His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (14 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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Nina knew. It was only a matter of time before she ended up in bed with Evan. Again. His words still rang in her ears,
sliding my cock deep inside you
, like a dirty song she just couldn’t turn off. He was sexy and he knew it. What’s worse, he knew she still found him sexy. This was her greatest nightmare, falling back in love with Evan. She couldn’t do it, but she wanted to have him again so bad she could practically taste his musky man smell. And if she slept with him she would probably fall back in love with him so quickly her head would spin.

If she was being honest she knew she had never really stopped loving Evan. She hadn’t had the time to properly grieve the death of their relationship before a lot of other heaviness took over life. And having him back here, being so funny and kind, and attentive to Kyle, just brought home how thoroughly
over him she was. Nina knew she talked a big game but after dinner a few nights ago she’d had to take a shower and then take matters into her own hand just to come down from his words.

Could she sleep with him once and let it be meaningless? Could she sleep with him knowing she kept—was still keeping—a huge secret from him? She doubted sleeping with Evan would ever be meaningless to her but could she do it and just accept the inevitable heartbreak? “Times like this I wish I had a few girlfriends to talk to,” she muttered to herself as she sat on the deck checking her email.

“And what would you talk to them about?”

She had to close her eyes. His raspy deep voice shook her body, his hot breath fanned the side of her face and neck. She could tell by his scent that he was fresh from the shower. “Do you really want to know?” She cringed at the breathy seductive sound of her voice.

“Oh I have a feeling I
to know.” His teeth grazed her earlobe. Evan meant business today and Nina had a feeling she wasn’t going to make it through with her panties on.

“Dammit Evan I can’t think when you do that!” His chuckle reverberated through her body.

“Sweetheart I don’t need you thinking right now. I need you feeling. Are you feeling Nina?”

“Oh I’m feeling some things.” Annoyed, turned on, frustrated, horny, pissed off were a few things she was feeling. She shivered when his tongue swiped a path from her collarbone to her earlobe.

“Like the things you want me to do your body?” His tongue swirled around one earlobe and then the other until she was quivering under his mouth. “Because I’ve been thinking about all the things I’d like to do to you starting with getting a taste of those beautiful breasts of yours.” He grabbed them in his big hands, squeezing and testing the weight of them, now heavy with arousal. “I’d bite down on those hard nipples and then soothe it with my tongue and blow until the nipple was hard and you know what I’d do Nina? I’d start all over again.” He placed open mouth kisses around her neck. “Then I’d kiss down that flat stomach, through that small patch of hair hiding your sweet pussy. Then I’d work you over with my mouth and my tongue until your sweet cream coats my tongue, my lips, hell my whole face. Once you’ve screamed by name over and over, I’ll let you come and then I’ll make you come one more time before I let you have my cock.”

Holy shit.
Nina was so turned on right now, so wet she knew her silky panties were completely ruined. She wanted him to do all of that to her and so much more. She wanted to slide over his cock again and remember what it felt like to ride him. “Evan,” she panted.

“Yes, Nina. Tell me what you want.” His hands continued to massage her breasts while his fingers grazed her nipples, keeping her in a completely aroused state.

“One afternoon. I want all of that and more for one afternoon, that’s all. Can you give me that?”

He leaned over and kissed her neck, his fingers walked down her body until they were inside her waistband and ghosting over her lips up and down sliding between her folds. “I can promise to rock your world today Nina but I can’t promise it’ll be the last time.”

She should have stopped it then, should have told him ‘thanks but no thanks’ and put her overused vibrator to work. What she did instead was nod noncommittally and lead him to her bedroom. He quickly relieved himself of his clothes and slowly removed hers, savoring every inch of flesh he exposed.

When he had her naked he circled her body taking in every detail that had changed over the years. Fuller hips and breasts, a more toned tummy and ass. Her legs were as gorgeous as they were when she was nineteen. “You are a fucking sight to behold Nina. Just gorgeous.” He pushed her down on the bed and quickly climbed on top of her, letting her feel the weight of his body, his cock pressing her into the mattress. He took her lips in a hard fast kiss that had her grinding where she needed and wanted him most. Kissing down her body, Evan made a lingering stop at her breasts, doing everything he promised he would.

“Evan, god. Yes,” she moaned. He went back and forth, back and forth sucking and licking and biting until she was on the brink of orgasm. “Evan, please.” Yeah she knew she was begging, so what? She screamed out when his lips attached to her center and she knew she would gladly beg every day of her life to feel this way. He moved masterfully, sucking her clit and fucking her with his tongue until she writhed beneath him and exploded into his mouth just as he wanted. Then he’d made her come by doing nothing but playing with her breasts and sucking her clit. She was so close for long minutes and finally when his teeth grazed her and he sucked hard—really hard!—she came apart violently, convulsing and shaking she nearly bucked him off her. “Evan! Holy shit that was…good.”

