His to Claim (22 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: His to Claim
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She dropped her bag with the others by the bus and glanced around, but there was still
no sign of him, and they were scheduled to leave in ten minutes.

“Hey, Melanie, where’s Storm?”

She turned at the sound of Travis’ voice. “I don’t know. I still haven’t seen him.”

Travis frowned. “His bike is gone.”

Storm had arranged to bring his bike on the trip. He hardly used it—there was rarely
enough time—but it usually remained locked in the rack on the back of the bus. She
glanced back and it was gone.

“Have you tried him on his cell?” she asked.

“Sure, but if he’s on the road, he won’t hear it.” Travis glanced at his watch. “Shit,
we can’t afford to hang around waiting. We’ve got a tight schedule today.” He sighed.
“Let’s get on board so we’re ready to go when he shows up.”

Twenty minutes later, he still hadn’t appeared.

“Okay, well, that’s it. We’ve got to get moving,” Travis declared. He signaled to
the bus driver and he started up the vehicle and pulled away from the curb.

Melanie’s heart clenched. When she’d worked for him, as Rafe Ranier, he’d prided himself
on never being late, and that was one of the characteristics he’d kept as Storm.

There was only one explanation. He’d decided to walk away.

Even so, she couldn’t believe he wouldn’t have told Travis he was leaving the band.
He might be angry and disgusted with her, but she was surprised he’d leave the guys

As they traveled, she stared out the window, confusion swirling through her. She knew
she was just feeling insecure. Even if Storm had been angry or upset after their foursome,
deep in her heart she felt he would talk to her about it, not just walk away without
a word. That’s not the type of man he was.

After about a half hour, Diego stopped by to see her.

“Mind if I join you?” he asked.

“No, I’d like that.” She did not want to be left alone with her thoughts.

“How are you doing?”

“I don’t know. I don’t understand why he didn’t show up.”

“It’s not like him, but maybe he needed to blow off some steam,” Diego said. “Go for
a long ride on his bike to clear his head, then lost track of the time.”

She gazed at him, searching his warm, brown eyes. “He’s been acting so strange.” Her
fingers twined together as she stared at him. “I think he’s upset after our … uh …
special night together.”

He smiled. “It was special,
Don’t let anyone else’s attitude make you feel bad about that. We all agreed to the
experience and everyone, including Storm, enjoyed it.” He smiled and stroked her cheek.
“It was sensational. You did nothing wrong.”

“So you think that’s why he left, too.”

He shrugged again. “I really don’t know. He’s been struggling with some shit for a
long time now. Who knows what set him off?” He shook his head. “Just don’t take the
blame on yourself. Okay?”

She sucked in a deep breath as he sent her a reassuring smile. “Okay.”

But it was an empty word. She couldn’t help feeling that she’d driven him away.

“Yeah. I understand,” Travis said into his cell as he walked along the aisle of the
bus toward her and Diego. “Thanks for letting us know.” He shoved his phone into his
pocket, then stared at her with a grim expression.

“Melanie, that was about Storm.”

Her stomach dropped like a rock. She stared at him, barely able to breathe.

“What is it?” she finally managed to utter.

“That was Storm’s brother. Storm’s been in an accident.”


Perfect Rhythm

Melanie’s chest tightened.

Storm was in an accident?

She sucked in a deep breath. “What happened?”

“His brother doesn’t know anything yet, except that he had an accident on the bike,”
Travis said. “The hospital in Madison, a small town north of here, called him and
he called us because we’re nearby. Jess and Dane are on the way to the hospital now.”

Images of Storm, broken and bleeding, flashed through her mind. A wrenching pain started
in the pit of her stomach. She glanced around, feeling powerless.

“I need to go to the hospital, too.”

“I know. I’m going to have the driver take a detour to Madison, which is about forty-five
minutes from here, and drop you and me off.”

She gazed into his blue-green eyes. “Do you think he’ll be okay?”

“He better be. He’s my future brother-in-law.”

She just nodded. Diego returned with a bottle of water and handed it to her. She tried
to twist off the lid, but couldn’t seem to get a grip on it. Travis took the bottle
from her and took off the cap, then handed it to her. She took a sip, her hand trembling.

