History of the Second World War (123 page)

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Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

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Leeb’s, in Russia, 148-9, 159, 166, 245; passes to Kuchler, 245
Rundstedt’s, in Poland, 29-30; breakthrough in Ardennes, 38, 69-70; prepares for invasion of Britain, 89; in Russian campaign, 131-2, 148-9, 159, 165-7; passes to Reichenau, then Bock, 245
A, 148, 245, 249, 574; withdrawal of, from Caucasus, 477-9
‘Afrika’, 410, 413, 415, 425, 431
B, in Russia, 148, 245, 249, 260; in Italy, 455, 470
C, 470, 471
Central, 148, 485, 579-80, 582-4
Don, 148, 263, 477, 574
North Ukraine, 148, 574
Northern, 148, 581-2, 584, 587-8
Panzer, battle of theories on use of, 159-160; in Russia, 161-4, 166; in N. Africa, 192; reorganisation into ‘armies’, 251.
See also under
Army, Panzer
Hoth’s, 164, 166
Kleist’s, in France, 70-2, 84; in Greece, 133-4, 165; in Russia, 165-7
South Ukraine, 148, 574
1st, 565
2nd, 84, 134, 249, 480
3rd, 28-31
4th, 28-30; in Russia, 159, 161, 163-4, 579-80; defensive methods of, 496-7
5th, 341
6th, 68, 89; in Russia, 166, 248-9, 251, 255-60, 263; lost in Bessarabia, 585
7th, 565, 649, 653-4, 657
8th, 29-30
9th, 84, 89; in Russia, 159, 161, 163-4, 580
10th, in Poland, 29;
in Italy,
452, 454-5, 459; Rome out of communication with, 455; at Salerno, 455, 459-65; withdraws, 465-6, 468-9; reinforced, 526, 528; attempts to cut off, 528, 535; Herr in command of, 671
11th, 249, 263
12th, 72, 133-5
14th, 29-31; in Italy, 526, 528, 671, 673
15th, 565, 649
16th, 89
17th, in Russia, 249, 253-5, 477-8
Armies, Panzer; decreased speed of, after reorganisation, 251
1st, in Russia, 248-9, 251-3; perils of withdrawal of, 477-8; transferred to Manstein’s army group, 485; trapped E. of Dniester, 574
3rd, 579
4th, in Russia, 249, 251, 256, 260, 263
5th, in Tunisia, 341; in Ardennes offensive, 643, 645-6, 650, 653-8
6th, in Ardennes offensive, 642, 645-6, 650-2, 654-5, 658
Panzerarmee Afrika.
Afrika Korps
1st, 559
1st S.S, Panzer, 549, 652, 655
2nd S.S. Panzer, 652, 655
3rd Panzer, 491, 570
8th Air, 138
11th Air, 438, 444
14th Panzer, 445, 527-8, 539, 671
15th Panzer, 70, 72, 75, 84
16th Panzer, 68-9
18th Panzer, 653
47th Panzer, 570, 653, 655
51st Mountain, 528, 539, 671
58th Panzer, 653
66th, 653, 656
76th Panzer, 528, 671
80th, 654
90th, 335
Afrika Korps, 118-19; drives British from Cyrenaica, 119-20, 171; attacks Tobruk, 173-4; effective use of AA and anti-tank guns by, 177, 179-81, 188, 195, 267, 271-2; in Operation ‘Battleaxe’, 179-181; in Operation ‘Crusader’, 186-98; at Sidi Rezegh, 188-9; turns back to Tobruk, 194; retreats West, 195-8; losses in, 198; drives British back to Gazala, 266, 268; strength of, at Gazala battle, 269-71; air support for, 270; attacks at Gazala, 272; fails to reach coast-road, 272, 275; tank losses of, 272, 277, 283-4; takes Tobruk, 276-7; at Alamein, 281, 283-9; weariness of, 283-5; at Alam Haifa, 293-7; withdrawal of, gives heart to Eighth Army, 295-6; strength of, at final Alamein, 298; supplies to, sunk in Mediterranean, 299; sickness in, 299; at end of resources, 304; blocks pursuit, 305; finds shelter in Tunisia, 397, 435; becomes First Italian Army, 401, 413; in Kasserine Pass, 407, 409
Balck’s Panzer, 495
Guderian’s Panzer, in France, 65, 70-2, 84; prevented from cutting off B.E.F., 74-5, 80-3; in plan for invasion of Russia, 89; strength. 157; advance of, 161-4; deflected off road to Moscow, 166-7
Reinhardt’s, 72, 75
