HisIndecentBoxSetpub (47 page)

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Authors: Sky Corgan

BOOK: HisIndecentBoxSetpub
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moaned and tried to suppress a grin. For once, it felt like he was
submitting to me more than I was submitting to him. He'd bent to my
will on so many levels; the chest shaving, the candle wax being
poured on him, and now the fucking. It was a nice change, though it
did make me question how submissive I really was. An image of Danica
flashed through my mind, about what she had said about Damien not
being able to tame her.
No. Not now. Don't think about this
now. He's yours and you're enjoying this way too much to let her ruin

When Damien stuck a
hand between my leg and began rubbing my clit, the thought was easily
dismissed. From that point on, it was a game of give and take. His
strokes between my legs were so calculated that I didn't even have to
tell him when I was about to come. He stopped naturally, kissing me
and sucking on my nipples while my nub calmed down before his hand
returned to tease it again.

By the time he was
ready to take things further, I was dripping for him. He pulled me up
onto the bed, laying me on my side and grabbing one of my legs to
hoist it into the air and rest it over his shoulder. I watched his
naked body move on top of me in sheer bliss, focusing my eyes on his
cock as he pressed it to my waiting hole. When he slid inside, I
moaned shamelessly, relaxing on the bed while he began thrusting, his
balls slamming against my ass as he pounded me.

Wanting to please
him, I warned Damien when my first orgasm was coming on. He took the
opportunity to change positions, lying down on the bed and making me
get on top of him in a modified version of reverse cowgirl. Instead
of sitting upright, I was leaning back, propped up on my arms. When
he entered me again, I thought the pressure of his cock against my
inner channel was going to break me, it was so tight. This position
kept the friction from reaching my clit, but the fullness was almost
overwhelming. Damien bucked up into me, making me cry out from each
thrust. His cock felt ten times bigger, and while part of me didn't
think that I could handle it, a darker part of me didn't want him to
stop. I let my head hang back, drowning him in my hair, moaning and
feeling the weight of my breasts bounce as he jackhammered up into

Eventually, he
tired, and I found myself having to take the reigns, though the
position was too awkward for me to accomplish much. Seeing my
struggle, it was time to switch again, and I end up on my hands and
knees taking it doggy style. The bed screamed defiantly beneath us as
Damien rocked almost violently behind me. Delicious heat and soreness
were building up in my pussy, and I wondered how much more I could
take before I had to tell him to stop.

Damien's breathing
was erratic, and for a moment, I thought he was about to blow. That's
when he stopped and turned me around, getting in a position that
would finish us both. I knew the look in his eyes—knew his

Just the sight of
him moving on top of me was enough to make me lose it. With me on my
back and him between my legs, I could see all of him, the pleasured
expression on his face, the way his muscles tensed and contracted,
the slightest glimpse of his cock as it slid in and out of my moist
pussy, a sheen of sweat glowing on his gorgeous body, and of course,
dozens of dots of red candle wax.

When I warned him
this time, Damien didn't stop me. Almost the second my contractions
began, he was pulling out, shooting a stream of seed onto my stomach
and chest. I panted, rushing a hand between my legs to milk out the
last few earth-shattering contractions while he squeezed his own
orgasm from his cock. The moment was so in sync that it reminded me
of a sexual duet.

Damien licked his
lips, breathing heavily, and I stared up at him in admiration—in
love. Now that the fun was over, I just wanted to be in his arms—to
have him beside me. In a normal relationship, this would be cuddle
time. But in Damien Reed's world, it was shower time.

I sank back into my
submissive role as we went to bathe, remembering the steps I must
take when shampooing his hair. There was no shower sex. No more
warmth or romance or excitement. It was just a shower.

Damien Reed ran hot
and cold. Even now, after we had been together for so long—after
I professed my love for him. I still had no idea if he loved me or
not, but sometimes, I felt like he went out of his way not to show
it. Like now.

For a while,
everything had been perfect. We had felt like equals, the way a man
and woman should. After the wax play was over, we had shelved our
BDSM roles for an hour of pure uninhibited passion. I had loved it.
Had he? Or had he only done it to please me?

And then the thought
returned to me. Maybe I shouldn't be a submissive after all.


It was strange
returning to school knowing Damien wouldn't be there. One of my
classes took me right by his old classroom. For nostalgia's sake, I
peered inside. His name on the whiteboard had been replaced by
someone else's. Mrs. McConnolly, it said. Seeing her curvy
handwriting made me feel a bit guilty. If it wasn't for me being such
a brat about the no masturbating rule, Damien would probably still
have a job.

Oh well. What had
happened happened, and we couldn't take it back. All we could do was
move forward.

Damien decided to
take the semester off. He said there was a lot of stuff around the
house he needed to get done, and that he had enough money saved back
to last him a while. Despite having a freed up schedule, he still
only wanted to see me on the weekends, which made me feel both sad
and suspicious.

