His Darkest Hunger (4 page)

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Authors: Juliana Stone

BOOK: His Darkest Hunger
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She began to shake uncontrollably, and he put her down, leaning her body against the building. He put one finger to his mouth and with his right hand reached down into a concealed pocket of his pants, retrieving a large, deadly knife. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, but she remained quiet, even as her body shivered in jittery spasms.

With one last look to Libby, Jaxon turned and moved away, his body seemingly melting into the brick and mortar of the building. Silently, he made his way toward his prey, his thoughts clear and
focused. He could sense the presence of a man, a human, just beyond his position, and he held the knife lightly in his hand as he slipped into the dark alley.

As he moved deeper into the darkness, his nose analyzed the myriad scents that lived there. Quickly, his eyes adjusted to the gloom. The moonlight did not penetrate here, but his enhanced vision provided him with plenty of illumination.

Jaxon stilled as the threat of danger became more pronounced and his senses went into overdrive. He located his enemy, near the back of the enclosure, slowly making his way toward him. The bastard had night vision goggles on, and even though Jaxon was sufficiently hidden in shadow, he knew his body heat would be a dead giveaway.

There was no time. He would have to be the aggressor. His emotions melted away, leaving only the deadly cunning that was so much a part of the jaguar.

Jaxon gripped the knife and shot down the alley in a burst of speed faster than any human could ever achieve. He felt his enemy pause, confusion rippling off him in waves. But it was already too late.

Jaxon could see the deadly weapon pointed at him, even as the laser beam began to look for its target. He charged forward, his speed and bulk effectively crashing him into the man with the force of a train.

The two men rolled over, and the momentum of the collision propelled them both into the hard, unyielding wall behind them. Jaxon grunted as his shoulder slammed into the solid length of brick, but
his right hand was already gunning for the jugular, the blade sure and true.

He felt it slice through Kevlar, flesh, and bone. But it was already too late.
For both of them.

A gunshot rang out and ricocheted along the brick, its loud discharge echoing into the night. Fuck. It would be a clear invitation for the other operative.

Jaxon pushed the dead man to the side and was down the alley in an instant. His only thought was to get Libby and get the hell out of Winterhaven.

She was where he’d left her. Shivering and seemingly out of it. He scooped her into his arms once more, without resistance, and took off at breakneck speed toward the knoll where he’d stashed his gear earlier.

The moon lit his path, and he hurriedly grabbed his satchel without breaking stride, and ran into the night that beckoned him, holding his cargo fast to his chest. She began to struggle weakly, but he had no problem holding her tight as she mumbled hoarsely against his chest.

Her mantra echoed into the silence that followed along behind him, a phrase she whispered over and over again, as if she were a robot.

“Please don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me.”

It was painful to hear, and Jaxon did his best to ignore it as he ran into the blackness that swallowed them both whole.

axon reached his vehicle less than half an hour later, despite carrying Libby in his arms. The run was strenuous but he’d barely broken a sweat. He crept up a steep ditch and headed for his large Tahoe. It was well-hidden, deep in a thatch of trees several yards from the paved road.

He paused, his dark head turning as he scented the wind once more. The night was full of all sorts of smells, and he inhaled them all, but none carried the scent of danger. He turned back, satisfied that he had not been followed.

Libby was shivering uncontrollably and seemed to be in a trance. Her voice had splintered into a hoarse whisper, and he winced as the words she kept repeating became harder to understand.

He didn’t need to hear them to know what they were; they’d be echoing in his head for hours to come.

Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.

He opened the passenger door and gently placed her on the seat. She immediately curled into herself as if trying to disappear into the leather. She was still shivering, and he grabbed a spare blanket from the back, throwing it over her slight shoulders in an effort to give her some sort of comfort and warmth. It was a pathetic sight, and his lips tightened as he looked away.

The woman deserved nothing from him, not a goddamn thing. But she had somehow managed in less than two hours to find the one sliver of humanity that still existed inside of him.

He threw his gear into the back and grabbed his cell phone.

Hitting Redial, he climbed into the cab and turned the key. The powerful rumble of the engine broke the silence and echoed into the quiet evening as Jaxon looked to his police scanner. Turning the knob up, he hit the gas and the truck pulled away from its bed of trees as static from the scanner lessened and he was able to listen in.

The chatter that could be heard alerted him to the fact that local law enforcement had not set up roadblocks. The crime scene was contained to the diner, and so far the perimeter had not expanded beyond that. Second rate work.

Jaxon smiled harshly. He had caught one hell of a break.

Meanwhile, he held the cell phone to his ear as Declan’s recorded voice droned on. He cursed silently, waited for the requisite bleep, and left a curt message.