Parachute, to attack Leningrad, 484
1st, in Italy, 528, 539, 671
Divisions: reduced strength of, 243, 269, 485-6; varying strength of, 526n.; supply scale for, 564
Divisions, Air: 7th, 255
Divisions, Infantry:
65th, 471-2
71st, 534
76th, 539
94th, 534
334th, 424
Divisions, Light: 22, 28
5th, 118; tank regiment of, in N. Africa, 119, 174, 177, 179, 183
90th (Afrika Division), 183, 186, 279-280, 303, 421
164th (Afrika Division), 417-18
Division, Mountain:
5th, 137-8
Divisions, Panzer: brought up to strength, 84; reorganised (1941), 157-8; tank strength of, 403n., 459n., 496; face ‘Overlord’ landings, 546-8; gathered for Ardennes offensive, 642-3
1st, 437, 652, 654; Battle Group Peiper of, 654-5
2nd, 652, 655
3rd, 69
4th, 69
5th, 430
6th, 263
7th (Manteuffel’s), 118, 411, 424, 495
9th, 67, 652, 657-8
10th, in Tunisia, 339n., 341, 403, 406-409, 411-12, 415-16, 421, 425, 429
11th, 652
15th, in Western Desert, 118, 174, 179, 187-94, 279, 284-5, 295, 302, 398, 400; in Tunisia, 412, 417n., 418-19, 421, 429
16th, in Italy, 459, 462-3, 468; sent to Russia, 471
21st, in Western Desert, 183, 186-94, 279, 284, 302, 398, 400-1; in Tunisia, 402-3, 405, 407, 411-12, 417-18, 420-1, 429
26th, in Italy, 459, 464, 471-2, 531
76th, 471
116th, 643
Hermann Goring, in Sicily, 436, 442-443, 445-6; in Italy, 459, 463, 527-8, 535
Lehr, 655
S.S., 491, 583
2nd, 658
Divisions, Panzergrenadier:
3rd, 452, 464
15th, 436, 443, 459, 464, 657
29th, 445, 459, 463, 527-8
90th, 437-8, 470, 472, 527
Division, Parachute: losses of, in Crete, 136-9; in Russia, 255
1st, in Sicily, 444; in Italy, 459, 467-8, 471, 531, 535, 540, 673
2nd, 444, 452
5th, 653, 657
Division, Volksgrenadier:
26th, 655
Division, Waffen S.S., 652
Assault, 138
Glider, 137
Lehr, 530
Parachute, in Tunis, 337
Volkssturm ‘Home Guard’ troops, 668
Battalion: Panzer 190th, 337, 338
Army, Greek, 115, 134-6, 151
Army, Hungarian, in Russia, 247, 249, 251, 259, 480
1st, 587
2nd, 480
Army, Indian, in Malaya, 224, 227; wartime expansion of, 363
15th, 365
3rd (so-called), 516
4th, in Western Desert, 113-14, 124, 178, 184, 195-7, 268, 303, 529; in Sudan, 114, 124, 126; in Tunisia, 418, 420-1, 426-7; in Italy, 529-3
5th, in Sudan and Eritrea, 124, 126; in North Africa, 274, 281, 287-8
8th, 467
10th, 671
11th, 227
14th, 365
17th, 234
26th, 365
36th (Indian/British), 635
10th, 125
11th, 276
18th, 281
77th, reorganised as ‘Chindits’, 367-368
Army, Indian Nationalist, under Japanese, 636
Army, Italian, in Greece, 115, 151, 437; in Russia, 247, 259, 263; in Vichy France, 329; in Tunisia, 329, 402-3, 407; in Sicily, 442, 451; escapes to Italy, 445-6; disarmed by Germans, 450, 454; divisions kept near Rome, 452; troops faithful to Mussolini, 542, 670; Combat groups in Allied armies, 670
in East Africa,
109, 112, 121; takes British Somaliland, 124; tough colonial brigade at Metemma, 125; defeated in Eritrea and Ethiopia, 126-7
in North Africa,
109, 112, 195; harassment of, 112; utter defeat of, 113-17, 171, 711; prisoners taken, 113-14, 117, 173; follows German spearhead, 119; in attacks on Tobruk, 173-4; handicaps Rommel, 183; attack on, at Bir el Gubi, 186; at Sidi Rezegh, 189; withdrawal of, 197-8, 398; losses, in ‘Crusader’, 198; unmotorised divisions of, 269, 272; reaches Alamein, 285; surrenders in, 287; lack of sanitation in trenches of, 299
1st, 401, 413
8th, 263
11th, 437
Corps: Mobile, 190, 192-3, 196-7, 268, 293
Ariete armoured, 189-91, 194, 284, 302
Centauro armoured, 307, 398, 401, 415
Littorio armoured, 286
Superga, 341
Trieste motorised, 190, 295
