His Untamed Desire (2 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: His Untamed Desire
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She felt guilty at his dejected expression, but she turned away and weaved through the growing throng of people toward her friend. She'd wanted him to notice her, but she hadn't expected such a blatant reaction from him. It had pushed her completely off-balance. If she kept dancing with him, she wouldn't want to stop. And that had disaster written all over it. She wasn't a freaking masochist. Hector might want her physically, but she knew that he wouldn't want anything long-term. He'd made that clear four years ago.

Chapter 2

Hector leaned against the front door frame as he talked to Saul. Too bad all his focus was on one extremely sexy female currently dancing with a lupine shifter from the Campbell pack. Hector knew the guy and even liked him. But right now he wanted to pummel him for touching Daphne.

Daphne who looked like walking sex. That dress should be fucking illegal. She was tall and thin, not really lean, just slim and almost delicate. She'd gotten her height from her father, who was Greek, but other than that, she'd taken the rest of her exotic attributes from her Korean mother. Though he knew she was physically strong, there was something about her that made him want to pull her into his arms and take care of her.

Who was he kidding? He didn't want to take care of her. He wanted her in his bed, calling out his name as she climaxed. Plain and simple. Of course, nothing about his feelings for her had ever been simple. She'd always been around when Leta was in high school and he'd never thought about her in a sexual way until a few months after her eighteenth birthday. It was as if she'd blossomed overnight. But at ten years older than her, he'd felt like a lecher and avoided her at all costs—though his jaguar side hadn't understood what the hell his problem was.

Plus, she'd always had a crush on him and it would have been wrong for him to act on it, knowing how inexperienced she was. He'd almost given in to kissing her at her nineteenth birthday party but stopped himself. She'd been drinking, and if he'd kissed her, he wouldn't have stopped at kissing. She wasn't the kind of woman to walk away from, and considering she was leaving for college, nothing good could have come from it. He knew he'd bruised her feelings back then, but that was a long time ago and she would have gotten over it long ago. Now she was home to stay, according to his sister.

And she wasn't too young anymore. She'd clearly grown up in more ways than one. He could see it in the confident way she walked and dressed. While he hated the thought of other men looking at her in that tight dress, he more than appreciated how she looked. That she was secure with who she was now.

“You've got it fucking bad.” Saul's words made Hector glance over at his friend.

Crap, had Saul been saying something?

Saul shook his head. “I've been telling you about the blond hottie over at the high-top tables undressing you with her eyes and you're staring at Daphne like you want to take her right on the bar.”

The visual
evoked had his entire body tightening with need. The thought of her splayed out for him was almost too much. He knew Daphne had been aware of his erection when they'd danced. He'd felt like a randy cub when she'd pressed against him, but he hadn't bothered trying to hide it. What would be the point? He wanted her to know he was affected because he wanted his desire for her clear. Then she'd walked away from him and he wasn't sure why. The sweet jasmine scent of her desire had teased him above everything else in the bar. It was clear she was attracted to him, but still she'd walked away.

“You are so screwed,” Saul murmured, but Hector continued ignoring him.

Hector knew the lupine shifter was right. He
screwed. Something primal had hit him in full force the second she'd walked into the bar. He couldn't know for sure, but it was like his body had awakened at seeing her. It was insane to think this was the mating call considering she was a wolf and he was a jaguar, but it wasn't impossible. There was no one sign; he'd always been told he'd just
. As if it was that simple.

As he watched the male lupine shifter she was dancing with move even closer, Hector almost lost control. He was known for being laid-back, but now his dominant nature was roaring to the surface. Not caring about the consequences, he stalked toward her. Weaving through the tables and ignoring anyone who spoke to him, he headed right for the dance floor.

Daphne looked over at him in surprise, and then something flickered across her features he couldn't define. Not fear exactly. God, he couldn't deal with it if she was ever afraid of him. But she was nervous.

Jessie, the man she was dancing with, slapped Hector's shoulder when he saw him. “Hey, man. How you doing?”

