Himiko: Warrior (11 page)

Read Himiko: Warrior Online

Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Fantasy

BOOK: Himiko: Warrior
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Yes. You were tearing yourself apart as a species; we arrived at the last moment. You need to stop and think.

Matt didn't know what to say. He could feel Pietr's sincerity, but he just wasn't convinced. He knew that humanity did some pretty fucked-up things, but that was the way it had always been.

Yes, it has always been that way. But only because you didn't have the level of sophistication to improve your situation. Now you have the means, but you aren't using them. And you don't care. You'll go on until you've destroyed everything you've managed to accomplish so far.

I'm sorry, but I don't see how we're going to fix that.
Even though Pietr might be right, Matt couldn't see how either of them would be able to convince the entirety of humanity that they had to stop fighting over profit and religion and feed the starving in Africa.

Pietr made an impatient gesture with his hand.
No, that's just it. You don't see it because you don't have the kind of connection with your fellow humans that Himika have with each other. If you had that, you would be able to do it. Or rather, you wouldn't be able not to; you wouldn't be able to bear the horrible feeling of another being suffering when you're that close.

This is why you did it, isn't it? Why you came here, and why you wanted to give humans the means to understand the world the way you see it?
For the first time, Matt turned his head to look at Pietr.

Yes. This is why I did it.
Pietr met Matt's eyes without hesitation, letting his mind stay completely open. His intentions had been pure from the very beginning, and then he had been caught up in a game of power that he hadn't been able to escape without risking first his own, and then Matt's life as well.

So, world peace, huh?

Pietr actually blushed, but he didn't look away.
Yes. We thought it was important. We still do.

Matt nodded. It was as if something loosened up inside him, his mistrust diminishing.

I believe you.
He couldn't not; the truth was written in Pietr's mind. Along with it was the regret for what had happened, but it was paired with a determination to solve the problems.

Pietr didn't say anything, but pulled Matt in close. Pietr's gratitude toward Matt was clear, and Matt made a soothing noise while pouring comfort and forgiveness into Pietr's mind. He couldn't change what had happened, but he could make sure that his mate was okay.

Is it as easy as that?
Pietr didn't think so, not for one second.

At least it's where we begin.
For the first time in a long, long time, Matt actually thought that they would be able to get back to what they had had before. It would take time to find the old trust, but they would get there.

Matt's quiet confidence was enough to make Pietr finally close his eyes, his breathing getting slower. Pietr was exhausted, the guilt having taken its toll on him. Now he surrendered and let Matt hold him while he slept in the grass.

Matt held on, looking at the trees moving against the pale sky without really seeing them, just reveling in the quiet and in his sleeping mate being at peace. Perhaps everything wasn't perfect, but Matt was determined not to let Pietr drown in guilt and self-hatred. They probably still had a lot of issues, but sometimes there were advantages to being as stubborn as he was. Giving up simply wasn't an option.




"You're really annoying. You know that, right?" Matt looked at Robbie.

Robbie just smiled, raising his eyebrows.

Matt laughed. He guessed that he should be exasperated, but he was too happy to care. Things with Pietr were improving, slowly but steadily. There might still be a rift between them, but they were both determined to heal it. It meant that in some ways they were closer than ever, sharing everything, including the hurt and fear that they had been trying to hide from each other. Now they were facing what they felt and dealing with the bad things.

Well, with the good things, as well. Mainly sex. The earlier conflict had added an edge of desperation to their lovemaking. The need was laced with more than just physical desire, and every time they made love, it tied them closer together.

It had started the night they returned from the lake. They had walked back in almost complete silence, bumping shoulders on the narrow path. Neither of them wanted to be farther apart than necessary.

When they arrived at the cabin, Matt looked at Pietr. "I want to make love to you." It made it even hotter to say it out loud.

A jolt went through Pietr's mind, of surprise and instant hunger.
You want me like that?

Fuck, yes.
Matt normally got off on being a bottom, but right now, this felt right. Matt wanted to show Pietr that he really loved him, and taking him would somehow do that. And it would be fucking hot.

Pietr burst out laughing when he heard that thought. Then he went quiet as Matt leaned in to kiss him.

Matt always wondered at the way Pietr opened up when they did this. Unconditionally and so generously, Pietr opened his mind and surrendered. Just like Pietr would surrender his body to Matt in a few minutes.

They both groaned as they felt the lust surge through Pietr at the thought.

Come on, let's go.
Matt took a firm grip on Pietr's arm and pulled him into the bedroom, where Matt quickly got rid of his clothes. Then he turned to Pietr.

Undress for me?

Pietr hadn't gotten more than his sweater off. When he sensed Matt's gaze, his fingers got clumsy as he tried to grip the hem of his t-shirt.

Matt felt a surge of power go through him -- power and gratitude that he was able to make his mate feel like this. Then Pietr managed to get the t-shirt off, and the excitement overshadowed all other feelings.

The screens between their minds that everyday life necessitated crumbled, and Matt was buried in Pietr's mind, feeling his own gaze on Pietr's body and the excitement that it caused. For a moment, he was frozen with the onslaught of emotion. Then Pietr chortled.

You've got to give me a break here, honey. I haven't even managed to get naked yet.

Matt had to shake himself to answer.
Well, hurry up, then!

Matt stepped up to Pietr and helped him undo the belt and pull his trousers off. After some fumbling with socks and boxers, Pietr was finally naked.

Completely naked. And Matt was kneeling in front of him, in front of Pietr's cock that was so hard it looked painful. Matt engulfed it in a single movement.

