His to Possess #3: Perfect Storm (4 page)

BOOK: His to Possess #3: Perfect Storm
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He stroked over her smooth, round flesh, then drew back and smacked. Her skin flushed a soft rose color. He smacked again, and at her small gasp, he wanted to keep on smacking, but his cock ached painfully.

“If I wasn’t so fucking close, I’d continue this. You were a very bad girl.”

“Yes, sir.”

He stared at her delightful ass in front of him and he stroked his thumbs over it, then pulled her thong down and drew apart the flesh to reveal her folds which glistened in the light. “I’ve been very patient with you, but I can’t tolerate this kind of thing. I need to teach you a lesson.”

He pressed his hard cockhead to her slick opening, intending to glide into her slowly, but as soon as he started to press into her hot, moist flesh, he couldn’t help himself. He grasped her hips and drove forward until he filled her to the hilt.

He twitched inside her and she groaned. He couldn’t resist giving her delightful backside another hard whack. “Do you like this?”

“Yes, sir.” The need in her voice sent his hormones soaring.

“We can’t have that,” he said, with an edge to his voice, and then he gave in to temptation and smacked her ass again.

His cell beeped in his pocket, but he was damned if he would check a text now. Whatever it was, Melanie would deal with it.

He drew back and thrust forward again. Her smooth passage, so hot and wet, hugged his cock in a tight embrace. Then she squeezed her intimate muscles around him and he groaned at the exquisite sensation.

He drew back and thrust forward. Filling her so deep. Then he thrust again. She moaned.

His office door opened. “I’m sorry, Mr. Ranier,” Melanie said, “Mr. Lane was concerned so I thought I should…”

Jessica stiffened in front of him. Dane didn’t glance behind him, but Melanie hesitated as she seemed to realize what was going on.

“Oh, my God, I’m sorry.”

He heard the door close behind her.

He felt Jessica start to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her hips. “You stay right here.” He thrust again, driving deep into her. He reached around and found her clit and teased it with his fingertips.

“Does that feel good?” he asked.

She groaned and pushed back against him. “Oh, yes, sir.”

He was so close, but he wanted her to come first. He stroked her clit a couple more times, until she was gasping. He corkscrewed inside her, then began to thrust in steady strokes. She moaned as he filled her again and again. She squeezed him and he felt her body tense. Then she gasped and began to wail.

Watching her reflection in the glass, he could see the euphoric expression on her face as she catapulted to heaven. He pumped deep, the spasms of her passage massaging him, until his groin tightened and he shot inside her with steady spurts of liquid pleasure. Ecstasy consumed him until he collapsed against her folded body, holding her tight against him.

Finally, still sucking in air, he drew her to her feet and continued to hold her.

“That was incredible, but I see I’ll have to be careful what
I assign you in the future.”

He grinned as she turned to face him, but she gazed up at him uncertainly, as if she was worried she’d done something wrong. He kissed her, loving her soft, sweet mouth against his.

“Don’t worry. That was perfect.” He nuzzled her neck. “In fact, I love your creativity.”

“What about…” Her cheeks turned deep red. “Melanie came in.”

“I know. Don’t worry. She couldn’t see you. My body blocked her view. She probably couldn’t even tell there was a woman here.”

“You really think she thought you were alone?”

He couldn’t help grinning at the thought that Melanie might have thought he’d been masturbating in front of the window. But Jessica had been making sounds, and Melanie would definitely have heard them.

“No. But there’s no way she could tell it was you.”

“What are you going to say to her about it?”

He smiled. “Absolutely nothing. And she won’t ask.”

*   *   *

Jessica sat on the couch in Dane’s office while he walked outside to send Melanie on an errand. How he could face her only moments after her catching him having sex in his office, she didn’t know. But then Dane was used to being in control and no one questioning him. Especially his staff.

A moment later, he reappeared.

“The coast is clear,” he said.

She stood up and smoothed her skirt, then walked to the door. She peered out to ensure no one, let alone Melanie, was outside the office, then she strode quickly to her office. Even before she sat down, her cell phone beeped. She pulled it from her pocket as she sat down and checked the display.