“It’s Jax. Make sure Ana is there tomorrow night. Libby is…not right. I want her checked out medically by someone we can trust.”

He flipped the phone closed and tossed it into the console, glancing over to where she lay trembling. Exhaling harshly, he gripped the steering wheel tightly with his large hands, blackness riding him hard as turbulent emotions wove their way through his body.

What the hell happened to you Libby? Who did you manage to piss off more than me?

The headlights drifted out over the open road as darkness swallowed the large truck. Jaxon settled in for a long drive. The way he saw it, they’d be hitting Headquarters in about six hours. Hopefully the trip would be quiet and uneventful—the
of his night so far.


Libby wasn’t sure how long she’d been out, but judging by the stiffness in her limbs, it had been awhile. Her body screamed for a chance to stretch, but she kept her legs and arms tucked in tight, hiding under the blanket even though the pain was becoming unbearable.

But then, she was used to living with a whole truckload of hurt. It had been her constant companion for as long as she could remember, and even further back than that. She shifted ever slightly, trying to ease the tightness in her side and give her ribs a bit of a breather. Her left side was throbbing, shooting out sharp spasms of pain that came in waves. She clenched her teeth and fought it.

The hum of a powerful engine mingled roughly with the sounds of music that filtered through the
heavy blanket. The hard pounding rhythm beat in tandem with her heart, and black panic began to curl along the edge of her brain.

Someone had come for her.

had found her.

Tears threatened as fog washed over.
They had found her

She couldn’t remember who
were. Not one face, touch, or sound. But the feeling was there, a dark menace and sense of unparalleled power that hung in the air.

And the smell, there was something incredibly familiar to his smell.

It definitely was a male driving the vehicle. She knew that with every fiber of her being. Eyes as black as tar flashed through her mind. The memory of the man from the diner had her heart leaping erratically…and
very essence scared the crap out of her.

He was one of them. He had to be.

She bit her tongue as a fresh wave of terror spliced through her body, and immediately broke out into a sweat. She needed to get the hell out of the truck.

She would die before she let them get her. Images from nightmares blinked behind her eyes, and she used every bit of mental strength she possessed to push them away. If she let those pictures and feelings in, she would be done for. She just couldn’t go back there.

Her survival instinct kicked in and she frantically began to plot.

When the harsh ring of a cell phone broke through the muffled music, it was everything she could do to be still and silent.

A deep voice answered the phone, and her hair stood on end as the richness of it washed over her. Whoever he was sounded powerful and pissed off. Not a good combination. She strained her ears, trying to learn what she could.

“Yeah, Jax here. You better have good news. Is Ana on board?”

Libby realized that with her captor occupied, she could depress the auto lock on her door and he might not hear it click.

Slowly, her fingers crept upward and she felt along the top of the armrest until they came across the indent of a button. She held her breath and pressed it softly. Her head lay against the door and she felt a rush of adrenaline pump through her when she heard the click as the door unlocked.

She paused, hearing bits of his conversation continue, and her heart sped up as she sensed the vehicle slowing down.

It was now or never, and she bunched her muscles tightly, waiting for the perfect opportunity, willing the truck to slow down even more. At least then, when her battered body hit the ground, it wouldn’t hurt as much.

“Goddamn it, Declan! I don’t give a shit what Ana feels! This isn’t a request, it’s a fucking order. We will deal with Libby when the time is right, and that’s when
say so, not before.”

The words exploded from her captor, shooting straight into her, and Libby wasted no more time waiting for the truck to slow down. She needed out, and it had to happen right now.

She inhaled sharply and her hand shot toward the handle. Without hesitation she yanked as hard
as she could, and was out the door in a second, her body hurtling forward, taking the blanket with her.

When she hit, she hit hard. Every bone in her body reacted to the impact, and she grunted in pain. She was lucky to have landed on the soft shoulder, because it sure as hell could have been much worse. Momentum propelled her forward and she rolled down into a steep ditch, splashing into nearly a foot of water. She heard the squeal of tires as the vehicle braked and skidded into a halt. She didn’t wait, pushing her discomfort to the back of her mind, and she was up and running in an instant.

For her life.


She didn’t look back, only forward, and her eyes quickly adjusted to the darkened landscape.

They were out in the country. A large field ran adjacent to the paved road, and she plunged into its dark recesses. It was an orchard, filled with row after row of trees. She felt a small ray of hope as she disappeared into the darkness, her feet flying through the rows as she delved deeper into cover.

She followed the muddy path, not looking back, her entire being focused on escaping. There was no room for anything else.

She wouldn’t go back.

She’d rather die first.

It seemed as if she had been running for hours, but Libby knew it was only several minutes. As her feet propelled her forward, she expected to feel the heat of his hands on her back at any moment, pulling her away from safety.

