His Untamed Desire (7 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: His Untamed Desire
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But once it was settled, he was going to complete this conversation with Daphne, then finish what he'd started the night he'd first kissed her.

Chapter 7

Daphne sat on the back of the ambulance between the open doors. The human paramedics were nice and had given her a blanket to wrap around herself even though she hadn't needed it. But it seemed to make them feel better so she kept it and accepted the hot tea one of the females had given her. Once everything had been ironed out with the police she and Hector had been treated like victims, not criminals. Well, for the most part. Hector had just killed a vampire, but luckily humans didn't worry much about violence between paranormal beings. If Troy had been a human, however, things would have ended much differently.

She was pretty sure the way the cops had eased up had everything to do with a handsome detective, Colt McCarty, who was friends with Angus. Detective McCarty was now talking to Hector two police car lengths away, but Daphne could hear everything.

Not that it mattered. The detective was just repeating the same thing Hector had told them an hour ago, but actually putting it all on paper now for an official statement.

She couldn't believe Troy was dead, but he'd pointed a gun at her head. Most of her sympathy for the guy had disappeared in that instant. Messed-up childhood or not, he would have only grown more dangerous the older and more powerful he became if he'd been allowed to live as a vampire. Shuddering at the thought, she tightened the blanket around her, actually grateful for it now.

As she sat there, Angus arrived with Iris. They hurried from their truck at the same time and walked in perfect unison together. Both were tall and moved with a liquid grace, though Iris was curvier, very feminine, and had perfect olive skin thanks to her Greek heritage. Right now she looked worried and something jumped inside Daphne. The concern on her face had nothing to do with what had happened tonight. Daphne wasn't sure how she knew it, but she did.

The cops didn't even attempt to stop them, just lifted the yellow crime scene tape and let them under. Yeah, they were well known in New Orleans.

Tossing off the blanket, she stood and met them halfway, stopping in front of one of the oaks that lined her street. “What is it?”

“How are you holding up?” Angus asked quietly.

“Fine. Why are you here? This isn't about me, is it? Is it Leta?” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hector tense and his head whip in their direction.

Iris shook her head sharply. “Not Leta, but another feline has gone missing. Hector's sister called Angus in a panic when she couldn't get a hold of either of you.”

“Crap,” Daphne muttered. She'd turned her phone off because she hadn't wanted to deal with her parents or concerned packmates, and Hector had probably lost his sometime during his shift. At least one of the cops had found him some pants and a T-shirt to wear. “Do they know if she was taken for sure?”

Angus nodded, but he didn't offer any more explanation and she didn't push. The details weren't important at the moment. Making sure it didn't happen again and getting these women back safely was what mattered. “Is Leta safe?”

“I have some of the pack watching her house. They're taking shifts,” Angus said.

“Thank you. I appreciate you looking out for her, and I mean this with all the respect in the world, but this won't solve the problem. What the hell is going on in our city? Why would anyone want to kidnap pregnant shifters?”

Angus's jaw clenched tightly, but his anger wasn't directed at her. “The police and our pack are working on it, but I've called the Council. They're sending someone as soon as they can. And I have no idea why anyone would do something like this.”

She almost snorted at the mention of the Council. They were no better than shifty politicians, but if they sent the enforcer to help, that might actually make a difference. There was no way her best friend could be kept under lock and key her entire pregnancy. Not only that, but there were tons of other pregnant shifters in the city. Someone had to look out for the well-being of all of them.

Hector walked up at that moment and wrapped his arm around Daphne's shoulders. “They're letting us leave,” he said to Angus, who simply nodded. Then he looked down at her. “I heard what you guys were talking about. I'd like to see Leta tonight if you're up to it.”

Like he even had to ask. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, not caring that they had an audience. She knew he was okay physically, but she was still a little shaken up about what he'd done. “I'm ready to go when you are.”