She stared out the window, barely seeing the landscape flashing by as the bus drove
onward. Worry gnawed at her. Travis squeezed her shoulder briefly, then left her to
her thoughts, though he was a comforting presence beside her.

What would she find at the hospital? Would she get there and find out Storm was …

A lump formed in her throat.
Oh, God, don’t let him die.

As soon as the bus pulled up to the hospital, Melanie shot to her feet. Travis stood
up and stepped into the aisle to let her pass. She reached for the overhead compartment
to grab her pack, but he waved her away.

“I’ll get it,” he said.

She nodded her thanks and hurried to the front of the bus, Travis on her heels. When
she stepped from the air-conditioned bus to the hot air outside, she drew in a deep
breath, then strode to the hospital entrance. Travis opened the glass door for her
and she stepped inside the cool building. It was a small hospital, with no one in

“This way.” Travis led her down a hallway with arrows indicating Emergency ahead.

Anxiety swelled in her as they followed the appropriate arrows, turning several times
along the way, and soon arrived at the reception for Emergency.

Travis talked to the man at the desk, asking about Storm. When the man said no one
had been admitted with that name, he asked about Rafe Ranier. A moment later, Travis
joined her again.

“He said that Storm was admitted about a half hour ago, but they have no information
on his status yet. They’re taking X-rays. He said the waiting room is this way.” He
took her arm and led her through a door.

They stepped into a large area with stiff-looking vinyl upholstered chairs of metal
tubing. The place was crowded, but Travis guided her to a couple of empty chairs and
went and got her a coffee. He sat down beside her and she drank the hot liquid without
tasting it, watching the other listless people in the waiting room, her own nerves

They had rushed here, her heart pounding the whole way, but hoping they would soon
know how bad Storm was. But to have to sit here now, with no idea if he was horribly
injured, or even dying, was tearing her apart.

Travis took her hand in his and squeezed it, offering some small level of comfort.
She gazed at him, trying to stop tears from welling in her eyes. He just gazed back
at her, both of them knowing there was nothing to say. Thankfully, he didn’t try to
make small talk. He was just a comforting presence by her side. Hours passed, her
stomach churning and her nerves shot. Melanie didn’t know how much more she could


Melanie glanced up and saw Jessica hurrying toward her.

Melanie stood and stepped forward to meet her with open arms.

“Oh, Melanie. I’m glad you’re here.” Jessica wrapped her arms around Melanie and hugged
her tightly.

Instead of a quick hug, she hung on. Melanie patted her back. Jessica and Storm might
not be a couple any longer, but they had been in love once and Melanie knew Jessica
still cared deeply about him. Finally, Jessica released her, then she glanced at Travis
and hugged him.

“Hey, sis.” He didn’t ask any questions, just held her tight.

Dane stepped toward Melanie.

“Mr. Ranier, I’m so sorry—”

“I’m Dane,” he said and to her total surprise, he took her in his arms and hugged
her tight. He was so big and warm and comforting she could have broken down into tears
right then and there.

One of his hands rested flat on the middle of her back, and it had a calming effect
on her.

“I know you must be worried, Melanie. We all are. But I know he’ll be all right.”

“How do you…?” Her throat was so tight, her voice turned to a croak and she started
again. “How do you know?”

He drew back and gazed at her with confidence. “Because I’m not willing to lose him

She stared into his confident blue eyes and couldn’t help but believe him. The man
always got what he wanted, so even though it defied logic, she believed that he would
not be denied this.

“The man at reception told us they couldn’t give us any information about Storm’s
condition until his family arrived,” Travis said. “All we know is that they were taking
X-rays. Do you know any more than that?”

“I’m afraid not,” Dane answered.

“Can you go in and see him?” Melanie asked. “You’re family so they’ll let you, right?”

“No, they won’t. I already asked,” Dane answered.

Oh, God, was Storm so bad that … She choked up, not willing to continue that line
of thinking.

“Do you know anything about the accident?” Travis asked.

“I did talk to the police.” Dane glanced at Melanie.

At his hesitation, her heart froze.

