Upper Austria, 26, 47, 54, 63,
, 110,

132, 139, 148, 174, 217, 220; elections in, 72.
See also
Linz USCHLA, 60

Vaterlandische Front (VF).
Fatherland Front Vaterlandische Schutzbund.
SA Vatican, 164

Veesenmayer, Edmund (Keppler’s adjutant),
Venice, 125, 128

(assembly leaders),

Vienna: GVP electoral losses in, 93; Nazi membership in, 102; Nazi leadership in after the Anschluss, 220 Volkermarkt (Carinthia),
Volkischer Beobachter,
34,40, 105 Volkspolitische Referat (National Politi

cal Office, VPR), 186, 204, 212
Volksstimme, Die,
Vorarlberg, 5, 47,
, 70, 98/127, 139-40

Wachter, Baron
Otto von (July Putsch conspirator), 126-27, 129 Weimar congress, 45-46, 223 Weinberg, Gerhard (American historian),

85, 134, 150 Weissbriach (Carinthia), 96 Whiteside, Andrew G. (American historian),

Wiener Neueste Nachrichten,
117 Wiener Neustadt (Lower Austria), 111 Wiesbaden (Germany), 69 Wilhelm II (German kaiser), 257 (n.
) Wilson, Woodrow (American president), 8-9, 203

Wolf, Karl Hermann (leader of German Radical party), 23-24 Wollersdorf detention camp (Lower Austria), 110-12, 138,153,177

Yugoslavia, 4
9, 101, 118, 125, 132, 138, 142, 144-45,159,168,228

Zematto, Guido (secretary of VF), 184, 197,206,208,210,259 (n. 71) Zionist congress of 1925, 39, 42 Zurich, 130

Zwettl (Lower Austria),


Centra) European University


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