Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis (60 page)

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Authors: Bruce F. Pauley

Tags: #Europe, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Hitler; Adolf; 1889-1945, #General, #United States, #Austria, #Austria & Hungary, #Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei in Österreich, #Biography & Autobiography, #History

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Jagschitz, Gerhard (Austrian historian), 134

Jankovic, Friedrich (Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP), 53-54, 223-24 Jedlicka, Ludwig (Austrian historian),


Jews, xiii, 16-19, 21, 26, 28, 30,41, 61,

, 93-94, 99, 106, 142, 161, 183,

206, 217, 221, 225.
See also
Anti-Semitism Joseph II (Austrian emperor), 96 July Agreement, 164-72, 187, 192-93, 228; Gentlemen’s Agreement exploited by Leopold, 155, 180-83 July Putsch, 122-37 passim Jung, Rudolf (drafter of Iglau Program),

29, 31, 34, 37-38, 40; personality compared with Riehl, 27-28 Jury, Dr. Hugo (Leopold’s deputy), 173, 183-84, 187, 199,219

Kaltenbrunner, Ernst (Austrian SS leader and head of Reichssicherheithaupt-amt), xiii, 146, 190, 199,212, 219,

255 (n. 28), 260 (n. 12)

Kammerhofer, Konstantin (leader of Styrian Heimatschutz), 82, 241 (n. 54)

Keitel, General Wilhelm (member of German General Staff), 207 Kele, Max (American historian), 29 Kemal, Mustafa (president of Turkey),


Keppler, Wilhelm (Hitler’s economic advisor and liaison with Austrian NSDAP), 139, 188-90, 197,201-3,

207, 210-11,228-29; appointment by Hitler, 186-87; opposition to Leopold, 191; observations of Austrian NSDAP in March 1938, 204; sends telegram requesting German army, 213 Klagenfurt, 26, 41, 74, 95 , 212; Nazi membership in, 72.
See also
Carinthia Klagenfurt Kampfgemeinschaft, 76-77 Klausner, Major Hubert (Carinthian Nazi leader and Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP), 148, 152, 173, 176-

78, 185, 202, 210, 212, 215, 219-20, 224; biography, 153; appointed Landesleiter,
Komeuburg Oath, 74, 81-82 Kothem, Hans vom (Carinthian Gauleiter), 238 (n. 40)

Krebs, Hans (Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP), 48-49, 54, 223-24
(district leaders), 56 Krems (Lower Austria), 152, 174

Agricultural League. Landesleitung (federal leadership), 56, 60-62, 70, 72, 108, 114, 123, 134-

36, 141, 143-44, 146, 148, 151, 166,

174, 177, 198,204, 210, 228; German financial aid to, 140; inability to control party,
Langoth, Franz (leader of legal Hilfswerk), 139-40 Lausanne loan, 78, 80 Laval, Pierre (French foreign minister),

League of Nations,
, 9, 155, 164 Legitimists, 160, 165, 170, 206; opposition to Nazis, 100-101 Leipzig, 114

Leopold, Josef (Gauleiter of Lower Austria, Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP),

43, 108, 150-51, 153-54, 167, 173, 177, 184, 187, 189,196^97,203,

215, 219, 221, 224, 236 (n. 54); im-

prisonment of, 152; biography, 174, 176; strategy of, 178; negotiations with Schuschnigg, 180-83; enemies of, 185-86; relations with Goring, 188; relations with Hitler, 190-92; meets with Blomberg, 194—95; and the Berchtesgaden Protocol, 198—99; last attempt to assert independence,
; dismissal by Hitler, 201; last years of,


Lerchenfeld, Count Hugo (German envoy to Austria),
Ley, Robert (leader of Nazi Labor Front), 59

Liezen Kampfgemeinschaft, 82 Linz (Upper Austria), 26, 31, 33,41,43,

48, 54-55, 60, 63, 70, 95, 99, 123, 196, 211-12.
See also
Upper Austria Linz Program of 1882, 19, 25, 223, 225 Linz Program of 1926, 13-14, 73 Lithuania, 168 Little Entente, 10 London, 167

Lower Austria, 43, 46, 78-79,
, 133,

151-52, 176, 179, 210, 217; HW of, 65

Lueger, Karl (mayor of Vienna), 30, 81,

89, 227

Lukesch, Johann (leader of Austrian SA),

145, 201, 203, 212; attempt to disband SA by, 204 Lutze, Viktor (leader of German SA),


Marx, Karl, 27

Maser, Wemer (German historian), xiii Mauthausen (Upper Austria), xiii
Mein Kampf,
29, 39-40, 45, 56, 62,
, 100, 227.
See also
Hitler, Adolf Memel territory, 168, 228 Miklas, Wilhelm (Austrian president),

85, 131,208,210, 212-13; attempt by July Putschists to kidnap, 32 Moravia, 4, 9, 16, 19, 26, 29 Moscow, 120 Moscow Conference, xiv Muff, Lieutenant General Wolfgang (German military attach^ in Vienna), 126, 130, 150, 214 Miihlmann, Kajetan (art historian), 197-99