Hector couldn't look at him. He was afraid if he did, he'd do something he'd regret. His behavior was completely irrational, but he was okay with that. His inner jaguar was feeling possessive and he rarely fought his instincts. “Find a new dance partner,” he growled before clasping Daphne's hips and pulling her close. Her dress was silky smooth against his fingers.

Jessie protested for half a second, but Hector completely tuned him out as Daphne moved into his arms, pressing her breasts against his chest.

If she'd resisted he would have let her go, but she melted against him, immediately linking her fingers behind his neck. The surprise on her face was evident, but it was clear she didn't mind what he'd done.

He loved how tall she was. Her body fit against his perfectly and as she swayed to the hypnotic beat, he could imagine how she would move on top of him. She'd pulled her long, straight black hair into a tight ponytail that showed off her sharp cheekbones. But he wanted to see her hair down, cascading around her as she rode him.

Even though she was holding on to him, she still eyed him with curiosity and a touch of nervousness. “Why did you do that?”

“I don't want anyone touching you but me.” The admission surprised him even as he spoke the words, but he wouldn't take them back. It was the truth.

Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth once, but then her lips pulled into a half smile as if what he'd said pleased her. Closing her eyes, she moved in a sensuous rhythm against him. He was glad she didn't want to talk because he wasn't sure he could formulate any words at the moment. Not when she was pressed so close. Holding her like this calmed him in a way he didn't completely understand.

Song after song played and she never left his arms. A few other males from her pack had eyed her with obvious intent, but she'd latched on to him and ignored everyone else. That alone soothed his inner jaguar.

When the band eventually stopped playing, he was loath to release her. But the bar was closing in fifteen minutes and everyone would be clearing out soon. He walked her back to the table where her two friends were busy talking to two males. One human, one lupine shifter. Good, at least he wouldn't have a rapt audience in case she rejected him.

Daphne picked up her jacket, but instead of putting it on, she held it close to her chest, wrapping her arms around her body almost as if she was shielding herself from him. Her expression was shuttered and he couldn't get a read on her. That was like a jolt to his senses. He didn't want her pulling away from him.

“I want to see you again, Daphne.” His voice sounded raspy and uneven. There was no way she could miss it.

She bit her bottom lip in the way she'd always done when she was nervous or unsure. “I . . . don't know.”

For a brief moment he wondered if she was playing games, but the sense he got from her was real. She seemed unsure of herself. Or maybe him.

“How about dinner tomorrow night?” He wanted to lock down a time and place with this sexy woman. Hector wasn't stupid. Half the males in the bar tonight had been checking her out. She'd just moved home and would have her pick of any man she wanted. He wanted that male to be him and he was willing to fight for her. She was one of the sweetest, most giving people he'd ever met.

“Um . . .”

“She'd love to,” her blond human friend said, a sly grin on her face.

Daphne gave her friend an annoyed glare, but she nodded at Hector. “I would. I don't live at the mansion anymore. I have my own place, so you can pick me up or I can meet you somewhere.”

“I'll pick you up.” That was a no-brainer. “Did you park close to here?” He knew she could take care of herself, but he didn't want her walking alone at night. Hell, he wasn't ready to say good-bye to her yet.

“I'm close enough.” She gave him a tight smile as she slipped her jacket on. “You want to get my number from Leta tomorrow?”

Something about her tone bugged him. He wondered if she planned to blow him off. Shaking his head, he pulled out his own phone. “How about you give it to me now instead?” He wasn't going through his younger sister for anything.

When her lips pulled into a thin line, he realized he might be right. She rattled off her number and he texted her once he'd stored it.

“Now you have mine too,” he said softly.

Her cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. “I'm going to say good-bye to some people, so I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow?”

Hating the wall she was erecting between them, he nodded and headed to the door of the bar. Once he was outside, he told his feet to move, but he leaned against the outside wall instead. His motorcycle was parked a block away and he was in no rush to get home. Not when he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Half a dozen people spilled out from the double doors before Daphne finally made an appearance.

She nearly stumbled in her heeled boots when she saw him. “Hey.”

“Hey, thought I'd walk you to your car.”