Pietr cried out with all of his being, his mind going white with pleasure. It rushed through Matt as well, and for a moment, all he wanted was to stay here and make Pietr come.

Then he reluctantly pulled away, making Pietr whimper as he let his tongue play in the slit on his way back.

I have plans for you.
He got up and impatiently tugged at Pietr's arm to get him into the bed.

Pietr stopped him.
I'm yours tonight. I'm always yours.

Matt's throat tightened. Then he gave Pietr a hard kiss.
I know. Come on.

Pietr obediently lay down while Matt rummaged through the drawers to find the lube. Pietr had once told him that anything that turned Matt on turned Pietr on as well, but until now, Pietr had always been the one on top. Finally, Matt found the tube, and he triumphantly flung it on the bed.

Pietr grinned.
You're nice and focused when you have to be, aren't you?

I can be downright determined, you know.
He bent and sucked one of Pietr's nipples into his mouth, making his mate hiss with surprise and pleasure.

That'll teach me to mo...mock you.

Matt grinned; making your mate stutter even when he was speaking mentally was quite an accomplishment.

Then he fumbled after the tube and got it open while he kissed his way down Pietr's stomach. Pietr groaned when he gave Pietr's cock a quick lick. Then he pushed out a bit of lube and covered Pietr's hole with it.

"Oh!" Pietr's body shook as the pleasure welled up in him. Matt didn't give him much time before pushing one finger into him. It was so tight, and the sensation of the muscle gripping his finger was echoed by Pietr's feeling of fullness.

Been a long time!

Matt leaned in and kissed Pietr's hip, holding his finger still. When the iron grip loosened slightly, he gently began moving his finger.

Yes, please. More?
The question conveyed a request as well as Pietr's doubt that he could take any more.

Oh, you'll take far more than this.
He pushed his finger in deep and pulled it out again, fucking Pietr with it. Pietr put his head back and moaned.

Matt let him see what Matt saw, let him know how much it excited Matt to do this. Pietr opened his eyes, eyelids heavy.

More. Please give me more.
There was no question this time.

Matt gave it to him, and Pietr cried out when he was penetrated by two fingers. There was no pain in his mind, though, just the burn from being opened up and the longing for being even more open. Open for Matt.

Shit. Matt had been so caught up in Pietr's reactions that he had kind of forgotten himself. Now he had to take a couple of deep breaths to steady himself enough not to come on the spot. It was almost impossible with Pietr opening up around his fingers and the lust coursing through his mate's mind.

Soon. I can't... I have to have you.
The desire in Pietr's mind was turning into desperation, the excitement almost painful for him. Matt pulled out his fingers and coated his dick with the lube before he wiped his hand on the sheet.

He knew that Pietr was, but he didn't want to hurt his mate.

Now! Matt, now... Oh!
Pietr's mind went blank and quiet with the overwhelming pleasure as Matt breached him, and Matt sank deeper, into his body and his soul, finally being completely entwined with Pietr in every way.

Pietr's arms were around him, but he felt nothing but the gratitude radiating from Pietr's mind. Then Matt moved, pushing against something deep inside Pietr, and Pietr cried out. The quietness was suddenly replaced by a need so great that Matt could do nothing but obey it.

He pulled out, Pietr's muscles squeezing around his dick all the way. It was almost too much, but he had to sink in again, had to get as close to Pietr as he could get. The movement turned into the most necessary thing in his existence, the demand to sate his mate's desire, to fulfill what Pietr needed more than anything. He started moving, pushing deep every time. It took his breath away, but he had to do it, had to pull out and push those amazing sounds, those amazing feelings out of Pietr.

The desire in Pietr's mind grew and grew until it was encompassing them both, a wave of release slowly rolling closer and closer until it broke and took them both with it in a blinding, overwhelming climax. It was completely silent, and all Matt could feel was Pietr, their minds as entwined as they had been those very first days after their bonding.

Afterward, Pietr told him that he had been sobbing, calling out Pietr's name again and again. Matt didn't remember anything, nothing but the immense relief of being fully at peace with his mate again. When he came back, he was lying in Pietr's arms, quiet and complete and so incredibly grateful for what Pietr had given him.

Thank you, Pietr.

Pietr stroked his hair, so much tenderness in his mind.
Any time. Always.




That had been amazing, but last night had been pretty good, too, even if Matt had to say so himself. Giving blowjobs was his new favorite thing, and Pietr did nothing to hinder him. In fact, he had been whimpering with pleasure the night before. Neither of them seemed to be able to forget it, even if those thoughts were less than practical with Aki and Robbie visiting. After all, dirty secrets were kind of hard to hide from mind readers.

They must have been pretty obvious, because Robbie kept smiling whenever one of them thought of last night and sent the other one of those looks. Matt had even managed to make Pietr blush once.

In the end, Matt lost his patience with Robbie. "Stop looking at me like that! Is that your version of 'I told you so'?" He couldn't help laughing, though.

"I don't even have to say it. You know I was right." Robbie did unbearably smug very well.

"Right about what?" Pietr looked from Robbie to Matt as they sat around the table.

"Uh, well, something Robbie and I discussed earlier." Matt felt his cheeks getting warm.

Pietr looked astounded. "Did he have anything to do with yesterday?" His voice was alarmed.

"No! Jesus, no." Matt blushed just at the thought of Robbie talking about that blowjob. Pietr had been crying out with need in the end, and it had been amazingly hot.

"I just encouraged Matt to talk to you." Robbie's tone of voice was indulgent. "It was clear that you needed it. I have absolutely no influence on whatever the two of you have been up to apart from that. Although it looks as if it was hot."

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