Read His Little Courtesan Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

His Little Courtesan (13 page)

BOOK: His Little Courtesan
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"He was very thorough," Usha
commented, sounding pleased.

"You aren't here to comfort me, are
you?" Jane frowned suspiciously.

"No, darling, I am not. Rama and Philip
have requested that I train you in the way of our household as I would a daughter.
The lessons begin when the child is very young, perhaps at age four or five.
Philip did well in many areas; however, he also fell short. That is why I am

"I do not need a mother to tell me what is
right and wrong any longer, Usha. My mistakes are my own," the younger
woman said, accepting Usha's outstretched hand and following her painfully into
the bathing area.

"You do need a mother. You have never
experienced a mother's love or a mother's discipline. There is a reason my
children behave the way that they do. And it is not due to fear of their

Jane eyed her suspiciously, gritting her teeth
as she lowered herself into the steaming hot water. She immediately attempted
to stand back up as her blazing bottom made contact with the heat. Usha pressed
her down and shook her head.

"No. You are to keep your backside set
upon the bottom of that tub. Ah, the pain you are experiencing matters not. Let
it remind you of your actions. Now, back to the reason why I am here. Your papa
gave you a solid and balanced education, to encourage you to be smart,
confident and intelligent. His mistake was not allowing you to use what he
taught you to give you a sense of value. You will be responsible for his
bookkeeping from this day forth."

Jane shifted, trying to relieve the horrid
stinging burn in her backside and thighs. She nodded silently. He had already
told her his plan.

"We embrace certain things regarding the
raising of a daughter. The first is what I have mentioned; education. The
second thing is to avoid spoiling. We believe that all a child's demands ought
not to be fulfilled, particularly if they are unreasonable or greedy. Those
children who gain everything they desire become stubborn and high-handed."
She paused her washing of Jane's back. "I do not see those as being traits
that we have need to be concerned about. You are generous and kind, and your
stubbornness is related to your lack of discipline, not because you are
spoiled. In fact," Usha tweaked her nose affectionately, "I think your
papa needs to do a bit more spoiling. You would not be harmed because of

Jane relaxed. Usha was her friend—an
example of the perfect wife and mother—and a person whose behavior she
would not mind emulating. Her heart swelled with the praise.

"We are not to pamper our girls overmuch,
lest they become lazy. Rama frequently errs in this area with Lynette, which is
the reason she lacks discipline and forethought. I have not witnessed laziness
in your behavior, but we will pursue improvement."

"Then what are you here to teach me,
Usha?" Jane asked irritably.

"To encourage you to develop the ability
to make good decisions based on a sense of right and wrong. To instill good
qualities that will make you strong, healthy, and independent, apart from the
needs of your husband and your home. To teach you the discipline of the Kama

"To be a courtesan."

"Yes. To be Philip's courtesan, but also
his little girl again. Stand."

Jane wrinkled her nose as Usha helped her from
the water and toweled her dry, knowing better than to argue with her carer.

"Usha? I saw that old woman again in the
garden. This time she gave me a golden lotus."

Usha froze and looked up into Jane's face.
"That is impossible. The golden lotus belongs to the One Enlightened

"I'm telling the truth. She had me place
it in the fountain after she showed me what she wanted me to know." Jane
explained in detail what she had learned.

Usha shook her head. "The Goddess is
watching over you. Do not disappoint her."

"I'm more concerned about disappointing
Philip and you," Jane said sadly.

"Your concern is unfounded. Be more
concerned about disappointing yourself."

"I am very cross with myself. How can I
repair this damage?"

"Time, my sweet. Lift your arms."

Jane stood silently as Usha dressed her in the
garb of a nursery-aged child, including two long pigtails, black stockings, and
white pantaloons that peeked out from under her plain, white smock trimmed in
pale blue ribbon.

As Usha brushed her hair, a servant entered the
room without knocking.

"Madam? The master wishes to see his ward
in his study immediately."

"Excuse me, but you will knock before you
enter my bedchamber," Jane snapped.

"Thank you. We will be there
shortly," Usha said to the man, dismissing him. She gently cupped Jane's
face in her palm and kissed her cheek. "Knocking before entering is a
privilege afforded an adult, Jane."

"I am an adult."

"You are an adult in years, but not in
behavior. You will have to earn your privacy, my darling. Embrace your lessons,
put forth a good and cheerful countenance, and demonstrate gratitude, and these
privileges will be restored in time."

"This is wrong."

"Jane, I have no desire to discipline you,
but I will not hesitate for a moment if I feel it necessary. Sulking and
moodiness are not desirable features in a young lady and will earn you a
switching. I am certain your bottom would not receive that very well at this
moment. Ah, the blush in your cheeks tell me that you understand. Now, look at
me." Usha lifted the girl's eyes to meet hers, and smiled. "You are
very lovely, both in heart and in face. We will work on bringing the beauty out
in behavior as well. Let us join your papa."

Jane chewed on her cheek as she eased herself
down the large staircase and followed Usha to Philip's study, which was located
in the back of the house. The servant bowed deeply as the Rana glided past
them, honoring the princess of State, while clucking with disapproval over the

"I am still the mistress of this house,
even when dressed in this ridiculous outfit," Jane growled, glaring at
him. "Show some respect."

"Beg pardon, Miss, but both the master and
His Highness have ordered the staff to care for you as a child. We follow their
commands," the man said nervously.

"Commands or not, I will not be abased. If

"Jane!" Philip's voice bellowed from
the study. "In my study. Now!"