“What is it?” Melanie glanced from Dane to Jessica, pleading in her eyes.

Jessica took her hand. “Look, we don’t really know.”

“But … it’s bad, isn’t it?”

Their silence confirmed it.

Melanie wrung her hands together and Travis guided her to a chair. She sank into it
and Jessica sat beside her.

“Would you like some coffee?” Dane asked.

Melanie shook her head. “I’ve had enough coffee.”

“Some water then?”

She nodded.

“Jess?” he asked.

“Water, too.”

He glanced toward Travis.

“I’ll come with you,” Travis said, and the two of them headed for the door.

Melanie bit her lip and gazed at Jessica.

“I know what’s on your mind,” Jessica said. “The same thing as me. Is he okay? He’s
alive, but … is he paralyzed? Is he still in one piece? Is he…” Her voice broke and
she wiped at her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Melanie. I shouldn’t say those things.
But it’s what we’re both afraid of.” She squeezed Melanie’s hand. “I should be strong
for you. I shouldn’t say things that will upset you.”

“It’s okay. I know what you mean and maybe it’s better that we express our fears.”

Travis reappeared with three water bottles and handed one to each of them, then sat
on the other chair beside Jessica.

“Where’s Dane?” Jessica asked.

“A nurse spotted us and told Dane that he could go in to see Storm.”

Jessica’s face lit up. “Oh, that’s wonderful. That’s a good sign, right?”

A wave of relief washed through Melanie, until she noticed Travis’s grim expression,
then her gut tightened.

“She said they’re worried about his spine and the X-rays were inconclusive, so they’re
sending him for a CT scan.”

“What does that mean? What else did she say?” Melanie asked.

He shook his head. “Nothing else. We’ll have to wait for Dane to get back. Once he
sees him, and talks to him, we’ll know more.”

Melanie just nodded like a bobblehead doll.

“I’m afraid it might be a while, though,” Travis continued.

Melanie suddenly found the room stifling. She pushed herself to her feet. “I need
to get some air.”

“I’ll come with you.” Travis stood up, but she shook her head.

“You stay with your sister. I’ll be okay.” Melanie hurried to the door and stepped
into the hallway. She turned left and walked, no idea where she was going.

“Melanie, wait.”

At Travis’s voice, she turned around.

He caught up with her. “I don’t want to leave you alone just wandering around the
hospital. I’ll walk with you.”

“Really, I’m okay, I—”

A man in green scrubs passed them pushing a patient on a gurney. The man was flat
on his back and was strapped down, totally immobilized. It was a distressing sight
and …

Her eyes widened. “Oh, God. That’s Storm.”

His eyes were closed and he looked shockingly pale.

She started forward, to follow the gurney that was already several yards away, but
Travis grasped her arm.

“No, Melanie. Come back with me.”

She gazed at him, pleadingly. “But I have to—”

“No,” he said in a no-nonsense tone, then his voice softened. “Let’s go back to the
waiting room. Maybe Dane is there with more information.”

She watched Storm and the orderly disappear through a door at the end of the hall,
and she bit her lip, then finally nodded and allowed Travis to guide her back.

Dane was sitting with Jessica and they glanced up when Melanie and Travis returned.

“I’m just heading over to sit with Rafe while he waits for the CT scan,” Dane said,
“but I came out to update you before I go. He’s regained consciousness and appears
to be in one piece. He is in some pain, so they’re checking for internal injuries.”

“Why do they have him strapped down like that?” Melanie asked.

Dane’s gaze darted to her face.

“We saw him being wheeled down the hallway,” Travis explained.

Dane nodded. “They told me that’s because they don’t know if he’s suffered a spinal
injury so they want to keep him immobile until they find out.”

Melanie sank into the chair, wishing this nightmare was over. After a few minutes,
Dane left to be with Storm and the three of them sat in silence. It seemed hours before
Dane finally returned.

“What’s happened?” Jessica asked as he sat down.

“I still don’t know, but they said they’ll call me soon to go over the results. In
the meantime, Rafe sent me back out here. He knew you’d all be worried.”

Dane took Melanie’s hand and gazed at her. “He said to tell you he’ll be fine.”

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