Since Hector's bike was scratched and dented to hell, they said their good-byes to Angus and Iris then took Daphne's car. The ride was short, but neither of them said much on the way over. Daphne was still reeling from when he'd told her that he loved her. She loved him too but didn't want to tell him right before they pulled up to his sister's house. No, she wanted to tell him and then spend hours showing him exactly how she felt.

•   •   •

Daphne knew she should be wiped out after the insane night she and Hector had just had. But as Hector opened the door to his two-bedroom cottage style bungalow in Uptown, the only thing she wanted to do was get him naked.

He tossed his keys onto an antique looking table by the front door as he closed and locked it. His place was masculine, with lots of browns, greens and tans and all antique furniture. The art on the walls had likely been bought from street artists in the Square. Paintings of saxophone players, fleur-de-lis and a gorgeous oil painting of Chartres Street in the rain revealed his attachment to the city. “Do we still need to talk about what happened at the bar?”

He'd been very physically affectionate at Leta's house, pulling Daphne into his lap on the couch while they talked and calmed his sister down. But they hadn't talked about what she'd seen and why she'd run from him. “Not unless you were lying.” She knew he hadn't been and when he growled softly, she didn't hide her smile.

“Then why'd you run? Why didn't you stay and confront me? And how could you
think I'd cheat on you?” He looked and sounded hurt.

She hated the way she'd reacted. “After the past couple weeks, hell, months at school having to dodge that lunatic, I was feeling raw and unsure about
. Then this past week we didn't have any private time and I thought . . . I guess I thought maybe I'd read into stuff or you'd changed your mind or . . . I don't know. I was being stupid and emotional. I did think about punching you, though. Right before I almost burst into tears.”

“Saul tried to,” Hector said wryly.

Daphne's eyes widened. “I'm sorry I didn't have more faith in you.”

. I want to mate with you, Daphne. More than I've ever wanted anything. I've been trying to take things slowly because I didn't want to scare you with the intensity of how I feel.”

“Scare me?” Not possible. She'd wanted him for too long. And she knew he wanted her now. Well, more than just that. Still . . . “Can I ask you something?” When he nodded she continued. “Remember what happened right before I went to college . . . why did you stop me from kissing you? Were you not attracted to me then?” She could feel her face heat up as she asked. She hadn't changed that much since then and while it had been years ago, she'd never forget how embarrassed she'd felt afterward. Putting miles between them had been the best thing.

He looked surprised by her question. Then he paused so long she wondered if he wouldn't answer. Finally he spoke. “I was
attracted to you, but you were buzzing from too many drinks and . . . you were inexperienced. Honestly, I didn't trust myself to stop at just kissing. And you deserved better than that, especially since you were leaving. You needed to get away from your pack and figure out who you were. If we'd started something, you would have ended up staying here.”

When she started to respond, he shook his head. “I know myself and I wouldn't have wanted to let you go. His eyes went pure jaguar for a moment then flashed back to startling green. “I can be territorial and possessive and I hate when other males look at you. When Neil asked you out during our dinner, it took all my control not to pummel that little shit. If we mate, I know a lot of that will fade since we'll be scented with each other, but I'm still territorial as hell where you're concerned.”

His words sent a ribbon of awareness and pleasure spiraling through her. Mated shifters were notoriously possessive of each other and over the past week he'd been so casual about everything. Laid-back, the Hector she thought she knew. She was glad she brought out this side of him. It was the way things were supposed to be with mates. “I feel the same way and you know I love you too . . . right?” She hadn't said the words, mainly because saying them aloud scared her a little. She was afraid that if she did, she'd wake up and discover everything between them was all a dream.

He pushed out a harsh breath. “I needed to hear the words.”

She loved the relief she heard in his voice, loved knowing he was just as torn up over her as she was over him. Right now, she didn't want any more words. They loved each other and they wanted to mate. That was all she needed to know. Grasping the hem of her sweater, she tugged it over her head. His place was slightly heated, but the cool air rushed over her body, chilling her.