There was such a vulnerable look in her dark eyes it made him frown, but she blocked it so quickly he could almost pretend he imagined it. “I didn't actually drive. I walked. I didn't say anything before because I knew you'd feel responsible.”

What the hell was she talking about?

She made a vague gesturing motion with her hand. “You know, because I'm Leta's friend.”

He snorted, but ignored her statement and decided to go with distraction. “I got a new Ducati.”

Immediately her arms dropped from around herself and she stepped closer to him, the excitement rolling off her in waves. Even if this was a different kind of excitement than the way she'd been turned on earlier when they were dancing, her jasmine scent teased him mercilessly. “You did

“I did.” He grinned at the pleasure playing across her face. “Maybe I'll even let you drive it.”

“You're such a liar. I remember begging you to drive your old Harley and it was always, ‘when you're old enough.' ” She laughed, the rich sound a balm to his senses.

This was the Daphne he remembered, relaxed and carefree. “You're definitely old enough now.”

She sucked in a quick breath but held his gaze. There was so much heat there it stole his breath. She looked away first, scanning the street. “So where is it?”

“Let me drive you home and I'll show it to you.” What he wouldn't give to feel her arms wrapped around him, her breasts pressed against his back . . .

“That sounds a lot like blackmail to me.” Humor danced in her gaze.

“No, blackmail would be if I told you I'd let you drive it in exchange for a kiss.” He had no idea why he was pushing when she'd made it clear in the bar that she needed some distance, but he couldn't help himself.

Her dark eyes widened and she moistened her lips, her pink tongue darting out in a way that was so sensual because she probably wasn't aware she'd done it. “You'd really let me drive your bike for a kiss? And not just for a measly block or two?”

“You can have it all day if you want. Do we have a deal?” He held back a grin as her jasmine scent intensified. She was definitely turned on and he hoped it was because of him, not his damn bike.

She shrugged. “Sure. A kiss is no big deal.”

He nearly growled at her flippant words and stepped closer. When they did kiss, it would be a big deal. He'd make sure of it.

Her eyes started to flutter closed as he leaned down, and though he desperately wanted to kiss her, to pull her close, he didn't. Moving until his mouth was a fraction from her earlobe, he whispered, “I didn't say it would be on your lips or how long it would last.” Let her make of that what she wanted.

She swallowed hard and stepped back from him. While he definitely scented desire, he could tell that he'd pushed her enough for one night. Well, early morning as it was.

Needing to keep things relaxed between them, he nudged her with his shoulder playfully. Though he wanted to wrap his arm around her, he held off. “Come on, I'll drive you home. It has nothing to do with feeling responsible for you either. It's for purely selfish reasons. It'll make me feel better to know you're home safe.”

“Hmm.” She didn't say more after that. The click of her boots along the sidewalk as they walked and the sounds of other patrons stumbling home or hailing taxis filled the early morning hours.

A chill was in the air, causing his breath to curl in front of him like white smoke. They reached his bike in minutes, and when she let out a pleased groan at the sight of his ride, all he could envision was her making that sound as she rode him.

Though he wanted to let her drive so he could hold her from behind, a man could only take so much. Not trusting his voice, he slid on the front and looked back at her with raised eyebrows. Her dress was short so she'd have no problem getting on. It would also let anyone see a whole lot of leg not covered by those fuck-me boots, and while the thought of others looking at her grated on him, she was with
. At least for the length of the drive to her home.

As she slung one boot-clad leg over, he didn't bother biting back a groan. God, the woman was walking sex appeal. “What's the address?” he murmured.

After giving it to him, she asked, “No helmet?”

“Didn't know I'd have a riding partner tonight.” But he planned to buy her one tomorrow.

Without responding, she slid her arms around him and pressed tight. Even through his sweater and her dress, the feel of her delicate body against his made him shudder. He could just imagine what it would be like to turn around and pull her into his lap so that she was straddling him and . . . On that note, he revved the engine and tore away from the curb. He needed to keep his shit together if he wanted a chance with her. Acting like a randy cub wasn't going to do him any favors.

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