His to Claim (25 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: His to Claim
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“Hey, man. You still lazing around while the rest of us are working hard?”

Storm shrugged. “You bet.”

Diego’s face appeared beside Travis’s. “Hey, man. How you doing?”

The view on the tablet shifted until the faces of all four band members were staring
at him. He chatted with them for a while, Melanie joining in. The guys expressed their
concern and best wishes for him to return to them quickly. He loved talking to them,
but he couldn’t help remembering the night he’d shared Melanie with Travis and Diego.

Melanie laughed at something Diego said, then Travis teased her about something. Storm
remembered Travis commanding Melanie to go down on Storm that night, and his cock
swelled at the memory. Suddenly, all he could think of was how Melanie had called
Travis master, and how she’d bowed to his every command.

His cock ached with need and he had to fight the urgent desire to end the call and
demand she drop in front of him and bring him to release. At that moment, there was
nothing he wanted more than to hear her call


He glanced up to see Melanie gazing at him in concern.

“Are you okay?” she asked.


Melanie gazed at the screen. “We should be going. I hope the show goes well tonight.”

They all said their good-byes and she closed the app.

The temptation to command her to kneel in front of him and take out his aching cock,
rocked through him, becoming almost unbearable. He knew she would willingly obey him.
In fact, judging from the past, her pussy would be dripping before her knees touched
the carpet. He could imagine what it would feel like to stroke her and feel the slickness
of her flesh.

But he resisted the temptation to command her, still reluctant to take that path,
despite his intense desire to bend her to his will. It was the sheer intensity of
his desire that unnerved him now. A need he wasn’t sure he could control.

She hesitated, as if she sensed his internal struggle, but finally she stood up. “I’ll
just go clean up this mess.”

She swept up her polishes and other paraphernalia and put them in the bin, then balled
up the paper towels and carried it all into the kitchen.

His cell buzzed and he picked it up, happy for the distraction.


“It’s Dane. Are you up for visitors? We were just out for lunch, so we’re close by.”

“Sure. Come on up.”

Melanie returned a few minutes later. “Who were you talking to?”

“Dane. He and Jess will be here in a few minutes.”

“I’ll go put some fresh coffee on. I know Dane usually likes one this time of day.”

She still stumbled a little over using Dane’s first name. She headed into the kitchen.
When the knock sounded on the door a few minutes later, however, she hurried to the
door to answer it.

“Hi, Melanie.” Jessica gave her a big hug.

Dane headed into the living room and Melanie and Jessica followed.

“I’ll get some coffee,” Melanie said.

“No, don’t bother,” Jessica said as Dane headed toward the kitchen. “I’m just going
to have a short visit with Rafe, then I want you to join me for some shopping.”

“Thanks for the invitation, but I’d rather just stay here.”

“Nonsense. You can use some time away from the apartment.” Jessica smiled. “And I
happened across a new boutique a few streets over that carries nail polishes from
that new indie brand you told me about.”

“You mean Shine?”

Jessica nodded. “And they’ve got cute nail accessories, too. Little rhinestone bows,
studs, gemstones, micro beads. I’m dying to see what you’d do with half the stuff.”

Melanie bit her lip and Storm knew she didn’t want to leave him, but the temptation
Jessica offered was calling to her.

Dane returned with a mug of coffee in his hand. He sat in the armchair kitty-corner
to Storm.

“Go ahead, Melanie. It’ll give Dane and me a chance to talk,” Storm said.

“And Dane promised not to talk about work,” Jessica said, “so no worries there.”

“Okay, I’ll just go change.”

As Melanie disappeared down the hall, Jessica sat beside Storm and gave him a hug,
then took his hand. “So are you doing okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“We were so worried about you.” She stared at him with her big green eyes.

He gazed at her with warmth. He had once believed he was in love with Jessica, and
had been heartbroken when she had turned down his marriage proposal, but he knew now
that it hadn’t been that kind of love between them. But she would always be precious
to him because she had been the first to love him for who he was. The first to make
him feel truly special. And now, she was even more precious because she made his brother
so happy.