90th Light, 293, 295
1st Bersaglieri, 407
Army, Japanese, invades China, 206; in S.W. Pacific, 208-9, 507; aircraft of, 209; weakness of, in Philippines, 222-3; captures Malaya and Singapore, 227-30; captures Burma, 233-6, 343; unwilling to release troops for Navy projects, 343; attacks Papua, 355-6; on Tulagi, 358; effect of Chindit operations on, 368; plans operations in New Guinea, 501; garrisons of, meet invaders in S.W. Pacific Islands, 503-9; strength of (1943), 507; suicidal counterattacks of, 511-12, 520-1, 620-1; exhausts its strength on offensive into India, 513, 520; successfully deals with Chindit air invasion, 517; defends New Guinea, 613-17; defends Philippines, 621, 628-30; defensive task of, in Burma, 633
Area Armies:
2nd, 613, 615
8th, 613
Burma, 633
14th, 222, 621
15th, 233-6, 365, 368, 515, 633, 636
17th, 501-2
18th, 501-2, 615
25th, 224, 234
28th, 515, 634, 637, 687
32nd, 683-6
33rd, 515, 635-6, 687
35th, 628
5th, 224-5
18th, 224, 235
31st, 519
56th, 235
Imperial Guards, 224
Army, New Zealand, in Crete, 135, 138-9; under Halsey in S.W. Pacific, 502
Corps: in attack on Mareth Line, 417, 419; in Italy, 529-32, 674
Divisions: in Western Desert, 112; in ‘Crusader’, 184, 187-8, 192, 194-5
2nd, at Mersa Matruh, 278-9; at Alamein, 281, 284-8, 295; in pursuit, 305-7, 398; in Italy, 471, 529-532
Army, Polish, overconfidence of, 12, 21, 27-8; illusions about strength of, 16-18; horsed cavalry of, 20; unrealistic dispositions of, 27-8; defeat of, 28-31
Corps, in Italy, 533-5, 539-40, 671-3
Army, Rumanian, in Russia, 247, 255, 259-260, 574-6; under Malinovsky, 586
Army, Russian (Red Army), in conquest of Poland, 31, 706; in Finland, 44-7, 53, 578; underestimation of strength of, 44, 169; anti-German propaganda to, 144; Hitler orders destruction of, 144, 146; strength in West, 149; initial defeats of, 153; numerical superiority in tanks, 158-9, 165; Germans seek to destroy, by encirclement, 159-60, 162-3; tough resistance from, delays German advance, 162; reinforcement of, 165, 167; ‘militarily unsafe’ commanders of, 165; lack of preparedness shown by, 160; drives Germans back from Moscow, 168; defeats Japanese force in Manchuria, 206; winter counteroffensive of, 241-2; Kharkov offensive of, 248; diminished oil supply of, 251; counteroffensive of, at Stalingrad, 255, 258, 260-5, 478; defends Stalingrad, 256-260; supply shortage becoming less, 257; flexible organisation of Eastern Front of, 261; threatens retreat of Army from Caucasus, 477-8; holding of, at Stalingrad, saves Manstein and Kleist, 479; 1943 offensives launched by, 480-1; improved technique of, 481, 487, 492; transport deficiencies of, 482, 486; driven back by counteroffensive at Donetz salient, 482-3; qualitative and quantitative improvement in supplies to, 486; can subsist where others would starve, 486-7, 571; battering-ram tendency of Generals in, 487; has room for manoeuvre and superiority in numbers, 487-8; considers whether to strike first or wait for attack, 489-90; offensives of, on many fronts, 490-5, 571-3, 579-83; advances limited by overstretch, 569, 573, 584, 668; Manteuffel on advance of, 571; advance checked at Carpathians, 573-5; liberates Crimea, 575-6; Army Groups or ‘fronts’ of, 579; U.S. trucks motorise infantry of, 580, 664-5; fails to support Warsaw uprising, 583; set-back to, 583-4; held up on Vistula line, 584, 663; exploits wide-open flank through central Europe, 585-7; 1945 offensive of, 663-75

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