He laughed and gave her one more swipe before crawling back up her body. “Just good, huh?” He groaned when she sucked his tongue into her mouth, sucking and licking her juices from his mouth and face. Evan leaned back on his haunches and looked at her. “Fuck Nina, your pussy is so wet for me. It’s dripping,” he ran his cock between her lips and opening until he was coated in her moisture. “Look at that.” He came to the side of the bed so she could see his glistening cock. “Taste yourself on me Nina.”

She was so turned on she would have done anything he’d asked. But asking her to taste her arousal coating his cock? Well it was about the hottest thing she’d ever heard and she gladly took every inch of him into her mouth and down her throat until he thrust into her. She was really getting into it when he pulled back.

“You can suck me off another time sweetheart. Right now I need to be deep inside that wet pussy.”

“Well what are you waiting for?”

Evan growled as he sank into Nina for the first time in nearly a decade. He tortured them both with his slow, inch by inch, journey into her wet heat. “Fuck Nina you’re so damn tight.” He growled again when her muscles squeezed even tighter around him. “Nina,” he roared and picked up speed. He leaned over her so they were face to face, his elbows pressed into the bed on either side of her head as his big body thrust in and out of hers.

She adjusted her legs and he sank deeper, grunting her name in her ear with every thrust. “Evan, harder,” she whispered and bit his ear. She screamed when he gave her exactly what she wanted. Slow hard thrusts that shook her body, over and over, in and out until she felt her body preparing for orgasm. Goosebumps washed over her skin and her heart rate increased until her entire body went stiff. “Evan!” She screamed his name on a long note as her body shook from her third orgasm of the day. She went on and on, digging her heels into his ass so he would keep pumping. She wanted to feel him orgasm while she was. “Come for me Evan.”

He looked down at her sated face and knew he would do whatever she asked. He slid all the way out and slammed in, one, two, three, four times and roared her name into the quiet room as his cock slipped deep inside her. “Fuck Nina, fuck. That sweet hot pussy is addictive.”

Yep, so much trouble.

Chapter Three


“Are you dating my aunt?” Kyle sat in Evan’s car as they made their way to the first match of the season.

“Why would you ask that?” He wasn’t sure how to explain dating or relationships to a kid and he definitely didn’t know how to explain what was going on between he and Nina to Kyle. Hell, he didn’t even know. They spent tons of time together and had sex every chance they got, but Nina refused to call it a relationship.

Kyle turned to face Evan, making sure to tighten his seatbelt as he did. “Well you’re always at our house for dinner and sometimes you stay the night even though I’m not supposed to know.” He ticked off his fingers with every piece of evidence revealed. “You both look at each other all weird when you think the other one isn’t looking and Aunt Nina hardly ever cries or looks at the box under her bed.”

Box under her bed?
Evan didn’t know what he was talking about but felt like he should interrogate Kyle about it. So he laughed but it was nervous not friendly. “I guess you could say we’re dating even though your aunt won’t call it that.”

“She doesn’t date. Even though guys are always hitting on her, she never says yes. I wonder why she said yes to you.”

Evan tried not to take that last part too seriously. “Maybe it’s because I’m so charming?”

“Nah I think she must like you. Did she like you a lot when you were younger?”

Evan nodded, his thoughts flashing to his nineteen year old self sneaking out of his own apartment with two gym bags full of clothes and his tennis bag. “She did like me and I liked her. We were in love.”

“But you screwed it up, right?”

He nodded. “What makes you say that?”

He shrugged as if what he was about to say wasn’t important. “Noah’s mom said some man must have really done a number on Aunt Nina because she’s too beautiful to be alone. And after what happened, she must have sworn men off forever.”

“What happened?” He asked in a voice that was harsher than he meant. “Sorry buddy.”

Kyle’s eyes widened in fear as though realizing he’d said something he shouldn’t have. “I don’t know.” He wasn’t supposed to know but he’d wondered what made Nina so sad so he’d looked in the box one day and ran to his room and cried for hours.

“Yes I did screw up. Big time. I left to go pro and I just left her a note.”

“You didn’t say goodbye or call later?” Evan shook his head in shame. “Why?”

Now it was his turn to shrug. “I don’t know. I was young and stupid. I thought it would be easier for both of us if I didn’t. But I didn’t know about your mom until you told me.”