With one last glowering look at the servant,
Jane followed Usha down the hall and into the dark, spacious room. Unlike the
rest of the building's décor, the study had a distinctive English feel. Dark,
polished wood bookcases harbored hundreds of fragrant, leather-bound volumes. A
stone mantled fireplace, thick red carpets, and mounted swords all drew the eye
to the room's centerpiece—a massive, mahogany desk with polished brass

sheer intimidation of the Brobdingnagian furnishings made her feel even smaller
and more childlike as Jane shuffled her feet to stand before it. Instinctively,
she pointed her face to the floor, wrapped her hands nervously in front of her,
and shifted back and forth, from her left to right foot. Philip's eyes bore
into her, leaving her feeling very much like the naughty child who had been
caught with a finger in a freshly baked pie.

"Cease your fidgeting. What is it that I
heard in the hallway?"

Jane lifted her face. "I'm the mistress of
this house. The servants must treat me as such."

"Let me understand this," Philip
said, tapping his finger on the polished surface of the desk. "You are
demanding that my staff treats you as the Marchioness, not a little girl?"

"Yes," came the meek response.

"Speak up so I may hear you," he
ordered gruffly. "Is the mistress of the manor a position given to an
adult, or a child?"

"I am of age, and your wife—"

"Answer me."

"This is my home and—"

"The manor in England was your home as
well, but that did not make you the mistress. Being either a mistress or a
Marchioness is a position of esteem and responsibility. Have you proven
yourself mature enough to handle such?"

Jane steeled her eyes upon him. "Is your
reasoning behind removing my adult privileges to humiliate me before the

"You know me better than that. The staff
in our English manor had no particular fondness for you, nor did they approve
of our personal involvement. The men and women attending us here are ones who
adore and have fallen in love with you since the first meeting. Each has
actually dared to approach me with several bold arguments regarding my
decision. While I admire the loyalty they feel for you, I must also go forth
with what I have declared."

"And you have declared to demean and
humiliate me?"

"Usha? Have you discussed what is expected
in a child's disposition in your household?"

"I have."

"It appears that your words were not
understood. I fear that a switch will be necessary in order to clarify."

"No! I'm sorry! Please." Jane brought
her hands to her mouth fearfully.

"Go and stand in the corner."

Jane burst into a new set of tears as she
quickly obeyed. She stood uncomfortably with her hot forehead leaning against
the cool wall, her bottom and thighs aching miserably. She sniffed unhappily as
the two 'adults' discussed her schedule, and planned out every breathing moment
of her life. Slowly, she felt her body slump in defeat, slid soundlessly to the
floor, and sobbed into her arms.

"Philip? I think she has had enough,"
Usha gently said to Philip.

"Agreed." He squatted down next to
Jane's balled-up form and spoke softly. "I want you to apologize to the
staff for your cockiness, and then go to your room for a nap. I will be up

Looking at him with glassy red eyes, Jane
nodded in acquiescence. She tried to stand on wobbly legs and found herself
being lifted into his strong, warm arms. He carried her towards her room,
pausing only when they encountered the man she had scoffed at. After a pretty
apology, she was taken up to bed, where Philip removed her shoes and tucked her
under the sheet.

"Sleep a while. I will be up here to take
care of you a little later on."

"Papa? Please don't hate me."

Philip frowned, his eyes glazing over with
moisture. "How could you even think for a moment that I could hate you,
baby? No. It is this way because I love you."


"Truly. Rest now." He hesitated, then
reached under the bed, producing an item wrapped in brown paper. "Maybe
this will help."

"I don't understand. Why are you giving me
a gift after what I did?" Jane asked meekly, holding the package in her

"My need to comfort you is as great as my
need to protect you. Your pain is mine, and my heart is shattered when I see
you so unhappy. I was saving this for your birthday but, well, I think now is a
better time to give it to you."

Jane gasped as she unwrapped the paper. A doll,
identical to the one that he had made for her as a child, rested in her hands.
"Oh my…"

"I know you missed the other one. I've
been trying to find the original artist for a long time."

"She is even lovelier than I remember.
Thank you," came the choked whisper. She traced her index finger along the
intricately decorated sari. "The needlework is exquisite," she
exclaimed. "Is this your handiwork?"

Philip blushed. "Who told you? Rama? I've
been working on this for a long time for you. Usha and the ladies provided the
beads. They are made from real gems."

"I am humbled by this act of love. Thank
you." Jane held the doll to her chest and snuggled into her pillow.

"Are you starting to understand the
necessity of my actions?" Philip asked with concern, gently grazing his
fingers down the length of her smooth cheek.

"Yes," came the quiet answer. "I
just do not understand the methods. What do you hope to accomplish by removing
all my rights and freedom?"

"They were suspended, darling. They will
be returned when I can trust that you will be respectful and appreciate them.
That means," he touched her nose with his finger, "showing us that
you know how to properly submit and be responsible with the little
things." He stood to depart and Jane grabbed his hand.

"Philip? Will you be making love to me
during this time?"

He paused. "Rama gave me other suggestions
that I am considering. No more talking. Sleep, baby girl. You have a long day
on the morrow."

Chapter Seven


"I cannot believe that
you put her to bed fully clothed," Usha tutted, pulling the curtains from
the windows.

Wincing with pain, Jane
carefully pulled herself to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes. She
squinted at the glare of the sun.

"I tried to wake her when
I came in but she wouldn't budge. Janie! Come to me." Philip sat down in a
large, stuffed chair and patted his thigh. "Hurry, girl. The longer you
delay, the longer your morning spanking will be."

BOOK: His Little Courtesan
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