The only consolation
was that we had spent a lot of time together during my vacation
between semesters. He had me in submissive mode the entire time, and
I had to endure more punishments than I liked to remember. It was a
game of pleasure and misery, constantly making me question if our
relationship was right for me after all. I loved Damien; there was no
doubt about that. And I loved all the strange and interesting kink he
showed me. But I hated that he was so strict, so quick to punish me
for slipping up.

It wasn't all bad
though. Sometimes, Damien let his guard down, and I could actually
pretend we were a normal couple, like when he invited me over to help
decorate his Christmas tree. Those were the moments that made it all
worthwhile, when he was just being a man instead of a Dom. We went
around the tree, smiling and joking and laughing as we put ornaments
on it. Then afterward, he made us hot chocolate, and we cuddled up
together, admiring our handiwork. It was a beautiful memory.

Of course, once the
hot chocolate was gone, and he had taken our cups to the kitchen, it
was back to the bedroom for our kink session. Romantic Damien faded
away like the warmth of the sun, and cold Dominant Damien took his
place. Carnal Damien came after, when we were coupled together. There
were parts of each man that I loved, but I still preferred Romantic
Damien over them all. Unfortunately, he was the one I saw the least

Damien flew to
Washington to spend Christmas with his parents, which gave me the
chance to spend it with my mom. My dad was still on the road and
would likely not be home until after New Years. Since Damien was no
longer teaching at my college, I felt a bit safer disclosing details
about him to my mother. She didn't seem very interested until I
showed her a shirtless picture I had taken of him with my phone. I
nearly spat out my cider at her expression and the overzealous way
she said she would swoop in on him if we ever broke up.

Next came the
question of when she was going to get to meet him. Thoughtfully, I
replied that I didn't know, and then explained that he was in
Washington for the holidays.

he gets back,” she said. “I've got to see if this guy is
the same hunk of man flesh he is in that picture.”

I gasped at her. “You're so bad.”

I may be old, but I bet I could teach him a thing or two.”

I highly doubt
that. If it has anything to do with sex, Damien very likely already
knows about it and has already tried it. He can run circles around
anyone in the bedroom,
I thought with a smirk.

Telling my mom about
Damien wasn't the only thing I got accomplished during vacation. I
also finally got on birth control pills, which Damien was ecstatic
about. The only reason I had dragged my feet for so long was because
I needed a pap smear too. It was the first one I ever had, and it was
every bit as miserable as all the females in my life had told me it
would be. Cold speculum, awkward position, uncomfortable swabbing. I
grumbled all the way home about how I deserved a reward for going
through that. Damien didn't seem to agree though. He insisted it was
a necessary part of keeping up with my health, and that it should be
rewarding enough to know I had done something good for myself. We
could agree to disagree on that one.

Now that vacation
was over, life was about settling back into a schedule and
concentrating on my studies. Since I had dropped Art Appreciation
last semester to get away from Damien, I had to take another
humanities class, so this time I chose Music Appreciation.

Surprisingly, there
was a familiar face in the class, a tall lanky boy with olive skin
and unusual green gray eyes. When he spotted me, he took the desk
next to mine, introducing himself as Colton Caldwell.

Mmm He looks even
more yummy than he did at the restaurant,
I thought, and then
instantly chastised myself for it.
Look, but don't touch. You have

I found myself
looking throughout the entire class. And so was he. Instead of Music
Appreciation 101, it was more like Eye Fucking 101.

When he asked me if
I wanted to hang out after school, everything in me screamed no, but
my lips still said yes. And so I found myself following him to his
apartment, and then we were inside, sitting on his sofa, and I was
feeling guilty for being there.

long have you known Vinny?” he asked, trying to break the

long. He's been dating my best friend since close to the beginning of
last semester, but I've only seen him a handful of times,” I

a character, isn't he?”

He's an asshat.

Quite. They both have big
personalities though.”

Colton let out a short laugh. “We've known each other since

you're close?” I felt somewhat disappointed. Birds of a
feather, as they say.

really. We're more like long time acquaintances. We talked to each
other off and on throughout high school, but we were never close
friends. We had a class together last semester, and when he saw me,
he wanted to get all buddy-buddy. Probably because I was the only
person he knew in the class. He's a nice guy, but a little obnoxious
at times. He really loves your girl though.”

I sighed in relief.
“Oh, thank God. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's

Colton grinned.
“He's always been obnoxious. Some things don't change.”

they don't.” I smiled, thinking about how Tanya was much the
same as she had been in high school. Maybe even I was too, though I'd
like to think that I matured a little. Dating an older man does that
to you, doesn't it?

He took a deep breath. “Are you dating anyone?”

For some reason, the
question caused a spike in my heart. I almost didn't want to answer

I replied finally.

His expression
sulked a bit. “Vinny told me you were dating Damien Reed, the
old Art Appreciation professor.”

needs to keep his mouth shut,” I grumbled.

true then?”

not really dating. It's more like . . . something else.”


complicated. I don't really want to get into it.”

you're committed to him?”

I said, reassuring myself more than him.

a shame. I mean, not that I'm surprised. You're a beautiful girl. You
should have a boyfriend,” he stumbled over his words, making it
impossible for me not to grin. “Sorry. That sounded stupid,
didn't it?”

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