Kyle looked up at Evan, his hazel eyes shiny and bright and serious. “Just say goodbye when you leave this time. Please?”

Evan’s heart squeezed at the kid’s heartfelt plea, his serious demeanor and everything he’d just learned. “I don’t plan on leaving but if I do kid, I’ll let you know. Nina too.”

“Thanks,” he mumbled and turned his attention to the passenger window.

Something happened to Nina after her sister died, he knew that much, but what it was he still had no idea. Evan couldn’t stand the idea of Nina enduring more heartache and he just wanted to know what it was so he could make it better. Could he make it better?

He pulled the car into a spot and cut the engine. “Alright buddy, let’s get our game face on. It’s go time!”




“Aunt Nina! Noah’s dad is taking a bunch of us camping, can I go? Can I?” He bounced on his toes impatiently, giving his aunt his best set of puppy dog eyes.

“Didn’t Noah’s mom just have a baby a few weeks ago?”

Kyle nodded with a sly smirk. “Yeah. He said his mother in law is coming and he’d rather sleep in the woods than deal with her.”

“Kyle,” she admonished, trying like hell to hold her laughter in. “Don’t repeat that.”

He laughed, “You asked.”

“You got me, I did. When will you leave and when will you come back?” He gave her the answers she required and told her she could ask Noah’s dad for more information. “No it’s okay I trust you.”

Kyle smiled and kissed her cheek. “You’re the best.”

She ruffled his hair. “Oh I am? Then come here and let me give you proper smooches,” she came at him making kissy face noises until he doubled over with laughter. “I guess not the

Evan walked up and scooped Kyle into his arms by the waist. “Hey are you trying to kiss my girl?”

Kyle giggled. “She was my girl first.”

Evan shook the boy to more laughter. “Actually she was
girl first. Plus I’m older and stronger.”

“Definitely older,” Kyle said and cracked himself up laughing as Evan carried him to the car.

Nina looked at Evan and Kyle together and she wanted to cry, had to fight with her body to avoid crying. Watching them together made her heart ache as she thought about her own child and how different this picture might have looked if things had turned out differently. She didn’t cry as much about it these days, but this time of year was very hard for her. Turning away from the guys, she wiped a few stray tears and turned with a smile. “Alright you troublemakers, let’s go.” She would have to think about something else,
else. Like how she had gone and fallen in love with Evan Kindling all over again.

“Everything okay Aunt Nina?”

She wiped her eyes and looked at her nephew in the rearview mirror. “Yeah buddy, I’m good.” She wasn’t right this minute but she would be soon. Some day. “So champ, what do you want for dinner?”

Evan wasn’t fooled by the overly bright smile but he let it go. “What about me? I coached champ back there, don’t I get to choose?”

Nina threw him an
are you kidding me
look and told them, “Fine I get to choose since you boys are being brats. I choose Pad Thai.”




“I need to run to the sporting goods store to get Kyle a new sleeping bag,” she whispered in his ear before sliding from the warm bed.

Evan grumbled at the interruption of his sleep so early. “Can’t you do it later?”

“Noah’s dad will be here in a few hours and Kyle just realized it was torn.” She kissed his forehead and before he could offer to go she was out of the bedroom and padding down the stairs barefoot.

He listened as she spoke in a hushed whisper to Kyle and later when her car started. Evan knew he might live to regret what he was about to do but it had been killing him that Nina wouldn’t tell him much about her life after he’d left school. Of course she didn’t really owe him an explanation but he had to know. It was eating at him. Besides, he justified, how could he make sure they had a future if he didn’t know everything?

He slid softly from the bed onto his knees and bent to look under the bed. The box was easy to find and he realized she wasn’t hiding it there she was keeping it close. That thought made him smile, of her having pictures and mementos from their relationship so close to her as she slept. He pulled the blue box with teddy bears and sailboats on it from under the bed and lifted the cap off. The contents were not what he had been expecting. There were two sonogram photos and a photo of Nina with a round belly and a much younger Kyle on her hip.

His first thought was anger, then shock and then back to anger. He was angry when he thought Nina had gotten pregnant soon after he left but then he found the test results from University Health Services and it all became clear. She’d been pregnant when he left, had found out just a few days before. But where was the baby now? He needed to know.
to know. He couldn’t tell her he was in love with her until she came clean with him about this. About their baby.

He left the box open on the bed and went to get a shower. He needed a run to clear his mind but he couldn’t leave until he talked to Nina. She would tell him everything he needed to know and they could move forward with their lives.

“Hey Evan where are you?” Kyle’s voice rang on the other side of the door a second before it opened. “Oh sorry,” he stammered.