“I know,” he said, “but I really am fine.”

Melanie returned and Jessica stood up. “Okay, we’ll be back in about an hour.”

He watched them disappear out the door.

“So what happened?” Dane asked.

Storm gazed at his brother. “You mean the accident?”

Dane nodded.

“I swerved to miss a deer.”

“Why were you out on the bike?”

Storm shrugged. “I was out for a ride. What’s the big deal?”

Dane’s lips compressed. “I may not know Storm as well as I know Rafe, but I do know
that mornings have never been your thing. When you were younger, and something was
bothering you, you’d have trouble sleeping and would wind up rising early and going
out for a ride on your bike, or going for a long walk.” Dane placed his coffee mug
on the table. “I just think you had something on your mind that day and might want
to talk it out.” He sat back. “Are you worried about telling me you want to stay in
the band?”

“You already know that.”

“True. And I encouraged you to go back on tour.”

This was his brother’s way of fishing for information.

“Then is it something about Melanie?” Dane asked.

Storm wasn’t really comfortable discussing his issues with his brother. But he realized
his brother was probably the only one who might come close to understanding.

“It’s clear that she is in love with you,” Dane went on. “And it’s become increasingly
clear, to me anyway, that you feel the same way. I doubt she knows it, though.” He
arched an eyebrow. “Unless you’ve told her.”

Part of Storm wanted to tell Dane to mind his own business, but deep inside he was
touched and pleased that his brother was reaching out to him and wanted to help. And
right now Storm could use the help.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Does it have anything to do with your past relationship with Jessica?”

Storm shook his head. “At first maybe. But we’re way past that.”

“So what’s holding you back?”

“It’s not Melanie. She’s incredible.”

Dane smiled and nodded. “What is it then?”

Storm leaned back and raked his hand through his hair. “Ah, fuck, it’s me. It’s what
I want. Or what I shouldn’t want.”

“And what is that?”

Storm shrugged and stared at his coffee cup. “The way you are with Jessica. The way
you … control her in the bedroom. That … appeals to me.”

Dane shrugged. “And how does Melanie feel about that?”

Storm raked his hand through his hair again. “I shouldn’t be telling you personal
things about Melanie.”

Dane leaned forward. “I’m not going to tell anyone. Not even Jessica. And if it will
help your relationship…”

Storm nodded. “Fine. She loves it when I take control.”

“Great, then what’s the problem?”

“Ah, fuck. You know what Dad was like.” Pain lanced through Storm at the memory of
the cruelties he’d suffered at his father’s hand. Being smacked across the room by
a vicious blow when he was only six years old. Being beaten by his father’s belt so
hard he had painful, bleeding welts. And his father seemed to enjoy inflicting the

“You didn’t like it when I punished Jessica that night,” Dane said. “But you also
knew how much it turned her on. And you know I didn’t hurt her. It was nothing like
what our father did to you.”

Storm’s hands clenched into fists. “But when I punished her…” His throat closed up
and he felt like he was going to choke. He sucked in air, calming himself. “I went
too far. I

“Storm, let me tell you something.”

The fact his brother called him Storm didn’t slip past his notice. That acceptance
by his brother warmed his heart.

“I saw what happened that night. I woke up when I felt Jessica slip from the bed to
go find you and I followed. I didn’t mean to spy, but she was reaching out to you
and”—he shrugged—“I wanted to see if she succeeded.”

“So you saw what I did to her.”

“I saw that you’d had a bit to drink and you got a little carried away, took her a
little roughly. But it was no big deal. If Jessica had been in any real distress,
she would have stopped you, or called out for help.” Dane’s gaze locked with Storm’s.
“And the same with Melanie. She’ll let you know if she doesn’t like what you’re doing.”

“She shouldn’t have to.”

Dane smiled. “Right. Because you have to get it perfect every time.” He leaned back
in the chair. “Don’t worry. You’ll get to know what she likes, how much, how far you
can go. It’s part of being in a relationship. Getting to know what works in the bedroom.”