I could really use a coffee. Want to join me in the lobby?—Melanie

Jessica drew in a deep breath, then typed in her response.

Sure. Be right down.—Jessica

She collected her purse from the drawer and walked to the elevator. Melanie was waiting for her in the lobby. It was a warm day today, so they didn’t need their coats.

She forced her mouth into a smile and waved as she walked toward her friend. “You decided to enjoy the sunshine?”

Melanie just nodded. “I can use the fresh air. Starbucks okay?”

“Sure.” She followed Melanie out the glass door and they strolled two blocks down to the Starbucks they often went to in the afternoon.

Once they bought their coffees, they sat down at a table by the window. Jessica’s stomach clenched. She wasn’t sure what to say or, worse, what Melanie was going to say. Did Melanie know she was the woman in Dane’s office? Would she confront her about it?

Melanie stared at her coffee cup, and the anxiety on her face made Jessica realize that Melanie was just as uncomfortable about this as she was.

“Um … is something up?” Jessica asked, finally breaking the silence.

Melanie glanced at her, then back to her cup, nodding.

She waited, but the silence continued.

“Do you want to tell me about it?”

“Yes, but … no.”

“No?” Jessica’s nerves frayed. Oh, damn, she must know.

“I mean … I shouldn’t.”


“Why not?”

“It’s … about Mr. Ranier.”

A wave of relief washed through her.

“And someone else,” Melanie continued.

She tensed. “Who?”

Melanie shook her head. “I don’t know. All I know is, I walked into his office…” She clenched her hands into fists. “Oh, damn, I really shouldn’t tell you. He trusts me. But … you are his assistant. You should know what you might be walking into.”

“Please, just tell me. I promise it won’t go any further.”

Melanie nodded. “Okay.” She drew in a deep breath. “He had that meeting with Mr. Lane from Human Resources.” She glanced at Jessica as if for reassurance that she should continue.


“Well, Mr. Lane left Mr. Rainer’s office after about fifteen minutes and said he needed to reschedule the meeting. He said that Mr. Ranier was feeling sick. After he left, I texted Mr. Ranier to see if he needed anything, but he didn’t answer.” She leaned forward. “He always responds, so I got worried. What if he was really sick? What if he’d passed out or something? I knew he was in there alone—at least, I
he was—so I broke his most basic rule and walked into his office.” She stared at Jessica with haunted eyes. “I was just concerned about him.”

“And he wasn’t in there alone after all?”

“That’s right. He was with a woman and…” She leaned in closer and lowered her voice. “They were doing it.”

Jessica bit her lower lip. “Oh, my God. Did you see who it was?”

Melanie shook her head. “No, all I saw was a little of her backside, but I’m sure it’s someone who works at the company.”

Relief surged through her.

“You poor thing. That must have been really embarrassing.”

“It was. That’s why I needed to get out of the office. I’m not even sure how to face him.” Her hands clenched into fists, her pink-polished nails digging into her flesh. “Oh, damn, I wish I hadn’t walked into his office. He’s going to be so angry about that.” She stared at Jessica. “Do you think he’ll fire me?”

“Oh, no, Melanie. I’m sure he won’t. Don’t you think he’s just as embarrassed as you are?”

She stared at Jessica in amazement. “Really? You’ve met the man. Do you actually think he’s even capable of embarrassment?” She shook her head, toying with the plastic lid on her coffee. “No, moments later he walked out calm as you please and sent me on an errand, no doubt so he could sneak the slut out of his office.”

Jessica’s stomach clenched. “Is it really fair to call her a slut?”

Melanie’s head jerked up and her eyes narrowed. Then they widened.

“Oh, my God, it wasn’t you, was it?”

Jessica’s gaze jerked away from her friend’s. Oh, damn. Why couldn’t she have kept her mouth shut?

“Was it?” her friend prodded.

No matter how much she wished otherwise, she couldn’t lie to Melanie. But she couldn’t say the words either. She just gazed at her friend with a guilty expression.

“Oh, Jessica. That’s a really bad idea.”

“I know. You already told me what you think of office liaisons.” She couldn’t bring herself to say office
because that’s not was she and Dane had.