Hector sucked in sharply as his gaze raked over her. “Take off your boots and pants.” A soft order.

She did as he said, slowly peeling the rest of her clothes off. When she was fully naked, he pressed his body up against hers, walking them backward until her spine flattened against the wall in the front hallway. Then he surprised the hell out of her by kneeling at her feet. She was tall, but so was he and his head was a little above her mound.

“Put one foot over my shoulder,” he growled softly.

Her entire body tightened at the demand. She did as he said, opening herself up to him. The position made her feel exposed, but not vulnerable. Hector would never hurt her. Since he'd killed Troy she realized that he only wanted to protect and take care of her. She felt the same about him.

He inhaled, breathing in her scent, and she squirmed under his intense scrutiny. Before she had a chance to even think about being self-conscious, his mouth was on her, teasing and licking.

The feel of his mouth and tongue stroking her sent her senses into overdrive. Clutching his head with both hands, she moved her raised leg up so that her foot was on his shoulder, not slung over it. As a shifter she was flexible and this position gave him better access and her more pleasure.

Going deeper than he had before, he slid his tongue into her, tasting her wet heat. He might be on his knees but he was the one in control right now. With each of his teasing strokes, her hips rolled against his face. She threaded her fingers through his dark hair and let go of all sense of control. She was barely hanging onto it anyway.

Letting go was freeing, and though she shouldn't have been surprised, the sharp climax that rushed through her took her off guard. Using just his tongue, he increased pressure on her clit. Removing her hands from his head, she slammed her palms against the wall so she wouldn't accidentally claw him. Her sensitive bundle of nerves felt so damn raw, but he just kept stroking and extending her orgasm until her knees weakened and buckled under her.

But he was faster than her. Scooping her up, he strode down a hallway, nuzzling her neck as he walked. She wrapped her arms around his neck, breathing in his spicy scent. Her surroundings were a blur, but she was aware of when they stepped into his bedroom because his masculine scent grew stronger. As he pulled her earlobe between his teeth, murmuring something about her being beautiful, she was vaguely aware of the massive bed, but he bypassed it and nudged open another door into a dimly lit bathroom.

For a brief moment she wondered what he was doing, but quickly realized his intent. The cops had given him some towels to clean up with but he'd want to shower before they made love.

Daphne's experience with males was limited, but with him everything was instinctual. Instead of waiting for him to undress, she grasped his shirt and practically yanked it over his head. Her hands shook as he was bared to her. There were still traces of blood on his chest and that angered her inner wolf, but when his hand cupped her cheek and he gently rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb, most of that dissipated.

“It's just you and me right now. No one's going to hurt us,” he said quietly, as if he'd read her mind.

Hell, he'd probably read her emotions. Around him she didn't hide them very well. She wanted to take off the rest of his clothes, but he was lightning fast, almost ripping the cargo pants to get them off. Then he was standing in front of her in a way she'd only fantasized about and
oh my
 . . . Her gaze landed on his hard length and she swallowed hard. What she'd felt multiple times through his pants definitely lived up to the hype she'd created in her head. More so.

Involuntarily she clenched her legs together and he just grinned before pulling her to him. His erection lay hot and hard against her belly. “Shower with me?”

She nodded.

He cleared his throat and a trickle of nervousness rolled off him. The acidic scent surprised her. There was nothing this man had to be nervous about. Lord, had he ever looked in the mirror?

“Mate with me now?” he asked and that acidic scent intensified.

She linked her fingers behind his neck and looked up at him, surprised at the uncertainty lurking in his green eyes. She'd thought that's exactly what they'd been planning to do. Clearly he hadn't realized she'd wanted it this instant. “I don't want to wait. I want you forever, Hector. There will never be anyone else for me.” She also wanted to bond, but knew that was something they'd talk about in the future.

“There's not a full moon right now, but . . . I want to bond with you too.” His words stole her breath. “You don't have to make a decision now. I just want to lay everything out there. I'm not letting you go.”

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