Storm stared at him doubtfully. “But what if I don’t know my own limits? What if I
lose control and … lash out at her? What if I cross the line into violence?”

“You won’t. That’s not the kind of man you are. And she’s not a scared, powerless
child being beaten by a cruel adult.” He paused, watching Storm carefully. “You’re
not our father. You have never been, nor will you ever be, like him.”

Storm compressed his lips. “That’s what Melanie said.”

Dane smiled. “There are so many reasons I like that woman.” He tipped his head. “So?
Do you believe her?”

At Storm’s hesitation, Dane asked, “Do you really think you’d ever hurt Melanie?”

Storm stared at his brother, and knew deep in his heart that the answer was no.

*   *   *

Melanie finished emptying the dishwasher while Jessica set the tray of used glasses
from the living room on the counter. Jessica and Dane had joined them for dinner,
then they’d watched a movie afterward.

As soon as Jessica and Dane left, Melanie went to the master bedroom and fetched her
backpack. She’d spent last night sleeping in the armchair by Storm’s bed, to ensure
she was there if he needed anything, but tonight she planned to sleep in the guest
room so she could get some sleep. She appeared in the living room and set down the

“I’ve laid your pajamas on the bed and put your painkillers and a glass of water on
the side table.” She wanted to ask if he needed help getting ready for bed, but she
didn’t want to hurt his male pride. She knew he wouldn’t want to depend on her. “Do
you need anything else?”

He stood up. Slowly, clearly still in some pain.

“No, thanks. Just looking forward to getting into bed.”

“Okay, good night then.” She picked up her pack.

“What’s going on?”

“I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”

“Why the hell would you do that?”

She hesitated. “I could sleep in the chair again.”

“Or in the bed.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’re still in pain. If I move around in the night,
it will disturb you. You need a good night’s sleep.”

“What I need is you in bed with me. And I fully plan on having you
move around

She stood frozen, her hand still gripping her pack tightly, unsure of what to do.
Standing there staring at her, he looked as imposing as ever. Strong and virile. She
longed to race forward and throw herself into his muscular, tattooed arms. But she
had to be realistic.

“I’m sorry. I think it’s better this way.” She turned and walked toward the other


At his commanding tone, a tremor of excitement rippled down her spine, and she stopped

“Turn around.”

She turned to face him.

“I want you in my bed tonight, so that’s where you’ll go.”

She gazed at him uncertainly. His blue gaze bore through her.

“Now,” he snapped.

She surged forward, her insides tingling, and scampered down the hall to his room.
He followed her, moving slowly but purposefully. She turned and waited, setting down
her pack while he entered the room.


She sucked in a breath and pulled up the hem of her shirt, then pulled the garment
over her head and tossed it aside. His heated gaze settled on her lace-clad breasts
as she unfastened the button on her jeans, then drew the zipper down. She shed the
pants, and her socks, then stood before him in only skimpy purple lace panties and
matching bra.

His eyebrows quirked up. “I didn’t say to stop.”

She reached behind and unfastened her bra, intensely aware of his hot gaze on her
breasts. She released the hooks and slid the bra from her shoulders and dropped it
to the floor. He stared at her nipples and they hardened to tight buds. She hooked
her thumbs under the elastic of her panties and pushed them down her legs, then kicked
them aside.

Now she stood before him, totally naked.

It was like being stroked by hot silk as his frank masculine gaze slid the length
of her, from top to toe, then back up to settle on her shaven mound. She found it
hard to breathe under his scrutiny.

He took a step toward her, then another. Her breath held as he grew closer. So close
she could feel the heat of his body. Then he stepped past her and walked toward the
cozy chair at the end of the bed. He turned it to face the bed, and pushed it closer,
until it was only about a foot away, then sat down.

“Get on the bed, facing the headboard, on your hands and knees.”

She obeyed, climbing onto the satiny, fine cotton duvet cover, facing away from him.

“Drop your head to the bed, then reach around behind and open yourself to me.”

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