Muller, Josef (opponent of Riehl), 42-43

Munich, 38-39, 44, 47-48, 53-54, 56,

, 114, 117, 123, 126-27/, 133—

35, 137, 177, 196, 220-21, 223.
See also

Mussolini, Benito (Italian prime minister, leader of Fascist party), 44, 61, 81, 108, 116, 120, 123, 129-30, 149,

156-57, 164, 191, 195,225, 227; tells Dollfuss to eliminate SDP, 123; and the July Putsch, 133.
See also

Miitterschutzwerk (Mothers’ Aid Society), 162

National Action (Reinthaller Action), 148-50

National Opposition, 165-66, 180, 184, 186, 197

National Socialists in Austria (DAP, DNSAP, NSDAP): contradictions in, xiii-xiv; lack of interest in, xiv-xv; desire for autonomy of, xv, 223-24; ideology of, 16, 25-27, 31, 78, 84; origins of DAP, 24—26; social composition of, 26-27, 40-41, 91-97; influence on German Nazis, 29; propaganda, 32, 63^ 65-66, 86-90, 98,

114-21; elections and growth of, 32-33, 64-66, 78-79, 81,
, 90; repercussions on from Beer Hall Putsch, 38; and the internationalist Zionist congress of 1925, 39; democratic structure of in 1925, 41; split in 1925-26, 41-47; ultimatum to by Weimar congress of German NSDAP, 45; reorganized by Gregor Strasser, 54; slow progress in 1928-29, 61; financial problems of, 61-62, 138-39; and the HW, 65; general conditions of,
, 126-27, 156, 204-5; membership, 72, 102; relations with GVP, 82-83; breakup of opposition party meetings, 89; and Roman Catholics, 99-100; terror by, 105-7, 145; outlawed by Dollfuss government, 107-8; dismissal from jobs, 109-10; secret spy reports of, 141-42; and the July Agreement, 166-68; Leopold seeks legal standing for, 178; opposition to by Papen, 185-86; need of Hitler’s support for leaders of, 188; activities of

in Styria in early 1938, 202-5, 212; inability to unite behind single leader, 223; parochial and class conscious characteristics of, 225; significance of for Anschluss, 229 Nationalsozialer Volksbund
(National Socialist People’s League of Austria), 148 Netherlands, the, 222 Neubacher, Hermann (Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP), 124, 151-52, 221, 224, 255 (n. 28)

Neues Leben (New Life), 160-61 Neurath, Konstantin von (German ambassador to Italy, German foreign minister), 44, 112, 116, 124, 134,

148, 191, 194, 196,208; visit to Vienna, 182 Neustadter-Stiirmer, Dr. Odo (Austrian minister of security), 182 Nuremberg Trials, xv, 194, 208, 222

Oberhaidacher, Walter (Gauleiter of Styria), 56-57, 91,238 (n. 50)

Olmiitz (Olomuec, Moravia), 183


Orlow, Dietrich (American historian),


(local group leaders), 55

Osterreichischer Beobachter (OB),
63, 118, 168

Ostmarldsche Sturmscharen,
162, 164

Pan-German Front, 82-84 Pan-German party, 22-23 Papen, Franz von (German chancellor and vice chancellor, envoy and ambassador to Austria), 70, 112, 136, 140, 148, 165, 173, 184-85, 195, 199,

208, 228, 249 (n. 59), 256 (n. 44); appointed special envoy to Austria, 135, 137; analysis of German influences on Austria, 163; description of Seyss-Inquart, 183; opposition to strong Austrian NSDAP, 185-86 Paris, 4, 167.
See also
France Paris Peace Conference,
, 12 Passau (Bavaria), 45-46, 117, 126 Peasants,
, 95-96, 103, 119,217 Pembauer, Dr. Walter (head of People’s

Political Office, VPR), 212 Persche, Alfred (leader of Austrian SA),

xiv, 97, 144-45, 177, 180, 184-85,

196, 199,201,204, 219-20, 251 (n. 31); resists subordination of Austrian SA to German SA, 189-90 Petersen, Jens (German historian), 85, 134

Pfrimer, Walter (leader of Styrian Heimatschutz and Austrian HW), 74,

82, 152,241 (n. 54); Putsch by, 75-76 Piffl, Cardinal Friedrich Gustav, 100 Pilsen (Plzen, Bohemia), 24 Poland, 5, 139, 164, 194, 200 Political Organization, 60, 138, 143,

146, 191-92 Portugal, 159 Prague, 24

Price, Ward (special correspondent of
Daily Mail),
214 Proksch (Gauleiter of Upper Austria, Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP), 48, 53-54, 63, 70, 75, 77-78, 87, 91, 108, 126, 141, 148, 151, 173, 184, 224, 238 (n. 50); meeting with Hitler, 47; biography, 54- 55; and the HW, 76 Proportional representation, 12, 30 Protestants, 23, 96, 103, 217, 226 Prussia, 18, 75