That thought alone spurred her feet even faster, but it was becoming harder to ignore the sharp
fingers of pain spreading out from her rib cage. She grabbed her side, holding on tight, using sheer mental strength to keep her body moving.

Reaching the end of the field, she nearly cried aloud as the welcoming sight of a forest rose up before her. No sound came from within its dark depths, as if all the night creatures that inhabited its domain were sitting back, watching the life and death struggle being enacted for them.

Libby hopped a low-lying fence, a small grunt escaping as the jolt thudded through her aching legs and went straight to her heaving side.

But she didn’t stop.

As the dark interior enveloped her, she took one second to look behind her before veering sharply to the left. The foliage looked thicker there, and she jumped over a large log, but fell as the feathery tendrils of moss caught at her feet.

She landed with a thud, hard on her left side, and screamed both in pain and frustration as it became too much for her to bear. She clutched her ribs, cursing the helplessness that slithered through her body.

If she let it, it would become all consuming.
couldn’t happen…it’s what
enjoyed, and as long as there was blood pumping through her veins, she would not give them that kind of satisfaction, not ever again. They would have to kill her first.

She took a second to focus her energy. Drawing air deep into her lungs, she pushed forward once more. Her hands grasped the slimy bark of the tree and she used it to propel her tired limbs into action, aware that he was stalking her somewhere in the distance.

Her eyes followed the tree line up past a small hill, and she quickly headed toward it, breathing heavily by the time she reached the top. She was now overlooking what appeared to be a small lake, or a pond, and on the other side a well-worn path led away from it.

She could hear vehicles somewhere in the distance, the acceleration of their motors echoing softly through the dense forest where she stood.

That was the direction she needed to go. Help was out there, somewhere.

She sprang into action as a warning screeched through the trees. Several birds began to chatter madly, and she felt fear beat at her. He was not far behind, of that she could be sure. Awkwardly, she ran down a small incline toward the water that stood silent, still and dark.

She clutched her aching side and without thought found herself standing at the edge. She heard a snap echo out behind her and bit her tongue in an effort to keep silent.

She was done showing weakness.

It was time for her to end this.

Libby slowly turned around, and her breath caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon the tall, powerful man who was just clearing the top of the hill. He came to an abrupt halt, and even though she couldn’t see his face clearly, she felt the heat of his stare as he watched her in silence.

They stood like that for several long seconds, and then without warning she turned and walked into the water. The bottom was slippery so it was hard for her to keep her balance, but she managed somehow. Her body was coming down from its rush of
adrenaline, and her teeth began to chatter loudly as the cold from the water took away any warmth she had possessed. She steeled herself against the frigid temperature as she slowly moved toward the center.

Her feet suddenly gave way and she was drifting in much deeper water. It was hard to stay afloat, as her side still ached incredibly, and she was treading water with only one arm to keep her head above the surface. Her body was so cold and tired.

It was then that an epiphany of sorts washed through her. What if she let go? What if, in this moment, she surrendered to fate?

Her pursuer was now halfway to the water, his voice hoarse as he shouted down to her. “What the fuck are you doing, Libby? Get your ass out of the water, you’ll freeze to death.”

She ignored him and closed her eyes. Without taking a last breath, Libby let her body sink below the surface. She felt darkness close over her head, as the bone chilling cold of the water seeped into her very core. But a kind of peace began to infiltrate her soul.

This is how it would end.

In a quiet body of water.

On her terms

A sliver of sadness nicked the edge of her mind. With no memory, she had no clue who she was leaving behind. But truthfully, if there was anyone, wouldn’t they have found her already? Wouldn’t they have saved her from the terrible dreams that haunted her each night?

Her body drifted deeper, and she felt a burning sensation in her lungs. She just hoped it would end quickly. And if there were someone out there, wait
ing for her to come home, they wouldn’t feel too much sadness at her passing.


Jaxon’s heart nearly leapt from his chest when he saw Libby’s head go under. What the hell was she doing? Was she fucking nuts? He moved faster, his eyes never leaving the surface of the water. Small bubbles slowly erupted onto the surface, but Libby remained under.


He dove headlong into the water, not feeling the coldness of the near icy liquid. He went deep and began to panic when the murky depths showed him nothing. He swam in circles and came up for air once more before diving under again. A flash of white caught the corner of his eye, and he was off like a shot, feeling a huge rush of relief course through him as the milky contour of her arm came into view. He kicked harder and grabbed her arm, pulling her in close to his body as he rose quickly to the surface.

They broke above the water and he inhaled air deep into his lungs. The panic he’d felt earlier was replaced by gut wrenching dread as her head lolled to the side, resting against his heaving chest. He held her firmly with one arm and reached the edge of the pond in three powerful strokes.

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