“But Mr. Ranier? Oh, Jessica.”

“Melanie, look, it’s not the same as with you and Rafe. I’m not in love with him. And I made it clear that I don’t want anything more than a physical relationship.”

Melanie shook her head. “I can’t believe he would go along with this. Having sex with someone who works for him. It’s
a bad idea.”

She wrapped her hands around her coffee cup. “Well, I didn’t work with him the first time we did it.”

Melanie jerked her head to stare at Jessica with wide eyes. “What?”

“You remember he gave me a ride when I came here for the job fair?”

“Don’t tell me you had sex in his limo?”

“No, we wound up having dinner together that night and we hit it off. That led to us going to my room together.” She shrugged. “I’d never had a one-night stand before, but I was really attracted to him.”

“So it must have been a total shock when you found out he was your boss.”

She remembered those heart-pounding, stomach-fluttering moments when she’d first walked into her new boss’ office only to see Dane sitting there.

“The biggest shock of my life. I almost walked away.”

“Your instincts were right on, but,”—Melanie bit her lip—“I’m glad you didn’t turn down the job.” She shook her head. “So this has been going on since you got here?”

“No.” She really didn’t want Melanie to think that. “When I told him I couldn’t work for him … because, you see, I was worried he’d hired me because of the sex, you know?”—and she didn’t want Melanie to think that was true—“he said he really wanted me to work here and that we could keep a business-only relationship if that’s what I wanted.”

The look of disappointment in Melanie’s eyes faded a little. “I hope you’re not worried that you don’t deserve this job, or that you were hired for the wrong reason. You are exceptionally qualified for this position, and you’re doing an excellent job.”

“Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

“Obviously the agreement between you fell apart.” A grin spread across Melanie’s face. “So he was that good that you barely lasted a couple of weeks?”

“Well, he does excel at everything he does.”

Melanie laughed. It started out as a chuckle, but quickly grew into full-blown laughter. “I can’t believe that was
butt I saw in there. And with Mr. Ranier!

Jessica couldn’t help laughing herself. “Well if anyone was going to walk in on us and see my butt, I’m glad it was you. And you don’t have to worry about Dane … I mean Mr. Ranier … talking to you about coming into his office. When I asked him about it, he said he wasn’t going to say anything.”

Melanie smiled. “Well, I guess there are some advantages to being a friend of the boss’ girlfriend.”

“No, not his girlfriend. I don’t want a romantic relationship. It’s just a physical thing between us.” It made her uncomfortable admitting that out loud to someone.

“Well, you’re a grown woman and you can make your own decisions. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

Jessica smiled sadly at her new friend. “I hope so too.”

*   *   *

Jessica glanced at Melanie’s empty desk as she walked toward Dane’s open door. She must be off on an errand. She slipped into Dane’s office, carrying a stack of folders. Dane was at a late lunch, and she wanted to ensure that he had all the information he needed to review for this afternoon.

She set the folders on his desk, and then turned to the wooden filing cabinet behind it. She was sure she’d seen some useful background material on the electric car battery design in there last week. She crouched down to open the bottom drawer and started scanning through it.

“Hello, excuse me, miss.”

Her heart stopped cold at the familiar male voice. She glanced around and almost toppled over at the sight of Storm standing in the doorway, big as life. But instead of wearing faded jeans and a T-shirt, he wore a tailored suit, and his normally spiky hairstyle was combed down smooth.

Her heart thundered in her chest as she stood up. “What are you doing here?”

Oh, God, how had he found out where she worked?

“Jess?” He strode across the large office and before she could react, he’d pulled her into his arms. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

She knew she should pull away, but the feel of his strong, familiar arms around her numbed her wits. It felt so good, and she’d missed him so much.

His lips found hers and she melted against him.

She couldn’t believe she was in Storm’s arms again. She’d missed him so much.

Longed for him.

Been so lonely without him.

But, damn it, the bastard had walked out on her without a word of remorse.

She pressed her hands against his chest and pushed until he eased away. He gazed down at her, his sky blue eyes glittering with happiness.

“Why are you here?” she demanded.

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