“Don’t worry I’m decent.” Both sets of eyes were pulled to the open box. Evan noticed that Kyle’s wide eyes looked worried. “I guess you’ve been inside that box before?”

Kyle nodded, unsure what else to say. Shoulders slumped he walked up to Evan and wrapped his small hands around his waist. “Bye Evan.” Then he ran from the room and down the stairs.

Evan wasn’t sure what had just happened but he was pretty sure Kyle assumed he was leaving. “Shit.” He zipped his jeans, leaving the button open and followed him down the stairs. “Kyle,” he called but there was no answer.

“You just missed him. Noah’s dad pulled in right after me.” She leaned in to kiss him but he turned his head. “What’s wrong, do I still have morning breath?” She covered her mouth with a smile but it quickly faded when he didn’t return it.

He kept his gaze on the ocean outside, on the calm rolling waves. He was depending on them to keep him calm right now. “I found your box.” He heard the gasp but he didn’t turn around. He couldn’t have this conversation while looking at her. But he had to when her heard the small hiccups that told him she was crying.

“Why were you snooping Evan? You don’t trust me?”

His arms were crossed and a scowl marred his handsome face. “Should I? It seems you had a kid without telling me, yet Kyle is the only child I’ve seen around here.” He tried to harden his emotions against her but her sobs were growing in intensity with every second.

“When would I have told you Evan? During your first pro match, or while you were on the Asian leg of the tour and fifteen hours away?” She crossed her arms and sat back, her teary scowl directed at him. “I’d planned on telling you during our date that Friday. But that Friday never came.”

“And we’re back to that again, are we?”

“Just shut up Evan, shut up! You don’t know anything, do you?” She stood and paced the room. “You want to know what happened? Well here goes, you were gone when I woke up Friday morning and I never got the chance to tell you I was pregnant. Two weeks later my sister died and I came home to look after Kyle. Between grief and learning to be what Kyle needed I was doing fine. One day I didn’t feel the baby moving anymore so I went to the doctor where they told me my baby had died inside of me. I had to deliver a dead baby Evan. By myself. I had to hire a nanny to come sit with Kyle so he wouldn’t be frightened, okay? So that’s the story, now get the hell out.” She ran upstairs, yelling as she went, “And to think I was going to tell you I’m in love with you today!” A door slamming punctuated those words like a knife to his heart.

Shit. Shit. Shit!
He had fucked up royally. He needed to know the story but fuck, he never would have guessed it was that messed up. Well he wasn’t leaving and he wasn’t giving her a chance to expel him from her heart again.

In the kitchen he made a big breakfast guaranteed to end her self-imposed exile upstairs. There was bacon, eggs, pancakes, fruit and home fries, Nina’s favorite indulgence that she never allowed. He tried to hide his smile when he heard her wary steps on the stairs. She brushed by him, loaded up a plate and went outside to eat. He followed.

“You plan on ignoring me while you eat the food I cooked?” She ate slowly and deliberately, avoiding him. “Well at least you’re eating so you can’t yell at me.” She grunted in response. “Good. I’m sorry Nina I shouldn’t have snooped but I’m not sorry I know. I’m fucking sorry as shit I wasn’t here for you and that you had to go through that alone.” He reached for her hand and she didn’t flinch. That was progress. “I wanted to tell you that I’m still in love with you Nina but I needed to know what I was fighting against. That’s no excuse but I needed to know if you could love me back first, because I’m a fucking coward.”

“That seems to be a pattern with you,” she said around a big bite of pancakes. “Cowardice.” She laughed at him through a mouthful of food.

He gave her an amused smile. “No more. I’m right here telling you that I’m in love with you. I love the fuck out of you and I want to wake up every morning to your grumpy ass and Kyle’s motor mouth. I want to be by your side cheering him on as he becomes a better tennis player than I ever was and I want to fill your belly with more babies to fill this big ass house.” He pulled a black heart-shaped velvet box and sat it on the table between their plates.

“You’re proposing over bacon?”

He shrugged looking sheepish. “I thought it’d be in poor form to propose while I was still buried deep inside you.”

Nina laughed and looked at him with nothing but affection. “Oh Evan I still love you too, more than I thought was possible. I’m glad you love Kyle too because we’re a package deal.” She patted his cheek and kissed him, smearing bacon grease on his face and laughing. “When you’re ready to propose, I’ll say yes.”

“When I’m ready? What do you think this is?”

She forked some bacon and eggs into her mouth before she answered. “That is a velvet box between two breakfast plates. Not a proposal.”

“Well when you don’t have bacon grease on your cheek and pancake syrup on your chin, I’ll propose properly.”

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