Rader, Admiral Erich (commander in chief of German navy), 194 Rafelsberger, Walter (Gauleiter of Styria), 177 Rainer, Dr. Friedrich (chief of political staff of Austrian NSDAP), 167, 178, 183-87, 190-92,202,207,210-11, 219, 228, 256 (n. 44); visit to Berlin, 143; biography, 177 Rath, R. John (American historian), 92 Rauter, Hanns (HW chief of staff), 65 Reichenau, Colonel Walther von (chief of the Wehrmachtsamt), 144 Reichenberg (Liberec, Bohemia), 27 Reichsleitung, 53, 56, 60,62, 66,70,72, 137

Reinthaller, Anton (Nazi peasant leader, Landesleiter of Austrian NSDAP),

154, 163, 173, 176, 180, 184, 186-

87, 199, 219, 221, 224; negotiations with Austrian government, 148-51

Renner, Karl (right-wing Socialist, Austrian chancellor), 13 Reschny, Hermann (leader of Austrian SA), 69, 91, 144-45, 150, 189; and the party split, 43; and the July Putsch, 126,128-29 Reventlow, Count Ernst zu (left-wing German Nazi and rival of Hitler), 47 Ribbentrop, Joachim von (head of Nazi Foreign Bureau), 177 Riehl, Dr. Walter (leader of DNSAP), 35-37, 39, 42,49, 51, 55, 59, 87,94, 107-8, 148, 161, 173-74, 193,199, 201, 223-24, 233 (n. 47), 234 (nn. 48, 9); biography and ideology, 27-31; elected chairman of Interstate Bureau, 33; relations with Hitler, 34; resigns offices, 38; and the Deutschsozialer Verein, 49; analysis of elections of 1930,
; last years of, 221 Rieth, Kurt (German envoy to Austria), 134

Rintelen, Anton (governor of Styria, Austrian ambassador to Italy), 62, 202, 221, 248 (n. 35); role in July Putsch, 130-31

Rodenbiicher, Alfred (leader of Austrian SS), 139-40, 146, 189 Rohm, Emst (leader of German SA),


Rohm Purge (Putsch), 125, 128, 133-34,


Roman Catholics,
, 12-13, 99-100,

103, 217, 226; treatment by Dollfuss and Schuschnigg, 158 Rosenberg, Alfred (Nazi theorist), 26,

Rosenheim (Bavaria), 34 Ross, Dieter (historian), 134 Rumania, 10, 159

SA (Sturmabteilung, Ordnertruppen, Vaterlandische Schutzbund), 32-33, 37,41-43,55,59, 62, 72, 76, 88-89, 105-6, 108, 149-50, 152, 154, 165, 176-78, 184-92, 204, 210-13, 220, 224; and the July Putsch, 125-29, 130-31, 133, 137; activities after the July Putsch, 143-46; readiness to revolt in 1938, 196 Saar, 120, 155,201

Saint-Polten (Lower Austria), 34, 173 Salzburg, 9, 26, 29, 31, 33-34, 37-41,

47, 63, 70, 78-79, 98, 108, 110,',125, 132, 139-40, 179, 199,211,219,223; HW of, 65 Schattenfroh, Franz (Leopold’s deputy),

123, 152, 221 Schmidt, Dr. Guido (Austrian foreign minister), 182, 214 Schmidt, Hans (Nazi mayor of Graz),


Schmidt, Heinrich K. (Gauleiter of Styria), 47, 54, 223-24 Schober, Johannes (Austrian chancellor),

Schonerer, Georg von (pan-German leader), xv, 16-29, 48, 59, 174, 224-26, 233 (n. 22); ideology, 18-19; followers of, 21-24
Schdnere Zukunft,
99-100 Schulz, Karl, 37, 39-40, 43-44, 51,

108, 137, 193, 199,201,223-24,227; meetings with Hitler, 45-48 Schulz faction, 42, 46-47, 53, 56,
, 226; last years of, 49-51 Schuschnigg, Kurt von (Austrian chancellor), 37, 44, 85, 100, 154-55, 165, 172, 178-85, 192, 195-96,200-202,

210,    223, 226, 229; negotiations with Reinthaller, 148-49; and fascism,

157-59; dissolves HW, 164; observations on July Agreement, 170; negotiations with Leopold, 180; meets with Hitler at Berchtesgaden, 197-99; reply to Hitler’s Reichstag speech, 203; plebiscite of March 1938, 205-8; resignation speech, 211-13

Schutzbund, 105

Security Directorate, 95, 97, 140, 142, 155-56, 164 Seipel, Ignaz (leader of CSP, Austrian chancellor), 37, 47, 65, 99 Seymour, Charles (American expert at Paris Peace Conference), 9 Seyss-Inquart, Arthur (pro-Nazi Viennese lawyer, Austrian minister of security), xii, 100, 148, 178, 184- 85, 188, 190-91, 195, 197-204,207-8,

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